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Lv 55,717 points


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I'm me, me. Mimi. My answers are generally much longer than yours. It's a problem I'm working on. :) Have a lovely day

  • How do I download videos from the web?

    I used to have the realplayer downloading software that worked wonderfully (where a tab would appear over any online video giving you the option to save and download it), but it seems this is no longer available? It's not working for me anyway so I was wondering if there was another option like this.

    I have tried to use the sites where you copy the url of the video into the space and it downloads it through there but none of these are working for the videos I need (I think they're JW player/Flash player videos. They're online university lectures).

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • What is this french lounge-jazz-style song with female vocals?

    It was pretty popular worldwide over the last few years and it's often played in ads for French CD's or at restaurants, but because I don't speak french I have NO idea of the lyrics.

    It has layers of female vocals and alot of humming as background music all though I think it has instrumental as well. It is up beat and the words in the chorus start high and slowly scale downwards.

    Blah, I know it's a long shot but maybe I'll get lucky :)

    1 AnswerJazz1 decade ago
  • Do you know any artists with vocals that sound like SILVERSUN PICKUPS?

    That voice is HOT.... mmmmm. Seriously.

    'what the heck' right?


    4 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • How do you tell a guy you want to see him, but not sleep with him...?

    He & I are doing an online distance thing because I've just temporarily moved away (we met two months ago while I still lived there)... He's SUCH an amazing guy- and I can see myself 'falling' for him (which I've never had before), but I'm waiting to lose my v's to 'the one' while we're officially 'in love'.

    So far me and this guy "like" eachother, and he's planning to come and visit for afew weeks...

    My question is, HOW do I tell him he won't be 'getting any'? I don't want him to get here and me just be like "by the way, I don't f*ck". lol. Do I tell him now? or just before? how would you put that so it's not akward?! haha. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.

    I don't THINK he knows that I'm still a virgin unless a mutual friend has told him. You certianly wouldn't expect it with my age and social group and past relationships etc. I guess that doesn't make a difference.

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Would you teach guitar for free?

    to me?

    hahaha. Youtube is frustrating :(

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Ughhh! I NEED YOUR ADVICE. Would you date someone whos slept with your friend?

    So, they did it the day we met- they'd just met too, but afterwards he decides he likes me instead... and he's still persuing me (a month later). Usually I'd say a big HELLA-NOOO. But this guy is amazing, like no-one else I've ever met. I hardly ever like guys but this one's like WOAH.

    Is it a big deal? He DID chose her over me- but he likes me so much now aparently- and all my friends reckon I should go for it. I'd kinda feel like a guilt-tripper if I kept bringing it up, but I don't know how to stop thinking about it.

    Any words of wisdom? (or opinion?)

    Thankyou thankyou thankyou in advance.

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • God's lost faith in me.?

    What do I do?

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Long question about a friend, for any keen readers out there? :)?

    We've been friends since junior year (6yrs), but I'm ALWAYS getting frustrated by him. To start with he was always really "full on" gossip-queen, call-everyday, see-all-day, touchy-feely (not in a flirty way), knows-all-of-everyones-business, kinda guy, where I'm the TOTAL opposite (I'm an "i-need-my-space" FREAK) Back in the day, I couldn't stand it but I stayed friends with him because he'd back off when I complained (rarely though cause I felt nasty) :(

    He's always been reeeeeally image concious.. which of course (in a highschool of macho-kids) made him the perfect bullying target. He used to get verbally hasstled when I wasn't around by guys who I was also friends with... which made me feel terrible because I was his ONLY friend, his best friend- but they were all my friends.

    As a result of that (and other issues) over the last couple of years he's lost a heap of weight from eating disorders, had a nose-job and joined a modeling agency, which, although is not MY style I can deal with because it benifited his confidence (and I can empathise with the eating disorder). Lately though, it's just gone too far for me. It's like he forgets about what it was like for him before, and judges everyone on their looks. He's always complimented me and my friends both genuinely, and for the sake of it (you can tell), but if someone's not 'hot' enough he's less likely to bother with them. I've always had 'fortunate looking' friends who Ive known since primary school... and now that they're finally giving him a chance (now that it's cool to have a gay/stylish friend) he's totally lapping it up.

    He brags about his disordered eating/excersise habits too, which absolutely KILLS me, it's like he's using it as an accessory. I set him straight infront of them that its acutally a mental disease and he shouldn't encourage other people and stuff, but he just goes ''i knowwwww'' and keeps going. It's bad enough my friends think they're fat with borderline underweight BMIs. UGH

    Anyhow, my 3 (now him=4) best friends are all really physically attractive, and people often mistake it as a shallow frienship which sucks, but at the same time- we all know it's not true because we've (us girls, anyway) have been "BFF's" since the 'ugly duckling' stage and have a whole mix of mutual friends. I feel like now, my best guy-friend has turned into everything I stand against, but he's SUCH a good friend that I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to just not be friends, because we've had so long together and I know he loves me as a sister, but I just can't stand his priorities (excersise, lois vitton, money, prada, hair-colour, photos, gossip, weight, yada yada) I also know they're only because of his self confidence issues, but he's just comming across so cocky..

    Am I just being jelous of his new confidence and this is just karma for being friends with my mates while they were nasty to him or something?

    Should I tell him what's frustrating me? How can I do it so it'll actually mean something without damaging his feelings?

    Sorry it's so lonnnnng :s

    Honestly I even condensed it!

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Is it worth paying extra for a genuine canon speedlite?

    Hello everyone,

    I'm just looking at speedlite flashes on ebay right now to get for my rebel... and I've noticed a whole lot of considerably cheaper generic brand versions that look pretty much the same.

    I'm considering getting a bounce/swivel head one which will cost about $200 less than the real canon basic one.

    Before I do, can anyone tell me if there's anything I'll be missing out on? I've had NO experience with flashes and am really hoping one of you has, to 'shed some light' on my dillemma (couldn't help myself).

    Any help will be realy reeealy appreciated.

    Cheers :)

    1 AnswerCameras1 decade ago
  • What childrens novel is this from?

    I remember reading a (fantasy) novel when I was in elementary school (1990's) with scenes in it that describe a big city surrounded by walls, and the main characters had to escape through these tunnels...

    I also vaguely remember a scene (possibly leading up to the city) with a vast dry land of nothing but cracked clay ground where there were wierd creatures (some kind of birds I think) that they were scared of.

    I think they were on a quest to save their father or something (although that bit might be from something completely un-related)

    I don't know if it's the same book but there may or may not have been a talking badger that wore a cloak.

    Hahahahaha. I know, it sounds like a stoners dream or something but it's SOOOO frustrating. I've been trying to remember more of it for years but that's all I've got.

    If any of it sounds familliar I'd LOVE you to help me out. lol.


    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Which camera lenses are these? PICTURES INCLUDED.?

    I'm trying to find out how the cobrasnake gets his pictures. They're so consistent and always flattering, so would be handy to know for personal AND professional reasons :)

    There are two different ones, but I have no idea how to identify a lense just by looking at it.

    Can you??


    I've read similar answers that say it's 'auto' & happens on accident. Sure, it LOOKS armature, but I've tried with my pop up flash on auto (which is what people always say he does), as well as all the other aperture/shutter/ISO settings you can muster, but the DOF is always no where NEAR as shallow, and the flash is always less flattering (diffused or not) no matter how 'photo friendly' the subjects are. The only thing I haven't tried in every setting possible- is different lenses.

    3 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • Can you tell me what lense this is pictured?


    I REEEEEALLY really want to know what lense the cobrasnake uses. I know his style is amature... but that's what they're looking for in nightclub photography thesedays... and I love it too.

    There are two different ones, but I have no idea how to identify a lense just by looking at it.

    Can you??


    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • What meduim are these modern pictures?

    Can anyone help me start my drawing adventure, I love this style but have NO idea how they do it.

    I would assume this is a watercolor but there's so much control over where the colors go (the ears for example, stay white on one side of the line and ccoloredon the other with no weeping.) that I have NO IDEA what I'm doing wrong or where to start when I try to copy the style.

    here's another example.

    Any hints (or references to websites that would hint) would be greatly greatly appreciated.



    1 AnswerDrawing & Illustration1 decade ago
  • How is salt bad for you?

    I know that it affects the blood pressure, but I just don't understand how, seeing as it's cholesterol, carbohydrate & sugar free.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know the real you?

    They say 'the real you is you when you are alone'.

    Does anyone you know, really know you?

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What do you say to someone you hardly know when they ask you out?

    I've just got word that the 'nice' 'shy' guy at work is about to confess that he likes me.

    He seems like a really cool kid... but the fact is, he is SO shy that he's never said a word to me. He's fine with the other girls (because he's known them for a while & I'm the 'new kid' in town)... but I don't know him at all. I know it sounds horid but I have a feeling he's not very smart, which would mean our relationship would be a troubled one. Plus I'm heaps shy too- so it would just be plain AKWARD even if he is smart.

    I just wish I could get to know him as a friend first.

    What do I DOOO?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Which website would you sell your art on?

    Does anyone have any experience with owning an online store through a website like etsy?

    I'm interested in getting into photography and was wondering (if I do) which site is best to get exposure?

    If you type three tag words into google, which sites would have the best chance of being first?

    Or should I just buy a website? (in which case, how do you do that safely?)

    I'm hoping my question makes sense, although because I'm so clueless about it all-it might not.

    ANYTHING related (including links to more info) would be mucho appreciated!


    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • How do we get hazy, backlit photographs without silhouetting the subject?

    I know it's a cliche look, but I think they're still gorgeous...

    I was just wondering if anyone knows what kind of settings you need? Is there a special ISO/apeture/shutter combo? or is it just a matter of point'n'shoot? I've played around with it a bit but still haven't been able to get it deliberately.

    Any help is mucho appreciated.

    :) (left)

    4 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago