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Lv 57,078 points


Favorite Answers25%

OK- here's the deal. Smart, funny, & straight up. All the BS is just a cover to break the ice. I'm a friend that'll go to the wall. Liberal, proclaimed geek-a-zoid, I'll work on anything. From people to physics. Gimme movies, music, pets, family, and some good friends- (Oh! and a cutey!) Not much freaks me, and I don't judge. So, return the favor, OK? Drop a line, and bring yer weirdness with ya..

  • Are the new Macs on your wish list?

    Mac has refused to cut prices on their offerings, despite the wishes of investors. That being said- are they worthy of the exalted upper echelon status bestowed upon them, by cult fan boys and starry-eyed media? Would you pay 2 grand for a MacBook Pro? Curious....

    5 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Why Is Mac dropping support for PowerPC?

    Is the architecture of IBM and Motorola that much out of date? Are they already dinosaurs?

    8 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Which Linux distro for a PowerBook G4?

    Hey! Been awhile... K, got a 1.5Ghz (PowerPC) PowerBook, and looking to turn it into a viable Linux machine. (Don't ask... don't care that its running X...) Which Linux Distro would you suggest would give me the easiest install, and require lil tinkering to be rolling. I know I'm not the only nerd to do this! Is it YellowDog? Ubu?

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Did you not read the EULA on that software?

    So, you've downloaded SP1-2-3, updates to media player, Office, malicious worm removal tool, Adobe Express... Wait! didn't you read it...?

    ##Adobe does not claim ownership of Your Content. However, with respect to Your Content that you submit or make available for inclusion on publicly accessible areas of the Services, you grant Adobe a worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable license to use, distribute, derive revenue or other remuneration from, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, publicly perform and publicly display such Content (in whole or in part) and to incorporate such Content into other Materials or works in any format or medium now known or later developed.##

    Ever try to return Windows and get a refund that is due by refusing to agree to their agreements?

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • KDE 4 whats the future for your desktop choice?

    KDE 4 is here.

    And its here to stay. By being included in major distros like Fedora, & openSuSE 11, a TON of peeps are getting/using it. Some claim it's missing a few things. 4.1 to the rescue- maybe. What does the future look like for your desktop? For those on KDE 3.5, a decision looms. Hold on to 3.5 and hope it will be 'split' off? OR- jump to another desktop? Options...

    **KDE 3.5

    Some just don't like the 4.0 plasmoids. Weird... 3.5 versions will end. Ask XP!


    Stable and feature-heavy. It's default for a lota distributions. Simple, well-maintained and boring.


    Not a standard desktop, or available in most distros. NOT boring. It makes things interesting. LOTS of options.


    Which is it, a desktop environment or a window manager? It can be configured to use less resources than KDE/Gnome, but still serves up cool stuff.

    Whats your desktop of choice, and why? Is KDE4. the deal or not? WHEN is Gnome going to come up to bat?

    4 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • When was the last time you moved?

    Was it a short and sweet move? Or was it one of those painful memories that sends terror coursing through your mind? I am just amazed at how busy my friends and relatives have gotten as of late. Yes, as you guessed, I am moving. It bites. Totally. So, being a hero, I am moving everything I can in my car until I get to that big furniture part. Can I count on you to help? I'll order Pizza!

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Are the choices in Linux confusing you?

    I've seen a few complaints and questoning remarks, regarding the many available distributions of Linux. Some have suggested narrowing the fragmentation so that there are just a few players concentrating into building a few mega death releases. OR.., are we better off with distros focused on individual needs and desires? Is this the strength of open source, or is it confusing to potential users? Are we now so tuned to out of the box experiences that we demand the tuning be done for us?

    5 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is AT&T spying? Again?

    Movie studios/ record labels are happy to hear that AT&T will attempt to keep pirated content off its network. Of course there are perks coming to them for this move...

    Now, can they effectively filter out 'illicit' traffic while protecting YOUR privacy? YouTube ain't figured it out yet, have they? Do business providers have the right to see how you use their product? Is it right to assume that they need to filter out power users and determine if they are moving illegal files? How much control do you want business to have over how you use a product or service? Maybe I"m the only person shouting at the wind these days.....

    1 AnswerOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Have you tried overclocking your Mac?

    Macs are famous for stability. Right.... No flames please.

    However, the Techno, gadgetry sophisticated, tinkerers have been playing at it for a long time. I've crashed 2 thinking I was the one who could do it. Now that the PowerPc platform is done except on the used market,.. will the PC Sorry,... I mean Macs with Intel inside, provide a platform for OC'ers (overclockers) to finally unless the Leopard from its cage? Or does the whole system clock thing still control? Ideas? Success? Will I hafta keep playing my cheesy games on dated legacy machines that smoke most Macs?

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • Do you 'borrow' WiFi connections on ocassion?

    With so many people deciding to go wireless with their hi-speed internet connections, it is inevitable that people would borrow others bandwidth. Have you hooked into a neighbors, or ever sat around in Paneras or Starbucks just to get on-line? Do you consider yourself a wardriver? Oh, the moral implications we face with this issue! Me? Hey! I'm innocent according to my Linux based WRT system.... Are you?

    8 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Why does your Software restrict the speed of your computer?

    Do you know why, with the advent of quad core processors, high speed DDRam, quicker optical drives, faster hard disks w/ large buffers, extreme dedicated graphic solutions, high speed net connections, .. with ALL the advances we have seen in hardware why is the increases that are realistic to a desktop environment, only marginally increased? Do you really think your current system is 1,000 times faster than your beginners 233 Mhz PC? Why not?

    3 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Linu Mint Update?

    Check this message out-

    'Could not grab your mouse.

    "A malicious client may be eavesdropping on your session or you may have just clicked a menu or some application just decided to get focus. Try again."

    Got this when trying to use Mint Asst. / Mint Update, or Synaptic Pkg Mgr.

    ust did updates? WTF? you think/....?

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • Is this a deal or not? MacBook for 200$?

    Got a chance to grab up a 13" MacBook, 2.1Ghz and a Gb of ram. About a year old. Peeps spilled water on it, (imagine that....) and it wont turn on. They did what every Mac user does, and just went and got another one.... Should I take a chance that my geeky techno wizardry can restore it to a running condition, or this just another addition to my growing & overflowing, I might add... parts bin? Would you chance it?

    7 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How did you fix your failed Service Pack 3 install?

    Despite glowing reviews on SP3, there is a growing groundswell of disatisfaction for certain users having continual reboots with no entry to safe mode. Also, it seems the OEM versions of SP2 STILL are giving out trouble with finalizing the upgrade. What was your results? What was the fix you used?

    I slipped it into 2 machines effortlessy, and it made a great difference. My game machine will not swallow it at all. My main use machine has had 5 reformats, I've hacked the HIKEY section to pieces, disabled the intelprm loader, and even when I get it going, it'll crash any browser I try. It runs faster! MAkes the crashes easier to take I suppose....

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Apple suing the BIG Apple?

    Apple is trying to sue New York City. Well, it had to happen. A lot of peeps see Steve Jobs as some kinda folk hero for 'giving it to the man' (Microsoft). Well it appears Steve IS the man. New Yorkers are saying ditch Apple & its products, the iPhone and Macs. They are peeved! quote: "New York City, universally known as The Big Apple, is facing a lawsuit from Steve Jobs’ Apple Computer Inc. for, of all things, copyright infringement.The suit stems from New York’s environmental awareness campaign, GreeNYC, and its logo, which uses the outline of an apple, complete with a little leaf on top."

    You know that fruit basket of yours? Better ditch those apples before Steve comes beating on your door w/ a lawsuit and a code to lockup your I-Phone! That tears it.How much can you copyright? Is this like a PR nightmare, or is Steve spot on in protecting the logo of his company? Will he sue the Beatles, next? What's your take?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Moonlight on Linux - Silverlight on Microsoft?

    There is a growing concern on the use of Moonlight and Mono on Linux. MS has granted (ha!) users the 'right' to use the

    s-ware w/out fear of litigation via collaboration w/ Novell. Now, some peeps are fine with this, some are not. So, whats the big deal? Regardless of any licensing concern, w/out Moonlight, Linux users will be locked outa sites that use Silverlight, just like Flash, remember? Silverlight appears to be here to stay for Linux users. But what evil plan awaits users of Microsofts Silverlight? Are they using their deal w/ Novell to set the open source community up for a lawsuit? Am I like the only geek in the world that suspects MS is NOT gonna roll over and play nice? See link......

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago
  • Is this system REALLY worth it?

    No links!


    3800 AMD 64 bit dual core

    (Got in a trade for a Game case)


    ABIT's AN8-SLI Socket 939 w/4 slots for 4GB of DDR400; NVIDIA nForce4 SLI MCP; Gigabit Lan; 2 PCI-Exp x16 (16x1 or 8x8), two PCI-Exp x1 and 2 PCI exp slots; SATA II RAID, suppts 0, 1, 0+1 and JBOD; IEEE 1394a Firewire (2 devices)

    7.1 Channel AudioMAX d'board with AC'97 audio. Jack sensing and S/PDIF in/out; ten USB 2.0 ports (4 on back I/O panel and 6 onboard pin-outs)

    *Bought used Ebay, needed new cap... $110.

    4 Gb PC3200 Ram No cost, got it....

    XFX GeForce 8800 GS 384MB PCIe 2.0 DDR2, PCI Express 2.0, SLI Ready, (Dual Link) Dual DVI, HDTV, Video Card $100 bucks.

    Fan, 550 watt power supply, Presario case, a 200Gb WD Drive, & 3 fans ALL outa the junk parts bin.

    Total investment... $ 220 bucks. So pleaze, STOP posting shopping list from NewEgg and Tiger on dream machines that have 8Gb of mem and death quad core processors till ya send a pic with a reciept! PLEAZ!

    5 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • KDE 4 verus Gnome for Linux users?

    One of the big kicks for current release of Linux distros is the move to KDE4. Ubu said it didn't think the 4 would be mature enuff for their release. Umm.... Is this whats missing from Linux? The glitz and glamor offered by OSX and Vista? I beat on Macs ocassionally, more for fun than anyhing else, cause I really do like em (SHH!)... but this is where it rules. I hafta admit, I am not against a move from my present choice of Gnome. I like it but I am not married to it. Seems there's no plan for GNOME 3.0 release. The gist is that that regular/reliable, improvements are more valuable than 'ground-shaking' releases, (eye candy..) and Gnome can more comfortably, (take it easy and rest on laurels..) deliver features, (when ready) in regular 6 month releases. GNOME has been stable, hadn't it? The idea is, a major rewrite or API break won't provide any benefit. I dunno about that.

    Look at this review for KDE

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Is a 1Gb Linux swap file partition feasible?

    Here's my thought-

    I have this whole stack of small worthless drives. From 1 to about 10 Gb. It seems thinking has shifted from using 1/2 your Ram size for swap to equal or greater. Ummm- so, i could drop in one of these drives and create the swap/page file on it, right? My thinking is that if the drive is quick enuff, it might benefit me to some degree. Or not. I've done this in WinXP, and it didn't seem to mind. Didn't care either. saw no difference. Thoughts?

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Why are you going to Animazement '08 - (Memorial Day wk-end), May 23-25, in Durham, NC?

    Is it for the Cosplay? The role playing? The cool trinkets? The local atmosphere? OR are you just wierd and get into this stuff? I'll be there taking pics, look for me! I"ll have on a red bandanna. What will you be wearing? Sailor-moon, Kira Izuru. x3, Inu Yasha, Sango.....? Se ya there!

    1 AnswerOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago