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  • How far would you travel to work? (without moving!!) How far do you travel now?

    What if you found something much better? Or what if your job moved out of state? Tell me in time or miles. Do you drive? Or how would you go?

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How far would you be willing to drive to get to work? Or how long of a drive?

    I am wondering what other people would do? And if you have any input on my predicament that would be helpful too.

    My company is moving out of state, 50 miles away. The drive will take 1:30 in normal traffic. My Honda clocks 40mpg (I love my Honda!!). It will be just under $40/wk for gas. I might have someone else (who does not have a car) to carpool with, and split cost of gas. My insurance will go up by ? dollars. I will be gone from the house for an average 14 hours per day. I know I will be exhausted. I am a single mom with 2 kids. I have no reliable family to depend on, but my kids are older. I will be saving a secure job if I go. (And other peoples' if we carpool.) I make $35-40k. They are planning to lay most people off Dec 31st. Nobody hires on Jan 1st.

    I live in a big city. I currently drive 15-20 minutes to work because it is only 10 minutes round trip. I spend about $50/month for gas. I could wait and get laid off, collect one month pay for severance, and maybe collect unemployment (I own a business.) My girls get social security, so if I were out of work we would not scrape. The bills would be paid easily. I have some savings too. I have no problem with working part time/retail until I get something more sufficient. I have experience as a *skilled worker*. But I would have to pay $400/month for insurance. (There goes my part time $$.) Loads of businesses within an hour drive, but of course the economy is shot to hell right now. I would still be able to check homework, cook dinner, and be closer to home for emergencies.

    I know this is long....but I am banging my head against the wall. My partner supports me either way, but took the drive with me and thinks I am nuts if I do it. Thanks a bunch for ANY input.

    8 AnswersCommuting1 decade ago
  • PA unemployment compensation for mileage hardship? Company moving out of state.?

    My company is in PA but relocating to another state. It is an average 50 mile drive for the employees. Someone here mentioned a stipulation for quitting and collecting? (In PA you can quit and still get compensated for good reason of discrimination or sickness.) We are now going to research the possibility of there being a stipulation for "hardship" due to transportation/mileage. Does anyone know anything more about this? How many miles must it be to qualify? What if you do not have a car and public transportation takes 3 hours each way? Does that still qualify as a transportation hardship under the state code? Would it be considered a hardship for a single parent?

    Mind you there is a plan in place for layoffs, etc......but we are curious about what happens if someone were to just quit because of this?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • GoDaddy hosting website with Yahoo email? GoDaddy shopping cart?

    I have a web store (parked) in the works. It is hosted by GoDaddy, and have their shopping cart software service. (Which I am slowly piecing together how to properly use.......I cannot believe I am paying a monthly fee for should be much easier to use in today's level of tech.) Dreamweaver and Fireworks is coming so I can sleep better at night.

    1. Is GoDaddy still having these horrible problems involving filters and emails that I am reading about? Can I just use regular Yahoo email with it ( personal email bought from GoDaddy) or do I have to use Mail Plus because it is a store? If I am using Yahoo service to then read and send emails......does Yahoo also control the filters? Or GoDaddy?

    2. Anyone who has used GoDaddy shopping cart have any general comments or advice?

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade ago

    On Friday the 7th, I hand delivered this letter to the General Manager of the dealership. (In lieu of ripping someone's head off.) He told me to call him if he did not call me by Monday. On Tuesday I called and he told me my information was passed onto the district office. I should hear back from him in a day or two. (I did not.)

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Bach TR300 used trumpet? King Cleveland? What to do?

    I am looking to buy a better quality trumpet, used for my 3rd grader. I found a Bach TR300 for $125, but the seller says the keys are stiff from not playing. (These may tend to have a problem with slides not working after about 2 years, so I a leary.) My other options are to get a King Cleveland for $100 in good shape.....Or to get a Bach Prelude TR701 new for $230. This horn is supposedly made in China and now getting mixed reviews.

    What would you do?

    1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade ago
  • Social Security LAW survivor/death benefits and SSI? Confused!?

    I am confused. I *think* I know the answer to this but I want to make sure. My minor children will be collecting survivors benefits from SS (approved) because their father passed last month.

    Do survivor benefits fall under SSI? And if so......If I save money for the girls, if there are any savings left after age 18, will SS take them back? (I think NO, but this can happen with SSI benefits.)

    Is there a book or detailed publication I can buy dedicated to SS survivor benefits? I can only find books about SSD, and SSA in general. I know that SS has a website, and they did give me a sheet of guidelines, but they are not very specific. I want to make sure that I understand every detail of how this works clearly, and I am trying to do everything correctly to manage. I know they have a special set of specific rules just like any other government agency......I just can't seem to find them written down.

    I know the basics, and I don't think this justifies calling a lawyer at all.


    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Social Security survivor benefits rules and a house? ?

    I have 2 children age 8 and 13. Their father passed away last month. The girls are eligible for SS survivor's benefits. I work full time as supervisor and make halfway decent money as well. So there are no other "benefits" involved. I am a single mother, and have always taken good care of my girls, even in past times where we were dirt poor.......I have not eaten many times to make sure they do. So without question I will use this money in my girls best interest. That is not the question here. We live in a tiny apartment with not much furniture, because no space for it. My boyfriend and I are currently buying a nice house (with 100% our money which has been saved for a year, not from gov't.), and things will be much better for all. Am I allowed to use said survivors benefits toward paying for the house and furnishing, repairs if needed for the first year? How do I properly report this on yearly benefits reporting form that SSA will send out? Also, am I allowed to purchase CD's to save money for the kids, as they have the best interest yield? If he filed at one point for SSD and was denied, but deemed disabled by a Dr. at time of death (but did not file again) can the girls collect disability money that could be his? He had small cell lung cancer that spread to liver. His initial filing was not cancer, but never bothered filing again because of his initial denial.

    I have looked for information and I cannot find very clear answers. There are government rules for this stuff, but not in black and white. Your help will be appreciated. I live in PA, and survivor's benefits are not related in any way to SSD or SSI. And my girls are fine. Somehow they are ok, kids are resilient and my boyfriend and I love them very much. My kids always come before me, and I take the very best care of them. My kids want for nothing! They are straight A students and well behaved, happy kids, I am blessed.

    This is not a question about obtaining a mortgage loan from the bank. We are in contract to buy a house with downpayment from our savings, approved for loan. We have not actually received a dime from SSA yet, but approved.

    1 AnswerMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Social Security LAW survivor benefits and house purchase?

    I have 2 children age 8 and 13. Their father passed away last month. The girls are eligible for SS survivor's benefits. I work full time as supervisor and make halfway decent money as well. So there are no other "benefits" involved. I am a single mother, and have always taken good care of my girls, even in past times where we were dirt poor.......I have not eaten many times to make sure they do. So without question I will use this money in my girls best interest. That is not the question here. We live in a tiny apartment with not much furniture, because no space for it. My boyfriend and I are currently buying a nice house (with 100% our money which has been saved for a year, not from gov't.), and things will be much better for all. Am I allowed to use said survivors benefits toward paying for the house and furnishing, repairs if needed for the first year? How do I properly report this on yearly benefits reporting form that SSA will send out? Also, am I allowed to purchase CD's to save money for the kids, as they have the best interest yield? If he filed at one point for SSD and was denied, but deemed disabled by a Dr. at time of death (but did not file again) can the girls collect disability money that could be his? He had small cell lung cancer that spread to liver. His initial filing was not cancer, but never bothered filing again because of his initial denial.

    I have looked for information and I cannot find very clear answers. There are government rules for this stuff, but not in black and white. Your help will be appreciated. I live in PA, and survivor's benefits are not related in any way to SSD or SSI. And my girls are fine. Somehow they are ok, kids are resilient and my boyfriend and I love them very much. My kids always come before me, and I take the very best care of them. My kids want for nothing! They are straight A students and well behaved, happy kids, I am blessed.

    This is not a question about obtaining a mortgage loan from the bank. We are in contract to buy a house with downpayment from our savings, approved for loan. We have not actually received a dime from SSA yet, but approved.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Social Security survivor benefits and buying a house?

    I have 2 children age 8 and 13. Their father passed away last month. The girls are eligible for SS survivor's benefits. I work full time as supervisor and make halfway decent money as well. So there are no other "benefits" involved. I am a single mother, and have always taken good care of my girls, even in past times where we were dirt poor.......I have not eaten many times to make sure they do. So without question I will use this money in my girls best interest. That is not the question here. We live in a tiny apartment with not much furniture, because no space for it. My boyfriend and I are currently buying a nice house (with 100% our money which has been saved for a year, not from gov't.), and things will be much better for all. Am I allowed to use said survivors benefits toward paying for the house and furnishing, repairs if needed for the first year? How do I properly report this on yearly benefits reporting form that SSA will send out? Also, am I allowed to purchase CD's to save money for the kids, as they have the best interest yield? If he filed at one point for SSD and was denied, but deemed disabled by a Dr. at time of death (but did not file again) can the girls collect disability money that could be his? He had small cell lung cancer that spread to liver. His initial filing was not cancer, but never bothered filing again because of his initial denial.

    I have looked for information and I cannot find very clear answers. Your help will be appreciated. I live in PA, and survivor's benefits are not related in any way to SSD or SSI.

    2 AnswersUnited States1 decade ago
  • Boyfriend of 5 years won't commit. What do I do? Have kids.?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years. We live together and I have 2 kids. (He is wonderful to them!) We don't have any real ongoing problems. Things are good. We love each other very much, and we both need each other. We hold each other together, and alone we'd each be a wreck. We need to move out of our tiny apartment badly. He agrees that we need to move. I am 30 something, and I think we should buy a house, especially because I have 2 kids, and that's what people with kids should do. Not to mention I am tired of pissing money away on rent, and that the housing market is all for buyers right now. He wants no part of buying a house. I am trying to bite my tounge and respect his wishes for renting a house instead. But I am torn apart here because he can't commit to anything (I told him just that last night)....won't buy house, or get married, no baby, wouldn't even co-sign for me to finance a $5K car with 3K in the bank. Am I just selfish?

    12 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • What would you do? Child's bank account + btch family member?

    Took my 13 y.o.daughter(D) to bank to open a savings acct for her, where I will be the custodian until she is 18, but her name is on the account. The teller says that my D already has identical savings acct. Custodian is HATEd family member (no contact with for years, do not even considered family) Teller tells me that this happened because person lied and said she was my D's grandmother. In PA u need a SS# number to open acct 4 minor. I gave this woman my D's SS# number when my D was a baby, so that could buy savings bonds from my grandfather for my D in his name. Was never authorized to use the SS# for any other purpose. Custodian needs to be @bank for withdraw even after she turns 18. D does not care about money, she put sufficient funds into new acct. How to have D name completely removed from acct? And what about lying and using her SS#? Bank will do nothing. NOTE: We have no will to contact this person and try to work it out. Impossible. She's done horrid things. HATE!

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • What would you do?? About a minor's savings account....?

    Took my 13 y.o.daughter(D) to bank to open a savings acct for her, where I will be the custodian until she is 18, but her name is on the account. The teller says that my D already has identical savings acct. Custodian is HATEd family member (no contact with for years, do not even considered family) Teller tells me that this happened because person lied and said she was my D's grandmother. In PA u need a SS# number to open acct 4 minor. I gave this woman my D's SS# number when my D was a baby, so that could buy savings bonds from my grandfather for my D in his name. Was never authorized to use the SS# for any other purpose. Custodian needs to be @bank for withdraw even after she turns 18. D does not care about money, she put sufficient funds into new acct. How to have D name completely removed from acct? And what about lying and using her SS#? Bank will do nothing. NOTE: We have no will to contact this person and try to work it out. Impossible. She's done horrid things. HATE!

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago