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  • Girl is becoming distant.  Unclear why? What to do?

    26M.  I met a girl end of august. Since then we’ve been seeing each other once a week every weekend except for a couple weekends.  I’ve enjoyed the once per week hangouts.  I typically use phone only to setup dates.  However this girl would like blow up my phone talking about anything and everything.  We shared quite a few funny conversations over text...more than I’m used to.  This went on for months.  She literally was always the one to start a conversation out of the blue whether it be her telling me about an annoying coworker or how she wants to try something new.  However her conversation starting ended however about two weeks ago.  I was caught off guard when I hadn’t heard from her mid week.  I ended up shooting her a text asking if she wanted to go on a hike with me.  She said yes & seemed eager over text.  We ended up going on hike and hung out all day that weekend.  Really had a great time.  Following that hangout I didn’t hear from her until late into the following week.  She commented on Snapchat story then we snapped a bunch the next day.  I asked her if we were hanging out this past weekend but she mentioned she was exhausted from Christmas & family.  I’m more than happy to give her space and said no prob to that.  We kept talking throughout day.  It just seems like she’s lost some interest.  Is my best move to simply give her space and hope she comes back or should I be proactive & try schedule a date?  We haven’t put labels on what we are.  Simply having fun.

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 months ago
  • How do I gauge how a phone interview went?

    I found a great entry level opportunity in my hometown on linkedin. The job had been posted on linkedin 10 days prior to when I saw it. I checked the e-mail that I use for job applications and found that BOTH hiring managers had contacted me stating that this new position was posted and that I should apply. A phone interview was scheduled with both hiring mamagers (position at Mayo Clinic). The phone interview was scheduled from 3:30 - 4:00 on a thursday (5-10) afternoon. The questions were pretty broad and seemed to be intended to see how much I was interested in the position. I did find it a bit difficult to describe some of my completed projects since I didnt have a whiteboard to draw the circuits on... The hiring managers said that I was the first candidate that they had interviewed. The phone call ended after 35 minutes with the hiring manager stating that they would comtact me in 2-3 weeks. I felt that some of my answers weren’t the best that they could be. I do have a high GPA from a renowned university which could help in the long run? Guess I’m looking for input on similar situations that you may have experienced and how they turned out (second round interview, job offer, etc). I sent a follow-up email the day after the interview with a few pictures of one of the projects that i created as well as a technical writing sample. I sent this email on friday (5-11) but havent received a response (I dont necessarily expect a response).

    6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment3 years ago
  • Snowblower carb problems... How quickly should gas flow out of a fuel line? Relative answer appreciated...?

    I bought a snowblower for cheap on craigslist and it was listed as not running but for the price I thought it was worth the attempt at fixing. The gentleman said it hasn t been run in about a year. I drained the fuel tank and noticed some crud on the bottom of it. I plan on removing that by maybe using a shop vac after scraping the bottom of the tank.

    My main question however pertains to the fact that I removed the fuel line connected to the carburetor and noticed that fuel was trickling out of the line. I ended up adding gas to the tank and noticed that it came out of the line very slowly. I then pulled the plug on the bottom of the carb bowl and there wasn t any fuel in it. The snowblower turns over, but doesn t fire when trying to start with both the electric start and pull-rope.

    I think there may be crud where the fuel line and gas tank meet. I might take a rod and push it in the line backwards (towards the fuel tank) to see if any crud comes out.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance for you help.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs3 years ago
  • Electrical Engineering MSEE/PhD Advice?


    I recently graduated with a Bachelors of Electrical Engineering and have been thinking about attending grad school for some time now. I was an undergraduate teaching assistant at the University of Minnesota and really enjoyed holding office hours/grading papers. I graduated with a 3.96 GPA and know I would have a good chance of getting into some good schools. A career in academia would be appealing, but I'm concerned with the time commitment of getting the degree. I got a job after graduation, but I just feel like I'm not reaching my full potential. I'm looking for more of a challenge, but unsure if a PhD is a wise decision. I'm simply looking for any advice you may have regarding the topic.

    Thanks in advance.

  • What beer would you recommend? Best beer you've had..?

    I'm just wrapping up another hectic semester of engineering (only 3 left!!) and I'm planning on enjoying my Christmas break to the absolute max (a lot of relaxation is in the plan). I personally enjoy to drinking mixed drinks but have never been found of beers such as bud light. I mean I can tolerate them but they never taste very good until I've had about 3 then they don't taste like much of anything.. I know that everyone has their own preference, but I'm just looking for a beer that tastes better. I'm not a fan of Stella, bud light, or summit. I can tolerate mcgolden, but I'm just not having much luck with the light beers. I do enjoy drinking angry orchards and reds apple ale, but these are very sugary and I usually don't drink too many at once.. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

    Thanks & I look forward to reading this after finals!!

    13 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits5 years ago
  • How to effectively communicate with a female you are interested in.?

    I will be meeting a girl tomorrow to get ice cream and chill around downtown. I'm not completely brain dead when it comes to this kind of stuff, but I'd like to receive insight from others on what types of things you would be interested in doing (as if you were the girl). It's obvious that she is into me, but I really don't want to screw this one up.. I know I should be myself, but I'm just such a logical individual that sometimes my questions are too direct and are seeking answers in an unengaging way. The girl I am meeting is really sweet and I just don't want to let her down in anyway. I'm simply looking for advice on what kinds of topics you think would invoke engaging conversations to fill potential awkward silence voids and also what types of things did you find most memorable pertaining to first dates or "good" date nights. I appreciate any and all responses.


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • In your opinion, is Electrical Engineering a solid college major?

    I am a Junior Electrical Engineering student. I really enjoy the physics and especially the circuit analysis classes. I originally declared my college major as Computer Science, but then I changed it to more or less challenge myself and tap into my potential. I also had some influence from an EE teacher and my advisor.

    I am asking this because I don't want to go through the next two years (to attain a Bachelors) if I will not be able to find a job. I live in Minnesota and attend the University of Minnesota CSE.

    I'm not looking for links to other resources as I have exhausted them as of late. Please just provide me with your opinion.

    I love what I'm doing so far, but I'm just seeking reassurance at this point.

    Thanks for your answers in advance.

    2 AnswersEngineering6 years ago
  • Annoying neighbor. Need a lot of help.?

    My parents just got a divorce and my mother and I moved into a new town home. Down the street there lives an elderly man (about 75 years old) who also lives in a town home with a roommate which I haven't met yet. He drinks and smokes outside all of the time which is ok with me but as of let it's causing problems.

    Occurrence #1

    After I finished moving my mom into her new place I was exiting the driveway of the property around 10:00 @ night when I saw the man sitting on a rock in his front lawn drinking. He wanted me to come over and check out something in his house earlier in the day. I didn't want to so I made up an excuse. I stopped to say hello in my vehicle when I was leaving and he insisted on my coming into his house. When I said "no" he said that he wasn't homosexual stating that he has had two wives and had many grandkids.


    Talking in the street has occurred since then

    Occurrence (today)

    He rang my doorbell today at 12:15AM and was knocking at the door. He rang twice and knocked twice. I imagine he was a little intoxicated but why would he be coming to my mothers town home specifically? I seriously think he fantasizes about molesting me. I have weapons in my mothers house if we need them. He is a very creepy looking man. I am 6'4" and 23 years old. He is probably 5'6" and walks slow with a hunch. At first I thought he just wanted company but now I believe he has taken it too far....

    Please help me I'm desperate.


  • Scholarship question regarding parental assists...?

    I'm here to strongly voice my displeasure with the scholarship selection process. Not to gripe or anything but my families quality of life has been moderately poor due to my fathers penny pinching habits. My father will not spend money on anything besides the necessities. He doesn't drink, smoke, or have friends sadly. He was a construction worker for 30+ years and saved his money due to times of slow work. My mother cuts hair in her own salon making little compared to other occupations. So my father has saved a ton while my mother has spent time with my sister and I. My mom has less money but more memories while my dad has more money and less memories. You could say I am a student of high honors. I graduated high school as class president with a 3.75 and have attended community college for 2 years with a 4.0 (on 4.0 scale for both). I've taken calc 1-4, physics, circuit analysis, chemistry, and logic design all with a perfect GPA and believe me it wasn't easy. I plan on transferring to the university of mn to study electrical engineering in the fall. I'm eligible for many scholarships including the jack Kent foundation scholarship (huge scholarship for community college students). I however am burdened by my fathers large assets and will most likely not demonstrate financial need even though he is unwilling to pay for me college. If my dad would have spent money and enjoyed his life I have no doubt that I would land close to, if not, a full ride. Advice please

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid6 years ago
  • Simple Physics Pendulum Question?

