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  • Am I retarded because I am bad at mathematics?

    Math is not my strong point.

    I am 20 and can go up to Algebra 2 at the highest level, although I would need to be taught that material again as it was years ago that I took the class. I failed pre-calculus in high school and did not ever take a calculus class. I enjoyed physics but I did not get the best grades in it. Chemistry, I failed.

    Today I had an interview and it required me to take a math test. I struggled to finish in the allotted time, but managed, just barely. My brother, finished much earlier. I feel like my answers were correct, but maybe I made lots of errors. My brother wants to major in computer science, so he is very good at math, and scoffs when I come to him for math help. He considers himself to be the smartest person he has ever met. My father has a Ph.D in engineering.

    I have very good grades in college. But I am taking humanities classes, not math or science. I love humanities. The only problem is, my brother is good at those classes too. He gets amazing grades in everything.

    Does this mean I am just retarded? My brother is better at everything than me. I am too slow to understand what he gets in a jiffy. The only things I am good at and enjoy, he is good at as well. He is quite a jerk and brings people down who are "less intelligent" than him. I consider myself to be a very good artist. But artists never make it in the world like those who love math. I feel like my talents are useless to society and no matter what, I will always be scoffed at.

    3 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • My dad keeps telling me I am too skinny but isn t concerned about my brother who is just as skinny?

    My dad reminds me everyday that I am too skinny. I am 20 years old and weigh around 95 lbs. i am a size 0 in pants and size S in most tops. I go to the YMCA every other day and do weightlifting and exercise machines. I have a good amount of prominant leg muscles and my arms are starting to look muscley as well. I do not do cardio. I do not diet. I eat healthy and avoid fast food at all costs. I am vegetarian. No risk of cholesterol or heart disease.

    My dad keeps telling me I am gonna die one day because I am too skinny. He says I look like a kid in Africa, starving. He bought me 2 giant jugs of protein and says he wants me to gain 30 lbs. He observes me up and down and says I don t eat enough every time he sees me.

    HOWEVER, this man is 60 and weighs 115 pounds!!! He is SEVERELY underweight for his age and looks anorexic. My brother is underweight as well, but is not bothered by my dad AT ALL. He doesnt do any exercise, sits around and eats junk food. At risk for cholesterol as well.

    My self esteem is suffering. I thought I looked pretty good. I am not anorexic. I never thought of my body as ugly or too skinny. Now because of my dad I am starting to think I am not good enough for the world and too skinny. Why doesn t he bother my brother? He also tells my mother that she is fat.

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Don't know what college major I want? Parents forcing me to get a degree?

    Please help.

    I don't know what major I want.

    I was set on doing graphic design since middle school and now, after hearing horror stories about how majority are unemployed, I gave it up last year.

    Now, I am clueless. I was a buisness major for a while and I HATE IT. I hate finance, hate accounting, it can all go to h***. I am not good at math, and have no interest, which limits my options.

    I love history, art, humanities, etc. I love them to death. But all the degrees are "usless" and my parents discourage me a lot. I dont want to end up being a teacher in those either.

    Seems like all I have left are STEM or medical degrees. I never had an interest in those. I wanted to do nursing; but i heard horror stories about being a nurse and how they are overworked and underpaied. Now I am unsure.

    I thought about technical school and I thought about being a dental assistant, but they get only $25,000 a year. How can you survive on that long term?

    Seems like I can either be poor and miserable, or rich and miserable at this point.

  • Should I be a teacher?

    I have recently wanted to become an elementary teacher.

    However, I have been discouraged by the internet when I search up teaching. They say that teaching will be very difficult and stressful and that many teachers give up in like 5 years of less.

    Many teachers that I know love their profession, but i can't help but think I am gonna be miserable like those failed teachers on the internet.

    I have anxiety and I tend to overthink a lot. I have changed my major like 4 times due to overthinking and indecisiveness. Now I am overthinking teaching and I am very discouraged. I have cried too much over my future. I don't know what to do.

    Any helpful words will be great. I am very good with children and they love me. I love being around them but I doubt my abilities.

    I am thinking of taking a break from college for a little bit. My mental health is declining. I am going crazy with worry so any helpful words will benefit me a great deal.

    2 AnswersTeaching4 years ago
  • Living wage in the UK?

    Hi, I want to go and live in the UK (Leicester) but my wage might be low. Can I live on 15,000 GBP a year? I will live with my aunt and help with her expenses.

    Is it doable? I want a cheap car and a cell phone.

    3 AnswersOther - United Kingdom4 years ago
  • Should I be a teacher?

    I have recently wanted to become an elementary teacher.

    However, I have been discouraged by the internet when I search up teaching. They say that teaching will be very difficult and stressful and that many teachers give up in like 5 years of less.

    Many teachers that I know love their profession, but i can't help but think I am gonna be miserable like those failed teachers on the internet.

    I have anxiety and I tend to overthink a lot. I have changed my major like 4 times due to overthinking and indecisiveness. Now I am overthinking teaching and I am very discouraged. I have cried too much over my future. I don't know what to do.

    Any helpful words will be great. I am very good with children and they love me. I love being around them but I doubt my abilities.

    3 AnswersTeaching4 years ago
  • Questions about Judaism?

    How many books are there in the Torah and explain the brief subject of each?

    What is the traditionally held view of imagery in Early Judaism and If the foundations of Jewish law reject images, how do we get so many of them? Who were the creators of these images?


    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • I need help with choosing a career?


    I am thinking of changing my major to Accounting, which is something I don t really want to do.

    I am changing to this major because I can always get a job anywhere, and I will not be poor.

    My biggest fear is coming out of college, all qualified and stuff, but not being able to find a job, which will not be in Accounting.

    My real dream job is to work in Digital Graphics & Animation. Since 7th grade i ve wanted to do that. My father likes art but he doesn t approve of me doing this. He prefers me to be in Business, Health, Science... All things I do not care about. My mom doesn t care, but she gets slightly annoyed when i mention graphics, like she d rather have me do something more "professional."

    My only problem is that I want to live in England when I graduate. This country is not known for animation and I will find it hard in the USA or the UK when it comes to entry-level jobs in digital graphics.

    I am choosing Accounting for money and job security. That is all. The world runs on money. I feel like I will waste my life, but I feel like not all of us can afford to follow their dreams.

    Am I making a mistake, or is it wise to do accounting instead?

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • I feel left out with people my age? Will I ever connect with other people?

    I don't normally have interests of other 19 year olds. I like many things like TV shows. sports, and going out, but they are completely different with others. While everyone talks about their "bae" and going to raves and getting wasted, I'd rather watch a classical music concert, go shopping, watch a movie, or eat out.

    Recently a friend invited me to a Holi festival, and It doesn't seem like I'll enjoy it. Crowded, sweaty, with dumb electronic music and other babbling teenage girls. I will regret going.

    I hate how I am always left out, but I'd rather stay at home than go to something like that. I just want some friends that I can do quiet, peaceful things with.

    whenever I invite my "friends" out, they say they are busy. But then they end up going to stuff like this, stuff that I don't like.

    I don't think I will ever find a person my age that has the same interests as me. I love soccer, playing video games, indie music, Everyone my age is the same, nobody is individualized. They all want to do the same things, and they all dress the same, following the pack.

    I've basically given up making friends because they never have any interest hanging out with me... And boys all want girls who show off skin, wear a ton of makeup, and take selfies all day...

    I have learned the hard way that sometimes its better to be alone...

    1 AnswerFriends5 years ago
  • Will life be worth living eventually?

    Hello. I'm 19 and I feel like I have never had a life.

    All my life, I've always been useless and the person that everyone forgets about.

    Every year in high school I would end up having a crap year. I got bad grades, i had bad acne and skin probelms, my family hated each other, and I basically got to watch everyone else have fun without me.

    I've always said, "maybe not this year, next year will be my year. I'll get a boyfriend, become popular, study harder, and look gorgeous." It never happened. As a result, I never got a bf, never had sex, always had embarrassing medical problems, didnt hang out much, and never went to a school dance.

    Now I'm in community college and have no friends whatsoever. My grades are amazing, and my body/Face looks way better, but I will end up being like this for the next three years. I want to stay with my mom and I don't want to live in a dorm. I'm not ready for that.

    I always thought college would be better, but because of my shirking in high school and my dependence on my family, I'm stuck in my house 24/7 with nowhere to go BC I don't have a life outside.

    I'll get to tell my kids (if I ever even get lucky enough to marry) that I have no memories of my younger life BC I didnt do what everyone else got to do.

    My big dream after college is to move to england and start a brand new life there and get to live the way I want, but just like all my other smashed hopes and dreams, it probably won't happen either.

    So what is the point in living?

    5 AnswersPsychology5 years ago
  • Is life worth living?

    Hello, I'm 19 years old, and I feel like I'm wasting my life.

    I don't do much other than study for college (community college) and sleep, and watch TV. That's about it. I don't have any friends, they have forgotten about me. I don't mind living this life, I will live my life once I get out of college. My parents won't let me go out anywhere so I can't do anything even if I had friends.

    What I'm worried about, is that when I get out after 3 more years of college, that I still won't have a life. Instead of school in my routine, it will be work, and I will still be lonely and wasting my life. I've also never had a boyfriend or date so that sucks. I'm just very picky with my company.

    Listen, I don't mind being alone in college. I need to focus on my grades. However, I just hope I can be somebody after it once I move somewhere else and get a job as well as money.

    Does life get better or am I wasting my time believing in this? Once a loser always a loser?

    1 AnswerPsychology5 years ago
  • Do you hate the new generation?

    So I am a millennial. I am 19 and I hate the modern world in a way.

    I love how technology is advancing in medicine, automobiles, appliances, electronics, etc. I actually cannot wait to see what advances come out 2,5, or even ten years from now.

    What I don't like is the social aspect of it.

    Nowadays, everyone my age think partying, selfies, drinking, raves and big butts are the only important things in life.

    I don't have a twitter and Instagram because I lose brain cells looking at the junk people post. Stupid stuff like, " life goals, selfies, booties, SQUAD" with people doing dumb poses, I just cannot take it.

    At my age people don't dream. People don't care about anything other than that party aspect and looking like a tool. My family is constantly glued to their phones, and when we watch movies they all go on their phones... When I talk to them they respond that much...

    I'm so sad about these smart devices ruining our values... I want to cry for humanity...

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • Stopping birth control?

    I want to stop my medicine, Gildess Fe 1/20. I've never had problem with this medicine except mood swings and very dry skin.

    I went on it to elimate an interior health problem.

    My dry skin is just too bad and I want to get off the pill.

    But I'm afraid because so many people have complained about seriously bad acne and the last time I had bad acne was 5 years ago! I get minor acne now and I did before I started the pill almost a year ago. I only got flare ups a week before my period.

    Should I get off the pill? I don't want to damage my health continuing this medicine and continue having this very dry skin but I really don't want a pizza face anytime soon.

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions5 years ago
  • Best supplements for very dry skin?

    I am taking an oral medicine that drys out my skin so much. I don't want to switch because dry skin is the only symptom I have and I don't want to play with other medicines that might make my skin worse.

    Its just that dry skin is a nuisance. I cannot put on makeup in the morning due to my flakeyness. I have to wash my face twice a day and whenever I do my face feels frozen and stripped of its moisture. i have to exfoliate gently to get rid of the flakes and whenever I do, it still drys out my skin.

    I use moisturizer, toner, and oil directly after a shower, and take daily supplements. You know, basic stuff. I eat healthy and get a good amount of veggies/fruits a day.

    My vitamins don't have Omegas, Zinc, Magnesium, or Vitamin B2. I don't take flax seed oil or any of those things. I don't have much Biotin or Calcium either.

    Please help. What supplements will help me drastically with keeping moisture in my skin?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions5 years ago
  • Who would you vote for, Hilary Clinton or Donald Trump, and why?

    I turned 18 a year ago, and I am super excited that I will be able to vote now. However, the choices do not seem so appealing.

    Curious; who would you guys vote for out of these two. (just choosing the people at the top of the polls for right now)

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • How to deal with living in a place you hate?

    So, I go to community college and I love my mom and my neighborhood, so i m not open to moving to a proper 4 year college.

    The problem is, I hate the town I live in. All my high school friends have moved on, and I have nobody. It s not the act of being alone that bothers me; I love being alone. Everyone I knew were jerks and wanted nothing to do with me for some reason. And because of this, I m starting to think i can t trust anyone where I live. I don t want to know anyone here anymore.

    This town sucks, in fact, this country sucks. I really really want to move to the UK; I have decided on that since elementary school. I want to go on a plane and never come back to America.

    But, I still have 3 years to go in this blasted place. I watch a lot of British things, my mom and i constantly talk about going there for the summer to see my grandma and aunt, but I always have to come back to this friendless, hot, ugly place.

    Plus my dad hates the UK and doesn t want me having anything to do with my moms family, which makes the possibility for going this summer slim; he is very controlling.

    Is there any way I can cope for 3 years? I will get the best grades possible. Shouldn t be hard, I won t have anyone to distract me.

    3 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • I don t want any friends?

    hi, so im 18, in community college, and i love being alone. Of course, I like to make small talk in my classes with people, and i have a little bit of social media, but i do not feel the need to make any new friends.

    I go to school, come home, and thats my life, really.

    I daydream a lot, and it makes me feel happy. My best friend is my mother.

    My friends from high school don t really want anything to do with me anymore. Thats fine, Im not mad at all.

    Im waiting for the guy i like (my neighbor) to come back from college far away during the holidays as well, and that gives me something to look forward to more than anything!

    Im just living life until i can get my degree in college and move to the UK, where I will focus on my social life more. I just feel as if the town I live in has no hope for friendships anymore.

    When i transfer to a four year university, I have no plan to live a "party life," I want to commute and stay as close to home as possible.

    is something wrong with me, or nah?

    3 AnswersFriends5 years ago
  • Transferring from Community College? Help?

    So, I'm a freshman that goes to Houston Community College and I do not want to go to the University of Houston like everyone else. I actually have no interest in any colleges in Texas.

    I've been eyeing New York University lately and I know its a long shot but I want to try.

    I goofed off in High School and now I am paying the price.

    My GPA was 3.3 (yikes!)

    My SAT score is 1590.

    Im willing to take the SAT again and aim for the 2000s. I heard that if you are transferring as a sophomore, you don't have to show your SAT score? Is that true for all colleges? Or just public universities?

    Considering I get a GPA in the 3.85 or higher range in community college by sophomore year, and I take Calculus 1 as well as Macroeconomics and perform well, will I have a chance transferring into these high range institutions??? My major will be Accounting.

    If not, could you suggest other colleges in the New England or Texas area that I have a greater chance of getting into?


  • Extremely bad Eczema?

    Hello, I am an 18 year old living in a very humid climate.

    For the past year, I have been battling eczema on and off at its worst form. It covers my body head to toe. My skin is also extremely dry and cracked, no matter how much lotion I put on after a shower.

    In the summer, I couldn't even wear a simple short sleeve shirt and shorts because of the embarrassing dark red/almost purple scabs all over my body. There was a point in the summer where I could wear shorts and t shirts, after a month on the steroid topical medicine that my dermatologist recommended, but of course, the eczema came back, and now i am at the same point I was before the medication. Just not nearly as bad, but still cannot wear normal clothes.

    I do not want to keep continuing the medication for the rest of my life. It's pretty strong.

    Of course, I know fall is coming very soon, and I can hide under sweaters and jeans, but still, I do not want it to rage on anymore. My self esteem is effected by this, and I feel shame when I see my skin. I just cannot stop itching.

    My goal is to, by next spring, to get rid of all the previous marks and current rashes on my body so I can wear pretty, season appropriate clothing.

    I have tried nearly everything from, Bleach baths, strong steroid medication, an herbal treatment, non-scented soap, detergent, and lotion, cotton clothing and bedsheets, loose fitting clothes, and staying out of the heat.

    Its a losing battle, and i'm just so itchy and bruised. Please help.

    2 AnswersSkin Conditions6 years ago
  • Will Donald Trump become the Republican candidate?

    I'm baffled at the crowd following Trump, but I guess I can see the appeal.

    If he becomes the candidate, do you think he has a shot at becoming president?!

    I mean, he is at the top in a lot of states. Probably not majority of America, but still.

    13 AnswersPolitics6 years ago