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I am here to help my fellow LGBT members with there questions. As a 25 gay man I have dealt with being rejected because my sexuality, coming out to a religious family, being bullied as kid for being gay, and coming to terms with sexuality. I have also been with my partner for over five years. I use my experiences to help others. I am a very proud gay man and I am willing to help others. If you need a friend feel free to email me. My inbox is always open.

  • What causes transsexualism/transgenderism?

    I hope I worded my question correctly. I believe one is naturally born transgender/transsexual. While I do believe that am not sure what the happens to cause someone to be born in the wrong gender's body. I personal have never met someone that I knew of to be transgender ( I know chances are I have met at least one person that was transgender and I just did'nt know it) and I can't find anything online myself. So could someone please eduate me on this subject or provide a link to where I can find this information?

  • What is the difference between transsexual and transgender?

    I myself am a gay man and am not transgender. Even though I am not transgender I am very supportive of those that are. I can only image what it must feel like to be in the wrong body. It must feel like a prison. Even though I am very supportive of transgender I seem to lack some education. I only become aware that there is a difference between the terms transgender and transsexual a short bit ago. I don't want to sound uneducated or offend someone by using these terms incorrectly. So could some please explain the difference and how to correctly use the terms transgender and transsexual?

  • Would like to become a counselor?

    I would like to become a counselor to help LGBT teens and young adults. I of crouse plan on going to back to college for this and plan on talking to admissions about this in greater detail. I just want to know in advance is there anything I should be considering when looking for a college? Are there any specific questions I should ask when speaking to a collage's admissions? Also is there anything I should be aware of or prepared for ? Thanks in advance.

  • Would like to become a counselor?

    I have been considering becoming a counselor to help LGBT teens and young adults. Of course I plan on going to back to college and will talk with the college admissions about this to get more detail about this. But I would like is there anything that I should be looking for when considering a college and are there any specific I should ask when talking to admissions. Also is there anything I should be aware of or prepared for? Thanks for your help.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • This one is for those against gay marriage?

    I just dont understand why your against gay marriage. Please enlighten me. Other then the fact you think its immoral, you think its unnatural, or goes against the bible please tell me what reason do you have? How would it hurt anything?

    17 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • This one is for those against gay marriage?

    I just dont understand why your against gay marriage. Please enlighten me. Other then the fact you think its immoral, you think its unnatural, or goes against the bible please tell me what reason do you have? How would it hurt anything?

  • This one is for those against gay marriage?

    I just dont understand why your against gay marriage. Please enlighten me. Other then the fact you think its immoral, you think its unnatural, or goes against the bible please tell me what reason do you have? How would it hurt anything?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • This one is for those against gay marriage?

    I just dont understand why your against gay marriage. Please enlighten me. Other then the fact you think its immoral, you think its unnatural, or goes against the bible please tell me what reason do you have? How would it hurt anything?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • This I is for those aginst gay marriage?

    I just dont understand why your aginst gay marriage. Please enlighten me. Other then the fact you think its immoral, unnatural, or goes aginst bible please tell me what reason do you have? How would it hurt anything?

  • Running thur engine's oil?

    I have a car that I have to add oil to from time to time. I do regularly check the oil and add oil as needed. I however I do sometimes accidentally let the engine's oil get to low. I know this can be damaging and try not to do this. But when this does happen after add oil to it is there something I should do so the engine can pump oil back into it self without putting it in great danger until it has been able to pump a proper amount of oil back into its self?

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Car has problem accelerating what could it be?

    I have a 2001 kia sephia. I have only had it for a few months and I am a delivery driver. recently the car has had some problems ,occasionally, accellerating especially between 25 to 45. but after a few minutes is it goes away and the car will run normally for quite some time. this has not been a problem until the other day. I was in a parking lot about ready to leave to meet my friends for lunch. I've backed out of my parking spot it went to pull ford car pulled ford slightly then stop and would not move no matter how hard I press on the gas pedal I restarted the car and tried pulling forward again and it would not budge after a few times of moving the car in an hour drive is a car eventually move slowly engine revving loudly as if it was pulling with all of its might just to go 5 miles an hour but I have to keep moving because I was in a particularly busy part of the parking lot eventually I was able to move the car to empty area of the parking lot I turned the car off as it was running hot I let the engine rest for about 5 minutes then I turn the car on and let it idle until the radiator was able to bring it down to normal temperature and I was able to pull off and meet my friends for lunch car appears to be acting normal but I am concerned my engine does burn oil but I have been keeping up with the oil and I have ran treatments for this following the treatments directions and I have recently have an oil change all other fluids levels are normal including transmission fluid is it possible I might need my transmission fluid changed and filter changed or is it something else again I am a pizza delivery driver so I rely on my car for work.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • up for wrongful demotion at work?

    I am a manager at a McDonald's. I am one of six managers who all have keys to the safe. For the past week the safe has been coming over 100 dollars short. Yesterday The area Supervisor came in and looked in the computer and at the safe counts with five of the six managers that have keys to safe, this is counting me. When she was done she said that even though they do not know who really toke the money from the safe that I was going to be move down a position and that I would have to pay the safe shortage. I did not take the money from the safe and they have no proof that says other wise but yet the still say they are going to make me move to a lower position and make me pay them the amount of the safe shortage. Can they do this? And what can i do about this?

    1 AnswerSan Jose1 decade ago