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  • what cold medication can I take - I'm pregnant?

    I am suffering from a massive headcold with a dry hacking cough that produces phlegm and a runny nose with stuffed sinuses. I can also feel it heading towards my ears (which are popping painfully).

    Normally I'd be taking some sort of cold medication, but obviously I'm very nervous about that. I don't want to hurt my baby!

    I'm 1 month pregnant.

    Please help!

    2 AnswersPregnancy10 years ago
  • what cold medication can I take - I'm pregnant?

    I am suffering from a massive headcold with a dry hacking cough that produces phlegm and a runny nose with stuffed sinuses. I can also feel it heading towards my ears (which are popping painfully).

    Normally I'd be taking some sort of cold medication, but obviously I'm very nervous about that. I don't want to hurt my baby!

    I'm 1 month pregnant.

    Please help!

    6 AnswersInfectious Diseases10 years ago
  • What is the source of this cartoon (it's from a music video, but I'm not sure which)?

    Appearently the numbskulls in the music section of Y!A can't stop listening to this thing and telling me what the song is.

    So turn OFF your speakers before clicking the link. I'm not interested in the song that is being looped in the flash - I want to know where the cartoon is from.

    I'm fairly certain it's from a metal song, but I could be wrong.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation10 years ago
  • Source for this cartoon? (I'm certain it's a metal song)?

    I know it's from a music video - but I cannot for the life of me remember what. Unfortunately the music looped over it is NOT the original music.

    Can anyone shed some light?

    3 AnswersOther - Music10 years ago
  • If you breed pokemon over and over can you move an ability endlessly?

    While Bulbapedia does sort of go over the idea - would it be possible to breed (as an example) a Ponyta with Surf?

    Or is it restricted somehow?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Can a Pap Smear cause an early period?

    I had a Pap Smear two days ago and experienced quite a lot of discomfort and the doctor cut me which caused bleeding.

    The bleeding cleared up after a day or so, but began again, and now I'm on a full fledged period.

    Trouble is I have fairly consistant periods, and this is nearly a week early (at least 5 days). I had zero normal PMS symptoms (including headache and sore breasts, which is very usual for me) and I'm a little frustrated that there are no answers out there.

    While I don't mind that my period started early this is a cause for concern for me as I am intending on getting pregnant in the next few years and the doctor mentioned that a Pap Smear would be done on me in early pregancy - I most certainly do NOT want to miscarry!

    Is there ANY information you can give me? Google is not giving me any results, though there seems to be a ton of people who are asking this question!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • pH of 7 = never going to burn your skin?

    Obviously a pH of 7 is the same pH as pure water, and in general, water doesn't 'burn' your skin. Your skin is fine when in contact with it, where an acid or a base (even weak ones) can cause harm to the skin.

    I got to thinking, obviously many chemicals can be at pH7...are they also non-destructive to the skin, or can they still cause harm?

    Obviously I'm not talking about radioactive or carcinogenic materials (which are obviously harmful) - but just other chemical solutions, sitting at pH 7.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • Dry socket more than a week after surgery? (No pain? What is going on?)?

    It's been almost two weeks since my extractions (17/47).

    47 was badly, badly infected, and the infection had gotten into my jawbone. After the extraction my dentist put a small amount of packing into the hole, and then stitched it closed with a dissolvable stitch.

    The stitch came out a few days later and the pain from the infection was gone by the end of the week.

    The packing, however, never did seem to come loose until just today. I got something stuck on the roof of my mouth and without thinking about it, I sucked it off. This loosened something - maybe the packing (if it hadn't come out) or possibly the scar tissue.

    Now I have a very deep hole where my tooth was. (well, according to my tounge - you know how these things are)

    I have no pain (and I know that dry socket is suppoed to be very painful!). However, there does seem to be something stuck in there (I'm scared to pick at it, even though I'm certain it's food).

    I can compare it to the hole left by the extraction of my top tooth (17) and the size difference between the two holes is huge. 17's hole is filling in already, it's almost to the former gumline.

    But 47's hole is SO deep - and it wasn't that way yesterday.

    Is this dry socket? Is this due to the packing come loose (and am I going to get sick from probably swallowing the packing...ewww)? Is it something else?

    Should I contact my dentist about this or just wait it out?

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • really extreme abdominal pain during a period?

    My period started two days ago, with slight cramping at first, and the usual headache. I took a few extra strength Ibprofen, and the headache left. The cramps did not and have worsened continuously for over 24 hours. My flow is not as heavy as usual, I have had a few BMs - normal consistency, but caused pain in my abdomen each time. Urinating is AGONY. Moving is AGONY. Stretching is AGONY.

    It feels like someone is sawing through my gut with a serrated knife every few moments.

    I have tried:

    ~ More Ibprofen, which does not even lessen the pain.

    ~ Some no-name robaxacet, containing acetametophen and methocarbamol (usually makes me relax no matter the 'cramp'. Didn't lessen the pain.)

    ~ Warm Compress (did nothing)

    ~ Warm Bath (even though it was gross)

    ~ Masturbation (which almost always works, but did nothing!)

    ~ Stretching and moving around (which hurt so much I was gasping for air)

    The warm bath seemed to help a little, but as soon as I got out the pain returned like I'd done nothing.

    Pressing the area hurts - the area it hurts is my whole lower abdomen.

    The only time I've felt halfway comparable pain is when I had an abortion (well over 5 months ago with several harmless and relatively CRAMPLESS periods in between) - and oddly enough during this month's ovulation, which eventually faded away.

    I'm going to have to miss work today because I don't think I can stand to work like this.

    I am 28 and have had my period for 14 years. Seriously, I DO understand what cramps are and these are REALLY off the beaten path.

    Is this something other than cramps? Is there ANYTHING you can suggest to make the pain go away?

    5 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Non-Christians, how do you motivate yourself?

    I've recently come to my senses and dropped the falsehood of Christ.

    No. I'm not depressed. No, I don't really much care that now I'm 'going to hell'.

    Indeed, THAT is my issue.

    See, I WAS depressed as a Christian. The standards were too high, the practitioners were so hypocritical, and no one REALLY cared about a single damned thing that the Bible said, or hell, could even tell me anything about it other than the pastor-babble they grew up on. So I read the Bible, found out that I didn't really enjoy the message of it all, and quit.

    But my whole life, I've been motivated by an innate sense of TERROR that if I do not act, and fast, I'm basically going to go to hell.

    Now that I lack that fear, I'm much more happy and a far more pleasent person. But I also don't know any other firm way of motivating myself.

    So I pose this question to the rest of you; what motivates you?

    Christians, so help me, if you say "God's Love" I'm going to delete your answer. I'm not going to go back to that hellish way of life. Not EVER.

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago