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  • what are some great home made air freshner ideas?

    I am a stay at home mom of soon to be three children, My house is Always getting cleaned. while my kids are napping after i am done picking up i usually get bored, but i love having my house smell good so i was wondering if anyone know any way to make home made air fresheners that last for more than a couple days?

    3 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years ago
  • Passing a blood clot at 13 weeks?

    A friend of mine passed a blood clot about the size of a tennis ball, she was rushed to the hospital, they did a sono and showed the baby was fine! The doctors can't find a reason to why this happened. What are some reason this could happen? and also what are the chances of a Miss carriage?

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • what are some issues that i women/man might have sexually?

    I am a romance specailist and i am doing a little studing to see what some different types of problem women might have and the same with just a man! please share with about both men and women

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • how do i go about starting a dog rescue?

    ok I am doing my home work now! i am vary interested in starting a dog rescue but i was wonder how to go about it! who do i ask for the paper work. i have tryed like the dog catcher and some other rescues but no one could tell me! how do i get it going?

    8 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • when should i blanket my horse?

    ok so if anyone lives in new york they know the weather had been really cold at night, last night it was 26 F and i my filly is just a little arabian yearling, but she is as some as most weanlings! last night i just a blanket on her and she was fine with it, she was warm not hot!, and took it off her around 7am it was 72 out today, so my question is when should i really put her blanket on her for good for the season! it is a stable blacket, and i have a turn out on the way, both are heavy! i don't want to make her sick my putting it on and taking it off, but last night she was cold! thank you!

    please no rude comments

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • how does your open relationship work?

    Ok so my husband and i where watching a show about open relationships, when my husband looks at me and say do you want to try that! i am vary confused about this! how does your open relationship work? just looking to see how it works out!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what color for my horse?

    ok so my husband and i own this filly and we can not decide what to color to put her in, he says purple or pink, i said a different color because we all ready have purple and pink in the barn and i don't want to get stuff mixed up even tho all horses are mine in one area i would still like to have something different but anyways, this filly is chestnut with a flaxon main and tail, with white blaze and four white socks! she is an arabian, so it might be hard finding something! like right now she has a hot pink blanket(not on) and a purple halter on(we tried to find same size in same color but didn't work! so what do you think we have decided to let you guys and gals pick for us! thanks and pick a good one!

    7 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • omg horse stall bedding with air freshener in it!!!!!!!!!?

    Ok so i am boarding one of my filly's, to let her get some brains! but anyways, i have been boarding her for a couple months (7 months) the owner of the barn, has been using just sawdust from a local mill, all fine, but just a today she got a load in of sawdust with ground up air freshener in it! can the chemicals of the air freshener hurt your horse? alot of us boarders are not happy, she never told us she was changing, also this saw dust looks like a rats nest! anyways i left a note saying not to use it that i would get my own sawdust to use! this is the note i left!

    please do not use the new saw dust in my horses stall, i will get my own and bring it in. thanks

    so the owner of the barn saw it and when i got there she was screaming at me saying that it was safe for the horses, and she didn't like that i left a not like that at the barn, i didn't think i had said anything wrong, do you think i did?

    4 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what would cut the smell in horses stall?

    my horses stall smells like ammonia, it has been striped new sawdust and everything like that, is there something that i can make like a spray to put in it! do you think baking soda would help?

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what should i do......... filly has worms?

    ok so one of my boarders horses that just turned one, had a huge worn in its poo when i went to clean its stall. I called the owner but she is on vacation, and she told me she has ivercare and for me to give her the whole tube, if i do this will it hurt the filly?( i use daily wormers on my horses) I am a little skittish of this women because she just came to my barn and when i did her references one of them said that she likes to start trouble through the barn.( i just thought some people don't get along maybe they just said that) so anyways would it be ok to give her the whole tube, she weighs about 500 pounds

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • how old do you think this horse is?

    ok i just want o see if i am on track with my horse! tell me how old you think this horse is? I just want to know if i am doing a good job!

    this horse, is arabian,

    will bath, clip


    trailer, follow you a around like a puppy,

    let my daughter that is two sit on its back,

    cross tie,

    stands for farrier

    and vet,

    gets along well with other horses,

    stands quit,

    loves to be groomed!

    tell me how old you think this horse is and i will give best answer and let you know what this horses age is!

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what do you think is better! poll easy 10 points!?

    what do you like better?

    cowboy magic or mane and tail?

    round swate scaper or flat?

    what detangler?

    what fly spray?

    do you use fly mask?

    easy 10 points!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • what weight should i be at?

    I am 19 yrs old and i am 5'3 how much should i weigh

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • horse mags help i want some?

    what are some free or cheap horse magazines? please leave links thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • what saddle should i get?

    I have a one year old arabian, that i am going to start training(just putting the saddle on her back and tighten girth. But however i don't really know what saddle i should buy, i ride western but most people say i need to buy an arabian saddle. Do you think this is true? i have read some wintec saddles will fit Arabians. Is This true? I have owned horse before but this is only my second arab and my first i did not ride. so i have never had to buy a saddle for an arab. just trying to see other peoples in sites.

    also i need a 17"

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • good baby names for boy and girl?

    what are some good baby names for both girl and boys? I have a 2 year old named Jazmyne, i like different spelled names and meanings, and something you don't hear alot of! we own horses, and come from country roots. please no rude comments

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • training tips! need help with young filly?

    so i have a lot of experience with horses but, i have a little bit of a harder filly to work with.(Arabian 9 month) any tip on anything to try she knows nothing! not even what a brush is.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Help what should i do about my horses feet?

    ok so people at the barn i board at hate the man that does my horses feet! so i don't know what to do! my filly 9 months, has had funny looking feet even when she was born(club feet) but her vet says it does not hurt her in any way! anyways theses people say that i need to get a new farrier or my horse will not be any good! i like my farrier and really don't see anything wrong with his work! the last time her trimmed her feet he said he had to cut her feet different! i said ok but didn't get into much details! (i trust him) but people that haven't seen my filly said that she need a new fairer i know this sound bad! but this is how her feet are cut the heels are high and toe a little high too, but on one foot it is not even cut! when i notice this he said that was the one he cut different! so here feet would straighten out! what should i do? a different farrier said he would be more than happy to trim her feet! this is the farrier that trims everybody horse but mine and another! do you think he is just trying to get more business or did my farrier do wrong? my filly is a arabian!!

    8 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago