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Lv 624,991 points

Astro Lady

Favorite Answers62%

Have always been intrigued by the mysterious workings of this vast Universe we are living in. There is an indisputable sense of orderliness in the world; one just has to open the eyes to see it: ~ Day/Night, Happiness/Unhappiness, Yin/Yang ~ the world exists in duality. Asking for one side without the other is impossible in the very nature of things. New Age Practitioner who specializes in the fields of Western Astrology & Tarot. Other interests include palmistry & numerology. Sun Sign: Capricorn Moon Sign: Taurus Rising Sign: Aries Personality Symbol: Hanged Man Lifetime Symbol: Empress LifePath Number: 3 ~~~ Every relationship, so-called love relationship, is bound to fall apart sooner or later. Just wait & see. At least that's what happens to 99% of people. Oh god, please let me be in that 1% ...~~~

  • Has anyone approached a spell caster for the help of spiritual entities?

    I've gotten interested in this area of late as it seems very fascinating to me. I am interested in knowing if anyone has approached an experienced spell caster (only the most experienced and powerful are able to do this i heard) to call forth spiritual entities for the solving of relationship, career, financial issues etc?

    What has your experience been like? Did it work for you?

    Non-believers, please refrain from answering. Thanks!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Dream Interpretation: Falling Planes (again)?

    Hi, I posted a question regarding a dream involving a purple plane about a year ago.

    Strangely, last night, I had another dream involving a plane. It's white with some orange stripes this time. But instead of crashing, it was just ascending vertically and falling downwards like it was gravity-defying, never hitting the ground or crashing.

    It's just so bizarre. What could this mean? :/

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • How intuitive are you and what would you attribute it to....?

    Now, I am heavily deficient in the Water element in my chart but this is made up for by:

    Moon in 1st House & an exact Moon-Uranus opposition

    Also, positive Neptune contacts have been attributed to intuition & psychic abilities. I have Neptune Trine Ascendant, which gives me sort of the ability to screen out honest from dishonest people, even when online.

    Last but not least, I have the Ring of Solomon on my right palm, just below the index finger. This is named after King Solomon, who apparently had the uncanny ability to see through others' deception and facade.

    I am sure my intuitive or psychic abilities are nowhere close to Water dominant people, esp. of the Water Sun-Moon combo hehe..

    Anyway, would love to know how intuitive you are and what you would attribute it to in your case...thanks!

    22 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Those with T-Squares in the Chart: What is your Apex Planet...?

    So the Apex Planet is the great focus of this configuration since it is receiving the bulk of exchange of energies - the squared energies in order to resolve the conflict presented in the opposition.

    In a nutshell, the Apex Planet can be seen as the key and redemption to some of the individual's most stressful issues faced in life..

    How has this Apex planet in your chart - Sign, House, Modality - affected you over the years, hopefully making you more resolute where the issues/challenges are concerned?

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Possibility of Planets in favorable sign positions minimizing the effects of a hard aspect?

    The example that comes to mind is LEO SUN (Sun is Lord of Leo) and TAURUS MOON (Moon is exalted in Taurus), 2 stubborn Fixed Signs forming a hard Square aspect on the zodiac wheel.

    Somehow, I have witnessed quite a number of individuals with this combination.

    Can the positive override the negative with this one?

    First hand experiences are most welcomed

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    2 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Which is a better match for a Sun-Moon Trine Female?

    The Sign that Conjuncts her Moon or the the Sign that forms a Grand Trine to the Sun & Moon in her chart?

    I.e. I have a Capricorn Sun, Taurus Moon Trine combo. Would a male Taurus Sun or Virgo Sun be a better match? I am aware both are strong matches but which do you reckon is better and why?

    Does the female Moon conjunct male Sun aspect override the effects of the Grand Trine formed by both individuals? Or vice versa?

    Speaking from experiences would be much appreciated as well.

    Thanks in advance.

    3 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Outback Expedition: Driving from Alice Springs to Perth?

    Hi, I am planning on a road trip next month covering the NT and WA of Australia, which begins from Darwin all the way to Perth. I have done some research for the route from Darwin to Alice Springs. However, there isn't much information on driving from Alice Springs to Perth. In particular, I would like to find out more about these:

    1) What is the shortest route driving from Alice Springs to Perth and which highways (if any) should I take?

    2) Is it possible to drive through the desert using a normal car or would I need to opt for a 4WD?

    3) Which are the scenic places in the coastal part of Perth to check out while driving?

    Thanks in advance for your time!

    2 AnswersPerth1 decade ago
  • Dream of Explosion in Childhood Home...?

    I just woke up this morning with a bit of a hangover from a dream I had last night...

    The scene was set in my old neighborhood, where i had lived till i was about 15. It was a block of flats and i lived on the 3rd floor, with a balcony looking out.

    There's another block of flats in front of the old flat and I was standing at the foot of it looking up, horrified at a child (it wasn't me but a boy of foreign nationality) who's holding a lighter. For some reason, I knew that the unit was gonna blow up (there was gas leaking or something of that nature) and anxiety and fear overtook me.

    I tried to warn and shield family members away and i recall seeing my parents. After that, the unit exploded with balls of fire but I dont recall seeing any fatalities... the dream somehow ended with everyone safe, albeit a little unsettled, including myself..

    What could this mean? Thanks in advance for your time in interpreting the dream.

    5 AnswersDream Interpretation1 decade ago
  • Significance of Broken Mirror?

    I have just broken a pretty big, almost full-length mirror in my room. This isn't a dream so I was wondering if there might be any positive indications of this..instead of the usual dream interpretation of it being bad luck and all. What is the interpretation of this in real life?

    Thanks for your time..

    11 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Has anyone had a Past Life Regression done?

    Has anyone had a Past Life Regression done?

    If so, what was the experience like? Were you really able to gain access to vivid images of a past life / lives?

    How easy was it for you to slip into the unconscious realm? I find it rather difficult as I reckon I have an over-imaginative mind..

    Would you recommend a PLR done?

    Thanks for your time

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are the effects of taking anti-depressant drugs for first-timers?

    Do them really numb the emotions and an over-imaginative mind?

    Would it be possible to ask for stronger potency ones if the person knows that the milder types would not work on him?

    Would appreciate it if those with first-hand experience could answer this as well...Many thanks in advance.

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Is there scientific evidence to show that one tends to over-emphasize on certain qualites in order....? order to suppress or deny (even on a subconscious level) what one has the natural propensity towards...?

    For example, if someone adamantly stresses on qualities like monogamy, fidelty and loyalty in a relationship, is there a tendency for this person to gear towards promiscuity, infidelty in a relationship?

    Because I would somewhat agree with the opinion that one tends to deny what one is secretly prone towards through repeated conditioning of the brain like mental suppression etc, even if he/she is not aware of the actions...

    I would usually post under the 'Horoscopes' section but would really like to find some answers based on evidence based on scientific research instead.

    Many thanks in advance to those who find time to answer my question...

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What do you think of people Auctioning their lives away on the Internet?..Read on?

    Tempted to ask after reading the second person from Down Under auctioning her life away...package including family, friends, hobbies, career, property...

    Media Wh**es, Attention seekers or just plain Looney?

    This is my first impression but after second observation, could there be anything positive to this, apart from a money making move maybe targeting at a hit-and-run jackpot? Oh, they suffered major setbacks prior to this like divorce btw..

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What in the cosmic world is causing such eccentric behavior on the forum??

    Lately, there seems to be a spate of accounts carbon-copying, multiple personality disorder, dissent and just plain out-of-this-world behavior on the forum...

    URANUS, the Big One turned Retrograde a few days ago - this signals unexpected surprises...whereas NEPTUNE is still stuck in Retrograde dreamy illusion-mode at the moment...

    Is this making you see double? Or making you break out of your cage, engaging in eccentric behavior?

    Personal experiences...observations?

    8 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Do you have a frustrating tendency not to finish what you start..or being fickle-minded at times?

    What influences in the chart would you attribute that to? This can be interpreted through elemental combination, planetary afflictions, aspects etc in the chart...anything goes

    Based on personal experience or observation of others...

    Thanks in advance!

    12 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Is it just Me or is Neptune Retrograde in Aquarius contributing much to the dreamy/illusionary atmosphere?

    Benn walking around in a trance-like zombie state nowadays, even at work. What's more Neptune in an Air sign is causing much disturbance to thoughts/mental processes..

    And woke up this morning with remnants of strange dreams stills entrenched in the mind (i usually have dreamless nights, which i like). Equivalent to a hangover in the morning from too much wine and merry-making the night before..

    oh boy! i can only imagine what Mercury conjunct Neptune feels like (hmm..i know some people on this forum with that one!)..something equivalent to a truck crashing into us & we arent even aware of it!

    What's been your experiences with the dream-like, trance-like, dreamy, illusionary state of affairs? Esp. those with Neptune as a chart ruler or dominant planet in their charts..Does Anybody Else feel its great impact too? Received an upsurge in the number of msgs these few days with regards to a general state of confusion, loneliness, miscommunication, isolation, withdrawal tendencies..

    5 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Which, in your opinion or personal experience, is the most difficult to transcend...? order to reach Spiritual Enlightenment?

    Okay, so we know that basically the 4 elemental groups are all blessed and at times, cursed with the following traits (if too much is emphasized):

    FIRE: I am the Ego

    EARTH: I am my Body

    AIR: I am my Thoughts

    WATER: I am my emotions

    Which of these is/are the most difficult to transcend for you, if you were to try to reach Spiritual Enlightenment eventually (by giving up desires, control etc)?

    11 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else been seriously affected by the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Gemini this time round (26 May?)

    Have you been suffering from a mental/emotional breakdown or simply just expressing some sort of spiritual crisis or discontentment? Or some sort of aversion towards communication and/or technology in general?

    I know I have. Havent felt the urge to come online for the past week.

    Perhaps its the combination of Mercury and Jupiter going retrograde that adds to the aura of general confusion in the air. My soul is literally dragged down into the pits through this 'shadow period' of MR. And *gulp*, it hasnt event officially begun yet....*bummer*

    Perhaps those with Mercury Retrograde (like myself) feel the effects you feel a sudden urge to make peace with events in your past (by tossing out the garbage you've been dragging around etc)?

    13 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • May 9: Jupiter goes Retrograde today - how does this affect the lucky influences in your life?

    Now that Jupiter turns retrograde, our forward momentum is reversed. This period is supposedly not a good time to start new ventures, make financial investments or even change jobs for that matter. Rather, it is a time to finish projects, an excellent time to pay attention to relationships, as well a time to gain a better perspective on life and our inner self.

    The major emphasis of a Jupiter retrograde period is rather, on inner awareness and inner growth.

    Where is your natal Jupiter placed - just Sign/House placement will do. Is it in Direct or Retrograde motion?

    I'm particularly interested if you have natal Jupiter in Retrograde motion - do you find that your luck reverses i.e. increases when most others' chips are down?

    Just some food for thought. Thanks in advance for your answers.

    9 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago