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First off... the picture is of Roberto Clemente for those that don't know; A Hero to millions and the namesake for Major League Baseball's annual award for community service. 40 something and love to be active with tennis, golf, volleyball, cycling, mountain and desert hiking as well as home improvement stuff. Other eclectic interests and my brain is filled with useless trivial information. Come on Alex (Trebek) Pick Me.
Trig? What is the length of the hypotenuse?
I have a real world Trig problem.
I have a right triangle. I know that one leg/ side is 19. I know that the opposite angle is 65 degrees. (i.e. the neighboring angle is 25 degrees). What is the length of the hypotenuse?
I aced Trig 38 years ago, and this is my first chance to see it used in real life. If you just give me answer, that is fine, but if you also show the math/ formula, then maybe I can put this to use in the future also.
6 AnswersMathematics6 years agoWhy so little lovin' for Jackie Brown?
Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, Inglourious Basterds, Django Unchained (now) and of course Pulp Fiction are tremendous QT films. My question is not meant in any way to diminish these classics.
It has many of the elements that we all love in his films:. Music, playing with chronological order, guns, great acting and well known actors, storyline,and classic QT dialogue.
is it because the "stars" were all in supporting roles?
* Michael Keaton
* Samuel L Jackson
* Bridget Fonda
* Robert DeNiro
* Chris Tucker
not enough blood and violence?
the underpinning of romance?
Something else?
Why is Jackie Brown mentioned so infrequently amongst the great QT films?
"The AK-47, when you absolutely, positively have to kill every last M/F in the room."
1 AnswerMovies8 years agoWhat are the requirements to record a save?
Valverde comes in in the 9th with a 3 run lead. He gives up 2 runs on 3 hits and a walk. The potential tying run on 3rd with the go ahead runner on 2nd. How can this disaster qualify as a save?
How big of a cushion must today's relievers be given before it is NOT a save opportunity?
Ok.. sorry for the mini rant. But what are the requirements now to qualify for a save and how have they changed over the years?
5 AnswersBaseball9 years agoWas it political suicide to announce support for gay marriage today?
My question is regardless of your stance on gay marriage,
North Carolina is supposedly a "Battleground" state for the November election. Yesterday a majority of voters in NC said NO to gay marriage again. Today, for what appears to be no immediate need, Obama comes out in favor of gay marriage.
It seems to me to be political suicide in the TarHeel state to come out and immediately disagree with the majority of voters in one of your key states. This seems to fly in the face of logic. what do you think?
10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoWhy do you like the idea of JC Watts as VP choice?
He is from the south. He is a former star athlete He had 4 terms in Congress, winning his last election with 60% of the vote. He is conservative, He is well spoken. He was a rising star in the Republican party. and he takes away much of the thunder from the racists who would vote for Obama just because he is black.
3 AnswersPolitics9 years agoIs Atlas Shrugged coming true even faster than we thought?
On Friday March 16th, the President signed the National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order. It basically gives the Executive branch authority to take over control of our natural resources ranging from oil and gas to water and livestock. There seems to be no Congressional oversight or approval needed and the definition of war and emergency are completely nebulous.
Almost as interesting as the order itself is that this information doesn't seem to be found in any leftist websites when doing a google search.
4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoAllen West or Cornell West?
Whose values and positions are you more likely to support?
6 AnswersOther - Politics & Government9 years agoHow do I get spark to my Whirlpool stove burners?
I have a "Whirlpool Super capacity 465 stove in which the front burners will not light. The 2 in the back will light and the oven works too.
When I turn the knob to "light", I get the click / spark in the back burners but no spark up front. It smells and sounds like there is gas getting to the front burners. So, I expect that if I brought a spark or flame to the front burners that it would work.
What are the likely causes for no spark? Is there a relatively simple way to track this down, and to cure it?
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoHow do I get rid of Helleborine Epipactis?
6 or 7 years ago a few stalks appeared in my lawn. It turns out to be a wild orchid type of plant with what I think are rhizome type root system.... Helleborine epipactis (epipactus).
In years past Roundup killed them temporarily, but they were back the next season and they are becoming more and more prevalent each year.
What is the most effective way to get rid of these invasive plants?
Thanks, in advance
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape10 years agoIs Leverage on TNT a modern day version of Mission: Impossible?
I just saw the first 10 minutes of Leverage. The concept that I got from that opening scene looks a lot like how i remember Mission: Impossible with Timothy Hutton taking on the Peter Graves role as leader. it appears as though Tim's team is private while Peter's team was gov't operated.
Do the team members have specific skills and go under cover in each episode?
anybody else have some insight?
5 AnswersOther - Television1 decade agoWhere's Congress in the Libya war?
Are our actions of enforcing a no-fly zone / sending tomahawk missiles into Libya considered acts of War? Seems to me they are.
If so, how is this constitutional since only Congress can declare war?
I am not saying that our actions in and over Libya are right or wrong, just asking if how we got to this point is constitutional.
6 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoIs Obama keeping his pledge to make job creation his number 1 priority?
During his State of the Union speech and other opportunities in front of a mass audience this year he declared that job creation is his top priority. Are his actions consistent with his words?
25 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoWho influenced USA the most in the second half of the 20th Century?
On my list..
1. Jonas Salk - thanks to him polio is a thing of the past here and most of the world.
2. Jackie Robinson - not only was civil rights leader but put his life and health on the line 154 times per year. By integrating baseball, he integrated the country.
3. LBJ - much more controversial. B/c of his Vietnam policies: the country divided and 10's of thousands were killed / injured. His failed "War onPoverty" and "Great Society" welfare programs are still with us
Here's a partial list of honorable mention:
JFK, Martin Luther King, ?Rodney King? Reagan, Malcolm X, Nixon, Dr. Seuss, ?Dr. Laura?, Dr. Phil?, Oprah, Michael Jackson, McCarthy, Neil Armstrong, Chuck Yeager, Steven Speilberg, Michael Moore, Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw , Muhammad Ali, Ted Turner, Bill Gates / Steve Jobs, Henry Aaron, Roberto Clemente (think Jackie Robinson with little ability to speak English).
Who are your top 3 and why?
1 AnswerHistory1 decade agoWhat are the rules for the State of the Union drinking game?
take a drink when...
he mentions Bush?
he refers to anything he inherited?
when he refers to any subclass or hyphenated Americans? i.e. African-, working- , gay- etc...
he says or looks AWAY from the teleprompter?
he uses "me", "my" or "mine"?
he demonizes any individual, group , industry or company?
he uses the term "csar"?
he uses the word "bipartisan"?
he uses a word to substitute for "terrorist"?
Salut !!! comrades
8 AnswersPolitics1 decade agoShould the Federal government give the Governator and California the billions he is asking for?
I am especially interested to hear from Californians that think it is fair for the rest of the nation to subsidize the cost of the excessive spending and regulations that you impose upon yourselves.
5 AnswersGovernment1 decade agoWhy don't Congressmen and Senators ever retire?
Ted Kennedy only left the Senate when he died. Robert Byrd has been there forever and his health is now failing greatly.
Depending upon the state that these hangers-on represent, it could take some time for a replacement to be selected. Why doesn't Byrd just announce his retirement in "x" months / upon the selection of a replacement? In this way, he can still serve West Virginia until there is someone to take his place. WV then has no or minimal loss of representation.
if it is not ego or some sort of self interest, then I can't understand why they don't step down voluntarily.
3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade agoWhat are likely causes for lost clubhead speed and reduced distance for all clubs in the bag?
My friend is 58 y.o. has grown a bit of a pot belly as his knees have weakened in the last few years. 3 or 4 years ago we had similar distances for most clubs. Good drives by each of us would be out there 280 yards or so.
My drives are still where they were before but they are 40 - 50 yards past my buddy. He is using hybrids where you used to use middle irons. He is still working the ball just as he did before and just as accurate but loss of distance happened pretty dramatically.
We figure something has slowed his clubhead speed. Any ideas what to look at?
5 AnswersGolf1 decade agoWill you watch Fox's "The Moment of Truth"?
This looks to be a hideous show that preys on the worst of people. Same host as the idiotic and short lived Temptation Island that again tried to find the worst in people
I would sooner watch a train wreck.
If you do plan to watch, why? what is the entertainment value for you?
3 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago