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what's any of this mean? how do i respond to him?
me and this kid have been like "talking" for a pretty long time. people are always making fun of him to just ask me out already and i kind of think that's why he hasn't. but, besides that, were always texting, and we talk for hours on end and we live right down the street from one another. were in 8th grade and we graduated the other day, so, around last week we were talking about grad and he was like, "i don't know who to ask, nobody likes me, etc" so with out coming out and saying i like him, i was like, you never know, just give it some time to find a girl and he questioned again about no one liking him so, im not sure what that means but, it was kinda weird. but, one of my friends zach said, he "loves me" but is afraid of what his friends will think because everyone makes fun of him. his mom also told my mom that she knows his feelings will get stronger for me if we spend more time together ( our parents are friends) im just totally confused and i'm not sure if he likes me or not, or if i'm wasting my time i've been waiting for like 2 years for him to admit he likes me,that'ss how long we've been talking for. please help, thanks for reading all of this!
6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agowhat are some good exercises for toning legs?
i have pretty muscular calves and thighs but, i'd like to tone them a bit, what are some good exercise's to do everyday to tone them up?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade agolemon juice and sun really work for hair?
does it really work? will it damage your hair? how do you use it? is it true it works best with wet hair?
3 AnswersHair1 decade agocan putting lemon juice in your hair damage it if you have highlights?
i have blonde hair with highlights but i want it a little more blonde then it already is, i was planing on putting lemon juice in my hair while i was out in the sun but, i don't want it to damage or ruin my highlights and hair, and if it doesn't damage it, how/where do you put it on? thanks
2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agohow do forever 21 pants sizes work?
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade agoare these ugly pictures?
i kinda like these pictures, but, im not sure, its me and my best friend zach (hes gay)
6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agowhat to do when one of your best friends is going out with a kid who likes you/your interested in them?
okay, so one of my best friends is going out with this kid who is kinda intersted in me, and i am intersted in him a little too, i dont want to break them up, but, how do i handle it to not fall too hard for him? i dont want to hurt my best friend or him
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodoes he like me? what should i do about it?
okay, so their is this kid in my grade who my friends think really like me but, i'm not sure, i think he just may like to flirt with a lot of girls. he's really hot, but, i think he's just a flirt, but, i'm the only one he does this to. so, he does a lot that make my friends think he likes me. i saw him today at the park and he couldn't keep his eyes off of me, every time i looked at him i saw him quickly trying to stop starring, and he kept smiling at me, i walked past him and i felt his eyes following me. every time i got up off the bleachers and looked at him he was starring. at school, he always follows me around in classes we have together, and if i try to purposely get away he just follows me even more smiling and laughing. he touches my arms a lot when ever he's near me, and stares in my eyes A LOT. when ever were trying to do school work and he's near me he always starts singing, "meghan's a loser, meghan's retarded." a lot of the times he'll tap the back of my knees making me fall a little then kind of catches me a little. last week at school, (im on vacation this week) he had to go around me to get something in science and instead of just walking around me normally giving me space, he pushed his body really close to mine (his stomach touching my back) and slid around me. whenever i see him around town, he never says hi, only watches me with his eyes and just stares and follows me with his eyes. i don't think he likes me but, a lot of people seem to think he does, what do you think? oh and we are also 14 years old.
thanks for reading this whole thing!
3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agowhat are some symptoms of strep throat?
my throat has been bothering me for a few days now. i used to get strep throat at least once a month before i got my tonsils out. i think i may have gotten it once or twice after, and i had that operation done in 2nd grade and im now in 8th grade. my throat really hurts when i swallow and hurts a little when i'm not swallowing. my mom looked down my throat with a flashlight and saw a few spots, i'm not sure what that means. i'm going to the doctor tomorrow for a strep test but, what are some symptoms of strep throat so i can be aware for tomorrow, thanks (:
3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoany hair products or ways to grow your hair longer and faster?
my hairs already pretty long but, i wana make it longer, about 6 inches longer. are their any hair products or things you can do to your hair to make it grow longer? i know the traditional trims every now and then to make sure it grows healthy, i already plan on doing that, but, i want to know if theirs more you can do! thanks (:
3 AnswersHair1 decade agonew make up routine for school?
tomorrows monday, going back to school from a weekend, i straightened my hair which i dont do normally because i have such thick hair it takes me a long time. i personally think it looks really pretty and i need a new makeup routine to match my hair (: i normally just do mascara and lipgloss, give me something new, thanks (:
7 AnswersMakeup1 decade agodoes he like me? is he interested in me?
okay, so their is this kid in my grade who my friends think really like me but, i'm not sure, i think he just may like to flirt with a lot of girls. he's really hot, but, i think he's just a flirt, but, i'm the only one he does this to. so, he does a lot that make my friends think he likes me. i saw him today at the park and he couldn't keep his eyes off of me, every time i looked at him i saw him quickly trying to stop starring, and he kept smiling at me, i walked past him and i felt his eyes following me. every time i got up off the bleachers and looked at him he was starring. at school, he always follows me around in classes we have together, and if i try to purposely get away he just follows me even more smiling and laughing. he touches my arms a lot when ever he's near me, and stares in my eyes A LOT. when ever were trying to do school work and he's near me he always starts singing, "meghan's a loser, meghan's retarded." a lot of the times he'll tap the back of my knees making me fall a little then kind of catches me a little. last week at school, (im on vacation this week) he had to go around me to get something in science and instead of just walking around me normally giving me space, he pushed his body really close to mine (his stomach touching my back) and slid around me. whenever i see him around town, he never says hi, only watches me with his eyes and just stares and follows me with his eyes. i don't think he likes me but, a lot of people seem to think he does, what do you think? oh and we are also 14 years old.
thanks for reading this whole thing!
6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agodoes he like me? is he flirting?
okay, so their is this kid in my grade who my friends think really like me but, i'm not sure, i think he just may like to flirt with a lot of girls. he's really hot, but, i think he's just a flirt, but, i'm the only one he does this to. so, he does a lot that make my friends think he likes me. i saw him today at the park and he couldn't keep his eyes off of me, every time i looked at him i saw him quickly trying to stop starring, and he kept smiling at me, i walked past him and i felt his eyes following me. every time i got up off the bleachers and looked at him he was starring. at school, he always follows me around in classes we have together, and if i try to purposely get away he just follows me even more smiling and laughing. he touches my arms a lot when ever he's near me, and stares in my eyes A LOT. when ever were trying to do school work and he's near me he always starts singing, "meghan's a loser, meghan's retarded." a lot of the times he'll tap the back of my knees making me fall a little then kind of catches me a little. last week at school, (im on vacation this week) he had to go around me to get something in science and instead of just walking around me normally giving me space, he pushed his body really close to mine (his stomach touching my back) and slid around me. i don't think he likes me but, a lot of people seem to think he does, what do you think? oh and we are also 14 years old.
thanks for reading this whole thing!
5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agohow should i do my hair for a sweet 16 party?
tomorrow night im going to a sweet 16 party, i'm wearing a red shiny dress and silver shoes and silver jewelry. how should i do my hair to match the formal dress wear? i'm blonde and have medium/long hair if that helps. give me some ideas, straighten, curl, scrunch, etc? thanks (:
3 AnswersHair1 decade agodescribe me in one word. please be respectful?
describe me in one or a few words, here's a few pics., please be respectful, thanks (:
(i'm in the green)
16 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agoi probably sound really stupid right now, but, what does 420 mean?
almost all my friends on facebook are like 420 baby! what's it mean? aahah, im not the brightest person (:
7 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agowhat color eyes do i have? (pictures included)?
here's a few pictures on me, i'm not really sure what color eyes i have, sometimes their blue, sometimes green. help me outt (:
(green hoodie)
9 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade agodoes he like me? be honest.?
okay, so theirs this kid in my grade, hes hot but i think hes a total tool and the way he treats me is totally normal and just him. but my friends think differently, they think he has a total crush on me and my friends are good judges of character. so they think that because, he always picks on me saying stuff like "meghans gay, meghans ugly, meghans a retard" and ALWAYS follows be around in classes we have together as hard as i try to get away from him, he just follows me. he always like touches my arms, and sometimes like where your ribs are. and when he has to go around me to get something he gets really close, his stomach touching my back going around me and touching my arms. he also like touches the back of my knees and taps it lightly (like to make your knee bend and fall a little) then catches me. he does more stuff but, i would write a book explaning everything he does so, that's kinda the main stuff. i think he just likes to flirt but, no one thinks that, everyone thinks he likes me.
give me your honest opinion, no matter how bad it is (:
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago