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Lv 1110 points

Tia Morris

Favorite Answers0%
  • Dystopian short story opening?

    I got given a project for English to write a opening to a dystopian short story.... Any openings will be highly apreachiated!

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago
  • My dog has a stick stuck down her throat?!?!?!?

    Me and my dog went on a walk and she loves playing with sticks. But when I threw the stick she picked it up and it disappeard into her mouth. She won't open her mouth even if I try give her food. She's shaking and gagging and crying, she is breathing okay at normal pace but I'm really scared that something's wrong with her, she's usually so happy and running around but she's sat in a corner curled up looking really sad. I've tried the vet but their all booked up for today

    I'm only 13 home alone until my mum gets home from work I told her and she's coming straight away. Her work is about a hour away

    But please please help me this dog is my best friend I got her for my 11th birthday

    She means the world to me please


    7 AnswersDogs6 years ago
  • What should I understand about immigration?

    So I got given this homework and we had to find a artical about any world event. I found one about immigration in Australia. And then you have to write what you understand about it. But I don't know. I mean I could put something like their treated really badly but that's just abut boring. Can anyone help?

    1 AnswerHomework Help6 years ago