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  • After my back surgery, will I be able to dance?

    In about a month I'm getting spinal surgery to correct my 15 degree scoliosis and spondylolisthesis with a 48% slip. Everything is in my lower back, with the spondy being between my last vertebra and my sacrum. Despite this, I'm incredibly flexible and can touch the floor flat handed when bending over to stretch. My college has a dance company and I'd really like to audition for next year, but am not sure if dancing is even close to a possibility about 3 months after surgery. I love dancing and have been doing it for 5 years (not very long, I realize.. but I still love it!!) and would love to continue.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • What would it be like to transfer to an English University with an American associate's degree?

    Hello! I'm currently a freshman at an American college. After I obtain my associate's degree from this school I'd really love to transfer to an university in England. I was just wondering how plausible this would be and tips for helping this occur. Any information that you think anyone planning on doing this should know would be greatly appreciated! I'd also specifically like to know about how degrees from England would look when applying for jobs in America. Again, anything you know is very valuable information to me! Thanks!

    4 AnswersStudying Abroad1 decade ago
  • How difficult would it be to transfer to an English university?

    I'm currently at a junior (ish.. they are gaining their first 4 year programs this year) college and will have an Associate's degree after I graduate (if I don't transfer next year since they don't have a pre-engineering program here). I'd really love to study in England, and am currently really interested in the University of Nottingham. How difficult would it be to transfer there, or anywhere in England? And do you have any suggestions on schools with good (appropriate for someone who got a 3.45 GPA her senior year) engineering programs?

    2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • What is a profession that uses both sides of the brain?

    I'm one of those monsters who is equally creative and logical.

    I've been looking at engineering, because you generally have to be good at both- with a lean towards the logical side. Is there a specific field of engineering that uses more imagination than others? Is there another profession I should be looking at?

    I'm very good at math and physics. I'm also good at acting, playing french horn, dancing and art.

    Any suggestions??

    6 AnswersHigher Education (University +)1 decade ago
  • My left angel bite (monroe) won't stop bleeding?

    I think it may be because yesterday I was at a grad party and people kept talking to me and making me converse and laugh.. but it hasn't stopped for about 30 min. I've also been playing with it a little (probably too much) which I'm not going to do ever again after this because this is really gross. There was also a collection of blood on the back of the stud, on the flat part, that I had to brush out (also really gross). Please tell me this is normal!!!

    Also- I've been diligently rinsing my mouth and cleaning the piercings. I also got these 2 days ago.

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Can I dot my i with a heart in my debit card signature?

    Hello! I've recently turned 18 and now have my first debit card. I always sign my i in my last name with a heart. I usually skip the dot and finish writing the rest of my last name, and dot it with a heart afterwards. My mom says not to do this, but it's just how I sign my name. Is there any rules against this or is it okay as long as I sign everything like that?

    6 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • If I get angel bites, should I do one at a time or both at once?

    I'm considering getting angel bites and I was wondering if it's better to get them both done at the same time, or do one at a time. I think it would be better to get them both done since then they would swell at the same time and you can change them to shorter studs sooner. I've heard that if you get one and then later get the other, you have to get a longer stud for the already pierced one because that side may swell also.

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • Should I get angel bites or a lower side lip piercing?

    I'm turning 18 in 5 days and I'd really like to get a lip piercing. I can't decide between a safe, relatively normal lower side lip piercing or the less seen more daring angel bites/double monroe. I really want angel bites because I think they are cute and more unique, which fits me better.. but I'm not sure if they're for me.

    Please help me!

    Also- Don't even bother answering if you're going to say something disrespectful. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all! :]

    1 AnswerOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What is this quote from?

    I saw this on someone's myspace and I absolutely love it. It said..

    "I'm a strange bird,

    but I'm not even a bird,

    and that's the strangest part."

    who wrote this or where is it from?

    1 AnswerPoetry1 decade ago
  • Which lip piercing is best for someone with a small mouth?

    Hello! I'm thinking about getting a lip piercing for my 18th birthday. I am very small all around being 4ft 11in and 100lbs. I have a tiny tiny mouth. I'm really up for any of the variations of lip piercing besides snake bites. Absolutely anything! What are your suggestions?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What should I know about getting a lip piercing?

    I'm turning 18 soon and I've been thinking about getting my lip pierced. I would like to get a lip ring on my lower lip on one side. I'd like to know if I get it initially pierced for a ring, can I put a stud in later and not look ridiculous? Pictures would be extremely helpful! Is there anything else you think I should know about lip piercings? I've been doing a lot of research on this, but I would like to ask people with personal experience about it. Thanks so much!

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Which of these pets would be best for my situation?

    Hello! I've decided to go to a college that allow pets (please don't question my ability to care for animals as I am very responsible and have no intentions whatsoever of doing normal "college kid" things while attending college) and have been trying to get a pet for several years now, but to no success thanks to my strict mother. Long story short- I want a pet that is cute, small and a great companion. The animals I've been looking at are dogs, rats and ferrets. I plan on majoring in either Biology for Pre-Veterinary Medicine or Fashion Marketing (or Design). The college has a specific pet dorm with a fenced in yard. My favorite things about each animal are as follows: Dogs are the best companions of them all, which is why I've been leaning towards them. Rats are arguably just as good companions as dogs and I've always thought rats were absolutely adorable. Ferrets are probably the cutest, in my opinion, of the three (although, probably tied with chihuahuas and himilayan rats) and are about the perfect size for me. I love how silly they are! Although, they are not as affectionate as rats or dogs, overall. What would you suggest?

    13 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • What kind of dog is in this picture?

    As the URL states, I think it's a chihuaha-pug or a chug. I'm not 100% sure, though. It could just be a mutt, but she sure is cute! I found her on petfinder. Trying to convince my parents to let me get a dog :]

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is a hobby that is very time consuming?

    I've recently been bored out of my mind. Every day after school I have nothing to do. I finish all of my homework in my study hall. I used to be involved in color guard (flag spinning) which was very time consuming, but I was diagnosed with two back conditions that are very painful when I spin, so I had to quit. Now, I have all this free time and have no idea what to do with it. I live in Ohio, where we are getting blasted with snow as I type, so I can't do anything outdoors. Also- with my back I can't do anything like gymnastics or figure skating and I can't do anything that is a contact sport. I'm not really into sports, anyways. I love animals, but my mom won't let me keep any and I'm going to college in the fall. I have about 6 hours of free time every day, so I need something that will keep me busy a lot. Any suggestions?

    13 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • What fish can I put in a 10 gallon aquarium that have personality?

    I'm going to college this fall and the school I'm most likely going to only allows fish within a 10 gallon fish tank. I'd really like to take this opportunity. I'd really like something that is unique, fun, and has personality. I thought about getting a few neon tetras or something, but I've done research on dwarf pufferfish and really liked them. Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Is there something seriously wrong with my gerbils?

    I have 2 gerbils at my dads house. They were born in the same litter, both female. Since my parents are seperated and I live with my mother, I don't get to see my gerbils very often. So today I came over to my dads to find that my door was open, which automatically set an alarm off in my head because we have 3 cats. There was a bunch of stuff knocked over onto the floor from the dresser that is next to their tank. The gerbils weren't out and about like they usually are when I walk in.. I immediately thought they were dead, but the lid on the tank was still on it and the random objects I put on top (to keep the gerbils from escaping) were still in the same places. So I opened the tank to find them completely shunned in their little house. I was so happy that they were alive! but after a while I noticed that one of my gerbils had a chunk of tail missing. Their fur was ruffled and one of them wouldn't open one of it's eyes, and the other eye was only partially open. It appeared that they were missing patches of fur, but it was hard to tell. I didn't think these were alarming until I read in an article that they were.. so now I'm asking. They have never fought before (my step-mom had suggested that they got into a fight) and right after I found them they were cuddling in a corner, like they always do. Even now they are burrowed into a little "nest" sleeping together. Please help me!

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • What kind of dog is this?

    It says it's a pomeranian, but I think it looks a little big. It might just have a lot of fur? I don't know. What do you think?

    12 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • If a college asks me to apply with their presidential application, can i anticipate a lot of scholarships?

    i found this college I really liked, then realized they have been emailing me since the first time i took the act. my family is really tight on money nowadays and i was wondering how much should i expect to get? the tuition is $41,000

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • What do blue and liver colored bedlington terriers look like when mature?

    I've seen the puppies, one looks blue black and the other is light brown, but I'd like to see pictures of what they both look like when older. Thanks!

    7 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Why have I been having such depressing thoughts lately?

    I'm usually a really happy and peppy person. Lately, though, I've become extremely analytical and over-thinking everything.. and wondering why I even bother trying to do anything because I feel like there is no purpose. This is incredibly unusual for me. I think it might have something to do with the fact that over the past summer I was diagnosed with 2 spinal conditions that keeps me from doing the one thing that took up a huge chunk of my life. Now, I can't even carry my own books to my classes in school because of the pain. I'm 17, a senior, and have also been incredibly stressed out lately because of colleges and money. Ever since I've had these strong depressing thoughts, I've grown a strong desire for a pet.. but that is almost impossible because my mom won't even let me have a betta at my house and the pets I own at my dad's I only get to see once a week. I also feel like I don't have a best friend. Any of my closest friends have their best friends and will usually hang out with them over me. Another reason why I feel like getting a pet is a good idea, especially because one of my top choice colleges allows pets that have been owned before attending. Once again, my mother won't let me have a pet for what seems to be no reason. She knows I'm responsible enough. But this is all quite besides the point. Any help or guidance is greatly appreciated particularly because I have no where else to go. My mom will just say that I'm over-reacting to stress. Please help!

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago