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  • Ok my instagram is ashmay9393?

    I have a pic of a pair of shoes I just biught on there... should be the most recent pic. Anywats I wanna wear them out to the bar but I don't know what to wear with them. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Does this sound promising? or just AF about to show?

    Tired all the time 

    Sleep a lot 

    White lotiony discharge 

    Some nausea 

    Pressure headachs 

    Sore boobs 

    Loss in appitite

    Craving sugar crisp cereal and chicken wings 

    Had small cramp by left hip like a week ago 

    Last period was Aug.24-30th

    A tad moody

    Bad Gas

    Some heart burn 

    Cervix is barly reachable,slightly open and a bit hard

    Next period due in 6 days

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Are these period or pregnancy symptoms?

    Tired all the time

    Sleep a lot

    White lotiony discharge

    Some nausea

    Pressure headachs

    Sore boobs

    Loss in appitite

    Craving sugar crisp cereal and chicken wings

    Had small cramp by left hip like a week ago

    Last period was Aug.24-30th

    A tad moody


    Some heart burn

    Next period due in 6 days

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Halloween costume help!?

    I want to be an angel for halloween.. a white angel. But i cant find any costume that i like. So i wanna make my own. Any idea on how??

    2 AnswersHalloween8 years ago
  • 20th birthday/Newyears theme ?

    My bday is on new years evw. And we are having a party. I wanna do a cool theme but idk what would be good. I live in Canada so we are all already legal. And will be going to the bars after qards so i dont want something too crazy.

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays8 years ago
  • Clothing makeup and such.?

    So im wondering what colours for clothing and make up and what styles will suite me best. Im a 19 year old female.. my hair is medium brown curly and goes to my shoulders and my skin is like a like french vanellia colour. I have little freckles and a couple beauty marks. My eyes are light brown and have small specks of green in them. Im like 5"3 and wieght 100 pounds. Im a b cup . Mesurnents are 34" bust 25" waist 38" hip.

    1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • Relationship question?

    So i dated this guy for 1 1/2 years . We started dating on oct.3 2011. And broke up on April.3 2013. We broke up for like 4 months then relized we both still had stong feeling for each other and desided to work on us. We got back together august 10 2013. So i was just wondering do we start over and say we have only dated for 1 month or do we say iys been 1 year and 7 months ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Sharp pains just under ribs?

    I keep getting this sharp pain just under my right rib. I always get some hot flashes and dizzyness and a sick feelkng in my stomach. But the sharp pain only lasts like a minute. In a 19 year old female. The only excersize i do is walking witch i do everyday and i am sexualy active. My ribs sont hurt tl touch and the pains only happen like a couple times a month. Should i see the doctor or is it nothing?

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • What to wear with a leopard pencil skirt .. its high wasted?

    Im going out for a friends birthay sjes the last of my friends o turn 19 (canadian) and i have no clue what top or shoes to wear with it. Or how i should do my hair. My hair isnatural curly and its shouler lenght.

    Please help :)

    Ps. Make up tips would be nice too:D

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Hmm personality disorder or what?

    So my friend is something else. Her mood changez in split seconds. She will be pissy ine second then balling her eyes out the next and then she would be tje happiest person jn the world. She has times where she hates herself and sometimes wishes she was dead. And she will turn to weed or booze or sex to make herself feel 'happy' and then she wil beat herself up about it after. She thinks one thing oe moment like how leavn her bf of two year was a good thing and the next min shes regreting leaving . She told me she feels like empty and like not herself. Whats going on?

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Help ! im scared? D: D:?

    I been with this guys for 2 years and been sexual with him, with no protection many times. We brooke up once and I slept with another guy, we used a condom. I took an std test last august and I was clean.. but for the past two weeks, I noticed small bumps around my bum, a few on my upper leg... I'm scared that its herps, but i guess it could allso be bug bites? Cause I went swimming a couple weeks ago and when we got out the water I was loaded in baby leaches. Or I though maybe I'm allergic to the new laundry soap? Or body wash? Or shaving cream? Or fabric of my underwear... the don't itch or hurt and they ain't pussing or doing anything gross. Everything else about my vag seems to be normal. So what's going on?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • 4 days late with a negative?

    I missed my period on May 28th .. and I took a test on the 30, it was negitve. I still haven't started yet, and I been overly tierd and nausious and moody.. my nips seem to be larger but I'm not 100% sure. How much longer should I wait to test again?

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • 3 days late........? and no cramping?

    Ok so I'm now 3 days late for my period .. I have no cramping, and I been overly tierd the past few days... I had some spotting like a week and a half ago. My last period was April 30th to May 6th. I had intercorse on the 8th and 14th... my cycle is 28days. I don't want to go out and by a test when there's no need...

    So is tbis signs of pregnancy, or signs that I'm going to start? Also what are some other symptoms of early pregnancy?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • What could these symptoms mean?

    Ok I had my period on April 30th, to May 7th, I had sex on May 8th and 14. I had light spotting like on the 19th... and for the past three days (22nd,23rd and today) I have big amounts of white discharge with no smell.... I also been having tummy pains randomly and mood swings like CRAZZY! What's going on with me?????? I'm due for my next period in 4 days... and I have a 28 day cycle.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years ago
  • Dreams?? what you think?

    Ok my dream was :

    I had a baby, it was a small baby girl, she was crying and crying.. and everytime I went to go hold her or help her, I couldn't move.. and the baby died.

    Than I woke up.

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation8 years ago
  • Frizzzy curly hair, help????

    My hair is curly, frizzzy and a mess all the time. It won't ever stay straight when I straighten it, it frizes up within minutes. No hair products work, like mouse, hair spray, oils. Nothing. So I was thinkg, would a perm tame my hair? Or just make it frizzed more? Any idea on what I can do to help it?

    3 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • Hair relaxer help/advise ?

    I'm a white girl, haha.. but my hair is super frizzy and curly, its like a fro. And even with a 300$ flat iron, my hair just will not straighten, I can't do NOTHING ! With it, its a mess and nappy. I was wondering if a hair relaxer will work, or if youu know of anything that would work.?

    1 AnswerHair8 years ago
  • Tattoo advise???????

    I want to get a tattoo for my sisters and I . I'm almost 20 and my sisters are 17 and almost 5. We are all pretty close, thoough I don't live at home anymore. I want something small and meaningfull, any ideas?

    1 AnswerTattoos8 years ago
  • Tattoo help????????????????

    I have a few scars on my arm, just above my wrist. Not overly noticable and they are healed, but I. Wanna get a tattoo there to make the less noticable... I just don't know what id get. Any ideas? *btw they ain't from cutting myself*

    1 AnswerTattoos8 years ago
  • Witch quote tattoo sounds best?

    'A journey begains with a single step' or

    'Be the change you want the world to be'

    5 AnswersTattoos8 years ago