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  • What is the best acoustic amp?

    I've always been a full band person with my modded Gibson Les Pauls, SGs, Eplorers and Vs and Marshall tube amps (JCM 800, 900 and 2000 100w stacks), as I've always been a classic rock/hard rock/heavy metal person. Recently, I've decided to branch out (again... I do this every other year or so). I'll still be playing with my band, but I'd like to do acoustic work on the side.

    I've got myself a great jazz, soft rock vocalist and we have a decent PA set up. However, I've never owned an acoustic amp before. We'll be playing some fairly large-ish venues and I have no idea what to buy.

    Here are my guitars, that I will be playing during the sets:

    Gibson Dove with LR Baggs pickup

    Gibson Blues King with the same

    and a Gibson Melody Maker with vintage single coils for some light finger picking.

    I have a vintage Fender amp for the Melody Maker that I run on clean with a noise gate and it sounds awesome. I'd like a two channel acoustic amp for the other two guitars so I can switch instruments easily. What is the best acoustic amp for my purpose? Both of my acoustic guitars are warm and gentle sounding, but very loud. The Blues King is a little woodier and may even be louder than the Dove lol I've run them both through PA's before, but I'd like something that really enhances the quality of the sound.

    Money is not an issue!

    1 AnswerRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Should I put EMG 81/85 actives on my Gibson Melody Maker?

    Even though the body will need surgery?

    I love 81/85s. I have them on three other Gibsons and I was thinking it'd be interesting to install some on a tiny little Melody Maker. I'm also having work done on the neck, head stock and replacing the tuners and nut. Turning it into a bad @as little head banger ;)

    Thoughts? Its a Golden Era, sun burst, single cut with parted single coils, btw

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Is it Christmas time already?

    ... doesn't that mean I'm getting old?

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How to make a br00tal, death metal lead singer crack?

    It'll be our last show together (his band and mine) and we want to play a prank on them, on stage! The prank will be to make him crack up, cuz he's insanely serious! So, thoughts?

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • How do you get focused?

    My band has a cover show coming up soon and we chose all new covers to play... I can't seem to focus to learn the new material. What is a good way to focus? What do you do?

    1 AnswerRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Old band mate troubles?

    How would you handle this?

    I've been playing with a heavy metal/hard rock four piece for the past... uhhhh, I'm too lazy to count the years lol a LONG TIME. Before it, I was in a three piece acoustic duo that sucked. I never officially left the acoustic trio, and I play with them on occasion to help them shake the dust off. Both of them are in college and have jobs, so don't have a lot of time for music and I'm a musician full time. I learned, recently, that the lead guitarist from the trio has been rage-fully spreading horrible rumors about me and exploding in public places about what a horrible user and nasty person I am for dumping her and the other member of the trio... when I never actually did. I live in a huge city, but all the rumors that she started behind my back, have now found me (after several years of spreading them like "I can't believe its not butter...". She's been doing this and I never knew. Now she's damaging my current band's reputation by making me out to be a slut, poser, liar, cheater and blah blah blah... everything that I'm proud to say, I am not.

    How would you handle this, as an adult? No "I'd beat the crap out of her", childishness. Adult to adult. I'm at a loss on what to do, because if I approach her, she'll explode and make me out to be a villain. Probably cry rape... (I'm a chick btw lol), but I'm not even joking. Its bad...

    I've thought of just ignoring her. Trying to show her that she doesn't get to me. But she's not the type to just give something up. She'll keep doing it until one of us dies... and no, murder isn't an option, okay? O...o

    BQ: is there anything worse than a pissed off punk rock diva???

    2 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Are you mostly grateful for the booze?

    I swear, I wouldn't make it through this night and be able to survive all my in laws, if it weren't for the abundant supply of wine...


    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • Anyone else having trouble answering questions?

    I type out my answer, then *POOF* the button to post it, has magically vanished.


    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago
  • How many guitars is TOO many guitars?

    Does this counting as hoarding?:

    Gibson Explorer Thunderhorse

    Gibson Explorer Standard

    Gibson SG Diablo

    Gibson SG Baritone

    Gibson Les Paul Standard

    Gibson Les Paul Supreme

    Gibson Les Paul '50s Reissue

    Gibson (vintage) Melody Maker

    Gibson '84 Flying V

    Gibson Firebird Standard

    ... and one American made Fender Stratocaster. For good measure ;)

    My lead guitarist says I only need three guitars at most, and that I should downsize my collection cuz its starting to look like I'm a Gibson hoarder O...o

    But for every gig/tour, I get to pick which guitars I want to bring! I think its exciting :P

    And btw, I did not buy these all at once lol this is YEARS of collecting.

    BQ: how many guitars do you have?

    13 AnswersRock and Pop7 years ago
  • Rock and Pop community, what would you think?

    My band and I have an extremely important covers show coming up (covers only, its retarded) but if we nail it, we'll get a radio spot for our originals. Its like a competition. We get four full songs and one instrumental piece. We've chosen the below... what are your thoughts?

    1) Muse ~ Hysteria

    2) Bush ~ Comedown

    3) Deftones ~ Change (in the House of Flies)

    4) Sick Puppies ~ Going Down

    Then the instrumental is Metallica's "Master of Puppets", mostly because we've jammed this song for years and know it like the backs of our hands.

    Do you have suggestions based on the genre or ideas of the above? We can play anything... literally anything. So all suggestions will be weighed... except One Direction, Justin Bieber or anything from that genre O...o we draw the line there...

    Our bass player is by far, the best musician among us and songs with sweet bass lines where he can really shine, would be awesome! Cuz he's amazing. If anything, we could impress with his skills ;)

    1 AnswerRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Scotty Doesn't Know?

    If a female fronted, hard rock/heavy metal band covered it just for kicks and giggles (we're kinda goof balls), would that make your day or break it? We've done a lot of silly songs just for fun before, like "Kitty on my Foot" by The Presidents of the United States of America...

    Just curious, cuz my band is covering it tonight ;) ahahaha

    And btw, if you haven't heard "kitty on my Foot", DUDE. Google it right now lol

    3 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Quick and simple fret buzz help?

    So, I've been touring with the band and our tech had to leave cuz his wife's having a baby lol and typically, right as he leaves, my favorite guitar starts with the fret buzz O...o right? Annoying.

    Anyways, its a Gibson Les Paul Custom and it just started buzzing this morning. I've owned this guitar for years and only JUST started having this problem.

    Any tips on something I can do before 8 o'clock tonight? It doesn't have to be permanent, just something that will work until my tech comes back on Friday? I'd really like to play my baby for my band's show... if not, I'll have to play my Gibson Les Paul Gothic Morte. Which is fine, I guess. Its not my fave though... and I left my other super nice guitars at home cuz I only travel with three. I have a nice Explorer too, but with the Les Paul out of order, I'm down to two. This is bad :(

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • This may seem like a stupid question, but uhhh...?

    ... on this new Yahoo! Answers format (haven't been back in a while), how do I find my Questions on my profile? Either its right in front of me and I'm just blind, or its hidden somewhere so only smart users can find it. Help?

    And suggested section: Society & Culture > Cultures & Groups > Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendered....... really? Yahoo!, you're an idiot.

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers8 years ago
  • Metal/Hard Rock guitarists: Marshall JCM 2000 vs. JCM 900?

    I like me some Marshalls, so I don't need any crap from you. I just want to know which you would buy. I have a Marshall JCM 2000 DSL 100 full stack already and am splitting the cabs between it and another Marshall as a performance back up... the full stack has been nothing but overkill for more than 80% of my band's shows :P and most of those shows are in rather large arenas, too.

    I have great deal options for both, but I can't make up my mind! I've been using my Mesa Boogie Dual Rec. as a back up for the past year and I've only needed it the once (when I blew a tube) and the sudden leap in tone from Marshall to Mesa was... annoying, basically. It was like it wasn't me playing anymore. I love them both, separately. But switching to something that different was kind of wrong... my bandmates didn't really like it either. So, JCM 2000 DSL again, or JCM 900 4100? I know the 900 is "hairier", but I'm wondering if the tone will be too different, like what happens with the Mesa :/

    Anyone have some thoughts on the matter?

    And Mesa buffs, my heart is in Marshall. So no, I won't ditch my baby for another Boogie lol

    2 AnswersRock and Pop8 years ago
  • Does it ever surprise you, how unhelpful humans are?

    I get more help from my dog, and all she does all day is sleep O...o

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • What do you do for a blister?

    I rocked out a little too hard, tonight with my band and now I have a blister on the very tip of my right dirty finger. Yeah, my strumming hand, of all places... anyways, my drummer says pop it, but that seems weird. Idk, what do you do for blisters?

    And btw, my band has another show tomorrow... what should I do about it??? A bandaid?


    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • To impress my wife, what is the BEST wine that money can buy?

    Our anniversary is coming up and I want to surprise her. Now, I'm a Scotch drinker, so I don't really know for wines. But I've decided on making her favorite meal; gourmet lasagna with Cesar salad and chocolate dipped strawberries for desert. Money isn't a problem! Give me some wine suggestions. I'm thinking red (obviously) and dry...

    6 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits8 years ago
  • How can you tell what kind of Carburetor you have?

    So, I want to get a cleaning kit, but I just realized I have no clue what make Carburetor I have. The guy who owned my car before doesn't have a clue, and the guy who owned it before him is dead.

    There's no markings on the unit of any kind. I've googled common Carburetors on 70's Ford 351s and none of them are it... my mechanic just shrugged (instills a lot of faith there <…<). I'm in trouble if I can't figure this out...

    What would you do? Are there identifying marks I could look for? SOMETHING? :/

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • How do I get rid of a bum that tries to live on my porch?

    He's about two inches tall, has a blue belly and a really long tongue and his tail fell off when I tried to use it to toss him off my porch. (I do feel kinda bad for that, but my cat ate the tail before I could make an apology). This guy keeps coming back. I try to sick my dogs on him, but he's super fast and he can fit into the tiniest places...

    He keeps saying "will slither for food". He's driving me insane...

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Would Yahoo! Answers be a better site if there was no thumbs down button?

    Think about it. If you liked the answer, you hit thumbs up. If you don't like it, you simply move on. *BOOM* everyone suddenly learns to be more mature and less trolls have an outlet for their thumbs down waves. If an answer truly is bad, there's the report button... except it should cost points to use it.

    What do you think?

    16 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago