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Lv 610,108 points

Peeing in the Shower

Favorite Answers22%

I'm just chilled and laid back. I like helping -sometimes- and sometimes give the occassional sarcastic / smart -aleck Current Hobbies: *Reading *Lucid Dreaming - Still working on this *Video-Games *Biking *Soccer * Computer Programming. My tip to anyone diving into this for the first time, google " Small Basic" - By Microsoft. Easiest programming language I have found so far. *Reading articles en francais! To practice my french

  • Will Office 2010 work with Windows 8?

    Hey, I bought a Thinkpad Edge laptop in August and I plan on upgrading to Windows 8 this week using the $15 promotion

    It might sound silly but will Office 2010 ( I already have it installed) work right away or do I need to re-install or buy another version? I'm a student so the Office Suite is pretty important to me.

    2 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • Should I study nuclear engineering or electrical engineering?

    Hi, I'm living in Canada and I'm wondering if I should pursue electrical engineering or nuclear engineering. Although I'm mostly a " B" student (in terms of grades), both seem interesting. The maths, not so much but in terms of designing systems that use electrons to power everything is quite awesome. In the summer, I was reading about nuclear reactor designs and I found it sort of interesting, especially the new AP1000s by WestingHouse

    (they seem like a huge leap over CANDU reactors)

    My father says that nuclear engineers are more rare, domestically and on a global scale so the chances of staying employed, and making a greater salary are higher. (I'm also sure my dad would love to impress people by saying that his son is a Nuclear Engineer) On the other hand, electrical engineers can work at a lot of cool places like Google, Intel or NASA and can work on a lot of their own hobbies like programming and making all sorts of electrical circuits/devices to fiddle around with at home. From what I've read, Nuclear engineers in Canada have to leave big cities to work on power plants, while Electrical engineers work anywhere.

    What would you recommend?

    3 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Should I rethink going into engineering?

    I'm a senior high school student applying to University this fall and I'm really depressed. I've definitely improved my habits from previous years but it seems like no matter what I do, I'm never good enough. I don't study all day long but I wasn't expecting high school to be like that anyway. I do pay attention to the class work, study for tests in advanced, start assignments in advanced , try to solve some homework problems and even on nights before I stay up later than normal, practicing, practicing and practicing, sometimes till 3am. (I've done it twice now)

    All that and my average is a measly 79%, albeit it's only midterms. I've got a 90 in English, 81 in Advanced Functions, 75 in Chemistry and approximately 70% in physics.

    The issue at hand is that I've been trying really hard to get into my top two choices of schools but currently, those dreams are starting to crumble. I try to have faith though... There are other schools I can get into for sure but I'd feel so disappointed If I couldn't get into 2 of the schools I wanted meanwhile most of my friends would get into their schools without a hitch. The "other" schools tend to have relatively low acceptance standards (and that's a self esteem killer right there). What would be even more devastating would be being in the bottom of my first year engineering courses :(

    The only course I have left to complete the requirements is Calculus and that's next semester. Is there any hope for me? Should I just hope for the best? If my only option is a sub-par engineering school should I just void my self esteem and go for it? I honestly feel so stupid sometimes. I'm currently not living with my mom and younger siblings and I feel like after all I've been through, I need to make them proud and the other people around me too...

  • How to write the sin function for this equation?

    I'm having trouble coming up with an equation for this Grade 12 math problem ( more like grade 11 review)

    The question reads:

    A Ferris wheel with a radius of 15m is place 2m above the ground level. It rotates once every 50 seconds. Passengers can get on the Ferris Wheel at the platform that is 2m above ground:

    Write a sine function that expresses the height of the passenger above ground versus elapsed time.

    Okay, I know the general formula for a sin function is: AsinK(x-c)+d

    I calculated A to be 15 ( 30/2), and d is 2

    To find K I used the equation: Period = (2pi/k), which I turned out to be pi/25

    All I have trouble coming up with is the "c" value ( the horizontal shift)


    Could you please explain to me how to do so? Thanks, I really do appreciate it.

    1 AnswerHomework Help9 years ago
  • Question about Radians and Degree conversions?

    Hello, I've got a question about radians which I would really like to get answered.

    First and foremost, I don't really know what a Radian is BUT I've been given sort of a format to follow to answer questions ( sort of like, work now, ask questions later kind of deal)

    My question is:

    When converting negative degrees to radians, must you first make the degree positive?

    For example:

    I was taught in school that when you have negative degrees, you just measure backwards. So -90 degrees is actually equal to 270 degrees ( and I'd always calculate with 270 degrees because that number is much "nicer". Therefore, if I was converting -90 degrees into radians, would I first change -90 into 270 ( -90 + 360) and then convert 270 degrees into radians in order to obtain a positive answer of radians instead of a negative one? Or do I just leave -90 the way it is and multiply by Pi and divide by 180?


    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • How to find the equation of a polynomial when given the x intercepts?

    The question asks:

    Given that a polynomial f (x) of degree 3 has real coefficients with roots equals to -5, 4, and 7. Find the equation of the polynomial. (i.e k([ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d] where k is a general constant)

    . I

    I'm somewhat lost I wrote out the x intercepts as:

    (x+5)(x-4)(x-7) and expanded them. I'm not to sure what to do next. How do I solve for K?

    Thanks for your help!

    3 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Should my family purchase an inkjet or laser printer?

    School starts next week and we are looking to purchase a printer. 100% of are printing is done in black ink (meaning we don't need a colour printer). It's mostly text that we print anyways. Usually for homework assignments, legal documents (sometimes), directions etc. (basic usage).

    We are also looking for the type of printer which allows for more printed sheets per cartridge. In the passed many friends of ours have said their printers used a lot of ink. We used to have an old HP laserjet 4L that didn't devour ink (I think 3000sheets or something per cartridge). Something like that would be good.

    4 AnswersPrinters9 years ago
  • Can someone please help an Android phone noob out with his battery life?

    Okay, so I recently got hold of a Samsung Nexus S device. It is running the stock version of Android 4.1.1 Jelly Bean.

    So far the phone has been good. It does lag a bit from time to time however, my primary concern is the battery life. It seems to be quite abysmal compared to what I've heard about other people and their smartphones.

    My phone says its been running from fully charged state for 12hrs and is on 19% battery. I'm not a heavy phone user so I'm wondering what's going on. I've made 23 mins worth of calls, played games for less than 10 mins and sent and received some SMS via the native app and What's App. The rest of the time the phone is in sleep and sometimes when I wake it up an hour or 2 later, 10% of battery ( or more) has been lost. I also have screen brightness to Auto instead of full blast.

    What's up with that? I read online that some people manage to get great battery life and are able to surf the web and listening to tons of music. I'm weary of doing any of that because I fear the battery will deplete before I get home. Apps like facebook and hotmail I've set not to send out notifications and to manually refresh. I installed an app called Juice Defender to aid me but not to sure about the results.

    According to setting>battery it says the top 5 battery suckers are:

    Screen (42% ) , Voice calls (13%) , Android System (10%), Cell Standby (8%), Android OS (7%)

    I've heard that custom roms and kernels give better batter life but I'm not too sure which ones are reputable and would work with a Nexus S I9020XXKI1.

    Please, can you guide me on getting long battery life?

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • May you please help me with this Grade 12 math question on polynomials?

    The question reads:

    When a polynomial f(x) is divided by x-2, the remainder is 33. When it is divided by x+2 the remainder is 1. What is the remainder when f(x) is divided by x^2-4 ?

    If you could explain your thinking process that would be amazing.


    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • As a male, should I become a registered nurse?

    Hello, I'm going to be starting my senior year of high school and so I need to start thinking about different career paths. One that has interested me is nursing due to the fact that the work is meaningful, pay is good and you can work in different parts of the hospital which is great. The work sound really stressful though. I get mostly As in school and a lesser amount of Bs. I like to play sports ( if that counts for anything) and I'm somewhat " health conscious"

    I've got good communication and people skills. I don't want to be sitting down all day but as a nurse, I think moving around would wear out my body after a while. My health is in good standing right now and hopefully stays that way for a lot longer. I'm not sure how well I could deal with the stress.

    I don't mind seeing blood but as an RN do you have to clean up lots of poop and vomit? As a nurse, can you pick up other hobbies such as learning languages, and going out with friends and family? How do nurses deal with the amount of stress they have to go through ( the nurses positioned in hospitals). MEN: What is it like to being a nurse . WOMEN: What is it like working with male nurses?

    Also, what is the difference between an RN and Nurse Prractitioner? Is it some sort of specialization like anesthesiology?

    Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.

  • As a male, should I become a registered nurse?

    Hello, I'm going to be starting my senior year of high school and so I need to start thinking about different career paths. One that has interested me is nursing due to the fact that the work is meaningful, pay is good and you can work in different parts of the hospital which is great. The work sound really stressful though. I get mostly As in school and a lesser amount of Bs. I like to play sports ( if that counts for anything) and I'm somewhat " health conscious"

    I've got good communication and people skills. I don't want to be sitting down all day but as a nurse, I think moving around would wear out my body after a while. My health is in good standing right now and hopefully stays that way for a lot longer. I'm not sure how well I could deal with the stress.

    I don't mind seeing blood but as an RN do you have to clean up lots of poop and vomit? As a nurse, can you pick up other hobbies such as learning languages, and going out with friends and family? How do nurses deal with the amount of stress they have to go through ( the nurses positioned in hospitals). MEN: What is it like to being a nurse . WOMEN: What is it like working with male nurses?

    Also, what is the difference between an RN and Nurse Prractitioner? Is it some sort of specialization like anesthesiology?

    Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.

    2 AnswersHealth Care9 years ago
  • Should I become an engineer?

    Hi, university applications are due this fall and I'm really stuck. I'm going to be starting my senior year of high school next month. I somewhat lack self confidence so it's really hard for me to determine whether or not I should pursue engineering. The thing is, I'm genuinely interested by science and technology. I enjoy topics like space exploration, particle experiments, natural selection theory, quantum computing, energy, general relativity and things like that. The theories seem really interesting to me. I also like tinkering with computers (like upgrading hard drives, ram etc) ever since I was young. I dislike art (so I' not sure if I'd be a good "designer") However, my biggest downfall is I don't REALLY enjoy mathematics. For me, math isn't enjoyable, it's tedious and only enjoyable if I get it. Here's a weird dilemma i went through last year: in my physics class, I'd enjoy learning about things like electromagnetism, waves, sounds etc. Learning how the universe worked was cool. Once I understood a lot of the concepts in physics I really enjoyed the course. Math on the other hand felt like I'd tried to memorize formulas and ways to solve similar problems, but if a problem required more thinking or I hadn't seen something like it before, I'd do terrible. I scored an 85% in physics and a 71% in math. My math mark would have been higher (about 75%) but I nearly failed the exam. All my friends felt that math was easier than physics. For them, their math marks were higher than their physics marks. In my province, anywhere between 70-79% is considered "average"

    It's really frustrating actually to enjoy learning about science, technology and the universe but to not be that good in math. Clearly, I wasn't terrible (well except for the exam) but I doubt that kind of performance will cut it for university. I do go to extra math classes once a week but because they hand out extra homework,I find math to be tedious and a thing of endurance, especially if you spend so much time on a problem only to get it wrong.

    I don't want to disappoint my father and I'm willing to put in even more effort into my studies but as an engineer should math be something you enjoy? I really thought it would be cool to work for a company like NASA, Intel, IBM, or Google one day but once again, it's this lack of math skills that is depressing me. I read online that maybe I should pursue computer science instead because the math isn't as difficult and that for "average" people like me, maybe I would do better. What would you recommend i do?

    5 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • does this $500 laptop seem like a good deal?

    TOSHIBA SATELLITE: runs on a quad core AMD A8 4500m APU, 512mb of dedicated graphics

    8GB of DDR3 Ram (but windows 7 home edition only recognizes 4 )


    15.6" 1368 x 768 resolution, glossy screen

    2 USB 3.0 Ports

    1 USB 2.0 Port

    1.3 MP Webcam

    Memory Card Reader & Optical drive

    750GB HDD, ( its a standard 5400 RPM drive)

    Full keyboard with numberpad (not back-lit)

    1 year warranty

    Cost before tax: $499

    I'm entering my last year of high school and want to use it for school assignments, upcoming years of university and some light gaming. I also enjoy writing and given the immense amount of storage, I would like to install linux on it.

    This is the laptop, only there's a store selling it for $100 less.

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago
  • As an aspiring engineer, should I minor in french?

    Hello everyone, I'm a Canadian high school student looking to major in Electrical Engineering. I know it will be tough due to all the math but I'm sure with enough studying I won't be top of the class but i will be able to pass. In high school, my math skills seem to be slightly above average. I'm really only interested in the good salary and job availability that comes with engineering jobs. I do like science though.

    To be honest, my English skills (writing, oral communication) are much stronger than my math skills. (I find it weird that some of my friends can ace all math courses but struggle with English). I've been able to transfer my writing skills to French and usually score high in communication when it comes to things like writing essays.

    Do you think majoring in electrical engineering and minoring in french is a good idea? I'm not sure what the demand is for bilingual engineers in Canada is like. I also hear computer science is a good minor to and could lead to careers at Google (and that would be pretty neat)

    5 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • As as aspiring engineer, should I minor in french?

    Hello everyone, I'm a Canadian high school student looking to major in Electrical Engineering. I know it will be tough due to all the math but I'm sure with enough studying I won't be top of the class but i will be able to pass. In high school, my math skills seem to be slightly above average. I'm really only interested in the good salary and job availability that comes with engineering jobs. I do like science though.

    To be honest, my English skills (writing, oral communication) are much stronger than my math skills. (I find it weird that some of my friends can ace all math courses but struggle with English). I've been able to transfer my writing skills to French and usually score high in communication when it comes to things like writing essays.

    Do you think majoring in electrical engineering and minoring in french is a good idea? I'm not sure what the demand is for bilingual engineers in Canada is like. I also hear computer science is a good minor to and could lead to careers at Google (and that would be pretty neat)

  • What university do you think would be best for an electrical engineering student?

    Hello, I'm looking to do my undergraduate degree in EE and I was wondering what university would you recommend. Here are my two options (both Canadian Universities)

    Option One: University of Western Ontario (UWO)

    - a more diverse, social (party-type) university , might have more clubs

    -Tons of options. General First year of engineering, several specializations

    (i.e, embedded systems, power systems, wireless communications)

    They also allow you to:

    a) get dual degrees in EE & Comp Sci or Physics or Bio or Economics, Honors Business Administration in 5 years

    b) Bachelors of Engineering plus a Juris Doctor (JD) in 6 years (competitive)

    c)Bachelors of Engineering with a doctor of medicine (MD) in 7 years (highly competitive)

    d) Bachelors of Engineering plus a Masters of Engineering in 5 years.

    -Co-op is available, not as many placements as the following university

    -Campus is more attractive

    Option Two: University of Waterloo

    -Not as diverse (mostly Chinese and Indian students) who do not party as much. Much more focused on academics (which isn't a bad thing, but i'd probably not be near the top of the class)

    -One of the best engineering universities in the world. Affiliated with the likes of Research in Motion,(This university is the birthplace of Blackberries) , Microsoft (Bill Gates did a speech there), IBM, Apple, Google & the Perimeter Institute of Physics where Stephen Hawking has presented many times.

    -Tons of research in emerging areas like Quantum Computing & Quantum cryptography

    - Specialization in EE (like embedded systems) is possible, not to sure of dual degrees however.

    -Largest Co-op program in Canada. Once you get acceptance, you are guaranteed CO-OP placements. It takes 5 years to get your degree but they claim that students make $50,000-$80,000 over their co-op terms and that would be great in order to pay for tuition and residence.

    -Campus is not as attractive

    As you can see, both universities sound great. I will apply for both and hopefully I could get some advice from you guys. Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • May you please help me with an 11th grade world problem?

    I believe it's involving max/min.

    A farmer has 4000m of fencing to enclose a rectangular field and subdivide it into three equal plots of land. Determine the dimensions of each plot of land so that the total area enclosed is a maximum.

    I greatly appreciate the help in solving this question.

    2 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Should I go into engineering, then medicine?

    Hello, I'm an 11th grade student who will be applying for universities in the fall. I'm know that I won't to get into the sciences because I like learning about how the universe, and life itself works. So basically the two options I'm feeling right now are medicine, and engineering.

    Medicine and engineering seem to both be really broad career paths, which I think is a good thing because I want to be able to switch careers (in case I ever get bored). I've came up with some plans and I was hoping I could get some advice:

    Plan 1: Get an undergrad in Health Studies (with a pre-medicicine specialization) and then apply to med/pharm school, either within Canada or abroad.( a family-friend did this)

    Plan 2: Get an undergraduate degree in some form of engineering, stay an engineer and work up the pay ladder

    Plan 3 (combination of 1&2): Obtain an undergrad degree in an engineering program with enough flexibility to take courses which are required for the MCAT. Then if i feel like it, I could apply to med school. or I just work as an engineer

    To me, plan 3 seems like the best but I'm not sure if that is so great. For example, engineering is difficult but I *could* get the degree, however my grades may not be high enough for med school. Also, engineering programs have a limit on electives so it may be hard to get the ones I need for med school.

    Could you please give me some guidance on going from engineering to medicine or whether I should just choose one or the other?

    thank you soo much!

  • What is Sin45 + Tan45 equal to in radical form?

    Hey, I need help solving this question. I forgot how to add radical fractions.

    I know Sin45= 1/SqRt2 and Tan 45 = 1

    Would I turn Tan 45 into SqRt2/SqRt2 (It's still equal to 1) and then add it to Sin45 and get 1+SqRt2/SqRt 2?

    Please, show your steps. I would greatly appreciate it.

    5 AnswersMathematics9 years ago
  • Looking for macbook pro alternatives?

    Hey, I'm in the market for a laptop. I've looked at what apples offers and the 13" MBP seems to fit best. I've been looking for Windows alternatives but haven't had any luck so far.

    Here are my min. requirements:

    intel i5, 4GB ram , backlit keyboard, 300GB HDD, 6hours battery, 13"-15" , DVD drive,

    5 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks9 years ago