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I like Y!A because I always laugh at least once everytime I'm on. I'm from PA and love it here. 19 years old. Find me not being serious in the P&S section. Add me, or send me a email. About me, well.... I take life lightly and see life for what it is, one big exciting adventure to learn and grow. I don't have to lie to impress, I'm not fake, I don't try to be someone I'm not, I take responsibility, put my needs first. I am perfectly imperfect and know it's Ok to be human and make mistakes. So bascially I am myself. And that's all you need to know. * Pushing through fear is less frightening then living with the underlying fear that comes from a feeling of helplessness * My favorite bands Trivium / Demon Hunter * I can't choose they are both # 1 for me * I will forever love Ronnie James Dio and Ozzy Osbourne. Their voices are unexplainable.

  • Everyone should get what I'm saying!?

    When you imagine or visualize something do you do it in your mind or outside your mind. I more so imagine things outside my mind. Stick with me here. For ex. If I hear a person behind me talking and I recognize the voice ( even if I don't, and without looking back to see ), I visualize what that person looks like, ( not in my mind though, that's the point I'm making ). I actually try and see the person right behind me because that's where he/she is and is talking. I don't do this in my head because then I won't continue to hear what he/she is saying. So when I'm listening to the person behind me, I also visualize what that person looks like and maybe what they are doing ( right behind me, not in my head ) so I can still continue to still hear what he/she is saying. Another Ex is, when I walk past my pet laying on the floor, see him, and then keep walking ahead without looking back around, I would see him and how he's still laying, actually behind me when he was and not in my head/imagination ) Anyone else ever do this. Does anyone get what I'm saying? Is this in anyway a bad thing to keep doing like I've always been doing.

    2 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • I need a good answer here?

    I visualize things outside my mind is the best way to put it. Let's say your standing in the woods and hear a person or animal behind you. Without looking back, I visualize what the person or animal looks like. Here's the thing I don't do this in my mind because the person/animal is right behind me so I just visualize the how the person/animal looks or what they are doing actually right behind me and and not in my head? Anyone get what I'm saying? Sounds weird but I'm sure everyone could do this. I just want to know should I stop doing this and just get the picture in my head?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I really want someone to get what I'm saying here!?

    I visualize things outside my mind is the best way to put it. Let's say your standing in the woods and hear a person or animal behind you. Without looking back, I visualize what the person or animal looks like. I don't do this in my mind because the person/animal is right behind me so I visualize the how the person/animal looks or what they are doing actually right behind me and and not in my head? Anyone get what I'm saying? Sounds weird but I'm sure everyone could do this. I just want to know should I stop doing this and just get the picture in my head?

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • I really want someone to get what I'm saying here!?

    I visualize things outside my mind is the best way to put it. Let's say your standing in the woods and hear a person or animal behind you. Without looking back, I visualize what the person or animal looks like. I don't do this in my mind because the person/animal is right behind me so I visualize the how the person/animal looks or what they are doing actually right behind me and and not in my head? Anyone get what I'm saying? Sounds weird but I'm sure everyone could do this. I just want to know should I stop doing this and just get the picture in my head?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • You would have to be brain dead to not get what I'm saying?

    Haha, jk but I would like some insight here. I do imagine things in my mind and visualize in my mind. But I also visualize outside my mind ( not actually in my head ) . I'm sitting here right now and let's say I heard a cat meowing outside. I would visualize the cat actually outside where the sound is coming from. I don't visualize it in my mind all the time. Does anyone else do this, is this any good to do this?

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I really want someone to get what I'm saying.?

    I do imagine things in my mind and visualize in my mind. But I also visualize outside my mind. I'm sitting here right now and let's say I heard a cat meowing outside. I would visualize the cat actually outside where the sound is coming from. I don't visualize it in my mind all the time. Does anyone else do this, is this any good to do this?

    4 AnswersPsychology10 years ago
  • Who's gets what I'm saying here?

    When you imagine or visualize something do you do it in your mind or outside your mind. I more so imagine things outside my mind. For ex. If I hear a person in my kitchen, I don't imagine them in the kitchen and what they are doing in my mind, I actually imagine them outside my mind. Because if I hear papers going in the kitchen and want to keep hearing that sound, I don't imagine what the persons doing in my mind because it will take my attention off the sound. It's like imagining a square in front of you on your table, instead of in your mind. Another Ex is, if you walk past your pet laying on the floor ( without looking back around ) I imagine my pet, not in my mind, but actually behind me kinda like eyeballs in the back of your head. What do you guys do? Is this called anything? Does anyone get what I'm saying? Is this bad to do this?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Who's gets what i'm saying here?

    When you imagine or visualize something do you do it in your mind or outside your mind. I more so imagine things outside my mind. For ex. If I hear a person in my kitchen, I don't imagine them in the kitchen and what they are doing in my mind, I actually imagine them outside my mind. Because if I hear papers going in the kitchen and want to keep hearing that sound, I don't imagine what the persons doing in my mind because it will take my attention off the sound. It's like imagining a square in front of you on your table, instead of in your mind. Another Ex is, if you walk past your pet laying on the floor ( without looking back around ) I imagine my pet, not in my mind, but actually behind me kinda like eyeballs in the back of your head. What do you guys do? Is this called anything? Does anyone get what I'm saying? Is this bad to do this?

    5 AnswersMental Health10 years ago
  • Who's gets what I'm saying here?

    When you imagine or visualize something do you do it in your mind or outside your mind. I more so imagine things outside my mind. For ex. If I hear a person in my kitchen, I don't imagine them in the kitchen and what they are doing in my mind, I actually imagine them outside my mind. Because if I hear papers going in the kitchen and want to keep hearing that sound, I don't imagine what the persons doing in my mind because it will take my attention off the sound. It's like imagining a square in front of you on your table, instead of in your mind. Another Ex is, if you walk past your pet laying on the floor ( without looking back around ) I imagine my pet, not in my mind, but actually behind me kinda like eyeballs in the back of your head. What do you guys do? Is this called anything? Does anyone get what I'm saying? Is this bad to do this?

    2 AnswersOther - Social Science10 years ago
  • I'm sure everyone should get what I'm saying?

    When you imagine or visualize something do you do it in your mind or outside your mind. I more so imagine things outside my mind. For ex. If I hear a person in my kitchen, I don't imagine them in the kitchen and what they are doing in my mind, I actually imagine them outside my mind. Because if I hear papers going in the kitchen and want to keep hearing that sound, I don't imagine what the persons doing in my mind because it will take my attention off the sound. It's like imagining a square in front of you on your table, instead of in your mind. Another Ex is, if you walk past your pet laying on the floor ( without looking back around ) I imagine my pet, not in my mind, but actually behind me kinda like eyeballs in the back of your head. What do you guys do? Is this called anything? Does anyone get what I'm saying? Is this bad to do this?

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • Everyone should get what I'm saying here?

    Do you imagine things in your mind or outside your mind, like in front of you? I more so imagine things outside my mind. For ex. If I hear a person in my kitchen, I don't imagine them in the kitchen and what they are doing in my mind, I actually imagine them outside my mind. Because if I hear papers going in the kitchen and want to keep hearing that sound, I don't imagine what the persons doing in my mind because it will take my attention off the sound. It's like imagining a square in front of you on your table, instead of in your mind. Another Ex is, if you walk past your pet laying on the floor ( without looking back around ) I imagine my pet, not in my mind, but actually behind me kinda like eyeballs in the back of your head. What do you guys do? Is this called anything? Does anyone get what I'm saying? Is this bad to do this?

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys10 years ago
  • I ask this because sometimes I'm only noticing the inside of myself?

    have masturbated before and felt ok after wards. But awhile ago I read about full body orgasms and wanted to try them. It said to look inside your body and imagine pleasure going up to the top of your head. I have tried this around 20 or more times in my life. It felt great. But for some reason left me feeling dizzy and a little off after wards but not for long. I did this with my eyes open and closed at times. I only did this thing once but while I was laying down I imagined a ray or line per say coming out of my head and hitting the wall behind my head and also out of my feet hitting the wall in front of my feet at the same time. I think I did this to try and get pleasure from my very top of my head to the very tip of my feet, by pushing out a ray or line type thing. And all I want to know if anyone thinks this would cause any damage of some sort, like feeling like your not here or something. I have stopped for awhile but just still feel off a little. I always felt dizzy and felt like my eye sight was a little off right after I did these full body orgasms looking inside my body, especially after I did the ray/line thing. Also to mention my head always felt tense at the top after always doing these. Do you think I'm alright after doing these. This is serious, so serious answers please.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I ask this because sometimes I'm only noticing the inside of myself.?

    I have masturbated before and felt ok after wards. But awhile ago I read about full body orgasms and wanted to try them. It said to look inside your body and imagine pleasure going up to the top of your head. I have tried this around 20 or more times in my life. It felt great. But for some reason left me feeling dizzy and a little off after wards but not for long. I did this with my eyes open and closed at times. I only did this thing once but while I was laying down I imagined a ray or line per say coming out of my head and hitting the wall behind my head and also out of my feet hitting the wall in front of my feet at the same time. I think I did this to try and get pleasure from my very top of my head to the very tip of my feet, by pushing out a ray or line type thing. And all I want to know if anyone thinks this would cause any damage of some sort, like feeling like your not here or something. I have stopped for awhile but just still feel off a little. I always felt dizzy and felt like my eye sight was a little off right after I did these full body orgasms looking inside my body, especially after I did the ray/line thing. Also to mention my head always felt tense at the top after always doing these. Do you think I'm alright after doing these. This is serious, so serious answers please.

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • Please help on this one, about masturbation.?

    I have masturbated before and felt ok afterwards. But awhile ago I read about full body orgasms and wanted to try them. It said to look inside your body and imagine pleasure going up to the top of your head. I have tried this around 20 or more times in my life. It felt great. But for some reason left me feeling dizzy and a little off afterwards but not for long. I did this with my eyes open and closed at times. While open I just stared at the wall or whatever was in front of me and also imagined the pleasure going up through my body. Closed same thing but not staring, only in my body. I also wanted to really get my whole body and I only did this once but while I was laying down I imagined a ray or line per say coming out of my head and hitting the wall behind my head and also out of my feet hitting the wall in front of my feet. I think I did this to try and get pleasure from my very top of my head to the very tip of my feet, by pushing out a ray or line type thing. And all I want to know if anyone thinks this would cause any damage of some sort, like feeling out of body. Because doing that line thing I manily noticed the line/ray type thing I did hitting the wall behind my head and the wall in front of my feet. I just felt a little off because I did that. All i ask is do you think this might have caused anything you might know of like feeling out of body or something. Because I always felt dizzy and felt like my eye sight was a little off right after I did these full body orgasms lookin inside my body, especially after I did the ray/line thing. Also to mention my head usually felt tense at the top after always doing these. Do you think I'm alright after doing these. Thanks for your answers, I appreciate it.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I can't see straight?

    I can't see and focus 100% on what's in front of me. It's not because my eyes are blurry. It's kinda like i'm looking at my nose and also trying to see what's in front of me. Hard to explain but I'm not looking at my nose. Been like this for weeks. Anyone else ever get like this?

    1 AnswerOptical10 years ago
  • I avoid smiling or laughing because my jaw gets too darn tense?

    I've always hated smiling because my jaw area, teeth, gums, lips, pretty much the whole area under my nose gets so tense. I used to get twitching because I kept smiling a lot, but that stopped. It's just very tense especially when I'm laughing or smiling (showing my teeth). I also have clicking in my jaw, never much pain though. I can't go without laughing. Anything to do?

    1 AnswerMen's Health10 years ago
  • I avoid smiling or laughing because my jaw gets too darn tense.?

    I've always hated smiling because my jaw area, teeth, gums, lips, pretty much the whole area under my nose gets so tense. I used to get twitching because I kept smiling a lot, but that stopped. It's just very tense especially when I'm laughing or smiling (showing my teeth). I also have clicking in my jaw, never much pain though. I can't go without laughing. Anything to do?

    1 AnswerOther - Health10 years ago
  • I avoid smiling or laughing because my jaw gets to darn tense.?

    I've always hated smiling because my jaw area, teeth, gums, lips, pretty much the whole area under my nose gets so tense. I used to get twitching because I kept smiling a lot, but that stopped. It's just very tense especially when I'm laughing or smiling (showing my teeth). I also have clicking in my jaw, never much pain though. I can't go without laughing. Anything to do?

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Who wears/worn a mouth guard during sleep?

    I have a clicking jaw and its always tense especially when i smile. The dentist told me I could buy a cheap dollar one up walmart. Which ones have you worn? Did they help with your problems?

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago
  • For those who wear mouth guards during sleep.?

    I have a clicking jaw and its always tense especially when i smile. The dentist told me I could buy a cheap dollar one up walmart. Which ones have you worn? Did they help with your problems?

    1 AnswerDental10 years ago