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How do I delete chat on facebook?
my idiot friend sent a bunch of sware words to me in chat but idk how to delete them, I tried deleting him than re adding him but it wouldn't go away if my parents see what he sent me they'd kick the sh!t out of him
3 AnswersFacebook6 years agoMY BRAND NEW IPOD WON'T CHARGE!!!!!!?
I got a brand new iPod yesterday and when the battery died I plug it in like any normal person would but when I plugged it in the computer says "this USB can not be recognized" so I plugged it in to every other computer in my house and guess what the fcking thing won't charge
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players6 years agoI hate the new janitor at my school?
2 TOILETS IN THE BOYS BATHROOM HAVE BEEN CLOGGED FOR 4 WEEKS SHE JUST PUTS BAGS OVER THE TOILETS, I did an experiment, I flushed an apple down a stall that nobody uses and it got clogged really bad but the next day the janitor fixed it, but she didn't fix the 2 toilets that have been out of order for 4 weeks
2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years agoAm I wrong?
I told a special needs kid at school to fck off, He kept saying sex abuse and kept asking people if they like sex abuse, I kinda feel bad beacause thekid is special needs and he can be nice 95% of the time.
2 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years agoIs there a cheap fix for this laptop?
So I got a hand me down laptop from my dad and the fans inside the computer don't work, and the a, s, d, z and caps lock key don't work can i fix it without having to to take it in i hate having to use the on screen keyboard.
3 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoI want to buy a cat tree on craigslist?
I have a kitten and he's really, really playful so I was thinking I would buy a cat tree on craigslist, but I don't want to upset him with another cats scent on it, I was thinking I could febrezze it really good, my cat is crazy territorial
5 AnswersCats7 years agoHow to fix a laptop that got milk spilled in it?
So I was eating cereal by my laptop and my cat rubbed up against the bowl and the entire bowl spilled on my keyboard, I let it dry out for a day but it's not turning on I want a cheap do-it-yourself-at-home fix I don't wanna take it in and spend $300.
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoIs it bad if i I hate babies?
I JUST HATE THEM, they're kind of cute but SO ANNOYING. I was standing in line at a store and this baby kept staring at me with a dazed look an it's face and I said "what are you looking at" later that day my mom gave me crap because "the kid was only 1 year old"
6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years agoiPod won't charge?
this isn't the first time this happened there anyway I can fix it within 3 hours It's plugged in, it's not saying it needs power it says it's charging but it won't turn on
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players7 years agoShould this apartment manager fix this elevator in his building?
So in my grandma's old apartment building there is a REALLY old elevator and when it is travelling the door opens about this much > _____ is this even safe and in another apartment building of his the elevator starts up SO hard it actually dim's the lights in the lobby IS THIS EVEN SAFE LIKE SERIOUSLY the apartments are full of old people so this isn't safe. Iv'e taken down the Manufacturer of Both Elevators and they are made by Otis
2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate7 years agoCan I still Charge These people?
so 5 or 6 years ago me and my family we're moving with our outdoor cat Felix but we couldn't move with the cat so we gave him to my grandpa until we got sorted out in our new place and while are cat was at our grandpa's his roommates did something unfortunate *DISCLAIMER : HORRIBLE ANIMAL TREATMENT COMING UP YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED* his roommates took Felix and put him in a room for 2 days with no food or water (he was an outdoor cat so he wasn't used to this) and with no food or water he died he was the best cat ever right next to the cat I have now he would always cuddle up to you and he wouldn't constantly beg for food when my mom was pregnant with me, Felix would always lie on her stomach we believe we have his reincarnation as the cat we have now our cat now is black like Felix cute like Felix cuddly like Felix I really want to get these @$$h0le$ but we don't know where they live or who they are
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agocan i take out my earring?
When i got my ear pierced the lady said 6 weeks i got my ear done May 21 2014 it is now June 20 2014
3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style7 years agoHelp with my Wii?
so my mom bought a used wii at a pawn shop a few years ago and we're trying to get it hooked up on the internet but it's asking for a parental code but we don't know the code is there anyway we can get the code off we don't now what it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2 AnswersNintendo Wii7 years agois ding dong ditching illegal in canada?
so my best friend and I are starting a prank channel on YouTube and we were thinking of ding dong ditching people in his housing complex is this legal in canada or not
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoHow to convince my parents to get me a new laptop?
I want a Toshiba (any model will do) because my HP Sucks (Share your stories with HP laptops in answers) One time I got so mad at it that I hit the laptop so hard the battery fell out but that's not the point my parents say that if this laptop breaks I can't get another one and I'll have to use the 2nd crappiest computer in the house which is 4 years old
Tell me if this is fishy
So The 2nd crappiest computer in the house is an eMachines my family has had it for 4 years and we have never EVER had to do a system restore on it
The crappiest computer in my house is my laptop an HP I have owned it for just about a year now and I've had to do 2 system restores on it
2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoHelp with my cat?
So My cat is somewhere between 8 and 12 weeks old and he can go to being a brat trying to claw and bite my feet then he layed down beside me and started purring and then he starts trying to attack my hand
also I have something important today and that brat kept me up until 2:30 AM and then woke me up at 5:00 AM
1 AnswerCats7 years agoHelp with my school?
I have a few suggestions about my schools bathroom
Suggestion 1. Get a new janitor
a toilet in the bathroom has been clogged for 5 days and kids keep flushing and flooding the toilet the most the janitor has done was put up a sigh that says "DO NOT USE OUT OF ORDER" and lock the stall but at lunch a couple of kids climbed under the stall unlocked the stall and taped the out of order sign to one of the urinals in the boys bathroom so many people went to pee on the sign that it got stuck to the back of the urinal plus the only time I EVER saw the janitor in the bathroom was when someone dropped a log on the ground and to tell me off for locking 2 kids in a stall when they were bullying me and he always looks like he's in a bad mood
Suggestion 2. Get automatic flushers for the toilets
So many people just leave their crap in the toilet sometimes it's been in there for so long it stinks up the bathroom
Suggestion 3. Get better toilet paper
one time I got some toilet paper from one of the stalls and I could see through it
Suggestion 4 . Get new toilets
If a little foam ball can clog a toilet for 5 days (foam ball being what clogged the toilet in question 1) there's obviously something wrong
1 AnswerPrimary & Secondary Education7 years agois it wrong to neuter boy cats?
like seriously cutting off there boy parts that must hurt
7 AnswersCats7 years agoiPod 5th Generation Help?
So the other day my iPod died at my friends house (we needed it for an All Nighter) so I went to plug my iPod in his iPad charger being because they're both brand new so I plugged it but the charger wouldn't click in so I tried to get the charger in but it wouldn't work because It wouldn't click in so I just put it back in my pocket and continued what I was doing and when I got back home I went to plug my iPod in but the same problem happend with MY charger now as I'm writing this question my iPod says it's charging but my charger isn't even in my room
I will be posting pics of the inside of the iPod
1 AnswerMusic & Music Players7 years agoWho's Right and Who's wrong in this situaton?
So I have 2 Educational Assistants at school one from 9:30 AM to 10:15 AM and one from 2:00 PM to 2:45 PM anyway the one from 2:00 to 2:45 is the one I'm asking about
So we're doing family life in school and we got a worksheet with scenarios and how we would handle them the 1st question was "Someone calls you're mother a name what do you do" and I said "Slap that buttface across the head" and as soon as I'm done that EA comes in and starts reading my worksheet and then he calls me out of the classroom and tells me that "buttface" isn't appropriate for school (mind you that I'm in Grade 6) so I change buttface to jerk and then he starts kinda yelling at me and he says "Do you really think jerk is an improvement" and I say yes and he asks If I'm kidding with him and I say No and then he tells me to erase the whole awnser so I do so I end up writing "Yell at that person" and being the caring son that I am I would do more then yell at that person and then on another question it says "What would you do If someone told you to do something you didn't want to do" and someone says If it was drugs thann they would say no" and then he chimes in and says what is with peer pressure maybe it's our generation" OUR GENERATION? WTF IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN and I'm extremely overweight for my age so sometimes when he sees me he pats my stomach and when he does that I give him a dirty look so who's right and who's wrong
1 AnswerLaw & Ethics7 years ago