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.-hey..pplsx dhiss..!kiirah!
How To Upload Photos On To Facebook From Nintendo 3ds?
How Can i Upload Photos To Facebook From Nintendo 3ds. Everyone Says You Have To Go To Facebook Mobile On The 3ds. ( ) & Thats What i Did. But When i Went To Photos On Facebook. It Gave Me An Address To Send Pictures To An Email. Is There Anyway i Could Just Take The Sd Card & Put The Photos On My Computer. Or What ? idk Please Help Me Out.
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games10 years agoFixing My Internet Connection & Sending and Receiving Pic Messages On My Phone?
OK .. i Have a Samsung A777 & When i First Got it , it Could Get On The Internet. When People Sent Me Picture Messages i Could See The Picture. When i Send a Picture it Would Successfully send. Now i Cant Do None Of That, but Text & Talk on the phone. When i Try to Send a Picture. it "Sending Failed Connection Refused". When I Try To Get On The internet it Says No Connection. Why is my phone Doing this. when i first got it. it could do all those things. Now all of sudden it Cant. How Can i Fix this problem? PLEASE HELP!
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade agodownloading videos on to your phone?
where is a site i can go download videos on to my phone. i want to get on the site from my mobile web to download a video, but i cant find a site to do that on. Please help. btw i have at&t if you needed to know.
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agohow to fix a usb flash drive that keeps saying empty?
2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade agoIs it possible for me to love at this age?
im 15, i have been knowing this boy for many years. Like ever since we were in Elementry School. So i like him but the thing is i have been liking him for alot of years and the feeling hasnt gone away at all. like i feel like each time i look at him i know him. we have never had a simple convo. It was all Hi's & Bye's. but for as long as i seen him and seen how he acts and how smart he is. i just like him even more and more. i have been feeling this way for years and the feeling isnt going away at all. Do i love him or what? that has never been my boyfriend either... Its so hard to explain how i feel.. its a unexplainable feeling , but i love the feeling.. i just want some feedback.. has anyone ever felt like i felt about someone. ?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoMichaell Jacksonn !!??,,!?
`i fuckinqq LOVE MJ ! imma BIG MJ FANN .. & i just wanted To meet some other MJ FANNS .. i really wanna Know how did You react When you Heard on June 25th that He wass Dead .. Did You Cry?? Did You Lauqh ?? wtf did You do?? When i first Heard i Was in a SHOCK MOMENT then i Broke down cryinq Like a BIG BABY ! but it was Worth it cause i love mj so much and i was in disbelief when i heard someone like him was dead .. i was tryinq to fiqure out why?? but i really wanna hear from other people.. i know its ONE YEAR LATER but MICHAEL JACKSON is just one of those people who really doesnt die !!`
7 AnswersCelebrities1 decade agoi Need to download something that will fix and repair my computer?
alriqht.. i have been downloadinq alot of Thinqs To Fix & Repair My Computer.. but The Thinq about some of Them They Are NOT free & They want me to purchase and Reqister For it.. i DONT want to do That i Just want to download somethinq thats qone let me Press Scan for errors and Fix All without havinq to Reqister For anythinq or purchase anythinq.. i Just downloaded somethinq that only fixed 15 errors for Free and i have alot of errors.. i Want my computer to be Faster than it is.. so can someone please help me.. PLEASE. ! </33
5 AnswersSoftware1 decade agowhat are some very good games?
i really want some good games.. so what are some games the you think are the best of 2010.. i wanna try some new qames for my self.. some adventurous and horror games.. what ever is best.. just make me list. ! please and thank you
5 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade agowhat can i download to make videos not stop not in the middle of the video?
ok. when im on youtube i click a video i want to see. but like it keeps stopping and loading. and keeps stopping and loading. what do i have to download on my computer so that when im watching a video it doesnt have to keep stopping in the middle of the video so i can just watch it all the way through. i already downloaded adobe & java, but i quess they are not working or something. please help me. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agocan you follow me on twitter?
can you please Follow me on twitter. if you dont have a twitter. get and follow me im new to twitter.! please and thank you
1 AnswerFriends1 decade agocan you add me on the following sites?!/Pretty.qrll Can ppl Please Add me on Facebook. i Have About 3oo Friends Im Pushinq for 5oo. And can you Please follow me on twitter and Thank yoou`.!
1 AnswerOther - News & Events1 decade agoHow do i Make a website.?
what i want to know is how to make a website. like i Really want to make to a website for my grandparents church. can somebody please help me.
3 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agowhere can i find a dress?
okay ppl i want a dress. but i dont want it to be extra dressy i want it to be casual dressy like. something i can where with flats but i want either gray black or darkish purple. i cant explain what kind of dress i want i want it to either come to the knee or kind of above the knee. or where like its sleeve less and i can where a little jacket over it. please help me cause i dont have a slightest idea what im talking about. but where could i find a dress.
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agohow do you download sonqss from limewire.?
okay i qotta mp3 player and i wanna know how to download it from limewire. like when i search the sonq. i click the sonq and launch and it wont qo to my mp3. can someone qive me the stepss on how to do it.! i dont know what im doinq imma clue less bxxch.!
2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agowhy dont black qirls like white boys?
i just wanna know because im black and i love white boys,black boys,all kinds of boys. lets just say I LOVE BOYS. But why dont black qirls find white boys attractive. i dont understand. [ real typee shxdt.]. !
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender1 decade agowhere can i go to download music on my mp3 player. ?
ok. i have a mp3 player and i downloaded sharebear and imesh and they talkinq about after i download one song i have to pay for the other ones. so i would like to know what are some other ones i can go to. or is there a site i can go to to just download the music without completely downloadinq the site on to my computer. ughhhh i need help. i just want to download free music without buying anything. ! please and thank you
7 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade agowhere can i find some science related news on the computer.?
what sites can you lead me to. to look for science related news. nothing else just strictly SCIENCE!
2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade agoare there any kongfu classes in st.louis?
i need to find kongfu or even martial arts classes in st.louis please helpp me!!
2 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade agowhat are some classical songs for me?
im going to central vpa and i havee too audition to go there soo they are asking me to sing a classical song or a broadway song. idk any of thosee please helpp!!
1 AnswerPerforming Arts1 decade ago