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Lv 56,631 points

Adam F

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  • Whats it like for a guy to have anal sex?

    I just saw a show and I was just curious, what is so appealing about guys having anal sex. Doesn't it hurt really bad?

  • Four Blood moons, latest end of world scare?

    I know people who like to get caught up in all the latest end of the world scares. Thankfully the ones I mention did not get wrapped up in Harolds Campings epic May/October 2011 end of world epic fail, but they did get a little crazy about December 21, 2012.

    Now I guess John Hagee is out preaching something about four blood moons and the rapture is going to happen some time between them. I don't remember reading any passages about four blood moons in the Bible, but I've only ever read it through twice and I'm no bible expert.

    So for one don't preaches get embarssed when they make end of the world predictons, there have been people from time immomoral making these predictions and yet tommorow comes. Even since the 1800's there have been scare preachers and yet the day passes without incident. What happnes when Jan 19, 2036 comes and the computers are still working after the 32bit date glitch?

    And secondly if you love Jesus and believe he is messiah and repent of your sins, should you even be worried about end of the world scenarios if you hold Jesus as your savior anyway? Should you really be black mailed into believing because you fear the end of the world, and if you only come to Jesus this way, is it a false repetance because you really don't accept him in your heart, you are just trying to save your butt?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is SGU as boring at it seems?

    I have some time on my hand recently and started watching Stargate Universe on Netflix. I was a fan of SG1 and Atlantis and enjoyed them and know the Stargate backstory. However when Universe was airing I was engaged and working on my wedding so I never really watched.

    Now I just watched Air for the first time and found it rather boring. I didn't really find thier plight or any of the characters likeable. Does it get better?

    2 AnswersDrama8 years ago
  • Are IT recruitiers just worthless or completely worthless?

    It guys what are your annoyances dealing with so called techincal recruiters. While I never had to rely on any for a job as I use my existing network anytime I want to look around, I do get spammed by them on a daily basis. My biggest annoyance being a lot of so called techicanal recuriting firms being staffed by kids that barley just got of out high school and college that know jack about technology trying to fill positions. Nothing is worse than some kid trying to talk to you and all they can do is spit back a job description and can't provide any job detail and worse they expect you to explain what the job description means to them! Most don't know thier a** from a hole in the ground and want you to give kindergarden descriptions and detials of every checkbox they are looking to check off where it would be obvious your experience to anyone that actually knew something.

    My second pet peev is when someone contacts you for a position that you are in no means a fit for. I just got a vauge email for someone that is recruiting for a position and in the email they say that we are looking for 'cisco'. Nothing specific just some vague we want cisco. I'm a unix/linux guy with a strong scripting background, where in my resume did you assume I am a networking engineer?

    Next would be when you are totally unintrested or when you aren't aviable to answer the phone and then the recruiter calls you like 10 times in a row. God could it be that I'm in the middle of something and can't answer the phone just yet. You are automatically on my sh*t list.

    And worse are the worthless recruiters that expect you to meet them face to face before they submit you. Next I'm not wasting my time talking to some worthless child in some downtown area where I have to pay $35+ for parking just so you can give me so called interview tips. I don't have time to waste for you and I'm never in the active job market anyway so why would I put up with that crap?

    Then my all time is when a recruiter calls you and they leave a message that is in barley intelligable english. If I can't understand you how are we going to have a converstaion anyway? You are most likley just collecting resumes to say that you can't get qualified americans to fit the job so you can place an H1B. Waste of time.

    What is your experience with recuriters and have you ever come across on that actually knows something about what they are recruiting for?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers8 years ago
  • Girls what does this mean?

    If a girl says she doesn't find you attractive. But she spends just about everyday with you, spends signals on and off. And all of her friends tell you there's something more. They tell me that my opionion of her makes or breaks her mood. But when I express intrest or tell her she always tells me she's not attracted to me. Whats going on?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Who sells glow in the dark stir sticks?

    I'm looking for glow in the dark drink stir sticks. What store (in Baltimore) would sell them?

    2 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • Spending a lot of time together. Random thoughts.?

    I don't know this is a little off the wall question to throw out but thats OK I'm a little buzzed anyway. I've been spending a lot of time with this girl latley and just wanted to know. Is it because I'm spending a lot of time with her that we are starting to have the same thoughts at the same time, want to do the same things at the same time. Or is it because we are starting to have the same thoughts at the same time that we spend a lot of time together?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Confused, whats going on here?

    So my friend (female friend) and I went on a trip to her home town and the trip was mostly a complete diaster. One thing after another went wrong, we got into fights, we said regretful things to each other. There were good times in the trip but it just seemed to be a weird trip where everything that could go wrong did go wrong. So I put my foot down and stood my ground when I thought she was wrong. By the end of the trip we forgave each other and had a nice time in the last few days.

    Before she insisted she was just my friend with no intrest. She would let me pay for everything (she doesn't have much money if any at all), and I have helped her finically and emotionally through some very tough times. At times she seemed distant and sometimes didn't want to hang out.

    Now when we get back from the trip things really seemed to change. First she took a few days to herself, which is understandable. She has a lot of friends and knows a lot of people. But after those few days, I'm the first one she calls and I'm the first one she wants to spend time with. When I saw her she was dress really nicley and wore her hair down like I like it, because she usually just puts it up in a poney tail. She gave me a lot of attention and took what little money she had and paid. Then she comes with another reason that night to see me. Again she had her hair down and paid. Ive had some of the best conversations with her and I really like this. Will this last, did something change?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How do you say Susan in Polish?

    How do you say the name Susan in Polish?

    2 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Should I just end this friendship?

    I have a friend, whos a girl who I've been hanging out for a little over six months. Recently I just been questioning myself as to why I am here and if I should just end it and walk away.

    First she is 45 and I'm 31 but thats not a big problem for me. There was times when I had feelings for her and times when I didn't. When I told her once how I felt she told me I wasn't attractive to her but she still wanted to be friends.

    When I first met her, and even into now she's been in a terrible finicial straights. I helped her get her car back and helped her save her house. I help her a lot with money, but in the begining she was very hesitant to take my help. But now it seems its easier for her and I rarley even get a thank you any more.

    She has a lot of friends she hangs around with. Some of are very questionable character but she likes to have fun around them. The range in age from early 20s to 40's. With some of these friends she puts her self in really bad situations and denies these sitations were that bad even when she could have been arrested serveral times.

    She drinks a lot, but denies she drinks a lot. Even when she goes out with me we can drink beer for beer or drink for drink (I'm 240 and shes 140). But she denies she drinks a lot. And when its getting late and I want to leave she kind of ignores me and keeps going on. It got so bad a couple of days ago where i asked her to leave she cussed me out and said she'd could find a way to her mothers house. I was angry so I left her there. She later texted me calling me an asshole for leaving her, which I admit was the wrong thing to do but I was angry because when I get her in a bar she never wants to leave.

    I tried to talk to her but she won't bring up the situation. But I keep trying to help her out, finically and other wise. Her parents and he siblings see a problem with the drinking and the people she hangs out with, as do I. But she gets mad and feels like they are ganging up on her.

    She is almost to the point of getting a job and finishing her bankruptcy but she needs more help from me. I helped her along so far, would it be wrong of me just to pull the rug right now. I really feel like this has become one sided, and I ask her to do something special for me or show her apperication but she hasn't. All she's been doing recently with me is criticizing me So that I can change and become a better person. I can accept critisim but I would like some compliments added in there too.

    What should I do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Dyngus day is Monday. How do you celebrate?

    So I heard of this little known Polish holiday called Dyngus day is coming up on Monday. What do I do to celebrate this holiday.

    5 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Girls and women: Feedback on my looks.?

    Looking for honest feedback on my looks. I've been losing weight now and still have a ways to go. Tips, ideas, what you think all feedback is welcome.

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Detachment with love. Do you listen to the problem?

    My friend is talking about her bankruptcy and her problems caused through her drinking. Detachment with love still confused me. Do you listen to and talk about her problem even though she doesn't take any responsibility or ignore it and change the subject?

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How did I end up falling in love with her?

    I'm not quite sure how or when I developed feelings of love for a friend that I hang out with. She has problems, she infuriates me at times, she puts her self in bad situations which cause me to worry. But she's fun to hang around, funny, and is really nice to be with when she's in a good situation. There's more negatives to our friendship than there are positive. Sometimes I don't even know why I am here to begin with. At first I thought I might have had something for her, but as time went on I didn't feel anything for her. But over the past couple of days we have put each other through a lot, a lot of heartache, a lot of good times, anger, happiness, I even thought at a few points that we might end the friendship. Now I'm alone thinking and I'm confused but I think I love her. Whats going on here?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I think my girlfriend is an alcoholic.?

    She denys it, but I see it and her family sees it. She puts her self in dangerous situations, lost her job and can't take care of her basic needs. I don't know if I'm in the right or the wrong anymore, if my actions are sane, controlling, or insane. How do I know if I'm acting rationally? I vent to her mother sometimes about what she does, and she feels viloated, was I wrong? We talk we are concerned, I love her but I feel like I'm walking on egg shells not knowing what to discuss with her or around her. What do I do?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Irish traditions and ideas?

    I'm planning a birthday party for a speical friend of mine and her Irish heritage is very important to her. I want to make the party have an Irish theme, but I want it to be more than just the cliche shamrocks and lepircauns (there will be some of that). I'm looking to make it very special and I'm looking for any special customs, things I can get anything thats beyond the obvious that I don't know about Irish culture that will really make a lasting impression.

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Planning a trip to Ireland?

    I'm giving my good friend, as a birthday gift, a trip to Ireland, which has been her life's dream, and now we are getting ready to plan it. We are looking to go at the end of June. We are probably going to be spending most of our time near Cork, as this is where here ancestors are from. We do want to see the Blarney castle as well. I'm looking for advice on flights, places to stay and best ways to get around (Rent a car, take cabs, whatever?) Any advice will help.

    6 AnswersOther - Ireland1 decade ago
  • How much to pay a server / busser?

    I'm planning a birthday party at the end of June and I'm looking into hiring someone for 6-8 hours to bring guests drinks and food and help clean up and clear cups and dishes out of the way. How much should I expect to offer this person. Specifally in South Buffalo but answers from anywhere should give me a good gage.

    2 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • How much to pay a bartender?

    I'm planning a birthday party at the end of June and would like to bring in a bartender or two for about 6 hours. How much would be fair to offer the person. This will be in South Buffalo specifically but I think answers from any area would give me a good gage.

    6 AnswersFood Service1 decade ago
  • How much does it cost for a tooth extration?

    I have a broken off tooth and a piece of the tooth is left and the roots. I don't have insurance and I need to know how much a simple extration will cost in Baltimore, MD.

    4 AnswersDental1 decade ago