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Lv 1231 points

The Burninator

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  • Christians, will your love last forever?

    Christian parents, suppose you had a daughter whom you loved very much. She was a teen, going through the last throes of a rebellious period – she had not yet gotten “saved” but you felt sure that she would, soon.

    But instead, she ends up being the victim of a serial killer, and because she was not saved, she goes to Hell.

    You finally die and discover that your daughter, in fact, did not make it, but was burning in Hell at that very moment, and would continue to be tortured for weeks, months, years… forever. (or perhaps you think that Hell is not a bad place?) Either way, it all happens under God’s watchful eye – and you thought, perhaps, that your daughter was not old enough to go to Hell, but alas… You were wrong.

    You also discover that your mansion is right next door to the same man who murdered your little girl – and who also accepted Jesus in prison. HE REPENTED!

    Do you:

    1. Invite him over for dinner, like a good Christian and act like nothing happened?

    2. Ask to be moved to the other side of town?

    3. Trust in the mind-erasing love of Jesus to not bring back those memories, as you look at your neighbor with a slight, unexplainable twitch in your neck?

    4. Rest in your newly complete spiritual understanding of things, to the point that you are so very holy and Christ-like that those old emotions from horrible Earthly life do not apply and the only thing that registers is joy, joy, joy, joy, jooooy?

    5. Question God’s form of justice?

    i.e., Does your love for your daughter disappear? Or does it change into a kind of love that doesn’t know grief?

    Christians are, in large proportions, rabid proponents of the death penalty. (This is a statistical fact) Where are the terms of comparison between Christians and their God - concerning mercy?

    Of course, they will explain that God is “just”, however, the death penalty offers no real justice, as we have seen, as the killer goes to Paradise while the little girl goes to Hell.

    This, to me, belies something sinister about the rationalization processes of the Christian mind. Christians seem to be the proponents of justice, while mercy seems to remain rhetorical. This is proven over and over again throughout ‘Christian’ History.

    I know that in many, if not most of the answers by Christians here will reflect a disturbing element of their “faith” which relies on God, somehow erasing their memories or “bestowing” upon the Heavenly host a mindset so alien to human ideas of compassion and feeling, that it seems eerily insane by comparison!

    In Heaven, Christians are promised that sadness, sorrow, tears and sin will be impossible (If you’re 100% sure that sin will not happen in Heaven again, that makes it impossible).

    Can you imagine that this is precisely why Lucifer rebelled in the first place?

    Tell me, without the darkness, what is the light? (Hint: a dictator)

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Would there be evil, if GOD had never created?

    Before God created Hell (for Satan), did creatures have free will?

    Could God foresee, when He created free-will for his subjects, that Hell was going to be necessary?

    Lucifer was the closest one to God. Yet, Something went wrong. Is it therefore safe to get so close to God? Are YOU close to God?

    When God created Lucifer with free-will, did He love Lucifer?

    When GOD created them, did GOD know that they would rebel and cause God to have to create Hell.

    Did God foresee the evil that would come BEFORE He created His creatures?

    Before God created the first being with free-will, was God perfect? Was everything perfect? Was there evil existing or sin?

    Why did God (from a point where everything was perfect and no evil was existent) create a system that He KNEW would bring about evil, hate, suffering, death and Hell?

    At some point, God changed. The point when He decided to create Lucifer with free-will, although God, being perfect, was in need of nothing.

    This change is the SOURCE of every evil caused by free-will.

    “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.” (Isaiah 45:7, KJV)

    “Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? shall there be evil in a city, and the LORD hath not done it?” (Amos 3:6, KJV)

    “Out of the mouth of the most High proceedeth not evil and good?” (Lamentations 3:38)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • How To Best De-Convert Christians?

    I have been collecting historical, scientific and philosophical evidences that prove Christianity, Islam and Judaism to be wrong.

    While I have amassed literally an overwhelming database, I would appreciate any references you may have that I may have missed!



    PS, Here's my site where I put forth the challenge to Christian Apologists for debates:

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it OVER? Should McCain concede just for sheer decency?

    Many REPUBLICAN leaders are suggesting that the race is already over. The early voting and polling data from every source has Obama with double the electoral votes as McCain...

    Republicans concede defeat:

    No candidate has ever lost with this much of a lead in the polls.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is faith sufficient??

    Then why did Jesus perform miracles?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What's the difference between God letting people sin and God wanting people to sin?

    Adam and Eve disobeyed.

    Many things were consequently, ruined.

    Is it possible that Satan has a righteous cause? That he should warn people that it is better to die than to be a slave to God?

    But God, being All-Powerful, is compelled to allow all manner of deception (Islam, Judaism, Cults, Atheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.) because man chose to disobey Him.

    Man chose knowledge (Tree of Knowledge) over ignorance - More truth - instead of less truth...

    Also, God created beings – like children, who had the capacity to learn and grow. But he made them appear as adults (with empty adult minds?) He threw his children in a lion’s den, where Surely God knew the serpent was. God put His children in a garden with a poisonous snake (Satan). (q: was God the original liar?)

    - and one of the consequences of this is that God would allow Satan to deceive mankind.

    So much so, that in the New Testament, it says:

    Matthew 24:24

    "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

    Of course, this deception sends people to Hell.

    Q: Why does God decree torture and death as repayment for such a thing as disobedience?

    Why the death penalty for a misdemeanor?

    It should be obvious why someone would not believe all those unrealistic things the Bible demands the reader to believe. How can God expect a rational man to truly embrace those things as truth, and then judge that person for using the very brain God gave them?

    The only way for mankind to have “fallen” was for someone to deceive them and compel them to do something that was forbidden. It is glaringly obvious that God Himself planned deception, making Him a deceiver… Making Him a liar.

    In the wake of Hell, how is God honestly, just?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why does God PERMIT deception?

    Adam and Eve disobeyed.

    Many things became corrupt.

    Satan deceives and "wants" to assuage as many people from the truth as he can (because he knows that it is better to die than to be a slave to God).

    But God, being All-Powerful, is compelled to allow all manner of deception (Islam, Judaism, Cults, Atheism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.) because man chose to disobey Him.

    Man chose knowledge (Tree of Knowledge) over ignorance - More truth - instead of less truth... (q: was God the original liar?)

    - and one of the consequences of this is that God would allow Satan to deceive mankind.

    So much so, that in the New Testament, it says:

    Matthew 24:24

    "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."

    Of course, this deception sends people to Hell.

    Q: Why does God decree torture and death as repayment for such a thing as disobedience?

    Why the death penalty for a misdemeanor

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • If the TRUTH is obvious, why isn't the whole World saved?

    Christians tell people that they will be tortured in Hell if they do not see things the way that the Christian sees them.

    The Christian says that he has found the one great truth and that the consequences for not knowing this great truth is death, torment and Hell.

    Five people out of every six on this planet do not claim to believe this truth.

    They too, have lived life, have asked questions, have come to different conclusions.

    The Christian says that these people are deceived.

    They say that these people have chosen pleasure and lust and greed and sin in their heart, and this is why they are blind to truth.

    They say that there is no possibility that the Christian is wrong, and that anyone who disagrees with them on the fundamentals of their truth is either hard of heart or deceived and probably both.

    Since statistically, the Christian IS wrong - as most of the World is not "saved."

    Why cannot the Christian respect the fact that others KNOW differently than them?

    thanx, Hellboy

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Are you SURE about Heaven?

    I did not ask to be 'created.'

    I was therefore created against my will; i.e., we were born with no information.

    I have the illusion of independence, and I have two choices.

    Heaven - where all is perfect, streets are gold and a mansion waiting for me on the corner (all promises from the mouth of Jesus, BTW)...

    Yet, in Heaven, I am bound to God. I will not have independence, because I will not be able to sin (or I will not 'want' to sin - either way)

    I will spend eternity, trapped in a cosmic Disneyland.

    On the other hand, I could choose to insist on my independence - even my independence FROM God.

    I would go to Hell and possibly be annihilated.

    But I would go, knowing that I was created with a will and a sense of individuality that can never be realized. Therefore, I would consider it an honor to die for my right to be my own - with no limitations - perhaps an impossible request, however; the only noble action.

    So, is Heaven the greater honor, or just the coward's reward?

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, do you ever weep for the World?


    I live in the "Bible Belt" and am an ex-Christian, because of my education.

    When I look around and see a church on every corner and see the masses of people simply herding themselves like cattle - never questioning their faith - never really understanding their Bible or religion...

    I mean - I am an Atheist and I know ten times more about the Bible than 95% of Christians out there.

    They are like sheep, blindly following their emotions, going to their motivational speakers every week and investing in this self-perpetuating machine.

    I don't know. I just feel soooo sorry for them. Do you ever wonder if they ever get a sense that they are deluded?

    I mean, there are hundreds of smoking guns against Christianity, but most of them will never be exposed to them, as they are literally in a hypnotic comfort-zone.

    I so long to live in a society that values reality and not pretend. That values fact over faith...

    How can we reach these poor souls?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My professor, Dr. Ehrman, says Jesus did not exist - is it true?

    I am in seminary and Dr. Ehrman is the most respected authority in the World on Biblical Manuscripts.

    He is showing us how Apologist websites and books try to show extraBiblical evidences for the existence of Jesus and how they are wrong.

    We have seen, first hand, how histories of Jesus or a Christ was forged and added later into witnesses (Manuscripts) to try to convey the impression that Jesus was real.

    As if this group literally fabricated this character from ancient God/Man myths from ancient history.

    We have been shown how Tacitus, Pliny, Eisebius, Roman Record (no mention of Jesus), Josephus and others are all misinformation and deception.

    There was a significant effort by SOMEONE to try to convincingly ADD Jesus to History - but with today's technologies and competing witnesses, their deceptions are slowly coming to light.

    What is to become of Christianity as this unfolds?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • My Christian neighbors seem sad, Is it possible that Christianity is unfulfilling?

    They are always trying to invite me to church and talk to me about God. (They are members of one of those huge mega-churches that have "gifts of the Holy Spirit, etc...) and are very zealous about what they believe.

    I told them that I was raised in church and that I used to believe all that stuff, but that in college, I majored in psychiatry, and could see very clearly how psychologically, people can easily believe that their religion is "confirmed" by their "faith."

    I knew how faith fit into general neuroses - and I grew beyond that particular need for something "more" or some "super-being" to save me.

    They just seem like shells of people, with no real human spark. I really feel sorry for them and would like to show them the joy of just "being." Of just living, without having to believe in things that people just made up to give them purpose.

    Have any of you been able to reach them?

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to stop believing in the Bible?

    I was saved when i was 12 and filled with the Holy Spirit of God at 13 with the evidence of speaking with tongues. And I have felt like I have loved my Jesus more than anything.

    I have read the Bible twice (to include Bible study)

    But lately, on my third reading - I find that I just don't really believe those stories and miracles, etc.

    I mean, I'm being honest here..

    I've been saved for six years now and if I look back, I have told countless people that I could never deny jesus because He lives in my heart and how can you deny someone you've actually met, etc...

    But if I am to be totally honest, I really don't believe it. I really haven't felt anything, I've been under so much pressure to just say that because I'm scared of all my friends and family who will be disappointed if I tell them the truth.

    I just feel silly, lately saying I believe all this stuff, when I really don't... I've prayed and fasted and professed jesus, but I find that I just don't believe any of it anymore

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Will you try another religion?

    It's, "Leave you religion day" here in Ubekistan. I want to encourage all people's of the World to join us in changing their religion today. It's so fun here!

    I was a Uniformitarian last year and switched to Swedenborgianism for the next year - so fun! You learn so much things about people and we have a game, "Find God in a Haystack" which the whole village prepares falafel for and at the end of night we sing our national anthem, "Oh, Ubekistan!"

    Which religion will you change to today?

    Our intelligent tradition began when one of our cowherders went to visit his second wife in Kazakhstan and there, they did not believe in Papi, the cheese God, but another God!

    He came back and told us about this new belief and voila! Try a new God day was begun. We have found that there are so many different beliefs that we no longer know what is really true, so we are all atheists now, but we still have fun with religion.

    God Bless!, oh wait - Pepi Bless you all!


    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is there someplace God hasn't been?

    I can understand that men would imagine and even "create" such a being - to kind of fill in the gaps of ignorance and fear, but realistically, no being could every make such a claim because there is the possibility that that being could be wrong.

    Perhaps God should say, "I am the All in All - the beginning and the end..."

    with the disclaimer: "As far as I know" or "within my observation of the dimensions I am abiding in..."

    To say that the human mind is incapable of understanding God's confident reality only begs the question: "Why did God make men so far removed from the reality of God as to make the obviousness of God impossible, in the light of scientific observation?"

    It is the supreme irony, if not the supreme joke, is it not?

    Nomatter how powerful you think God is, there's always the possibility that there is something MORE powerful, or an alternative. That God would be "uncaused" is an irrational theory that flies in the face of reason.

    What if God has a God over Him?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters, is my faith only a psychological trick?

    This video is trying to explain my experience with Jesus and I can see how I may have "gotten saved" a little too quickly - I mean - I could have been "duped" into it or something!

    Is this possible?

    Here's the video (2 parts)

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Please give me a reason why I should believe that my experience was real!

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Brothers and Sisters, is my faith only a psychological trick?

    This video is trying to explain my experience with Jesus and I can see how I may have "gotten saved" a little too quickly - I mean - I could have been "duped" into it or something!

    Is this possible?

    Here's the video (2 parts)

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    Please give me a reason why I should believe that my experience was real!

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Christians! Is this how you got saved?

    These videos explain salvation rather succinctly.

    I was wondering if you knew that your experience could be rationally explained?

    Part 1:

    Part 2:

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago