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Hiya! I'm from South London originally, but now live in the North West of England. I'm living happily with my partner of 10 years. I love cats, cooking, eating out, having a beer and a laugh and talking to new people!! Love to you all! xxx

  • If you could name a variety of potato after you.. what would it be called and why? x?

    Have no idea where that question came from - bit I DO like potatoes :o) xxxxx heheheh - go on - tell me your secrets!! xxxx

    Suggested Category - SCIENCE and MATHEMATICS - hmmm! xxxx

    23 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does anyone have experience of owing a brown Havana cat at all? xxxx?

    Hiya xx I'm asking this question on behalf of my friend! She already has 2 domestic shorthairs (moggies), an Abysinnian (spelling??) and a siamese. Everyone gets on very well together, but she's thinking of adding to her cat family with a Havana brown cat and a new little one from Cats Protection! She's a fantastic cat mum, and loves and cares for her little ones dearly! Does anyone have experience of owning a Havana? Are they related to Siamese cats at all because they look quite similar in body shape? Are they sociable and good with other cats? There are obviously these things to consider before she adds to her ever-growing family >^..^< xx Be grateful for any advice you can give us here - I'm not experienced at all with pedigree cats - mine are scrufty bags and they're wonderful!! Thanks for any help and advice you can give us xxxxxxx

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Hello! Just a little question about my cat Daisy... xxx?

    Hi there! I'm hoping you can all help with me with a little question about my 7 year old cat Daisy! I shall be seeking advice from our vets too of course, but I just wanted some opinions and feedback from you all if your cats have anything similiar! xx Daisy appears to have a little wart/or skin tag under her left eye. It seems to have sprung up over the last week. She is in no discomfort, is eating well and is her usual bright self, her eye is causing her no irritation, and it is not red or inflamed at all. I was just wondering if this is something that may disappear on its own accord, or if I need to get some ointment from the vets for her! I just wanted some advice from you all if possible, but obviously will ring my vets too if she needs to go in! Many thanks xxxx >^..^< xxxxxx

    15 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Who would win in an argument between Bob The Builder and SpongeBob Squarepants?

    Bob the Builder does have Pilchard the Cat on his side however! Bob Rules, OK?;_ylt=Al... xx

    43 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Would you consider yourself to be a little bit absent minded at times?? xx?

    I am xx I've been e-mailing my dear friend, completely forgotten that I had some rolls in the oven: have just got them out and they're burnt to a crisp and hard as Old Harry!! Heheh - are you a bit of scatterbrain like me then?? Tell me your secrets good people xxxxxxxxx

    Suggested Category - TRAVEL???? What the devil.....

    17 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Hello lovely people xx What is the last thing that made you cry? Sorry about this question.. but...?

    I've been in floods of tears all morning, and I know this is small potatoes with everything nasty going on in the world but... some evil person has shot one of the Swans on the canal near where I live - they were beautiful and I fed them every day - I just can't understand why someone would do something so wicked to such a beautiful and gorgeous creature.They mate for life, and should have been nesting and having their babies soon -. I feel awful, and II'm sorry about this question xxxxxxxx

    37 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Hello lovely people! Please share your best fish recipes with me - I'm a confirmed fish-face.. so...?

    Please tell me your secrets, and give me some lovely ways of cooking fish!! I love all sorts of fish, but am getting bored with doing all my favourites - I need some inspiration here... so....please share your knowledge and recipes with me! Thanks for any any answers! xxxxxxxxx

    Must just add here though lovely folk - any thumbs down DO NOT come from me!! Everyone who answers gets a big thumbs UP!!!! xxxxxx

    14 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Have you ever been to a nice country pub & had a Ploughman's lunch?

    Did he chase you in his wellies with a big pitch-fork when you ran away with it?? :o) xxxx

    Suggested category: Entertainment and Music>Country music! Hmmm..

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Just a fun question here lovely people! xx Is your cat a bit of a clumsy sprout?

    Oh my goodness me - I've just called my Daisy in for the night-time and for her dinner, and she's fallen off the fence, looked round as if to say... it wasn't me... right?? and is a completely clumsy sprout! Elegant... no WAY... my lil Daisy breaks the mould lol! >^..^< xx So... are your cats a bit daft and clumsy??? Tell me your secrets.....

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Do you agree that music is important to you in your life xxx?

    It is for me - I love music and couldn't get by without it xxx Here's one of my favourites xxx good nite and sweet dreams wherever you are xxx love, smiles and hugs xxxxxxxx

    25 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why are my questions not posting??? I've asked 2 questions about music and songs?

    Oh whatever - nothing contentious or nasty - just wanting some other peoples opinion about stuff - Y/A.... get the answers and all that xxx

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Which band, in your honest opinion do you feel never got the success that they deserve? xxxxx?

    For me... there's quite a few but I think the songwriting of Tim Booth from James needs listening to. What a lovely song...lots of people think this is a happy song, but its not... listen to the words (sorry about crap vid, but just listen xxxxx) SO.... who do you think didn't get the recognition they deserved as a band and songwriters on their own... answers on a postcard please lovely people xxxxxxx

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How could you ever let me down... these promises were made for us...?

    Now what song am I singing here (badly) for you.. if you live in the North West region it's blaring out of my stereo... go on folks.. go for it! xxxxx Love and smiles xxxxxxx

    1 AnswerLyrics1 decade ago
  • What is the last thing you ate that you really REALLY didn't need to?? xx?

    And do you feel a bit naughty? I've just had a massive chop-suey roll and some chips too, pinched them off me mate - and it feels really good hahaha! I SO didn't need it, and I know it's a bit naughty, but damn... sometimes you've just gotta do it! Tell me your secrets lovely people - what are your naughty nibbles???

    Must just add here - any thumbs down DO NOT come from me - everyone who answers gets big thumbs up from me, and me chop-suey roll! xxxxxxxx

    Suggested category - Women's Health??? What the devil.... just as well I've got some chocolate too! yum yum yum xxxxxxxx

    18 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • What's your randomest thought of the day so far?? I know it's only early but....?

    I have been playing with my cat Gabriela and her catnip mouse... and it's suddenly occurred to me that cat's feet look like Monster Munch crisps (Pickled Onion flavour.. of course).. tell me your silly Sunday thoughts... xxxxxxxxx

    Must just add here - any thumbs down DO NOT come from me - all who answer get a big thumbs up from me, Gabi and the red catnip mouse xxxxxxxxxxx

    Suggested category - Pregnancy and Parenting?? Hmmmm... heheh xxxxx

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Tell me lovely people, about your best friend - what makes them so special to you and why do you love them? x?

    My best pal is completely adorable! He's 6 foot 3 with big lanky legs, sticky-up brown hair and he cheats at pool! He's got a potty-mouth, loves the Pogues and just is so loving and caring! He's warm-hearted, witty and wise, very cuddly and is always there for me, as I hope I am for him too! Friendship is very important to me, and I think it's the greatest gift in the world to trust another person and know that they will be there for you... so go on lovely ones.... tell me about your pals and what makes them so dear to you xxxxxxxx

    24 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Hello lovely people! I have a question for you about my friends 2 new cats >^..^< x?

    Hi there! I'm asking for some advice please on behalf of my friends who have two new rescue cats (Claude and Jeannie). I know a lot about cats myself, being the mum to 2 rescue cats myself, but would be grateful for other advice and input from you all. I'll tell you the story, and try not to waffle (that'll be a first hahah). Basically my pals have given Claude (who is 1) and Jeannie (who is 4) a lovely new home. Claude & Jeannie lived together before until their previous owner became unwell and had to rehome them. Jeannie is completely fearless, jumps on random visitors laps and generally rules the roost. Claude however, has become very shy and withdrawn, and likes to hide behind the sofa. Even though he is twice the size of Jeannie, the little madam is bossing him around, eating his food and cuffing him round the head all the time. My friends (who are new to owning 2 cats, although they are experienced cat owners), are getting rather upset by this situation, and obviously want to have a happy home with everyone getting on well. I have reassured them that this situation will settle in tjme, and also to get a Feliway plug in from the vets, but I would be most grateful for any other suggestions you can give me to set their minds at rest! Many thanks xxxxx >^..^< xxxx

    8 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • I know this has been asked before but....What mis-heard song lyrics have you in stitches laughing? x?

    There are the classic ones like Jimi Hendrix - "Excuse me while I kiss this guy" instead of kiss the sky... but today my pal has informed me that he thought the lyrics to Green Day's Time of Your Life were "Another TURNIP on a fork stuck in the road..." Oh dearie, dearie me.... go on lovely people - surprise me with your best daft misheard lyrics and musical knowledge - I bet ours are better than the original versions xxxxxx

    4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • A Laptop Question: Would be very grateful for your help here good people.....?

    Since Friday, I have been having trouble with my Toshiba laptop. At the moment, It will not allow me to to upload pictures onto my eBay account, print postage labels from PayPal, or even access and answer questions from my Y/A contacts through my classic mail account. I am thinking that this may have something to do with the settings on the pop-up blocker, but really haven't got the foggiest idea what I'm doing to be honest lol! Any help from you all would be much appreciated... Many thanks xxxxxxxx

    3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Survey: Approximately how many boxes of rum truffles must I eat to get completely and utterly inebriated?

    I've run out of lager :o) xxxxx

    Must just add here guys - any thumbs down DO NOT come from me - all who answer get a big thumbs up!! :o) xxxxx

    20 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago