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Uncomfortable about bf at bachelor party with strippers?
So I m a bit worried and irritated about this. He told me there is gonna be a stripper at this party and I know it s what people do but I just don t like it, and if the roles were reversed I know he would not be pleased. But I m clearly not gonna be a downer and stop him from participating, but how do I get over it and accept it? He did cheat on me 2 years ago so I don t know if that s why this is getting to me or maybe everyone feels like that?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoBringing my black bf to see my (racist) grandparents?
Id like to bring my bf to meet my grandparents, but I'm worried they won't accept him and won't treat him right. Im not sure how they'll react, but according to my mother they told her when she was young to "never bring home a black man", so I'm guessing they won't react in a positive way.. how do I go about that, I can't accept such racist behaviour towards someone I love and plan on marrying some day?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoIs 3 kg dumbells enough for a woman?
I'm a petite woman who wants to build a little more musclemass in arms and legs, how many kg's do I start with?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years agoWork hours, how to calculate?
I've worked very different hours over like 9 months. In total i get 479,5 hours. How do I calculate how much that would be a week?
4 AnswersOther - Business & Finance5 years agoHow to work out how many hours I've worked ON AVERAGE?
Can I add together the total amount of hours from each month and then devide the total of that with 37? Or is that completely wrong?
1 AnswerMathematics5 years agoIs it normal to feel unhappy in your relationship?
Almost every week?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoHow many time a week is it normal to cry because of your relationship?
I cry atleast once a week because of it, is it normal?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoMy 6 year old kitten meows a lot?
Is this normal? She's fed, I've played with her, I pet her and talk to her. When I don't it doesn't take long before she starts meowing again. She doesn't seem I'll and it isn't meows like when a cat is in heat.
Is this normal? Is she just very vocal? Wants a lot of attention? Like right now she's sitting next to me, meowing, looking at me while purring????
5 AnswersCats5 years agoCan a nurse work with abused children?
Children who comes from bad homes with eg mental or physical abuse. What would my tasks be and in what kind of place would I work?
1 AnswerMental Health5 years agoToo much water in my vegetable pie, how to fix?
I've used different vegetables today and didn't prep it before putting it in the pie, I'm guessing that's where all the water is coming from. How can I fix this??
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years agoCan't everyone cook?
You hear "she can't cook" or "she can cook" but can't everyone cook to some extent? A person may not be able to make every dish in the world, but isn't it an exaggeration to say some women eg. Can't cook? I mean, there must be SOMETHING they can cook? Just wondering.
22 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years agoPOLL: how many perfumes do you own?
18 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoUnhappy in my long distance relationship?
I dont have anyone else to talk about this with..
I'm in the other part of the world, getting a degree, he wants to open a business in his own country. So, clearly as it is right now, none of us can relocate.
I cant help but feel unhappy and lonely in this relationship. I miss physical contact and the fact that we can't do any things together bothers me. Especially now at the holidays, us not being able to spend it together have gotten me into a real mindtwisting mood.
I dont know if I should stay in it, if it's a bump in the road? But a part of me is thinking I'm missing out on so many experiences, missing out on some of the best years of my life, just waiting for a guy.
Any thoughts on this? Please take my question seriously and don't leave rude comments. Thank you.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoHow can you tell if your (indoor) cat is happy?
She's always purring and she's super cuddly. She plays with her toys and sometimes storms around the place (she's 4 months old). I've been scared she wouldn't be content as it's a small apartment, but she seems happy? I looked up tail language and her tail is always "happy". How can you tell if your cat ISN'T happy? Do you think she sounds happy? ☺
6 AnswersCats5 years agoWhat colour are your eyes?
19 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoWhy does my kitten jump and stare me in the face?
My kitten is like 4 months old, I got her a month ago. When I go to sleep she'll lay somewhere and sneak up and sit on my chest or shoulder and stare at me, when she gets attention she's runs off and does it again all over. She never jumps in my face though. It's rlly funny and cute and I'm just wondering if there's a reason to this behaviour? Is she trying to tell me something?
2 AnswersCats6 years agoIt bothers me that my bf has a child?
We're both 20. I do not want children until at least 5 years, but he has a 1 year old. I want to experience those things with him some day, but the fact that he already went through that whole pregnancy thing with abother woman, that really bothers me. An ex gf and a child is not what my "pretty picture" looks like, and it doesn't fit into my plans.. The fact that he needs to be in contact with her probably for the rest of his life, well that sucks. And worse is that she's still in love with him. But of course the child needs his father and I'd never ask him to choose. I want to be okay with it, but can I? I really don't want to let him go, but on the other hand I wonder if I'll ever accept it, and whether not accepting it will mean that I won't be fully happy. He's a good man, a great dad, loyal and kind. Everything is perfect with us apart from that quite big thing. Most of the time I don't think about it, but it's like it's in the back of my mind?
6 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoNeighbour too clingy and won t leave me alone?
My neighbor is always knocking on my door and trying to invite me to do things with him and stuff, and I just want him to leave me alone. However I don t know how to say it. He don t get hints, he don t understand it even though it s clear in my voice and my body language that I just want him to leave me alone. He came and asked what I was doing this weekend, I said I was going out with my sister and he asked if he could come with, I couldn t say no!? So now I m stuck with him tonight and he ll prob continue knocking on my door now.. i dont want any sort of relationships with my neighbours, I just wanna be able to come home and be left alone alone, and not feel like I m constantly being watched! Was excited to go out for once but now I don t even feel like it because it s become so weird. What do I do!?!?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years agoHow long does it take for kitten to learn to use scratch post?
I got my kitten a week ago, she's 13 weeks old . I started training her to use the scratch post and I'm seeing some improvement but there's still a long way to go, so just wondering how long its gonna take until she's using it as her "standard choice"? What have you experienced with your cats?
4 AnswersCats6 years agoDoubting whether getting a kitten was the right decision...?
Hello everyone .I thought about it for a very long time, months actually. I googled basically everything I needed to know. Then I found a kitten and even though she is so sweet and cute and we get a long fine, I am finding this so stressful. It s just me and her, the commitment stresses me out more than I thought. I stress about jer scratching the furniture and carpet, the plants and the curtains, her walking on the table, her being hyper, about my home not being as neat and tidy as before because there s toys everywhere. I didn t think I d feel this way, it s really weird, when I was younger and lived with my parents, we had cats.
Is it normal to feel this way? I feel bad because she s so sweet and she rlly clings to me, but it s honestly more than expected. What to do, did you ever feel like this with your pets?
4 AnswersCats6 years ago