    I have created a coil gun and have performed some velocity calculations. I am trying to do one last velocity calculation involving a pendulum. Basically I'm using conservation of energy to find the velocity of the slug I'm projecting out of the barrel.

    The slug's mass is about 0.023kg

    The slug and the holder which i'm launching into (on the pendulum) is about 0.284kg

    I would think I would set the equation up like the following..

    .5(mslug)v^2 = (mcombined)(9.81)(h)

    I've calculated h using cos of angle multiplied by hypotenuse (pendulum length).

    When i calculated v in the equation above i get a really small velocity compared to my other calculations.

    The v I'm calculating should be the v of the slug. My friend told me I should use the combined mass on both sides of the equation, but that doesn't make sense to me because the kinetic initial doesn't involve the combined mass. Although if we found the velocity of the combined mass than we could use conservation of momentum to obtain the velocity of the slug's mass

    Please help!


    1 AnswerPhysics7 years ago
  • Test on RLC circuits tomorrow.?

    I have a test on simple RLC circuits tomorrow. My teacher spoke about the test briefly on friday. He told us that we will be given an RLC circuit with a known frequency and a known phase angle. He said he would then ask us to calculate the values for the inductors, capacitors, and resistors. So I mean at resonance xL = xC. How would I go about solving for each value specifically?

    Thanks in advance

    2 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • Simple circuit question. Please help me I would greatly appreciate it.?

    I am making a SIMPLE coil gun. I am using a disposable camera circuit board with capacitors wired in parallel. I had a simple circuit question however pertaining to the battery. The circuit takes a AA battery to charge the capacitor bank. Could I somehow attach my 30 volt power supply at say 1.5 volts to charge the capacitor bank? I've tried hooking up the power supply but nothing seems to happen. Please help me Thanks

    5 AnswersEngineering7 years ago
  • College transfer scholarships?

    I am going to be transferring to a 4 year university (u of m college of science and engineering) to study electrical engineering. I have a 4.0 gpa at a technical college. I have worked extremely hard throughout my college career. I have taken (so far) calculus 1-4 discrete math, calc based physics 1-2, comp programming 1-2, logic design, and other general elective courses. I am also a member of phi theta kappa. I am not on financial aid and haven't ever been on financial aid. My parents do not make a ton of money but my dad has saved a lot over the years for mine and my sisters college education. When I transfer to a four year university I will not be able to continue college with the money he saved. Im desperately in need of college scholarships for transfer students. I would think I would be a prime candidate for certain scholarships since I have succeeded in my college career thus far. I'm very determined to completed my education plan with honors. I appreciate the time you took to read this and I thank you in advance for any feedback you provide. Have a wonderful day (:

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid7 years ago
  • Programming language transition?

    I am looking for a good tutorial for transitioning from java programming to objective-c programming. I am unfamiliar with the objective-C syntax. I very fluent with the java syntax, but I am clueless as to how to approach the object-C syntax. Let's just say the data types, loops, and declaring objects looks about the same, but the other syntax doesn't make sense to me yet. If you have any good transitioning tutorials I'd appreciate them. Thanks in advance.

    1 AnswerProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • Electrical engineering basic question...?

    I will be transferring to a 4 year university to study electrical engineering next year as a junior. I want to read up on some course material for EE I don't know what books are used at university of mn... Do you have any basic EE books or CompE books that you would recommend? Thanks in advance!

    1 AnswerEngineering7 years ago
  • Discrete Math Help independence of sample space?

    Consider three events E, F, & G from sample space s

    Assume E & F are independent

    Assume F & G are independent

    What can we conclude about the independence of E & G

    Definition for independence P(E&F)=P(E)*P(F)

    I Assume you make something like the following


    Ive tried arbitrary values but I'm just getting a little confused. Could you help me prove that they are independent?

    2 AnswersMathematics7 years ago