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  • Could i sue the lovenox company?

    So im taking lovenox due to a clot they found in my leg due to pregnancy i was 13-14 weeks along now im 23 weeks along and the shots have caused two hard good sized masses on both sides of my stomic they sometimes hurt one has developed to where i can poke it and blood n puss come out this isnt on side effects list nor was i informed that this could happen. I started injecting on other locations on my stomic and the lumps have not gone down in size nor have they inproved pain wise. Could i sue the company that makes lovenox

    2 AnswersMedicine5 years ago
  • Got cervical stitch in on last satturday yesturday some of my plug came out?

    I know what the plug looks like it was a fairly good ammount when i did have it put in the day befor my obgyn said my cervix was 2.0 so it was thinning out im 20 wks and one day is it normal to loose a bit of plug few days after. I was pregnant befor with a girl abt six yrs back and gave birth exactly at 20 weeks my son i had a normal pregnancy with no issues what so ever even had to be induced. I feel this time around im pregnant with a girl i find out next week but scared cuz if its a girl i always wanted a lil girl. That ill loose her so scared that i dont even want to buy baby stuff

    2 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • crying after waking up from anesthesia?

    So this morning i had my cervux stitched cuz it was thiining out i was put under due tp i was on blood thinners where they even inserted a breathing tube when i woke up i started ballin my eyes out full on balling idk why i was it was so bad that when they got me in recovery right after i woke up i started cpughing up mucus and so fprth tp where it was running out of my mouth they had to wipe it up asked me where i was i didnt answer insted i asked what happened lol did any one else have this btw me n baby are dping better and im home. N resting btw im 28 so no kid here i do know they dont know why pr what causes people to cry after waking up just interested in ur stories if u have em

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • For the stupid *** dumb ***** who think pulling out prevents pregnancy?

    I still see it on here im pregnant but he pulled out or could i be pregnant and he even pulled out. Bs pulling out isnt a ******* birth control moethod u simple munded brainless dip ***** maybe if u damn kids payed some attention in school insted of worrying abt whos having sex maybe ud know that precum has sperm in it it only takes one sperm to fertilize an egg and precum has sperm in it. Its not a method in any way insted of ******* being lil tramps and opening ur legs to ever tom divk and harry u shuld be studying sex is for adults. 18+ not children ur considered a child until u turn 18 kids today most are dumber then a pile of **** hell first morning **** is smarter then most of u who think pulling out is a way to prevent pregnancy it is not a way to prevent pregnancy ether keep ur legs closed or ur dick in ur pants or use a damn condom if u cant get condoms that means ur too young for sex

    2 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Warning u all abt walmarts deli ready go fried spicy ckicken?

    So pregnancy threw weird cravings my way glad to finally have had a normal craving whent to walmart smelled chicken and whent to the deli section they had buckets of spicy fried hot ckicken i grabbed one n want mac n cheese n potatos to go with it stood there for ten mins no one was even tending that section like wtf so we whent on our merry way n got what we needed got home i re heated the chicken in the oven it was good up until five mins after eating it turned my stomic sour then i got the spicy runs like explsive runs do not buy that chicken matter fact dont buy anyof the ready made food. Think i got sick from it. Ecpecally if ur prego unless u want the spicy flavour to exit out ur butt too.

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • Gender test today?

    So im buying a gender test tonight what do you think it is a boy or girl post comment and first person that gets it right get best answer

    3 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • Shuld i let me bf choose name of the baby?

    So my bf n i have a son i choose our first n second borns names one didnt make it . Since i have the gut feeling this baby is a girl he wants to name the baby i dont trust him to pick a sutible name cuz he said he has two names picked out one for boy one for a girl n they both came from movies name of charicters i dont want my child to bistow a name like that i already got two picked out that i love alot and that are fitting i know for the girl name shyah is perfact name not that much used at all and for a boy tetheon i love both names n they were past life names of mine shuldnt the women pick the name i mean we carry the baby we go threw the dicomferts and pains or pregnancy and labor i see its only fair cuz all men did was spue in us when we go threw the hardships n trials in pregnancy n labour

    6 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Good games on android that are like gta game franchise?

    So i no longer own a console i sold my ps4 n games n now i miss it. Any android games out there that are really good like gta type games i tried few but they sucked

    3 AnswersVideo & Online Games5 years ago
  • Almost five yr old and finally useing the big boy potty?

    So im very proud but worried i noticed that he will pee on the big boy potty he is autistic and he dont talk so he cant tell me if he needs to potty but he understand when i tell him it potty time he will pull down his own pants n pullup and even takes his shirt off he gets nakid when he pees i noticed if he really has to go he goes now right away but will sot there to try n see if he will poo n i noticed he will keep peeing like he has no bladder control. I very concerned cuz i want to get him into big boy undies but if he has no bladder control shuld i go see his doc abt the issues could it be a medical prob

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler5 years ago
  • Where did u fart in public and it was so bad it left a trail of stench that followed behind you?

    With me walmart after having my son i was going for diapers n wipes n etc. I was the only one in the isle so i let one rip i didnt know it was gonna be a bad one it stunk up the whole secetion n trailed behind me i got out of there asap acted like it wasnt me n it was a silent one thoes are killers

    3 AnswersOther - United States5 years ago
  • Who shild win best answer to this?

    Im just bored off my *** its only gonna get worse when i have to sit in a lab waiting room for three hrs for the 3 hr glucose test idk who ever comes up with the smarrtiest *** and funniest reply gets best answer

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Why do people think pulling out works?

    Ok this is seen everywhere its annoying the **** out of me how can kids be so stupid even adults to think pulling out works to prevent pregnancy im so sick n tired of it is this seriously how stupid people are getting.

    But hey like they say stupid is as stupid does. Lol i can see it now 13 yr old goes home saying mom im pregnant but we used the pull out methid man id wack that kid upside the head n say its not a ******* method. A method works n that dont work its not even a method. Ahhhhhhh this world is infested with retards

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Whats the dumbest question u ever saw on yahoo answers?

    So i did google this had a few laughs and some so bad that get you worried abt humanity here. What was the most stupid question u ever saw on here

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • Easy ways to fold laundry with killing my back?

    I googled this have came up with noting im 16weeks and one day preggo and high risk. I feel guilty not being able to do as much as i use to so ive been doing all our laundry but now most of its done time to start folding and putting away i sit on the floor to fold but it kills my back still any tips on how i can ease the pain in my back or orevent the pain. From. Arriseing. I got literally so many laods that im utilizing my pillow cases to bring the laundry into my livung room

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management5 years ago
  • Why do people have sex with animals?

    I seem bazzar things guys obssed with stuffed animals to sticking rods in their penis i just dont under stand is it what hard to get a woman to have sex with that they resort to animals even women have sex with animals it disgusts me why isnt there laws to protect animals from this and to be so desprate a man or woman would take advantage of a animal like that gross

    1 AnswerPolitics5 years ago
  • Sever gas pain during pregnancy?

    So i got this even befor i was pregnant. I know i can feel the fart comming but it dont come out n when it does it hurts my butt. Ounce i had the walking farts lol but the pain so bad that i cant sit lay down nor walk any thing or ideas on what i can do i had one thing that worked but had to toss it cuz it got dirty over time n use my bro bought it one of thoes teddys that u put in microwave idk what its called but how can i make a homemade one

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • Shuld cps be called child protective services?

    So a friend she is like my sis to me her sister had her child in her careseat on the floor in the back seat for a seven hr drive then she showed me a pic with the baby in her fathers arm while they were driving. Also accounts of her getting mad at the kid for wanting seconds with a bottle or screaming at her for crying im worried for this baby shuld my best friend call cps on her sis i told her she shuld

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • Do you judge people by looks or on their personality?

    It drives me crazy people judge by size n looks someone can be perfact size zero n beautiful on the out side but very dark n ugly person on the inside. I judge by peesonality n how that person treats others

    4 AnswersPhilippines5 years ago
  • 3hr gluclose test today?

    So i stopped eating like last time i ate was abt 2pm when bf got home i whent to go take a nap ehen i got up too late to eat so i drank three glasses of water all last night n this morning i felt like i was and am gonna faint and feel sick to my stomic i failed the one hr test im nervious im already taking blood thinners for a clot i had and now this im worried their gonna tell me i have GD that would completely suck i barely eat. As it is n cant even stomic the thought of food half the times. Idk what ill do

    1 AnswerOther - Health5 years ago
  • How can i get my autistic son to talk?

    He is going to be five and jabbers like a one yr old i want him to start talking. I blame his doc cuz i told them from the moment he was born something was wrong but they wrote everything off as normal or noting so now im stuck facing this on my own with no resorces. To help him he was dignosed with it at four n half. The doc said he wouldnt benefit from school wich he is supposto have started already what do i do i cant even get him to potty train it isnt clicking with him

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler5 years ago