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Favorite Answers12%
  • Which is the best and cheapest way to get from Amsterdam to Vienna by boat?

    We'd like to take a cruise from Amsterdam to Vienna, without flight prices. We are already thinking about taking the hydrofoil from Vienna to Budapest, then later, taking a 7 night cruise from Budapest to the Black Sea. Has anyone done the first leg of this trip? Which companies/tour operators do you suggest? Any tips?

    Thank you.

    2 AnswersOther - Europe1 decade ago
  • Anyone know the title of this book/movie?

    The book was published after the year 2000 and the movie was released about 2004. As far as I can remember it is about a kid who finds a younger boy held prisoner underneath an old barn, the kid finds out that the boy is held for ransom by the kid's father and his dodgy friends. After striking up a friendship, the kid vows to help the boy with really bad consequences. I think it may be Spanish/South American, but that's all I remember. Thanks!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I wonder why...?

    all the mean, derogatory, disrespectful people on here always have private questions and answers on their profile? Do they feel shame after all?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • I know its petty but...?

    I find it so annoying when people ask questions like "Why are you still up at this time of night on Y!A?" Or say "Shouldn't you be asleep?"

    Don't they understand the concept of time zones?

    Do they truly believe that theirs is the only time zone in the world???

    Please be aware that this is an international site and just because some people should be in bed doesn't mean the whole world should be in bed.

    Or is it just me?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Does this annoy you?

    To the Australian audience, doesn't seeing John Howard on the screen annoy you as much as it does me? I'm sick and tired of seeing his face every time I'm on YA!

    3 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Where is it?

    I've lost my son's little blue medical record book. I know it's in the house somewhere...but where? Anyone have any ideas?

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Accommodation in Hong Kong centre?

    My partner, my son (aged 18 months) and I will be staying in Hong Kong for two nights in a few months (stopover from Australia to UK), does anyone know of nice but inexpensive accommodation that would be suitable? Which sights do we absolutely have to see, considering we only really have one day to go touring? Thanks.

    2 AnswersChina1 decade ago
  • Which horror book is this?

    Its a horror book about a university student interested in fear. He dates a girl who is vegetarian, then locks her up for weeks with nothing to eat but meat. It is told by his friend, who also succumbs to a nasty experiment, losing all his senses. I loved reading this book, but I can't remember who it's by or what it's called. Thanks.

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What's the worst restaurant service you've ever had?

    I expect just a few things when I go out for a meal.

    1. Cutlery. I went to a restaurant in Sydney recently and they forgot to give us any cutlery!

    2. Comfort. I'd like their to be an ambient atmosphere, and to be warm. In this same restaurant the staff were rude, and even though I kept my jumper on, I was shivering with the cold!

    3. Drink. I always like a drink with my meal. But, guess what, that's right, at this restaurant I had to ask four times for a drink!!

    4. Food. That is, after all, the reason I go to the restaurant in the first place, and, that's right, I had to wait over an hour and a half for my food - after ordering!! And they weren't in the least bit busy!

    5. GOOD food. It was cold, stone cold, and then they had the cheek to ask me if I wanted it warmed up in the microwave!

    Now I'm not one to complain, not usually, but to top off this fantastic night, my mum was over from the UK for the first time, and we decided to take her out for a meal before she returned home!

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • How many mammals (humans aside) lose their baby teeth before reaching adulthood?

    It seems strange as an adult to watch my baby boy's teeth come through, knowing they will just fall out again in a few years. I just wondered about other species, and whether they also have the teething problems we have as children.

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago