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Lv 59,830 points

Proud mother of Dakota Annie Chaulk!

Favorite Answers32%

Just your average newfie chick with an addiction to piercings and tattoo, who also love animals and to have fun. I also love answering questions for people, helping is my fav hobbie, lol!

  • Cluster problem with 2002 dodge neon?

    So about 2 weeks ago or so I started the car and the cluster wasn't working, all the lights was out, the gauges wasn't working, gas hand on full when it should of been closer to empty. I asked some at canadian tire they said it sounds like serious wiring issues, i asked my usual mechanic and he said i would need a new cluster. So when i came home, i read online that if it was a wiring problem then the fuse would be gone and if i replace it the new one would go pretty fast. so we decide to check the fuses anyways, i mean i didn't think it would hurt. So we took the lug of the battery, check the fuses and they were fine. put the lug back on, started the car and everything was perfect again. Yesterday the cluster was dead again, we tried the same thing and now it's working again. Anyone have any idea what's going on? would replacing the cluster fix this, or could there be another problem? Thanks,

    2 AnswersDodge7 years ago
  • Problem with 2001 SC1 Saturn... Any idea what it could be?

    So, tonight when my fiance was leaving work to come home. He had the car in gear, and I think he had his foot on the break (I don't drive standard so I'm not so up on it). Anyways before he start to move he tried to reposition the car mat with his foot and either way both the clutch and break end up getting stepped on while the car was in gear now the car won't move. It'll start and everything, but when it's in forward and reverse it's the same as if it was in neutral, and when you put it in the other gears it'll click as if it'll try to change but it won't move. Anyone have any idea what the problem could be? We will be checking with a mechanic tomorrow, but hoping to get some insight on what we might have to fix. Thanks!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs8 years ago
  • Has anyone bought a dress from this site?

    Just wondering if anyone has bought a site from this site,/ or could give a review on it. I've read some good and bad things about it, so now i'm a little iffy about getting my wedding dress from there. Any other sites that sells wedding dresses at a good price and still looks great would be helpful too. As well as any other wedding ideas and tips. Thanks!

    2 AnswersWeddings10 years ago
  • Do anyone know what this symbol means? (repost)?

    Hi, I bought these little charms today, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the symbol in the heart means. Thanks!

    I'm reposting because the link that was posted first didn't work, so hopefully this one will, and that someone will be able to help.

    1 AnswerLanguages10 years ago
  • Do anyone know what this symbol means?

    Hi, I bought these little charms today, and I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the symbol in the heart means. Thanks!

    If you need a better picture or a close up of it, let me know. I can easily provide it. Thank you!

    2 AnswersLanguages10 years ago
  • Why do i feel this way, and how do i fix it? (warning, its long)?

    Hi, I'm a 22 year old female, and I've been with my 34 year old fiancé 21 months, I love him so much that it can not be put into words. We have a beautiful 8 month old baby girl and everything is next to perfection.... except for me.

    The thing is, he has slept with 12 or 13 other girls in his past including one night stands, semi-serious relationships, and everything, I’ve only met one (accidentally) and he's completely honest with everything that has happened with them, and answers all questions I might think of. Me, he's the second guy I ever had anything to do with, my first relationship was a nightmare, he was abusive, verbally and sexually, it lasted a year and a half before I could get rid of him, even longer to get him to stop calling and harassing me.

    Anyways, I hate that it makes me feel so insecure; know that he's been with so many others. I know what's in the past, and should stay in the past, and no one can change it. But it hurts to know that he shared the same passion, and intimacy with so many others, and I always finding myself comparing myself to everyone else, and I don't even know them. I feel like I’m the worst looking one, that I’m not special, and that I’m just the next in line sort of deal. I know he loves me, and he loyal and honest and he would do anything for me, but why do I feel like this all the time? Sure I don't have a perfect figure, but I know he loves the way I look, and I’m not experienced in the bed, but he says I’m the best he ever had.

    He was engaged once before me, and while he was trying to sell he's ex's ring, which took 21 months, in the last month or so I kept feeling like he cared more for her, just because her ring was more expensive, nearly 3 grand, and both my engagement and the matching band won't even come to 1 grand. I know it's not about the ring, it’s about what it means, and the feels the ring holds, but I couldn't control these feelings. He went all out for me, when he proposed, flowers, dinner, the works. For his ex, she picked out the ring (wouldn't do with any other) and he just tossed it to her when he was sitting on the couch by her, he was kind of forced into that relationship due to parents and religion. With me, he's here because he wants to be with me, not because he has to. and I'm thrilled, he gave up so much for me, and I hate feeling like this for no reason.

    How can I stop feeling so insecure over his past? I had a lot of worries that when I was pregnant, that the child birth was going to make me loose or what ever and that it would be so pleasurable for him, well I had a c-section and it had the reverse effect. And I should be happy with that, because it's great now, just like it was before our baby, but a bit better, and then last night on my birthday, I end up finding out that he's been with girls that are tighter (he says too tight), due to my questioning, and now I just feel horrible. Like I’m not good enough, and that he has been with better. I don't know how to word it, I feel all dirty, and gross.

    Sorry I can't word this better, and sorry for making it so long. Thanks for any feedback. Also I'm not leaving him, He means everything to me, we're getting married next summer, and if I can't control my feelings or issues then I am going to get help, I really want this to work, and I’m putting my all into this relationship because I want to be with him forever. He and my little girl are the best part of my life.

    4 AnswersMarriage & Divorce10 years ago
  • Can someone help reword this please?

    Hi, a friend of mine is doing a little survey based on tobacco products and he has 2 questions he needs help rewording to make them sound more causal, and they are

    1.a) My Export A price has increased too much recently; what comparable smoke do you have that's cheaper?

    1.b) Do you have an even cheaper brand?

    Any help making these sound a bit better would be appreciated, thank you!

    1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago
  • girl names that goes with Nellie...?

    So i've been randomly thinking of names for our second baby, where hoping to wait a few years first, yet i still like to think of names, since the next time around it'll be my turn to name him or her. I have decide if it is a girl, then i would love for her middle name to be Nellie, which is after my grandmother. Do anyone have any suggestions on a first name that would go well with Nellie as a middle name?

    Also our daughter's name is Dakota, and her middle name is Annie (my fiance's grandmother's name) and the middle name is Chaulk. Thanks for all of your suggestions.

    3 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • cooking turkey and giblets?

    we're planning to cook a turkey for my parents when they drop by for supper in a couple of days, its going to be un-stuffed. But as we were talking about it and what not, my fiance mentioned that he likes the giblets and what not, and said that you could take them out of the bag, and put them back inside the turkey, when you cooks it in the oven.... I'm pretty unsure of this, I've never seen anyone doing this before, is it really okay to cook the giblets like that? will it affect the taste of the turkey or anything? thanks!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Do anyone have any good bread pudding recipes?

    Just wondering if anyone could give, or recommend a bread pudding recipe. My parents are coming by tomorrow for dinner, and I would like to make one for everyone, also would it be okay to make it the day before (like tonight, and have it tomorrow) or would it best to wait and make it tomorrow. Thanks!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • how to wow your guy... please help, both guys and girls...?

    hi, i'm just wondering what can i do to really impress or wow my fiance. I love him more than anything and for once i would really love to be able to get that look from him, you know, the look that shows that he really likes what he sees, or sees something that makes me seem a bit special or fantastic. I've tried everything and i don't even get a slight response... after about 15 or 20 minutes i might get "you look nice" or "thanks". I'm really feeling down about myself, there's nothing i can do to make him notice me, and yet he loves me. I do have low self esteem and need help to keep it up and what not, but still nothing, i tries what ever he says he likes and still nothing, like trying to impress a wall. Do anyone have any ideas on what i could do to try and wow him, or do anyone know how i can express what it is that i'm hoping to get from him, because he hates to see me down, but i can't put it into words what it is i'm hoping to achieve and what not any help would be appreciated. thanks.

    2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • carrot cake recipe with out pineapple?

    hi, i'm planning on making a carrot cake for my fiance, it's his favourite, however i ran into a bit of a problem... you see I can't find the recipe that I used to make all the time, so now i need another one. I've searched around online for a carrot cake recipe but so far all the ones that i've found had pineapple in the recipe, the cake that i used to make before never had pineapple in it, so i was looking for a recipe without pineapple. Any help would be greatly appreciated, also i could use a recipe for the cream cheese icing to go with it too. Thanks!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Memory foam mattress at walmart reviews?

    Hi, just wondering if anyone on here have bought the Sleep Revolution 8" Memory Foam Mattress from walmart or know anyone who has, and what are your opinions on them/ what have you heard about them. We've seen them at our local walmart a few days ago, and now i'm curious to know if they're are any good, or if they are at least worth their price. Any information or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • painless "contractions" for an hour? (please read all)?

    hi, i'm 39 weeks and 4 days and lately i've been experiencing a lot of painless contractions, or i think they're contractions/braxton hicks. either way they've been painless and i've been getting them each night for the last 3 nights roughly the same time for about an hour, they've been pretty irregular during that hour, sometimes 3 or 4 minutes apart, sometimes 10 minutes between some. However tonight they've started a little earlier and they're pretty much evenly spaced out, roughly 5 or 6 minutes apart. Did anyone else experience this? should i wait a bit longer or should i get it checked out just in case?

    Also i've lost my mucous plug, or have been over the last 3 or 4 days and have been urinating a LOT more than usual, which changed today, since i woke up this morning it felt like i've had to go like every 4 minutes. i don't have any actual pain, sometimes with the contractions i've been getting a mild like cramping feeling in my hips and sometimes i've gotten a hardly noticeable ache in my lower back.

    This is my first baby, also i've gotten my membranes stripped last monday, and found out that i was nearly 3cm dilated then. Thanks for the help, and info or experience would be greatly appreciated.

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • membrane sweeping/stripping?

    so, i'll be 39 weeks tomorrow, and i have my prenatal appointment today, which is when i'm supposed to have the membrane stripping done. I was just wondering how painful is it, and usually how long does it take to do this. And any other information would be appreciated. I'm not really concern about if it'll speed things up with the labor or not, i'm just a little nervous over this, and would like to hear from the ones who have had it done before. Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • questions regarding Lochia?

    hi, i'll be 38 weeks tomorrow, and just wondering about postnatal bleeding, and would like to some answers/advice from ones who have experienced it. Just curious to know how long did it last for you? and what pads would you recommend for it, and how many packs should i buy for it. I wasn't really concerned about it before, but i guess as i get closer to the day, i'm finding more and more things to think about. Thanks for all your help!

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • What do/should i pack for the hospital?

    So I'm due october 20, and when it comes to packing for the hospital, I'm wondering what do i need/should take and what should i leave behind. Any advice would be appreciated. I know there are a lot of lists online and what not, and i've looked at them all, but i would like to hear from some women with personal experience and what not. Thanks so much!

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • need help with shopping list... what did you need when your baby was born?

    Just wondering what did other people need when their babies we're born, and what they didn't need. Like what are some of the things that you couldn't do with out, and about how much of somethings (ie: wipes, diapers, etc...) should i stock up on for the first month or so. We're going out on saturday to pick up most of what we'll need, and was wondering if there's anything we forgotten or didn't think about adding to the list or are there things that we probably won't need. Any advice or tips appreciated. I'm due october 20th, and i'm planning to breastfeed and thinking about pumping and using bottles too if that helps. Thanks!

    7 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • what are some indications that a cat may have worms?

    what are some signs that we should look for that may indicate worms in our cats. We have 2 cats from the same litter, both of them are 10 months old, one is a male and the other is a female. they both have good appetites and does not vomit, nor have diarrhea. However i was wondering what would be some signs of worms. They have their routine check up with the vet coming up in a few days, so we'll be asking her questions then, and we'll be able to find out for sure, but i was curious to get some answers now. Also i don't want to treat them with out a vet's approval first, especially if they don't have something. but people has been saying that i should treat them for worms any ways as a just in case thing. I personally do not think this is a good idea, but was wondering if over the counter treatments for worms would do damage to a cat, if they do not have worms in the first place? don't worry like i said, i'm not treating them for anything until my vet checks them out, and says if its needed or not. just wondering what your thoughts are. thanks!

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • how many pages should be in a cook book?

    i'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this or not, but i'm currently making a series of cook books to sale and part of the profits will be going to the local animal shelter. but i was wondering about how many pages should be in each book? i'm doing different books, such as ones for people trying to loose weight, vegetarians, high cholesterol, traditional favorites, as well as one for desserts as well as a few others. i'm taking it one book at a time. so about how many pages/recipes do you think each book should contain? thanks!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago