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  • Why aren't I losing weight?

    I'm eating in accordance to a vegan diet and I also do not consume any added sugars. I've been at this for near two weeks and have not lost any weight. I don't count calories, but I wake up hungry and go to bed hungry. My diet mainly consists of raw green vegetables, beans, nuts, and fruit. Does anyone have any leads as to why I'm not losing weight? I tried this diet last year, and I lost near 40 lbs. But now it won't work.

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Do my girlfriend and I hang out enough?

    We usually hang out 3-4 times a month. We keep arguing over this, because someone always seems to be busy.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • My gf wants to wear another guys football jersey?

    She asked if she could wear a football jersey to represent a dude who goes to my school, and I dont think it would look good. Am I being over protecting? Thanks

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • what website is this?

    This website contains really cool and pointless things. It's "" or something. Any leads?

    2 AnswersVideo & Online Games6 years ago
  • Calorie intake too low?

    I am taking far less calories than I should. Roughly 1800 below reccomended for my height and weight. I'm losing weight rapidly, but I don't go to bed hungry. I am a vegan that eats no sugar, so the calories are hard to pack in. Will my body go in "survival" mode?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • What should I do about my father?

    Hello, my mother passed Christmas of 2013. Little bit less than a year later, my father starts dating this girl, "Roslyn". Before my mom passed, my dad would always say "Why don't you love me?" and "Why do you hate me?". I have no problem with Roslyn, she doesn't bother me. I am not a talkative person. So I was in my room and my dad asked me to come out, but I told him I was reading an article, and he snapped, Roslyn left, and broke up with my dad, because she thinks I hate her. My dad is pinning the break up on me, so I tried to leave the house to cool down, but he wouldn't let me. I'm sixteen, what should I do?

    4 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Will the following method work to lose weight?

    Hello there, I am trying to shed off the pounds that I have put on over the last year. My mother cut out dairy, meat, and sugar from her diet, with no exercise and lost 80 pounds. When she passed away on Christmas day 2013, I quit football and wrestling, and put on a good 60 pounds. If I follow the same protocol that she did, and incorporate light cardiovascular exercise, will I lose weight as rapidly as she once did? Also, I'm sixteen, so would it be unhealthy? *Note: She did not lose weight due to sickness.

    37 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • Chatrooms where you can seek help 24/7?

    Please help, it's very late and I need to reach out to someone. I can't talk, who can I write to?

    1 AnswerMental Health6 years ago
  • In your opinion, do you think it would be wise for me to take this job?

    Hello, I have put in countless applications to try and get a job. I finally got a response from a local grocery store. I can have the job as long as I work until 10:30 on week nights. The issue is I am a high school student who has his first class at 7:00. I wake up at six. The store is fifteen minutes away. Please don't be rude, or express a negative opinion, I am simply seeking guidance. Thank you :)

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • Car buying issues, to keep, or to buy?

    Should I keep my car, or buy another one?

    I leased a brand new car at sixteen, and the lease is up, I can buy the car for 18k, which only has 25,000 miles on it. The car is a 2011. Not sure if I should buy the car, or keep the money and buy a cheap car, then save the money for the future. Which would you do? Thank you in advance!

    3 AnswersBuying & Selling6 years ago
  • What book is this?

    The book is about a kid who is locked in his room and he imagines being with all of these monsters. They declare him king and such. In the beginning the kid is a real brat, and the book was made into a movie. It's not Narnia, I think his name was Bartholomew?

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors6 years ago
  • Captivity of small animals cruel?

    I don't necessarily support the captivity of larger, and smarter animals since it is terribly restrictive. However, is it cruel to have a rat in captivity? What is your opinion? Thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Pets6 years ago
  • Name of this song?

    It's pretty modern music, and the main word is fly. It's not niki minoj tho

    1 AnswerRap and Hip-Hop7 years ago
  • Teachers do not like teaching?

    I am perplexed by the hatred I have received from my teachers, just from asking questions. I'm always questioning what my teacher's say, and making them indulge. I've noticed that they dislike me more than the students that act out and don't do any work. I do all of my work, I have all A's and I'm constantly pushing on the teachers to teach more. I'm not sure why they get irritated, is there anyone who may have an answer as to why this annoys them? I argued with a teacher about light photons, and ended up being right. Please help, I don't like being scolded...

    4 AnswersTeaching7 years ago
  • Why do we know so little about what is below the biosphere?

    My Biology teacher made a claim stating that there is no life below the biosphere. Which goes ten miles underground, and six above ground. I asked him how we know, and he got a little snippy. Why do we know so little about the earth itself? Also, there could be animals living in the upper mantle, considering that they've had quite a while to adapt. Take for example, the ocean. The pressure led us to believe that nothing could live in the deep sea. We were wrong. Thanks

    4 AnswersBiology7 years ago
  • Girls can wear makeup and be attractive?

    It seems as if sone girls in my specific class aren't much to look at. However, they are artists and can make themselves look beautiful. Once at this point, they then reject men, who do not wear make-up. How is this fair towards men? I'm in high school, so you gotta take a look from my POV

    3 AnswersMakeup7 years ago
  • Losing friends at a rapid pace?

    After my mom died, I lost 25% of my friends. They didn't know what to say, so they just stopped talking to me. Whenever I pick up a conversation I can see that they feel weird and they drop out. Also I quit the football team, and then I lost another 25%. Nobody in my. grade respects a kid that does well academically. They want An athletic social genius to hang around. Why have I lost so many friends and how can I get more? Thanks

    3 AnswersFriends7 years ago
  • Whats wrong with my Toshiba LCD TV?

    hello, I bought this TV 2 days ago and I put it together today put it in my room the picture workedfine.I went to work later that day came back home and the TV is incredibly dark and I can not see any picture. I understand that the backlight may be broken but it was not touched while it sat on my stand. What's wrong?

    1 AnswerTVs7 years ago
  • Online long distance dating issues?

    I think long distance online dating is weird, and so does this girl that I talk to. She was very closed at the beginning but now we are open with each other. I like her a lot but I think it's weird to date online. How can I get rid of this feeling?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating7 years ago