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Ice Wizard
Is this a sign that my best friend is into me? I need to know, it's complicated.?
Long story short, I've been madly in love with my childhood best friend ever since we got re-acquainted a few years ago. She sees me as her best friend, and she does have a boyfriend. Her boyfriend is a great guy but he moved overseas several months ago to sort things out and have her move in with him. The fact that she's moving is killing me since I'm anti social and she's an amazing person who accepts me the way I am. As a way to cope, I've been hanging out with her as much as possible before she moves away.
She's a hugger, and she won't hesitate to randomly hug the breath out of you, however last night we went out to the countryside too take pictures of the sunset, and we ended up tickling each other intensely (don't ask why) and it turned into snuggling and rolling around on the grass till 1 am. Then we went to her place and slept till morning and spent most of the day on the bedroom floor wrestling, intensely holding hands and whispering into our ears as well as laying on top of each other. Not to mention biting, and other such activities...
I don't have any hopes that I'll get her to fall in love with me but for my own closure, I need to know if she might have the slightest love-oriented feelings for me. Especially since we've been talking a lot about our individual relationship struggles and problems. Thanks for any help
1 AnswerSingles & Dating2 years agoHow do I deal with feelings for a girl who's already taken?
I have a girlfriend. We've been together for several years and love each other but it's long distance and it's hard. Several years ago I also got reacquainted with a childhood friend and she's amazing. She's my type and she's sweet and kind and lovely... I've had a crush on her ever since I met her. It's not a physical thing, but I really love her as a person. But she has a boyfriend who's a way better human than I am in every way. He's a great guy and they perfect together but I can't get over these feelings.
I've been a loser lately. I've gone through extreme lengths just to do favors for her (my idea) or to help her with things even when I really can't afford to. I take any chance I can to be close to her. In a month she's moving away with her boyfriend and I'll probably hardly ever see her again. I wanted to ask her out to the movies. Just the two of us but I realized how out of place that would be and I just want to fix these messed up emotions.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Sidenote, in case anyone was wondering, she really likes me as a friend, so it's not like I'm the creepy obsessive guy who always is calling lol. As a friend, she does reach out a lot, which makes it even harder for me
3 AnswersSingles & Dating2 years agoWhat editing program can I use to add a flash of light effect on a video? Please help?
I'm making an intro for a friend, and in the intro there's a light bulb. (It's a very cartoonish and minimalistic design) So I want the bulb to flicker and turn on at the end of the video. I have a laptop with 4 GB of ram so I don't think I can run programs like After Effects or anything. Any advice would be great guys! :)
5 AnswersProgramming & Design4 years agoWhat to buy as a present for my online girlfriend?
I have an online girlfriend. Her parents are strict so they don t know we re in a relationship now. I really love her and I want to buy her a present. I don t have much money though... The question is, what can I buy her that she ll like, but that also doesn t symbolize a relationship... Something her parents can see, and not say hey a boy gave it to her ?
I might be pushing limits here, but it should also be something sweet
4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoMe and my girlfriend felt something strange in our bodies while we were sexting. What could it have been?
I was sexting my 1 month of girlfriend (I ve know her as a friend for more than a year). We really love eachother a lot and it s been bliss these past few weeks since we ve discovered our love for eachother. We ve only really sexted once and I told her we shouldn t do it again till we get more steady. Well last night we were about to, but I deescalated it. We were both very very horny so we really made an effort to not sext. Then both her and me noticed something strange about our hornyness. It was stronger than ever and we had a funny feeling in our chest and our eyes started watery and our hearts started racing really fast. We both experienced it at the same time and it lasted like 8 minutes (about 10 for her). It was not an orgasm, but it felt great. We ve never had sex with anyone before, and we re both our first love interests. I m pretty learned when it comes to my own body so it surprised me that I had never felt it before.
What was it? If anyone has an idea please let me know. Me and my girlfriend are really curious about it and google didn t show anything helpful
3 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoWhat is the best camera I can get with $200?
So I have $200 to buy a camera (yes, I know that's pathetic), and I'd like to know what is the best dslr camera I can get with it. I don't mind if it's a couple of years old. I pretty much would use if for taking nice nature pictures for Flickr. All I've had till now are smartphone cameras, and a 14MP coolpix point-and-shoot someone gave me, which broke. Any advice would be appreciated! And I plan on buying it on either Amazon or eBay..
Update: P.S. Is there any point-and-shoot that is better than a dslr? I assume not, since the dslr have a larger sensor? (I'm very new to this)
1 AnswerCameras4 years agoWhat is the best camera I can get with $200?
So I have $200 to buy a camera (yes, I know that's pathetic), and I'd like to know what is the best dslr camera I can get with it. I don't mind if it's a couple of years old. I pretty much would use if for taking nice nature pictures for Flickr. All I've had till now are smartphone cameras, and a 14MP coopix point-and-shoot someone gave me, which broke. Any advice would be appreciated! And I plan on buying it on either Amazon or eBay..
2 AnswersCameras4 years agoAt what age can you make your own decisions in Kerala India?
My have an online friend that lives in Kerala. I love her very much but her mother is mean and oppressive. She's 17 now, and going on 18 soon. I was just wondering if it's like in the US, where you can make your own decisions at 18. I tried googling but I didn't find anything. Any help or info would be very appreciated :)
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years agoCan you get arrested in Greece for calling the police??
So someone I know has a neighbor who is an animal abuser. She knows it for a fact and once called the police on him. They didn't find any evidence but they told her that if she calls again they'll arrest her and she'd have to do time in juvenile detentio! She's 15 and lives in Greece btw.
So is this true??? Someone please explain
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics5 years agoIs my mom mentally insane? Please advice?
So I'm a Christian and Creationist, and nothing will ever change my mind. But over the last couple of years, I think my mom is going a bit off mentally. All of my family are Christians and conservatives, but lately every time I say something, my mom starts talking about God's will, and the devil and all that. Like I could say 'hey what do you think about Mark Hamil in StarWars 7?' and she's like 'Starwars is the work of the evil devil! They made it to brainwash people and now god is gonna punish you'!!!
Also, I'm a conspiracy theorist, and every time I tell her one of my theories she gets really upset and starts singing christian songs and goes outside and starts saying that god will punish me with a sickness or something. She's also always asking dad what kind of music he's litsening to, and get's mad if it's not Christian hyms. Also she doesnt likee to go to stores because of all the 'worldly imoralities! My neighbors aren't Christians and I fear that mom will give them a terrible example! They'll think all of us are like that! SO is she going crazy??! I don't know what to do
4 AnswersFamily5 years agoIs my mom mentally insane? Please advice?
So I'm a Christian and Creationist, and nothing will ever change my mind. But over the last couple of years, I think my mom is going a bit off mentally. All of my family are Christians and conservatives, but lately every time I say something, my mom starts talking about God's will, and the devil and all that. Like I could say 'hey what do you think about Mark Hamil in StarWars 7?' and she's like 'Starwars is the work of the evil devil! They made it to brainwash people and now god is gonna punish you'!!!
Also, I'm a conspiracy theorist, and every time I tell her one of my theories she gets really upset and starts singing christian songs and goes outside and starts saying that god will punish me with a sickness or something. She's also always asking dad what kind of music he's litsening to, and get's mad if it's not Christian hyms. Also she doesnt likee to go to stores because of all the 'worldly imoralities! My neighbors aren't Christians and I fear that mom will give them a terrible example! They'll think all of us are like that! SO is she going crazy??! I don't know what to do
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality5 years agoCan a new anonymous member use 'We are legion. We do not forgive, etc' on his profile/videos?
I know anonymous is an idea, and that it means anyone who believes in it, but if someone is making legit awareness videos with the mask, and voice and stuff, and actually believes in awareness and information exposure, can he use the 'we do not forgive we do not forget' saying? Or would he be considered an un official attention seeker by other anonymous members?
Any answers are welcome
1 AnswerOther - Internet5 years agoCan a new anonymous member use 'We are legion. We do not forgive, etc' on his profile/videos?
I know anonymous is an idea, and that it means anyone who believes in it, but if someone is making legit awareness videos with the mask, and voice and stuff, and actually believes in awareness and information exposure, can he use the 'we do not forgive we do not forget' saying? Or would he be considered an un official attention seeker by other anonymous members?
Any answers are welcome
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics5 years agoI really need help! What free program can I use for writing a long book? :/?
Well, I'm 16. For about 3 or 4 years I've been trying to write a certain book, but I've never had good software and I always give up, only to start again in a few months.
I really want to make this happen. Does anyone know of a good, but free software that is good for writing a long book? I really can't afford to buy any pro software any time soon.
Thanks for any advice!
2 AnswersSoftware6 years agoNo one to talk to? :(?
I basically depend on my online friends for company but I sometimes forget that they have their own real life and real friends to hang out with. So when they aren't available I'm pretty much ruined.
I have no real life friends and no brothers or sisters and I'm basically stuck at home 24/7.
Today I feel like I'm not important to anyone. :(
I've been having this kind of problem for 4 years now!
I'm a guy, and 16 btw.
What should I do? :'(
1 AnswerAdolescent6 years agoWhat do you guys fantasize about while masturbating?
Lel, just wondering. I usually fantasize about a sort of dungeon/slave kinda thing with some girl I like :P
What do you fantasize about?
2 AnswersAdolescent6 years agoPlease help! Am I going insane? :(?
Short story: Homeschooled, no friends, stuck at home all day with mom, mom and I don't get along.
Its really been driving me crazy. Its been like this for the past two years. I have absolutely no one to talk to. Mom is always mad and yelling at me. There is nothing to do at home except for my PlayStation and laptop, and every time I use those mom says I'm lazy.
To make things worse, in the last few days I noticed that I'm talking to myself. And not only that, but talking to imaginary people. I think I'm going crazy! :(
I'm 16. I thought only little kids had imaginary friends. I'm seriously concerned, am I going mad?
Also I think I've got social anxiety, which is something I never used to have.
Please, any advice is welcome.
6 AnswersAdolescent6 years agoPlease help, I have a question on the Galaxy tab s!?
I plan on buying one, but I want one with a SIM card slot. Why do some have it and some don't? And why is there one with 16 gb and one with 32gb?
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans6 years agoHow can people believe that evolution stuff when there is so much evidence to prove its wrong?!?
I am a creationist and don't believe in evolution. It makes me mad that it is basically everywhere! And people take it seriously! Is there any teen here who doesn't believe in evolution?
16 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago