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how fu**ed are we? America, with the 2016 election and the next 4 years?
Umm what the hell do we do?
Inviting answers from other US American Citizens/Voters but mainly wanting outside input from fellow allies or enemies, Idek what other countries and nations think about America, but please help.
Seriously. Or just give me a link to cats or puns, or idek. Send halp please.
3 AnswersGovernment4 years agoShould I switch therapists? Or am I done with therapy?
I have struggled with mental health disorders where they impact my ability to function. I went to a few residential treatment centers for depression, anxiety, attachment, etc. And I am home and doing very well. I do continue therapy with a therapist and it has been very helpful. But I haven't been able to be vulnerable and open when it comes to some of the deeper stuff and it is very frustrating for me. I think therapy is helping and that my therapist is a good fit. It has been very productive but I still have this big part of me that holds back. And yeah not every session is like hella deep or anything but just me being able to actually say more of what is in my head. My parents wonder if I should switch therapists because by now I should be able to be open? In treatment in Utah, my therapist there didn't even know how much I held back until he saw me crying after a session when he went out to study hall to get another girl/student. I told him it's hard, and he knew it and understood. Yet, he didn't know it until he really new it.
And I have been working with my therapist here for a little over a year, but personally the first 3 months were a waste of time and don't count.
I am not sure how to approach this. Any guidance/advice, suggestions, personal experiences of how to go about this, that would be awesome.
2 AnswersPsychology4 years agoHow do I stop eating crappy food?!?!?
So I'd consider myself average to above average fit but want to be more fit. And eating is the one thing that seems to be holding me back
I do CrossFit 3x a week, I run 2x a week (ish), do races, etc. But the main thing that is holding me back is eating so much crap. But it's not consistent. Like I'll eat eggs for protein and fish, beans etc. (I'm a pescetarian btw) but then I eat random crap and I know it really throws me off. I ate pizza for breakfast (which really isn't terrible in moderation) But then I went and got 2 cake pops, and then randomly I'll make a whole box of mac n cheese and eat the whole damn thing.
How to I not junk food binge in a sense so sporadically? Bc it really is inconsistent.
5 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years agoAstral projection? Is it possible? Personal experiences? facts/theories/beliefs etc?
Is astral projection possible? I read on it once in a while I feel that I have done it 2 or 3 times.
I will describe my experience and comments welcome!
I fall in and out of sleep. It works best on the nights that I wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall asleep until a few hours later, and then I sleep, sorta.
I feel things vibrating. My bed, my body, my head. Mainly my head. And I've been told to "jump" to get into the correct astral plane. The first one usually has the demons and evil entities. So I've been told. I feel throughout it that I lose control in a sense and I try to move and I can't. One night I saw a lady walking back and forth in my doorway. In that same night I saw another lady, it actually might have been the same one, just closer up. But this one, she was dressed like a sailor and she kept getting closer. I tried to move but couldn't.
At these points, I try to awaken my body, and it only gets harder. This is when it gets scary.
I enjoy it yet it gets scary.
Is there such thing as this? Is it lucid dreaming? Or astral projection.
3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years agoHow do you say goodbye to someone you will eventually never see again?
I am leaving my RTC soon and I have to say goodbye to my therapist. I love her so much (with boundaries of course) but how do I say goodbye? I want a proper goodbye but I'm afraid it will hurt too much. She doesn't need me at all, I need her, so the goodbye will be like nothing for her. But it's gonna hurt so much. I will still see her for 5 more months of sessions but the final goodbye is approaching and I am definitely not ready. Someone PLEEEEASE help me mentally prepare for this and like what do I say what PLEEEEASEEEE Help!!!!!
1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships8 years agoHow can I make myself pass out for a while?
I know that you can squat and take 15-20 deep breaths then stand up hold your breath and pass out but I only pass out for about 30 seconds. Is there anyway I can make it last longer? Like would more deep breaths while squatting make my time out longer? Any easy ways that I can do it without help from others? Thanks for any good answers.
4 AnswersOther - Science8 years agoWhat would happen if I overdosed on Prozac, Vyvanse, Geodon and Zanax XR and Melatonin?
I'd like an answer from a doctor or someone knowledgeble on this stuff. What would happen if I overdosed on these all at once? In these amounts? Would i die? Die painfully? Just get really really sick? What are the outcomes?
Zanax XR-1.5mg
2 AnswersMedicine8 years agoWhat small islands are located off the coast of Morocco?
I need it for map for history!!!!
1 AnswerGeography9 years agowhat is the name of the lake that borders malawi, tanzania, and mozambique?
I need this for a history map!!!!
1 AnswerGeography9 years agoAm I Into guys or what? Help!?
So here's my situation. I want to date. But yet, I’m not interested. Like sometimes I think if someone asked me out now, what would I say. ANd it’s no. But sometimes I wonder. And I don’t want it for good reasons. I want it because it’s what everyone else does. I’m not really into guys. But yet I think I am. But yet I don’t. Oh god it’s so confusing. Like I’m not like “omg boys”. I’m quiet about it. I may think guys are cute and I usually over exaggerate just to be in or whatever. It is just so confusing. I guess, I’m not into it for real. Like if I dated a guy now, I wouldn’t be into it much. Only at first, but it wouldn’t be real.... Maybe I don’t want guys.... What if I do though?... And I don’t want them so I push it away.... Oh god this is so confusing. Maybe I over think this, and I’m just not into them and like the idea and is awed at the idea. Yeah. and hopefully I’m over think this. *sigh* I wish it was clearer. When my friends talk about guys and stuff, I am interested, but when they ask me if there’s any guys, it’s like awkward and yeah. *sigh* *sigh* *sigh*!!!!! so like am I into them or just into the IDEA of them and I'm really not into them for real. And I think I might like girls. How will I know for sure?
2 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender9 years agoHow do I add music and change the mouse on my tumblr?
I'd like to add a song to my tumblr and how do I change the mouse to something cooler?
3 AnswersOther - Computers9 years agoIf I am home schooled, you think I will keep in touch with my old friends?
We are thinking about homeschooling for high school and I want to know if I will keep in touch with my old friends. Like how hard is it to keep in touch? Also, how do homeschooled high schoolers make friends? And where can I play team sports such as field hockey? Thanks and sorry for like 10 questions in one.
4 AnswersHome Schooling9 years agoDo I have TMJ or something else?
So in the past 6 months or so I have my left jaw click pop or make a sound almost everytime I open my mouth. Also, (this symptom arrived in the past week) when i bite down and chew, my right ear hurts it gets like a small shoot of pain. What is this? Does it sound like TMJ? Thanks :)
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years agoWhat are the words to this song/hymn?
What are the lyrics to the song Lead Me Lord, Lead me Lord, by the light of truth..... I have heard the one that goes Be my way be my truth be my life my lord and lead me lord today. AND be my way be my truth be my light O Lord and lead me lord today. WHat is the actual version? I think it is the second one because it makes more sense for HIm to be you light and lead you rather than your life and lead you. ANyways, thanks for the answers/ your opinions
1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years agoWhen to go to check for a cavity?
So I am 99% sure I have a cavity. It is very small and has a small very light brown color dot in it. Anyways. Would it be better to go to the dentist sometime this coming week or wait for my appointment which is in three weeks. Like would it get worse in just three weeks?? Thanks so much for the answers. Please provide source if possible. I've never had a cavity so I'm kind of scared.
2 AnswersDental10 years agoI think I have a cavity?
I think I have a cavity but I'm not sure. I haven't ever had one so I don't know what to look for. I saw this small perfect looking hole (like perfectly rounded) and it has a small brownish spot in it. It is on the side of my lower left back molar. I brushed my teeth and it wasn't food. Can someone tell me if this sounds like a cavity?? Thanks so much :)
5 AnswersDental10 years agoHow can I stop chewing my tounge?
My mom says to go to a therapist but I don't want to. I am 14 and not into the whole therapist and counselors help thing. Any other options to help or even stop the chewing? Please include source ( if possible)
And some link ( isn't necessary though ) Thanks so much I really want to stop but it so hard so that's why I'm asking for source and links.
3 AnswersPain & Pain Management10 years agoWhat kind of Anime TV and/or books would I like if I'm into things like Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood?
I recently became very interested in FMA and I want to watch more shows and read more books. What kinds of anime shows are like FMA in the sense that they are action and they keep you wanting to know more (like cliff hangers)
6 AnswersComics & Animation10 years agoWhat type of anime show would best fit me?
My friend wants me to watch anime shows and FMA is okay but I like stuff like LOST and the soap opera type. Any suggestions? Thanks
6 AnswersComics & Animation10 years agoHow can I tell if my tooth is actually loose?
My adult tooth seems loose because I swear I can move it but I'm not 100% sure. I have a snaggle tooth coming slightly over it so could that be causing it? And should I see the dentist for this? Also if I purposely make an under bite and put pressure on the bite, my tooth has more sensitivity.
I don't know why I'm asking this cause my description makes me sound weird but thanks if you can help.
2 AnswersDental1 decade ago