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  • Final Semester Grades for College?

    Ok so the college I'm going to requires that we send in final semester grades, or is it final transcript? But anyway, the school I am going to is called VCU and I got accepted and stuff, but I'm failing one of my classes and it won't be an F for overall, but just this 3rd marking period. It will most likely be a low C or high D by the end of the year for the final grade, would they actually deny me admittance if that were to happen? I would end up having below a 3.0 if that were to happen, but would they really tell me I can't go to their school? Or am I just overthinking it and it actually doesn't matter too much?!!!?

  • What major do you need to become a Sports Journalist?

    Don't just go copying straight off a website that says "English, with a concentration in Journalism" ... I've already seen that. But my main question is; Can I major in Mass Communications? Like, with the additive of writing for the school newspaper and stuff for sports. Obviously I could major in Journalism.

    But i guess these are the majors I want to know about (or already do):


    Mass Communications (or some colleges call it)



    Are all of these fine to become a sports journalist? Are there any more? Thanks in advance also.

  • Chances of getting into some colleges? (HELP ME, ANSWER FAST PLEAAASE!!! :)?

    Ok so my SAT scores, GPA, and Class Rank are:

    1530 - (500 Reading, 540 Math, 490 Writing)

    3.02 - Unweighted

    And my school i go to is ranked top 1% in the country, and I am not as smart as all these kids here, and my ***class rank is bottom 19%*** ... Most everyone in my grade (Legit more than 50%) have a GPA that's 4.1 or higher...

    I live in Virginia and I'm trying to get into these schools: (some of them I have no chance but what the hell why not apply haha)

    Christopher Newport University

    Virginia Commonwealth University

    James Madison University

    George Mason University


    Old Dominion University

    William and Mary

    And out of all these schools, I would like to know which ones I can get into??? And my parents are paying for my college completely... So they said if I go out of state, i have to pay the difference of what it would be in Virginia compared to what it is... But aside from that, do any of you think it would be wise for me to apply to one popular out of state school that lets a lot of people in? And if so, suggestions? I don't have much time to apply, so please help! (Example, Ole Miss)

  • Math question! Help!?!?!?!?

    What is f(3) if f(x)=-5x^3+6x^2-x-4 ?

    a. -74

    b. -88

    c. 74

    d. 182

    6 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • Questions on answer format for Roots?

    When finding the roots of a graph, is the answer in point form (example): (-3,0) and (-1,0)


    Is it a value for example: -3 and -1 (-3,-1)

    1 AnswerHomework Help8 years ago
  • Does anyone else think that Mudskippers are literally caught in evolution right now?

    Like, they're able to go out of water and walk around the land with their pectoral fins. It looks like to me they're smack-dab in the middle of evolution. That'd be pretty damn cool to see that evolve in the next hundred+ years or so. WE might not be alive, but our grandchildren will.

    3 AnswersAnthropology8 years ago
  • Why are there so many sub-genres of Dubstep?

    Like there aren't so many sub-genres in Rock, Rap, and other ****? Why like 100 in Dubstep?

    3 AnswersOther - Music8 years ago
  • Atheists - Which one of these religions makes the most sense? Explain?

    Any form of these religions. Don't spread them out.






    If a different religion I didn't say above, state it in your answer.

    Plus, don't say Atheism... Not a religion, duh.

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Question on my math sheet, some type of matrix? Answer please?

    Explain please!

    Solve for x.

    |-1 7|

    |-2 2x| = 20 (Pretend that that whole thing is in one |...|)

    a. 17




    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago
  • Can any one of you convince someone that (your) religion is proven?

    Can you tell me how you can prove your religion, don't say the Bible, or the Quran, or anything like that... Is there any proof? My friend seems to think he has the proof in the bible... Where that has 0 hard evidence in the real world. It's just beliefs. If you can give me some evidence, 10 points to you. Scientifically, Mathematically, and don't go on about how science and math are "the devil".

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • NFL 2013-2014 Playoff predictions?

    VERY EARLY 2014 NFL Playoffs: (In depth (sorta) I was supposed to be studying, but I got bored so I wrote this) Btw scroll down all the way to see SB winner.



    1. Broncos

    2. Patriots

    3. Colts

    4. Bengals

    5. Texans

    6. Dolphins (Torn between Dolphins and new Ravens team, I'll go with Dolphins for now)


    1. San Francisco

    2. Green Bay

    3. Atlanta

    4. Washington

    5. Seattle

    6. St. Louis (Torn between Rams or Drew Brees and the Saints, I'll go with Rams for now)


    Denver - New england first round BYE

    Dolphins at Colts - Colts on top

    Texans at Bengals - Bengals land on top (Upset b/c I think Texans will have a equal record, but not win their division)


    St. Louis at Atlanta - Rams on top, Atlanta buckles under pressure

    Seattle at Washington - (Again) Seahawks on top



    Bengals at Patriots - Patriots win (much closer than anticipated)

    Colts at Mile High - Denver wins (Predictable 1 v 2 seed matchup set, very subject to change for me)


    Seahawks at Packers - Packers win it (BIG win for the Pack, I'm talkin' 17+)

    Rams at 49ers - I gotta go with 49ers, it will be another struggle but the 1 seed comes out on top over the divisional rival 6th seed)



    AFC - Patriots at Denver - Peyton Manning vs. Tom Brady for the last time in history, oh and what a show it will be. These offensive power houses will battle it out just like the SB in 2013. Back and forth more often though, high scoring game, upper 30's low 40's. The crowd has signs all over the place about Welker leaving the "Patsies". But it won't phase Brady - He is in the zone all night and he knows this might be the closest he will ever get again to the Super Bowl, with the Dolphins and Bills closing in on the division. He takes the oppurtunity like it was the SB. Game winning drive for a touchdown - Pass to Amendola to seal the deal. (And so starts the "Amendola doesn't drop the ball under pressure" comments to Welker) Under 1 minute left for Manning and the Broncos but they can't get anywhere besides a couple of first downs, time winds down, and Manning retires with a bitter loss against an on-the-field nemesis.

    NFC - Packers at 49ers - Upset weekend!!! "The Pack Go Back" To the SB, of course. Yes, two 1 seed vs 2 seed matchups. I also don't quite trust myself on that one. I'm sure it will change later in the season. But RODGERS pulls out amazing victory, dancing around defenders all night long, pulling moves like crazy! Kaep has a good running game as well, but not as good. The San Fran D doesn't do it's normal job all throughout the second half of this game. (Blowing a 17-7 lead after halftime) Packers come out strong with two touchdowns off a turnover for the second one making it 21-17. But hold your horses here comes Gore running the Pack's defense into the ground for an entire drive. 24-21. What do the packers do? Run all over San Fran. Tie game. 24-24 With time winding down in the 4th. 8 minutes to go. Kaep driving the 49ers with confidence to the red zone... And what happens next? INTERCEPTION. Packers eventually kick the game winner with over 2 minutes to go, but San Fran comes up with a terrible last effort going 4 and out. That ends the terrific season by the 49ers.


    10 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • How can my internet be this terrible?

    My internet is so bad, how can it be so bad? A few examples: I will be playing PS3 and if I put my feet in a certain place (which just so happens to be the most comfortable) my PS3's internet starts going downhill until I lag out and it signs me out. Another one would be I'm in my room and if I don't have my computer in a certain position in my room the internet doesn't work. (Also which just so happens to be quite uncomfortable) If I put my knees up in front of the computer, guess what? it stops working. Those are just few of the many problems. The router and everything whatever you call it is all new-ish. It's not old. Probably 2008+ I don't know my parents bought it. The only place it works well all the time is right ****** next to it

    1 AnswerOther - Internet8 years ago
  • What team has the longest AVERAGE playing time per game in Baseball?

    In the MLB, what team do you think (preferably know) has the longest average playing time per game? My guess would be the Red Sox. Their games go on for SO DAMNED LONG.

    6 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • Can someone explain to me what an "electric universe" is?

    Can someone explain this to me? (In terms of something I would understand) What an "Electric Universe" is?

    3 AnswersAstronomy & Space8 years ago
  • Baseball question(s)?

    OK, so I have a few questions tonight. All about baseball. First off, i'm 17 only 100 pounds, im alot stronger than you might expect and i can 100% throw a baseball from the outer most portion of the outfield to home plate. And I can hit fairly well. I know that you have to have a -3 bat, but im 5 foot 6 and 100. What length of the bat should I get? 30 inch? 32? 31? 34? What? Also im trying to get a new glove, Im thinking 12.25 to 12.75. Im an outfield guy also. So i need that. So which one should i get outta those? Im a LEFTY. So 12.25, 12.5 or 12.75?

    P.S. You dont HAVE to answer this, but would getting alot of hitting drills (not by a coach or anything, just friends and batting cages) Help my hitting? Also what techniques do yall recommend for throwing motions to hurt less after throwing alot, or can i help that at all?

    2 AnswersBaseball8 years ago
  • Someone play out what is most likely going to happen if N. Korea does execute their plan to bomb S Korea & US?

    So everyone knows about what N Korea is trying to do, and what if they do fire a missile at say South Korea or at Japan, or at Hawaii, how much of a threat are they? If this does happen. WWIII? Who are N Korea's allies? Would the rest of the world side with S Korea and the USA? What would USA do first? Please try and play out what you think would happen if they shot the missile at someone.

    6 AnswersMilitary8 years ago
  • Why does everyone HATE and say Tom Brady and the Pats are bad/overrated?

    Ok so, I'm a die hard Patriots fan and obviously i love the guy. I think he is the second best or 3rd best QB ever, and with ONE more SB win, he will be the best ever. He has had enormous amounts of hate, and being called overrated and bad and a "system QB" when that is all complete bull sh!t. He has won 3 superbowls and been to 5 so far. If it weren't for last minute drives and astounding catches by the Giants, there wouldn't be a discussion on how Tom isn't the greatest ever. But alas, they happened, and he got us to the superbowl in 2011 with a defense that was ranked 29th or 31st i dont remember but i know it was one of the worst in the entire league. And we almost won, again. 3 Rings/2x SB MVP's/8x Pto-Bowler/2x League MVP/96.6 QBR. That's astonishing. And you say that he is bad? That the Patriots are overrated because our division is horrible? If we played in the AFC North i can guarantee you we would be in the playoffs every year also, sure we would have a huge different scheme to our game too, you have to factor in that. But seriously, you can't argue with numbers. People just hate the Patriots - and Tom Brady - Mainly because of the winning success we have had since 2001. Sure no SB since 2004. But we've been to two of them, and almost gotten there 2 or 3 other times. God damn david tyree and then mario manningham were the causes of our losses (oh yeah and Welker, good riddance Butterfinger) Now we have no receivers as of now, besides Gronk and Hernandez, and they're TE's not WR. If Tom Gets us to be in the top even, top 7 offences in the league there isn't going to be an argue that he can play, and at a level maybe unmatched by any QB ever. And i think he already is there. The only people who will really argue this would be trolls/haters. If you can say an unbiased opinion and not be a Pats fan, ill read it all. But, you can not say hes a system QB because he isn't. Trade him to the Chiefs and he'll do very well. Especially with Dwayne Bowe! He's not overrated because of the SB's when Adam Vinetieri kicked winning FG's. Did you not see Tom's gameplay? And did you not see what got them in position with that game winning perfect drive of his? You can't win without a good QB. That's why HE has 2 SB MVP's. Nothing about him being gay either, just take a look at his wife, she makes more than him... So how can you argue? (Also i'm 100% sure that every single pers oncan agree he was in the hall of fame in 2004, and he wasn't even CLOSE to how good he is now compared to then)

    11 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Why do so many people hate the Jews?

    Why do so many people hate the Jews? I know Middle easterners for taking their land, i guess thats why for them, but aside from that, the Arabians still would hate the Jews even if they didnt live there? Hitler for example and the germans back then, why did they hate the Jews? And other people in general, it seems the whole world hates the Jews :/ I mean, they're considered The Chosen People, and people always remark them to that, so i just dont get it?

    8 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Trickshotting on MW2/BLOPS2/MW3 Trying to get into Synergy, Help!?

    OK, Synergy (A trickshotting clan on Call Of Duty) is hosting a recruiting challenge for 10k subs. I (today) have hit 5-7 trickshots, but the thing is, its just (for example) A Deagle shot, reload, switch 360(or720) Then reverse 360, No scope pistol switch (maybe a tac flip at the end) I am recording, but the thing is all that is in MW2 and they want diversity, and i have only hit like 5 TOTAL TS's in BLOPS2. The things i would normally hit in that game is like a Pistol shot, reload, shock charge cancel, 360/720 DSR no scope/Quickscope. Im just scared im not gonna get in! Would those consistent TS's get me in synergy? (Please only experienced TSers and QSers give opinions) And in MW3 **** that lol, i just get like 1080 no scope with barretts, **** MW3 that game sucked, im not worried about that. SO PLEASE TELL ME! (ALSO- im not just hitting that in MW2 im also hitting like a Magnum shot reload, 360 on ground, jump off, 720 no scope C4 click thing at the end to silent shot it.) Also!!! If i DO get in, watch out for me, itll be Synergy_ViiBe

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games8 years ago
  • How the FUQ do you do this? Detailed?

    How the FUQ do i figure this out... Please let it be detailed! (2+3i)(8-9i) What do you do with the imaginary numbers? THEE ANSWER IS 43+6i I GOT THE 6i BUT HOW THE **** DO YOU GET 43? Just do the entire problem please, i will do bad on my midterm if i dont get this...

    1 AnswerMathematics8 years ago