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  • Dog starts freaking out an hour before kids show up?

    Some background....we got our dog four months ago through a rescue. We still work on his excitedness at times, especially when people first arrive at the house or when he sees other dogs. (I can settle him quickly, but still do not have his full attention during these events.)

    I do childcare out of the home. He loves the kids. So much that he cannot wait for them to arrive. He goes in his kennel when they get here, and stays until he is completely calm. It has worked very well and he settles quickly...once their parents leave. (He wants to greet them, but he is huge - 90 pounds, and I do not want to chance him knocking someone over until I have full control.)

    The new problem: this week, he starts getting excited more than an hour before they show up. I get up, take him for a walk (the length right now depends on is still -20 here some mornings and he gets cold.) He used to settle right after that until the first car actually pulled in the driveway...up to 45 minutes later. Now he has been freaking out at all traffic going by. I have had to "bite" his snout and neck with my hand, just to get him to listen to a simple "down" command. I need to stay with him to ensure any kind of continued compliance. This morning it has been 40 minutes of trying to keep him from flipping out, and he is just starting to relax now....7 minutes before the first child is due.

    (Once the kids are here, he is content, loving and patient...and calm)

    Any suggestions?

    1 AnswerDogs7 years ago
  • Prescription says Repeat: PA?

    The inhaler I picked up today has "PA" in the Repeat section. What does that mean? My best guess is that it is a long-term repeat, as I have been on it for years. I used to get prescribed a year's worth at a time, but this is the first time I have seen these letters on it.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care10 years ago
  • Need a team name. Please help. :)?

    We are in a trivia/treasure hunt this weekend. Two couples, G-rated event and we are the green team. Any ideas??

    3 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation10 years ago
  • My 10 month old is petrified of the vacuum!?

    It wasn't a problem before, but the last three times it was used there has been such a change in his behaviour. The first time, he was not pleased that it was around, but was Ok for the first half. Once I moved his toys to the clean part of the rug, he got upset, but was able to continue bouncing in his excersaucer. The next time, he was in his Jolly Jumper, which I picked because it is definitely his happy place. He freaked out if I wasn't touching the vacuum, but as long as I was holding it, he was fine. I could even vacuum right next to him. I tried to make as little a deal out of it as possible - acknowledging his feelings, but continuing on with normal stuff (singing the songs I usually sing when he is in his saucer or jolly jumper) and kept on with the vacuum.

    Tonight, however, as soon as he saw it, he started freaking out. I mean total meltdown! Granted, this is the latest in the day I have vacuumed in quite a while, so he was a bit more tired then the other times. I had to stop altogether (before I was even able to turn the thing on) and comfort him, he was so scared. It took a long time for him to settle down. :( My hubby took him for his bath, and we played music and turned on the bathroom fan so he wouldn't hear the vacuum.

    What do we do now? Should I just let it be and let him grow out of this stage without seeing the vacuum again for a while? Or should I push it and at least have the vacuum around when we are playing during the day.

    I worry about the day when the cat knocks over and breaks glass and I have no choice but to vacuum with our little guy around, and it being unnecessarily traumatic.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Help please - has pedialyte changed your baby's bowel movement colour?

    My 9 month old son has had about 2 cups of cherry pedialyte over the last 48 hours, (along with breastmilk and "watered" down infant cereal). He is taking it because he is on amoxil for an ear infection and it is causing diarrhea. His poop now has red in with it - not bright like the pedialyte, but not black like bloody stool.

    We didn't get the amoxil from a pharmacy, it came straight from the ER, so there is no patient info, but what I found online says to watch for bloody stools. I don't know what to believe about side-effects online. And I can't say whether this is obvious blood. And it is not in his urine - he was kind enough to oblige us with a fresh, clean sample in the middle of the diaper change. LOL

    Thankfully, my son is acting normally and has no fever or signs of trouble, otherwise I would be on my way to the hospital instead of on here. Hospital is quite far away and no Drs are in offices here on Friday afternoon, so any help here would be much appreciated!!!

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Appropriate age for Disney's Beauty and the Beast musical?

    My friend and I are going to see this soon. The auditorium states that kids 12 months and under are free. If you have seen it, could you tell me if it is an appropriate show to take someone that young?

    I have been to a Disney musical before, so I know how child-friendly the atmosphere is. Just not sure about this particular production.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Appropriate age for Disney's Beauty and the Beast musical?

    My friend and I are going to see this soon. The auditorium states that kids 12 months and under are free. If you have seen it, could you tell me if it is an appropriate show to take someone that young?

    I have been to a Disney musical before, so I know how child-friendly the atmosphere is. Just not sure about this particular production.

    1 AnswerTheater & Acting1 decade ago
  • Has anyone tried a Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster recipe? And survived?

    DH's 42nd birthday is coming up, so (naturally) the party will have a HHGTTG theme. I have found several recipes online for the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster using Earth ingredients, but in combinations I have never even thought of trying before.

    Has anyone tried them? Do you have one you recommend?

    Thanks! :)

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • 8 month old, has had flu for a few days, developed a wheeze now?

    I don't want to over- or under-react. The wheezing scares me a bit, but he seems OK. He started with flu symptoms on Thursday. Deep and sometimes productive cough, runny nose, fever (occasional fights to keep it under 40 C, but usually low-grade), upset tummy, and from what I can tell, achy - especially at night.

    We have been keeping him resting upright, giving Tylenol when needed for fever or when he seems very uncomfortable, using the shower as a steam room (being careful not to give him a chill by cooling down too quickly), and treating the fever spikes by getting him naked and cooling him with cloths. Everything has stayed the same for four days, then last night he developed a wheeze. It is not just nasal congestion, you can hear it when he is talking or breathing through his mouth. He is not in any distress - he is actually acting quite normal. And has no fever at all right now. Am I OK to just watch him closely, but keep doing what we're doing? Or is the new wheeze cause for concern?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • How did you find the energy or motivate yourself?

    to keep up with housework once your little one arrived? I'm not talking those first few weeks after birth, but for the rest of it?

    My son is 8 months old, and I have no energy to do housework, though I KNOW that I am not pulling my weight around here. My DH works 6 days a week and late hours running his business, and I am blessed with a year-long paternal leave from work, meaning that I am home all day and *should* be taking care of things. I just don't seem to have the energy to get caught up on anything anymore. When DH can, he watches our DS in the evenings for a bit so I can do dishes, shower, etc. Basic hygienic things are done, but nothing over and above (i.e. clothes are clean, but left in baskets, dishes are washed but still "air-drying" when we need them again, the bathroom is cleaned regularly, and anywhere the baby may crawl is vacuumed, but my bedroom hasn't seen a vacuum this year and the clutter to the point where DH starts feels put-out if I ask him to pick up after himself because I do such a poor job of picking up after myself and the baby).

    How do you do it? What motivates you to keep going when you feel like all you have the energy to do is make it to bed once your little one is asleep? How did you and your SO survive the exhausting first year(S)?

    6 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Safely reheating homemade baby food without microwave?

    Our microwave died. :( I am OK doing the veggies in hot water, but what is the best way to reheat his meats? Will steaming in the bottle warmer in a jar make it hot enough? Everything is cooked, pureed and frozen.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Swing therapy for strabismus?

    We don't know for sure if our 7 month old has strabismus (his appt is next week), but we figured having him in the swing, which he enjoys, probably can't hurt.

    I was wondering if anyone had any success with it, what you did (for how long, how often, etc), if a baby swing is ok, or a regular type swing is best for the larger arc it makes (though we would have to install it indoors, as it is -37 today!)

    Anything else I should know? Or any good resources you can recommend for parents who are just starting down this journey with a 7 month old?


    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Infant or baby swing with higher weight limit? Available in Canada?

    We are looking for an indoor swing for our 7 month old, as he has developed an eye problem that a swing could help with. He is already 24 pounds, and we hope to find one that he can use for a couple of years. Most baby swings that I have seen are only good to 25 or 30 pounds. I don't know much about indoor toddler swings,

    I was wondering if anyone has used an indoor swing with a higher weight limit, what you thought if it, what the weight limit was, and where you bought it.


    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Infant or baby swing with higher weight limit? available in Canada?

    We are looking for an indoor swing for our 7 month old, as he has developed an eye problem that a swing could help with. He is already 24 pounds, and we hope to find one that he can use for a couple of years. Most baby swings that I have seen are only good to 25 or 30 pounds. I don't know much about indoor toddler swings,

    I was wondering if anyone has used an indoor swing with a higher weight limit, what you thought if it, what the weight limit was, and where you bought it.


    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Yeast Infection, Allergy or...?

    I feel a little silly even asking this at my age, but I have only had one yeast infection over two decades ago, so I can't exactly remember what it was like. Haha

    I have had this bad burning come up, mostly after using the bathroom. It is on the outer bits, nothing inside. I thought it was a toilet paper allergy, as it happened a few months ago, but went away when we switched brands. But now it has come back with a vengence! It is not just a dryness issue, as a lubricant does not do the trick. It is not bad all day, but it is definitely worse at night. (Maybe I just have more time to think about it then?) Last night it was so bad that I was crying. It settled down after about an hour.

    I have been with the same partner for many years. I did give birth 7 months ago, and things have been a little wonky since, but nothing major. Just enough to make me feel like an unsure teenager about things again. :s Maybe hormones are affecting things as my little one takes less breastmilk as he is eating more food?

    We do not have a walk-in clinic or even an open pharmacy on Sundays, so I cannot get help from those. Any (sincere, non-trollish) suggestions would be appreciated.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Kidney pain when I drink large glass of water?

    I feel it other times, too, but it is strong after drinking fluids. My Dr tested me for a UTI last week. I had a severe one about a month ago, so we thought that maybe it didn't go away, but there is no sign of infection.

    I looked up stones, as they run in the family, but it seems that, if anything, water would ease pain instead of increasing it. I have not had alcohol in over a year (due to pregnancy and breastfeeding.) When I did drink, it was a few drinks at a time, once in a blue moon, so I doubt this is at all alcohol related. I drink mostly water and milk, occasional juice, and a glass of 7up about once a week.

    Oh - I do have a job where access to the bathroom is limited. We get a lot of UTIs there from holding it too long. Sorry for TMI

    Anyone had this or have any ideas?

    6 AnswersOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Supplementing with formula Allergy or adjusting to new food?

    At the suggestion of our nurse practitioner, due to a condition that causes severe pain when breastfeeding (vasospasms), we are starting to supplement my 7 week old's evening cluster feeds with a pumped breastmilk/formula combination. We started this two nights ago.

    My son will eat from the breast for the first hour, then take approx 2 oz. of formula with 3-4 ounces of pumped breastmilk. Now he is so very gassy. Yesterday afternoon he was merely uncomfortable until he had a large bowel movement, but last night he was up every two hours crying out with gas pain (abdominal, not burpy). It is not a reaction to the bottle, as he has been taking pumped breastmilk from the bottle already with no problems.

    Is this a normal reaction to the introduction of something other than breastmilk? If so, how long should this last? Or could this be an allergy? We are using powdered Enfamil, but have a can of the liquid that requires boiled water to be added - is that different enough that it could make a difference?

    Also, apart from pedalling his legs and rubbing his tummy clockwise (which do help, but only for a short while), is there anything else we can do to make him comfortable if this is just an adjustment phase? Will gripe water work for this type of gas, or only for burping? I know people have mentioned a medication for gas in other questions (Mylicon), but we cannot get that, or anything like it, here (we are in a small community with a tiny pharmacy that isn't even open today).

    Any info/advice would be greatly appreciated.

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Any last-minute advice from Moms who were induced?

    I am going in tomorrow morning for the gel, then come back home to labour. (With one trip back to be checked and get more, if needed.) Monday morning I am supposed to go in to get my water broken, and then stay. I am happy about being able to go home and be in comforting surroundings and able to walk around, but starting to get nervous. I have heard that even just the gel can get labour to come on crazy-fast.

    I guess I would just like to hear other induction stories, and would gladly take any advice.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • (TMI) Stringy bloody mucus in urine? Normal UTI? Will it post-pone induction?

    I a 38 weeks today. Just saw the Dr yesterday, and had no symptoms of this (Yay Murphy's Law).

    I know that the the stringy red/brown mucus is coming from my urine, as I am doing a 24-hr urine test and wiped before I went. There was nothing on the tp before urinating. But there was quite a bit after, and it has happened twice now.

    I have called L&D, who said to call my Dr. Now I am waiting for the usually-late-in-the-day call back, but was wondering if anyone could set my mind at ease in the meantime. Is this just a run-of-the-mill UTI? What will they do about it? And if it is, will it affect my induction that is supposed to start on Sunday?

    No fever, or any other sign of UTI, but I know they can be asymptomatic in pregnancy.

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Over-greased bottom of pan - can this be fixed, or is it too late?

    I made banana bread to take to an office, and bought those disposable/foil pans to bake and take it in. It seems that I over-greased the bottom of the pan (shortening and flour) and they came out of the oven with oily bottoms. Is there any way to fix this?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago