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Lv 56,257 points


Favorite Answers8%

My Name's Antonella. I was born in Italy and grew up in England, I'm now in the US. Addiction Counseling and American Indian studies student. Spiritual, non-religious and liberal.

  • my questions aren't getting published....ahhhhhh!!!!?

    this one's the third. No, the other two didn't contain bursts of uncontrollable rage...

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Shouldn't religion be a form of spirituality?

    and if so, then why should God have a gender, be given and behave like less than perfect humans, require people's money for a place in heaven or for the church to continue their businesses in every corner of the world? Spirituality is metaphysical AND individualistic...which means that it can't be imposed on. It doesn't require loyalty, obedience, money, manipulation, it doesn't even require a belief in God.

    Therefore, I conclude that Religion isn't a form of spirituality.

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Where are you all geographically located people?

    Out of pure curiosity, what is your geographical location?

    I'm in Bismarck, North Dakota...and yes, there's a snow storm right now!

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago

    EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE (which will never come close to being the most stupid question on R&S anyway) What was - in your opinion - the most idiotic question/statement that you have read this year on R&S?

    Happy 2013 you guys!

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • What's for lunchy-munchy today.....?

    I have pork roast cooking in the oven with carrots and onions, and shall make lots of fluffed up, mash potatoes and succulent gravy in a little bit.

    Smells very nice in the kitchen right now!

    What's for lunch chez vous? (at your place)?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • ....What an annoying experience!?

    So, I am about to graduate with my 4 year degree from a Catholic University here in town - it is the best around here and you're not obliged to go to church if you're not catholic or a practicing catholic - however, I am taking a Spanish literature class (in Spanish) and tomorrow, it is the Virgin of Guadalupe's celebrations and although my professor knows I am not religious or catholic and told her I am not attending mass tomorrow - this woman (not my teacher, someone else) appeared at half class with a guitar and next thing I know is that we all started singing songs in Spanish about the wonderful world of Jesus and the church - this only lasted no more than 20 mins - but it was enough to remind me of the reasons why I do not like religion, I don't like Catholicism and I despise the church.....all of a sudden I had flashbacks of being about 8 or 9 singing in church when I was that age - even then that b.s. made little sense ...and now even less.

    I despise the fact that the Church has tried every trick in the book to make every man and woman a slave to their own fabricated doctrines and that you're supposed to feel guilty for every little thing you do (including breathing) oh! and if you dare question the things they do or why they do it....well, then you're going straight to hell!

    Religion is the furthest thing away from God....the furthest thing from spirituality. Spirituality is the freedom to choose your own relationship with the universe, whether you're spiritual (as in my case), an agnostic, religious or an atheist.

    I just needed to get this off my chest....

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • The Black Hills are returned to the LAKOTA (Sioux) tribes in S.D. !!!!?

    Today was a historical day for the Lakota people: the Black Hills (most sacred site to the Sioux tribes in South Dakota) have been returned to their rightful owners after they were taken illegally by the government in 1868.

    I know, I know...many of you won't care. But I do, Justice was done. AHO!

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I just would like to remind everyone....?

    that tomorrow's lottery draw is a walloping $500 million. Nice way to day-dream....

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • so, Azusa Nakano is God....?

    How does it feel now that I have blocked you too and can't see this post?!? hmmmm....thought so :-))

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • I need to set the record straight about hairy legs and European women?

    ah, I've just read a comment that European women do not shave their legs or arm pits and THIS IS COMPLETELY FALSE. I am European (married to an American) and hardly knew of anyone either in England, Italy or other countries I have visited in Europe who did not shave. Sorry, it is a phony. Thought I'd let you all know...

    Off to the next question, now.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Your own personal definition of sex?

    Ok - this is not the right place to ask this, however, since I'm constantly here, can you guys give your own personal definition on your experience of sex. At least 5 nouns. no swearing...! (I'm watching ya!)

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago

    Don't think many people will read this message since everybody is busy with last minute prep and travel, but still thought I'd send you all a quick message.

    Toni :-))

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I need your opinion about Britney Spears....?

    Is it just me, or Britney Spears really has the most unattractive legs I've ever seen?!? Yes, they're fit and muscular (although a bit too much), but they are short and stumpy (especially the lower half - under the knee)

    The worst part is that she does absolutely everything to show them off...quite irritating if you really ask me.

    What do you guys think?

    7 AnswersRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Question about ear infections?

    So, two weeks ago I had an ear infection in my right ear that cleared up after taking antibiotics. It left a hole in my ear and still can't completely hear properly from my right ear because of it. Does anyone of you know if the hole heals up by itself?

    I had an ear infection when I was little too (in both ears) and the holes in my ears healed up.

    Thanks for your help, Toni (oh, I am 40 years old and in very good general health - and don't take any medication of any kind).

    2 AnswersInfectious Diseases9 years ago
  • Is this 2011 or the Middle Ages?

    ok - I immigrated (legally) to the States 5 years ago from England, and never EVER have I come across such a bible-thumping-scared-of-God-asking-unbelievable-questions-LOT


    'Will God punish me if I blow my nose'?

    "Will I go to hell if I have one too many chocolate bars"?

    "does the Bible say you can p*ss 6 times a day, or should I keep it at 4"?

    Honestly, If it wasn't for the Atheist/spiritual gang on here, I'd seriously think we're still in the Middle Ages...

    I am shocked at the level of ignorance (in matters of history and religion).

    Well, I had to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening :-)

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago