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  • How to improve my videos?

    How can I make this better? I really want advice as we want to make our videos good and hopefully start getting more views.

    Thank you

    2 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • How to get your youtube video more views?

    Today me and my friend started a youtube channel and uploaded our video

    How can we get more views? Are there any tips that could help us?

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersYouTube8 years ago
  • What to get your boyfriend for valentines day?

    We're 14, and we've been dating for 9 months, I'm thinking of spending £25-£30. Any ideas?

    1 AnswerValentine's Day8 years ago
  • How to avoid catching a sickness bug?

    I'm very scared of being sick. I spent last night and a lot of today with by best friend who's families been sick this week. She was fine until about about 4 when she said she started to feel sick, but she went home. She's now been sick and has what her family had. I'm so scared I'm gonna get it because I spent so long with her and I really don't wanna get it:( Any help?

    3 AnswersInfectious Diseases8 years ago
  • Christmas present ideas?

    I'm 14 and my mum still doesn't know what to get me!

    I have a phone, ipod and laptop that all work fine so I don't need any of them :)

    Any ideas would be amazing, thankyou

    3 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • I'm scared of going on holiday?

    I have to go on holiday to Florida for 12 nights. I've always been a nervous and anxious person and last time I went on holiday (it was only for a week) I cried every day because I wanted to go home so much, and this trip is even longer. I feel like I'm gonna break down when I go and I'm really upset now because I'm going really soon. I know I won't be able to cope there and will constantly be wanting to go home and will miss my friends and boyfriend from back home loads. I feel like if it was a week I'd be okay because there's a lot to do in Florida but 12 nights is such a long time to me. I do know that when I go I will eventually come back, but I know it's gonna seem like I'm there forever. Any advice would be so appreciated, thank you.

    5 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Should I not go tomorrow? Family sickness bug?

    Last week my whole family went on holiday and shared a house. On the 3rd day my 10 month old baby cousin started to be sick. The night after my 4 year old cousin was sick. The night after, my Granddad was sick, but has been no where near my cousins so I don't know how he'd of caught it.

    Now, we are home and it's been about 4 days since but now my sister has just started to be sick :{ I'm supposed to be meeting my best friend and boyfriend tomorrow and am giving them lifts and stuff but I'm so scared to go incase I'm sick when I'm with them. My worst fear in the world is being sick and I don't know whether to go or not. Thankyou

    1 AnswerMental Health9 years ago
  • How to stop getting nervous about meeting my boyfriend tomorrow?

    Me and him have been dating for over 2 months now and spent every day in school together. But since it's the summer holidays, we haven't seen each other in 2 weeks due to us being on holiday. I'm really nervous about seeing him, to the point where i feel really sick and i have a fear of being sick.

    Also, our best friend is going, so i shouldn't be nervous because someone else is going. Also, he's meeting my parents for the first time so I'm nervous that there will be awkward silences aha. Any advice? Thankyou:)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • This guy 'kinda likes me. Should i give up?

    Basically, i've liked this guy for ages. I've never felt this way about anyone before. We have gotten so much closer recently and we hang around with the same people at school. We text everyday and he says i'm the funniest girl he knows and says flirty stuff, but i don't know if he's joking.

    The other day at school, at lunch my friends asked him 'Do you like her?" (me) and he said "Kinda". Then his best friend (a really close friend of mine) told me he does like me, but he doesn't know if he likes me enough to go out with me,because he doesn't wanna mess me around, because he knows i've been really hurt before. (He's not just saying that, he's such a genuine guy).

    When my best friend told me this, in front of him, he got really embarrassed and it was so awkward. Now, a week on, we're good friends again and we text a lot too. I catch him looking at me sometimes, but i'm fed up of waiting for him to make his mind up. Everyone says me and him would make an amazing couple and told me I should wait longer, because he probably will end up liking me... And he doesn't like anyone else.

    Any advice? Thank you!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I get him to like me?

    There's this guy i know and i really like him. My best friend was talking to him the other day and he says he likes girls who are funny and caring and he doesn't care what they look like, as long as they don't look like a minger. My best friend told me I have a good chance. I've been told I'm VERY funny and I'm always there for people and that I'm pretty (i model).

    She then asked him who he liked. He likes 2 girls, one who is my other best friend and won't go out with him because she knows how i feel about him. The other girl is a good friend and she dumped her bf today, so i'm scared they're gonna get together :/

    I was texting him the other night, for 3 hours. When me and him talk, we have really funny conversations and he says i'm really funny and stuff. He even put me in his bbm status. And he says stuff as jokes e.g: In drama i had to sit on someone, so i sat on him. He said "tbf i enjoyed it;)" Then he says "we're so sexy they'd put a restraining order on everyone;)" but he talks to me maybe once a week :L

    So what can i do to get him to like me?

    Thank you so much! :)

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • I miss him so much but i need to move on. Please help!?

    Me and my boyfriend broke up 2 - 3 weeks ago and i'm still really upset.

    We went out for a while& i loved him&he said he loved me too. But he dumped me. We had some amazing times together & he let one little thing break us up.

    I thought i was over him, it didn't hurt when i saw him anymore... it was just awkward. But, tonight, i realised how much i need him in my life and how much i miss him. He started to talk to me on facebook tonight but was acting really annoyed with me and stuff. He really likes this other girl and he's always asking for advice on her, which i'm happy to help him with because it didnt used to hurt.

    But then, i saw a picture of him on fb and my heart stopped and i burst out in tears, how can i move on from him? He doesn't love me anymore and we've fallen out again!

    Thank you millions


    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to move on & forget about him&stop me from hurting myself.?

    Well i got dumped ;)

    Me&this guy went out before and we lasted for nearly 2 months. He told me that he loved me, wanted to be with me forever, that i was the only one. We had such good times together. He promised never to leave me and love me forever. I believed him.

    I could tell things were going to end, he started ignoring me at school and i could tell he didn't love me, although he swore that he did.

    We were talking the other night and i was like "do you wanna be with me anymore" and he said "i wanna say yeah, but there's a doubt in my mind". He said how things are to stressful for him right now, and how he wished we had met in a few years, so he wouldn't be under so much stress. I respect him for that. Then he was like "i can't dump you. I need you in my life" but then he did dumped me.

    But he was crying... Just as much as me. So that makes it look like he actually gives a sh*t about me. So i genuinely thought he cared about me and he did end it over the stress.

    But at school the next day, he blanked me and it hurt. He says were best friends but he has a go at me randomly each day. On Friday, i talked to him. I thought i was over him... but i'm not. I miss talking to him. He hugged me like 5 times and i think we were holding hands at one point :S. He told me he still loves me and i still love him.

    But then he went and put a fb status saying "Just found out the meaning of nine crimes, no wonder i've been so obsessed, its what i have/been doing" That songs about being with a girl and falling for someone else, though last night he said he just finds people fit, not fancy.

    So how come he was crying so much when he dumped me?

    How can i move on and forget about him. It hurts so much. He acts like he cares, and i caught him looking at me a few times at school, but when hes with other girls it tears me apart.

    I can't live anymore. Its to painful. I wish he loved me. Please help me before i do something i will regret

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Should i be bothered?

    Me and my boyfriend have talked every single day since we've known each other.

    He tells me he loves me like 4 times a day, makes me happy etc. but i'm always scared he doesn't love me :( I'm really insecure

    he's on holiday at the moment, i understand that, and hes probably having fun. but every other day he's contacted me, even if its for 5 minutes. and he hasn't talked to me in 2 days... i know its pathetic but im really worried :S

    any advice?

    thank you xx

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Check my spanish essay, please?

    It's about uniform. Can you check all the grammar is correct etc please.

    This was the brief:

    Escribe un parráfo sobre el uniforme de Heathfield. Incluye la información siguiente:

    Llevas uniforme? En qué consiste? Te gusta? Por qué? Qué te gustaría llevar al colegio?

    Mi colegio es privado y es obligatorio llevar uniforme. Las chicas llevan una blusa blanca, la corbata de rayas y también una falda gris. Para los deportes las chicas llevan un jersey azul marino, una falda corta, una camisa blanca y unas zapatillas de deportes. Los chicos llevan un camiseta blanca y unos pantalones grises y un corbato de raya. Los chicos y las chicas llevan una chaqueta azul marina. Para los deportes los chicos llevan un camisa, unos pantalones cortos y zapatillas de deporte. Me gusta mucho un uniforme porque es practico y muy elegante. Llevar uniforme es mas pratica que llevar vaqueros y sudadera con capucha pero es menos comodo. Me gustaria llevar al colegio en verano es un vestido corto y un tacon alto y en invierno me gustaria llevar al colegio un jersey rojo de algodón y tambien unos vaqueros.


    Thank you so much xx

    1 AnswerLanguages9 years ago
  • What to get my boyfriend for Valentines Day?

    We've been dating for over a month now, but have dated in the past and are best friends :)

    He's a really sweet person and is romantic. he sends me nice sweet messages about how much he loves me. he's really kind to. But he also likes xbox and all that stuff. But, i dont have much money atm, because i have to help my mum pay for school. So, im stuck.

    I was going to get him this:

    but with our two names on it. Thoughts?

    And then i was going to get him something like this:

    and some chocolates and a kiss

    but hes going on holiday for valentines day so i cant go out with him :'(

    and i was also going to get him a personalised card

    please give an honest opinion and more suggestions. i love him so much and wanna get this right

    1 AnswerValentine's Day9 years ago
  • Am I ugly? Rate me out of 10?

    Hi :) I'm 13 and i got bullied last year for being 'ugly'. They would hit me everyday because i was that 'ugly'. So i was wondering, how bad am i? Can you rate me out of 10 please, 10 being the prettiest. Thank you so much for your time :)

    6 AnswersMakeup9 years ago
  • Is it ok that my boyfriend reads magazines like 'nuts' and should I be bothered?

    My boyfriends 15 and I'm underage and won't have sex with him because I'm not a slut and am making him wait till I'm 16 and he agrees with me. But he has seen my body and all that just not all the way. But I was at his house yesturday and I found a bunch of magazines. They were flipped over backwards and I picked one up it was 'nuts' obviously I wasn't gonna look through it... But I know it has naked women in it. Should I be bothered? Its upset me because it makes me feel like I can't please him or that my bodies not good enough (I've had an eating disorder) do guys read them for a reason or something? Should I ask him to stop. Thanks xxxx

    4 AnswersMagazines9 years ago
  • Should I pay the extra £5 a month for blackberry services? I.e blackberry messanger?

    I have a blackberry and have unlimited texts. Should I pay the extra £5 a month to have the blackberry services and bbm? Is it worth It. Lots of my friends have blackberrys and say that its worth getting. Thanks

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans9 years ago
  • Do guys care about the amount of kisses (x's) they send?

    I know this is stupid but it's really annoying me. My boyfriend used to send me like 29 x's per message. Now he sends me 4-8. I know it's more than most guys but he never sends as many as he used to. What does this mean? Do guys not look into it like girls do? Thank you xxxx

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How to know when your over someone?

    I fell in love with this guy and he cheated on me... long story

    It was the winter holidays and I thought i was over him. I didnt fancy him or get any feelings when he called me or when we face times

    But today, we went back to school. he basically blanked me all day. he spoke to me at one point but walked of with a girl (he's gay btw)

    But, when i was looking over the playground, seeing him with other girls ( and guys LOL) i burst out into tears and i dont know why. i dont fancy him or find him fit anymore but it hurt and he didnt even look at me.

    in the end my friend had to force me to look at her instead of him

    how can you move on?? theres no hope between me and him as hes gay

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago