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Lv 44,402 points

Anaiah C

Favorite Answers7%

I am the main leader of the restoration of the Qumran Essene religion. We go by the name of Nazarene Israel Essenes.

  • Are any Jews or Christians open to considering the Book of Gad the Seer to be Scripture?

    1 Chronicles 29:29-30 " 29 Now the acts of King David, first and last, indeed they are written in the book of Samuel the seer, in the book of Nathan the prophet, and in the book of Gad the seer, 30 with all his reign and his might, and the events that happened to him, to Israel, and to all the kingdoms of the lands."

    There is a book known by this name which exists and claims to be the very Book of Gad. It is not the one you can find on amazon right now (that one is a complete joke and not authentic in the slightest), but it's the Hebrew one which has been found and published and translated into English by Meir bar-Ilan. You can read on wikipedia about the Hebrew manuscripts of the Book of Gad the Seer that was found.

    Also here is a youtube video where some Christians did a Bible Study on the Book of Gad the Seer that was published by Meir bar-Ilan:

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years ago
  • Has anyone experienced a wavelike sensation in the inbetween state of wake & sleep, where it feels like ur body is bobbing as a flowing wave?

    i have experienced this many times. i had this happen to me again this morning. i experienced a floating movement of my inner self within my body, caused by swirling my eyes in a circular motion, in harmony with the movement of my inner self, resulting with my body feeling like it was a confined liquid mass and not a solid, and my liquid body mass waving back and forth like waves. When this happens i feel super tired and almost asleep but not fully asleep yet. Yet while this happened i could feel that my body was not moving. In other words, it felt like my body was not moving and that it was, at the same time! like an energy pulsing through my entire body, and it caused my body to flow in waves around my body mass, like as if my body was the ocean. But i could feel my body not moving at all. So i felt my body being still as a solid, but moving within and without of itself repeatedly, like a liquid. Whenever it happens, i always feel like it is my soul which is waving and imitating my body, stretching out of my body and feeling like a second body in addition to my actual body.

    5 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Youtube says i have a content id claim; i click the link it tells me to to view the video,& no video is found?

    what do i do to get rid of this content id claim when there is no video i can see that is flagged? i already tried deleting videos that i suspected might have been flagged but not registering in the content id box for some reason, but it did not help. i want to be able to resume posting hour videos like my account used to be able to do.

    2 AnswersYouTube9 years ago
  • i worship logic as the supreme above everything,even God.i can prove everything i believe is tru;give me a try?

    for debate purposes, it must needs be dealt with in email correspondence, so here is my email (no this is not spam)

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do you agree with my life philosophy: everything illogical is false. everything true is logical.?

    I believe logic is the supreme of all things, and can prove everything that is of the truth. If you agree with this philosophy or would be curious ot hear more about it, please email me

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I think i know the truth; I want to prove it to others.some say that shows i dont have is that so?

    I want to help people not because i need help, but because I want to help others which i know is the truth, for i am morally obligated to do everything i can to help as many as possible. Otherwise, by not doing so, i would disrespect myself to my own detriment. Because i care so much about myself, i will do everything i can to help others, for without trying to help people as much as possible, i destroy myself according to the laws of nature/science.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • If what i believed was the truth and could be proven, how can i help people if no one is willing to debate me? if you are willing to debate me, so i can attempt to prove what i believe is true.

    logic alone

    5 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • If what i believed was the truth and could be proven, how can i help people if no one is willing to debate me? if you are willing to debate me, so i can attempt to prove what i believe is true.

    logic alone

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I'm in a bind. Can you help me? see details and read all please?

    All i need is for people to just give me a chance. I'm one of the few who believes with logic and philosophy as the supreme of all, we can prove all things objectively, 100%. I believe i can prove what the truth is and prove that what everyone else believes is false, whereas what i believe is true. I can show how all other religions and philosophies are wrong.

    My religion is the only religion that offers a guarantee. Because my religion requires above and beyond everything else required by all other religions, if my religion is wrong, if any other religion is true, their religion teaches that i will be saved. And if no religion is true, then i don't need to be saved, even though my religion is wrong. Now, i'm convinced 100% that my religion is correct and that i can prove it 100% with logic. But for YOUR sake, i'm adding the extra information that mine is literally the ONLY one, the only option, in which you have a 100% guarantee to either be saved or to not need being saved. Unless you have 100% proof that your philosophy is true, then you are taking a gamble whereas i am not. Top that off with i'm convinced i can prove everything i believe about the foundation of truth with 100% objectivity and certainty, whereas you selfadmittedly cannot prove 100% objectively and certainly what you believe about the foundation is true, is it not my position which is the wiser?

    Please give me a chance and debate me so i can try and prove to you the truth. Why am i so desperate? Because i hate being alone in the truth and i need to do everything i can to try and help the world. If you can join me, then we can help the world together.

    Would discussing with me be a waste of time? Not anymore than what you are already going to be doing: nothing important; and your vain activities. You will either find salvation if you talk to me, or i will provide you with good entertainment; a good laugh at my beliefs (which is why many of you are here, to mock other people and get a good laugh). If i am irrational, there is your entertainment. If i am rational, then would it not then be a good use of time discussing with someone rational and being challenged to think critically about one believes?

    5 AnswersPhilosophy9 years ago
  • I'm in a bind. Can you help me? see details and read all please?

    All i need is for people to just give me a chance. I'm one of the few who believes with logic and philosophy as the supreme of all, we can prove all things objectively, 100%. I believe i can prove what the truth is and prove that what everyone else believes is false, whereas what i believe is true. I can show how all other religions and philosophies are wrong.

    My religion is the only religion that offers a guarantee. Because my religion requires above and beyond everything else required by all other religions, if my religion is wrong, if any other religion is true, their religion teaches that i will be saved. And if no religion is true, then i don't need to be saved, even though my religion is wrong. Now, i'm convinced 100% that my religion is correct and that i can prove it 100% with logic. But for YOUR sake, i'm adding the extra information that mine is literally the ONLY one, the only option, in which you have a 100% guarantee to either be saved or to not need being saved. Unless you have 100% proof that your philosophy is true, then you are taking a gamble whereas i am not. Top that off with i'm convinced i can prove everything i believe about the foundation of truth with 100% objectivity and certainty, whereas you selfadmittedly cannot prove 100% objectively and certainly what you believe about the foundation is true, is it not my position which is the wiser?

    Please give me a chance and debate me so i can try and prove to you the truth. Why am i so desperate? Because i hate being alone in the truth and i need to do everything i can to try and help the world. If you can join me, then we can help the world together.

    Would discussing with me be a waste of time? Not anymore than what you are already going to be doing: nothing important; and your vain activities. You will either find salvation if you talk to me, or i will provide you with good entertainment; a good laugh at my beliefs (which is why many of you are here, to mock other people and get a good laugh). If i am irrational, there is your entertainment. If i am rational, then would it not then be a good use of time discussing with someone rational and being challenged to think critically about one believes?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I can prove the truth using only logic and evidence. Will you debate me so i can prove it?

    I added evidence for that annoying individual who keeps posting on my questions trying to claim logic alone isn't sufficient, as if evidence was distinct from logic...

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I can prove the truth using only logic and evidence.?

    I added evidence for that annoying individual who keeps posting on my questions trying to claim logic alone isn't sufficient, as if evidence was distinct from logic...

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Where can I find a COMPLETE list of all the manuscripts of the Septuagint?

    People who be ignorant, please don't be posting. thanks =)

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Where can i find complete listing of all (or most) of the Ethiopic manuscripts of the Bible?

    Please give the links and/or titles of the books. or the bibliographic information, that would work too.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Would you marry a philosopher?

    I am a philosopher. i only would marry someone who shares the same philosophy i have. so my offer is debate me and if i prove my philosophy is true and you accept it, i will marry you if you want me to =)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • If its possible for a religion to be logical, but you refuse to consider that possibility,aren't you unfair?

    debate me using solely logic, and i will solely use logic, and prove my religion to be true:

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Do i have to post something stupid to get people's attention on here?

    Why is it that people flock to the stupid questions just to mock, insult, make fun, etc, and yet refuse staunchly to have a fair and honest debate using ONLY logic and not absurd ad hominem?

    Now, if you are willing to not be a fool, and thus to have an open minded discussion hinged upon logic alone, please email me at

    otherwise you can continue on in your ignorance. i will not concern myself with willfully ignorant buffoons.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality9 years ago