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  • Can anyone give me statistics for this...?

    Can anyone link me to a site or something that shows the statistics of the totality of all wars & what percentage of those wars are religious & how many died...etc.

    pls. help

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do we have the technology for this?

    Can I genetically engineer my offspring to make him have:

    *different gender

    *above average good looks

    *above average intellect

    *above average physique

    *possibly prolong his lifespan

    *or just make him a superior human being altogether.

    Can I do this?

    1 AnswerBiology1 decade ago
  • Is this statement true?

    animals and plants do share a common ancestor.

    So is it true? What ancestor?

    & please don't troll around & say goddidit.

    5 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • How is it possible for the universe to be finite but have no boundaries?

    Some people happen to have this belief that the universe is finite &...

    Someone gave me an analogy of a sphere where you can circle around it into an infinite loop but still not find the boundary & the sphere is still finite...but the universe isn't a sphere is it?

    what happens if you move upward in the universe will we actually see a limit? How can that still be finite with no boundaries?

    I just can't calculate a finite universe with a spatial can that work?

    What was in that space that the big bang occupied? How can we be sure it was utter nothingness? I can't comprehend...

    Why should infinity be a mathematical impossibility when we can always add 1+1 infinitely?

    what is a possibility of an omniverse & a multiverse?

    pls. don't argue using semantics but argue with how the semantics of the universe is actually valid.

    pls. speak in layman terms as I am no astronomer.

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • which scientific study in natural science has...?

    the least amount of mathematical equations & numerical practices involved?

    Im not talking about the sub-categories of the main categories of natural sciences btw...

    1 AnswerOther - Science1 decade ago
  • Dear fellow christians & also atheists can anyone pls.?

    pls list all the atrocities written in the old testament under the name of our loving God? (with verses)

    Like genocide & mass murder (ex.The Great Flood of Noah's Ark)

    Can someone also list the inconsistencies & logical paradox inside the old testament?


    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what are the negative effects of religion to society?

    can anyone also list all the wars started by religion?

    that would be nice...tnx

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • what is the prupose of prom?

    what's the point really?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • what's up with the marines?

    It just seems to me like the marines are getting more respect from americans than the army guys.

    It also seems to me like women wanna f*ck marines more than army guys...what's up with that?

    what's makes them more appealing?

    7 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • To all you godless heathens....!?

    what is up with pedo priests? (ie Ted Haggard)

    Is there really a connection between christianity & child molestation?

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • which of these countries have...?





    Czech Republic


    Hong Kong





    which of these countries have the coldest weather?

    Pls list which of these are top 5

    I was thinking of migrating & I don't like warm places..

    4 AnswersOther - Destinations1 decade ago
  • What are Danish people like?

    Can anyone tell me about their cultures & beliefs?

    What are their stereotypes?

    7 AnswersDenmark1 decade ago
  • A question to all my fellow atheists....?

    which countries are mostly atheistic?

    for example:China, etc.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • a question to my fellow atheists...?

    If I have kids in this country people would probably judge them for being agnostic or gnostic atheist...

    I refuse to get them baptized out of the fact that our country is infested with christians...& that complicates things

    Im thinking of moving to another country someday...

    would that be the right thing to do?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • A few questions to all my fellow christians...?

    (if God is omnipotent...which he is)

    Then why did he limit himself to kooky ancient scriptures?

    Couldn't he come up with something much much much better that would convince good-hearted morally-just skeptics so that he doesn't have to burn them in hell forever?

    Why does he keep creating people that he knew he will send in hell to burn for all eternity? Isn't that sadistic & immoral?

    Why does he reward scripture based faith rather than good deeds?

    Why did he create adam to eat from the fruit of knowledge since he already knew that would result in the original sin concept? Doesn't that mean he himself created the original sin? Wasn't adam morally retarded at the time? Why did he punish adam anyway?


    Would you kill a person that you consider the center of your life or the person you love the most to prove your faith in his scriptures(or him) when he asks you to?

    If he did it for Abraham why can't he do it for me or you or anyone else?

    Do you think any morally just God would create his angels that he know will oppose him & then send them to burn for all eternity in hell?

    If he could do anything...Why can't he just make satan go away?

    Why did he make satan if he knew it was going to oppose him?

    What gave other christians the right to meddle with medically beneficial stem-cell research for 8 years?

    Why is there more christians going into prisons than those we label as godless atheist?

    Why aren't the atheists going around raping, stealing, & killing people & committing crimes everywhere because thay have no bible based moral code?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What are some wars that are highly involved in religion or started mainly by religious groups?

    I am an atheist & pls don't discriminate my lack of faith in non-scientific unproven ancient GODS...

    I just wanna know some wars started over by religion...

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • I wanna know...Is this true?

    HIV was never legitimately proven to grow into full-blown AIDS it is still just a theory even now...

    Some even claim HIV is completely harmless...

    true or what?


    6 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • I would like to this true?

    a person’s HIV status could well change depending on the testing venue. It is also possible to test "WB indeterminate," which translates to any one of "uninfected," "possibly infected," or even, absurdly, "partly infected" under the current interpretation. This conundrum is confounded by the fact that the proteins comprising the different reactive "bands" on the WB test are all claimed to be specific to HIV, raising the question of how a truly uninfected individual could possess antibodies to even one "HIV-specific" protein.

    is this true?

    I prefer answers from legit doctors & legit researchers or scientists...

    1 AnswerSTDs1 decade ago