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  • How do I handle this work situation? Was professional now personal?

    I work in a very stressful environment. Not because of the actual work but because of the people! There have been various problems over the course of my employment, but for financial and insurance reasons I can't leave quite yet. Most of it is professional and left at work. The problem I am running into is that a co-worker of mine seems to be having a problem with me. We werent seeing eye to eye on something one day, and since that issue things have taken a very personal tone. After that disagreement, she has said something almost weekly that was mean, hurtful, or spiteful. In the past 3 weeks she has told me I wasn't worth talking to, called me judgemental after I made an observation, and made comments to a stranger about me (a pregnant woman came into our workplace and said it was hot, when I said I was fine she told me to get pregnant and see how I coworker replied with "Someone would have to want her first....." and then said some things about how they were trying to get rid of me). All of this....makes for a less than thrilling work environment. Where I really run into a problem the fact that she has been googling me and looking me up online. I'm signed up with a program that tells me what people look me up and view my profile. A woman her age, from her small town apparently searched me and viewed my profile-not Facebook though I know she attempted to look me up on there too. Obviously she doesn't know that I know this....I'm just not sure how or if I should approach this and I can find no reason for her to be looking me up. I make it a point to not add co-workers to my FB account, and I also refrain from making comments specifically about or directed at work....while she may be looking for something like that, I'm confused as to why she would feel compelled to. I'm just really feeling under the microscope of this woman and unsure as to why or how to deal with it. Also, she's personal friends with my that's not really an avenue or outlet that I can take as I know that there are things happening there that probably shouldn't be.

    Any thoughts?

    7 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Do I go back to the bar or will it seem desperate?

    So last night a friend and I went to a bar for a couple of drinks. The bartender seemed pretty nice....maybe a little overly friendly. It was his third day there. He flirted a little, kept coming back to talk to us, and kept looking at me. My friend thought he was definitely checking me out. So...his shift ended and he went and sat with a friend who had come in a ways down the bar and when we left he yelled out to us and told us to come back anytime. Had we left before his shift ended, I might have left my number....but I'm really shy (is that a tacky thing to do...leave your number with a tip?). The other thing is....he works for tips and he's new to the area, so maybe I misunderstood his over friendliness. So...the question is, do I go back to the bar and see if maybe he'll make some kind of move? Does that seem desperate (he's new, so he doesn't know if we're regulars or not)?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Beanie Babies to a good cause?

    We recently needed to clean out my Grandparents house. She bought anything that could possibly be a collector's item and had a rather large container of Beanie Babies. I removed anything that was purchased for a special reason (like the Princess Diana Memorial Bears). However.....I would like to donate the rest to Emergency workers who give them to children. No one wants them in my family. I guess....I know I'm doing a good thing...but I kind of feel guilty about it. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?

    1 AnswerToys1 decade ago
  • Wishing I wasn't so upset...?

    So it has been a few weeks (2 or 3 maybe) since the guy I was seeing and I called it quits. And I just found out that "I'm so confused" and "It's not you, it's me" really means "I have been having late night talks with my ex-girlfriend from over 10 years ago who has been married for 10 years and has 6 kids because she is fighting with her husband and I want her to realize she should be with me". Basically, all of a sudden things just ended. And I thought I had done something wrong or that I was putting pressure on him.....and the truth is, he was just getting reinvolved with this girl so to speak. I am so angry. He doesn't know that I know....not that he would care. But I'm angry that this guy, who apparently has feelings for this girl and is confused, sat there and got involved in a relationship with me. He sat there and told me all these things-which is what liars do, I know. He even went so far as to call his mom and tell her I was the one. I'm so great, I'm the one, he sees a future with us.....and all along she was calling him at night to talk about her problems with her man and he sees a window there. I really feel like an ***. And I know I shouldn't because.....well, I didn't really do anything, but I'm angry and I don't know how to deal with it. I really just needed to vent. Thanks

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • What is ok to overlook in a partner? Just an easy opinion question!?

    So I realized I have a problem. I chronically date losers. And I realized the reason why is that I believe that one should overlook the occasional imperfection because no one is perfect. Only I find myself overlooking things that become a big deal, or just the wrong things in general. So.....what kind of thing is it ok to overlook in a mate? Physical stuff? Weight? Bad habits? Maturity issues? Living at home? Lack of possession of car/home/job? Kids? Criminal history? Poor credit? Crazy exes? History of cheating?

    I guess I just want to know what people think....what things are ok to "accept" and what things should a person turn and run from?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Do I end things because I think he's immature or do I wait for him to?

    I started seeing this guy......he's 29, I am 24. Has a job (working in grocery), an apartment (and 4 roommates), and a car. Seems like a really great guy. But here's my problem....I'm sensing a major maturity problem. There haven't been many serious relationships. He has lived with 2 girls that he met on the internet....which didn't work out. And he seems to have a video game problem. I'm all for people having a way to relieve stress, spend their time, whatever. But....he will play for 8 hours at a time at least without eating or leaving the game. I've seen him stay up all night because he was playing. He will blow me off and say he was sick because he was busy playing.

    So....things between us have cooled down. My thing is.....I really like this guy and developed feelings fast, which werent one sided. But now I'm sensing he wants to end the relationship as he isn't contacting me or talking to me at all. Obviously he isn't going to end it the way he should, I've tried to talk to him about things and I cant get a straight answer. I've let him have his space or whatever the past few days. But I guess what I want to know is.....I don't feel I should wait around for him to break up with me and I think I just need to end things. But.....I really have feelings for this guy. So do I wait to see if he just needed time or do I accept I'm too mature for him and end things? (ME-No roomies, stable full time job, college degree, had serious relationships in the past, more life experience in general)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is this headed for a breakup?

    I've been dating this guy for like two months. Things went pretty fast. Suddenly, it's like he is pulling away. Now I know he needs his time to do his thing, and hang out with his guy friends or whatever. And I'm not that girl who keeps calling and calling (I've called twice in 4 days). But I guess I just feel like....he is pushing me away without warning. He did this once before, and after a day or two came back and was gung-ho and cheery to see me.....meanwhile I was expecting a breakup. Now....he's telling me he needs space from everyone and it isn't me but he needs space from me too, but he doesn't need time. I just feel like he wants to breakup but doesn't have the balls to do it. I've tried lightly talking to him about it.....and he felt it was appropriate to have the conversation with his roomies and ex-gf in the room (I feel so disrespected...rightfully so?). Soooo......thoughts?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago