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  • Ear Infection and Blocked Ears?

    So a week ago, I felt as if both of my ears were blocked up and when I talk, my voice sounds muffled and dull. I can still hear but I know it's much quieter than usual and I find that it's affecting my life a lot. I have also had a chesty cough for nearly a month so I'm coughing up phlegm so it could have something to do with that.

    I was getting annoyed with having to tug my ear down to hear clearer during my lessons and having to ask people to repeat themselves. I feel so out of place and moody because whenever people speak, it sounds quieter than it should be. I've been so upset over it. I went to the doctors on Friday (two days ago) and my doctor said there was only a little bit of wax so put olive oil in them so that can be rid of. But that wasn't enough to make my whole ears blocked so apparently it's an ear infection because my ears are red and inflamed inside. I've been prescribed 3 tablets of amoxicillin per day (250mg) and it's nearly been 48 hours but my ears are still blocked. I don't feel as if they've changed at all. My doctor said I should feel a change within 48-72 hours but I have no hope.

    I feel like they're going to be stuck like this forever. It's putting me down so much. If they don't start working by tomorrow, I have to go back. I'm scared it's a permanent deafness problem. My dad thinks I need to be referred to a specialist but I'm worried.

    I hate feeling this way. Will my ear infection clear up with amoxicillin? Or is this something else?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • How do I cope with a family that thinks I'm stupid?

    My whole family constantly puts me down about my intelligence and my likes overall. I can't cope anymore. I act like I don't care but it really gets to me, I just pretend I need to go to the bathroom so I can cry without them knowing. It seems like a stupid reason to cry but it's because I care.

    I have a really smart brother and sister, I'll admit that. My mother and father always shower them with compliments and say that they're the two children that truly care about their education. I recently got chosen for a Gifted and Talented program because they believe I can go to a Russell (Ivy League in the US) university and get high grades in my exams. I'm in the top class for everything and I try really hard to get good grades which I usually do because I revise really hard. I'm not here to show off, but to prove a point. My sister didn't get into this program (which she was really annoyed about) and my parents said that they chose the wrong people because if I'm in it, why is my sister not in it? My mother said that I don't even care about my education and I never try as hard as my siblings. Apparently I'm just the unintelligent, bad child who can never get good grades. I got upset and my dad told my sister and mother to stop picking on me. I thought he was going to stick up for me but he told them that they should stop comparing because my sister actually cares about her education and I don't. That's what makes me feel angry because I honestly do. I try my hardest, I revise hard, I listen and always take down helpful notes in class, I'm in this program and I always bring home good report cards. However, my parents think my reports are bad. My maths and science (triple) are not amazing but I'm still predicted in A in my exams for all of them. I tell them that my favourite subject is English and I love writing as well as reading. Yet again, my sister and parents said I'm not even good at English. Apparently my grades have gone down in English and they tell me to stop saying I care about school because I have no potential. My teachers tell me that I lack confidence but they believe I'm smart and they have hope that I will get into a good university. My parents told me that they're just giving me fake hope and I need to face the fact that I'm not smart.

    I want to be a lawyer. They said that's too difficult for someone like me and I'll never be able to get good enough grades to do that at University. I like English. They said I'm not even good at it. I like playing piano. They said that won't get me anywhere. I have low self esteem. They call me ugly (my mum and sister say that all the time) and stupid. I happily tell them I got chosen for the Gifted & Talented program. They laugh and wonder how I got in it. I was chosen to do Latin for my GCSE and I tell them I really enjoy that too even though it's quite a difficult subject. My sister didn't get chosen so they said Latin's easy and it really doesn't matter.

    The only people that call me smart are my teachers and my little brother. My 11 year old brother tells me that I am smart and he thinks I can be a lawyer. He's just a kid but he makes me feel so much better. This is really long winded and I'm sorry that this is a massive chunk of writing for you to read but I'm fed up. How can I cope with them? Should I believe them? Or should I just ignore them? I'm fed up of not being good enough, being called stupid and always being compared.

    Maybe I am a failure.

    9 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Rewriting & Editing as a writer?


    So I'm an avid writer who enjoys reading books as well as writing them. I upload some of my stories to Wattpad or I write some personal ones myself in my notebook. Lately, I've been working on one of my stories a lot, focusing on parts everyday and researching some more about illnesses (which my book includes). However, I always feel like I have writer's block or I'm always rewriting my chapters. As writers, do any of you guys do that? I'm always rewriting chapters and then getting writer's block which I guess isn't good as a writer.

    My question is, why am I always getting writer's block and if I don't, why do I always reread one of my pieces and go back to rewrite it every time? How can I stop doing this?

    My question doesn't make much sense (sorry) but if you understand what I'm trying to get at, could you please help? How can I stop getting writer's block? And how can I stop going back to re-write my work?

    3 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years ago
  • I have a side fringe but I want a middle parting now?

    I've always had long hair and I cut a side fringe around 3 years ago... My side fringe is quite long but so is my normal hair so I don't want to cut off my hair so it's the same length and my fringe because I don't like my hair short. I'm saying this because I want a middle parting.

    If that didn't make much sense, I basically want a middle parting although I have a side fringe. Is there anyway I can get a nice middle parting without it looking weird even though I have a fringe?

    At the moment, I just split my hair down the middle but one side puffs up because my half of my side fringe isn't used to going that way? I'm sorry if this is confusing and long winded but I just want some helpful answers!

    Thank you for your help :)

    4 AnswersHair8 years ago
  • I've never been to Knotts Berry Farm?

    I've been to Universal Studios Hollywood, Six Flags, Disneyland and Cedar Park but I've never been to Knotts Berry Farm?

    I'm hoping to go in Spring or Summer (even though it could be deadly hot) but I just wanted to know more about it and how its like there? What rides would you recommend?

    I know I could always know off Google but its better to get someone else's opinion on it.

    3 AnswersLos Angeles8 years ago
  • I'm 5'4 for a 13 year old?

    I'm 13 and I'm going to be 14 in April next year (I'm in Year 9). I'm slim and 5'4... I'm taller than my mum and slightly taller than my 14 year old sister.

    I've already started menstruating, early this year. I was just wondering if 5'4 is small for a 13 year old? And what height could I reach? I don't want to be 5'4 all my life, I want to grow. I don't want to be really tall but still tall. That's just me.

    My mum's short. Around 5'3. My dad's 6ft. If that helps with anything.

    I just feel small because someone in my class said I was short and my friend (who turned 14 in September) constantly says to me- 'I've grown. I'm taller than you now. I've had my growth spurt'. Its kind of annoying and I would like to be taller just to get her to stop annoying me. But that's not the only reason, alot of my female cousins are tall too so I would love to be tall and have long legs etc. Not that there's nothing wrong with short people! :)

    Okay, I've dragged on for long now. So what height do you think I could reach? When do girls stop growing, what age? Am I short for a 13 year old girl?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body9 years ago
  • Where is Beverly Grove?

    This may seem like a random question but I was looking for homes in Los Angeles for my sister. She already has a job and is willing to drive, the job is in West LA. I found a nice house for a decent price in Beverly Grove? Here's the property-

    My sister has the right amount of money to pay for it and it is a nice house but its situated in the Beverly Grove area and I couldn't find much information on it. Could anyone tell me about it?

    What part of LA is it in? Are the schools good? Is it safe? Is it a nice place to live? What places are nearby? Anything would be helpful because she wants a safe and nice place to live. I know its expensive and its not as it seems on TV but my sisters made her choice. We're also going to check it out because we don't want to buy a house and find problems in it so we'll be going to see it once we find out about Beverly Grove.

    Thanks for reading.

    3 AnswersLos Angeles9 years ago
  • Is a lawyer or a solicitor a good career choice?

    We're just about to choose our options for GCSE and it makes me wonder what I'm going to be when I'm older. I have no idea but my teachers say that if you like English, History, languages and subjects similar to that then you could be a lawyer or a solicitor.

    I know I shouldn't really be thinking about jobs as a 14 year old but I'm worried for the future and I would like to have a faint idea of what to be.

    I'm in the top class for everything but in all honesty, maths and science aren't my strong points so there's no chance of me doing a STEM job. I get higher grades in languages, English and History so I took in what my teacher said. I would like a job that earns over £25,000 in a year, even though I know you have to work your way up.

    Basically, I would like a job that I'm good at and a job that earns a good amount of money. I am planning to go to university but I have to get good grades first which I'm hoping I will.

    My question is, is a lawyer or a solicitor a good job? I know they're different things but they're both to do with law. What type of law can get you a good amount of money? Divorce? Crime?

    If its not a good job, can you suggest any jobs that earn over £25,000 a year (preferably £30,000) that you think I would enjoy?

    I know its a long question but I'm concerned about my future and I would like to know more about career choices. Thank you for taking the time to read and answer my question.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal9 years ago
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of blast furnace?

    I want to know about the advantages and disadvantages of the blast furnace process.

    Could someone please list the pros and cons of the blast furnace process?

    2 AnswersEngineering9 years ago
  • Going on holiday to Australia and I need packing help?!?

    So I'm jetting over to Sydney from Los Angeles soon for a holiday. I was just doing some packing and I realised I have no idea what to pack!

    Its fall in LA but its Spring in Sydney. I imagine its quite warm there so I was wondering what clothes to pack? Can anyone tell me?

    I was thinking bikinis, crop tops, shorts, bralets etc.

    But I might be wrong so I need some help please! I plan to spend alot of time on the beach, doing water activities etc.

    5 AnswersNew South Wales (Sydney)9 years ago
  • I'm in Gifted and Talented?

    Today, I found out that I am in the Gifted and Talented programme which I was happy about.

    However, I don't feel that I'm as smart as this programme makes me out to be. I don't get the highest marks in the class, I'd say I get average grades for a 13 year old in Year 9. I'm in the top class but there's only around 8 people, including me, who are in this programme but they are really smart, they always get high grades. I don't feel smart compared to them and I don't really understand how I got in.

    Should I be happy about this? I know I sound like an idiot, feeling weird about being in this programme but I'm not that smart. I've even heard others say it, they said to my friend that I'm not as smart as I seem. I guess that's true then. My mum says to ignore it. I'm sorry, I know it sounds stupid but doesn't anyone else just feel stupid sometimes? I'm probably stupid compared to the other people in the programme. I get good grades in English but not as good as some other people... I think. Do you see why I'm not even that smart?

    Any advice to make me feel better about it? Or should I just ignore it?

    I really do think I need to boost my confidence and my self esteem.

    Thank to those who understand, some people may not even get what I'm talking about or how I'm feeling! Thanks :)

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education9 years ago
  • How do you write a sex scene?

    I need help on writing a sex scene for a book I'm writing.

    A 19 year old girl and boy love each other. Their first kiss gets intense and they start having sex. They're described as quite good looking and passionate about each other but it can start to get a bit more erotic if needed. Could someone write me an example of a good sex scene? I've written the kiss but it needs to lead on after that.

    Could anyone write me an example? I've found some tips but I need a good starting point!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • What do you think of young smokers?

    I would just like to know, what's everyone opinions on young smokers? I cannot name any names or anything but there are a few young smokers in school, youngest are like 12 year old students and I know a few 13 year old students that smoke, in their uniform, outside the shaded woods outside the school and everything.

    I find it so stupid and not cool in anyway, so it kinda makes me sick when they come and stink of cigarettes then they have to spray alot of perfume or deodorant to cover the smell up. Its so stupid and don't the parents even realise? What's your opinion on young smokers?

    7 AnswersOther - Health9 years ago
  • How much do you grow in a year?

    Before you ask, I am not a hacker, this is my cousin's account, we are different people with different questions.

    I am 5 foot 4 and I'm 13 years old. I'm female, a young teen. I'm not 14 until the early days of June. I want to know how tall I grow in a year and what height I could possibly grow to be?

    My mom is 5 foot 3 and my dad is 6 foot. I don't think I've had my growth spurt yet either. I've started to ovulate and grow up. This is just extra information if you might need it.

    If you could answer, it would be very helpful as I'd like to be tall when I grow up but not too tall, maximum 6 foot which is probably not going to happen anyway. Hehe, thanks :)

    1 AnswerOther - Health & Beauty9 years ago
  • Lingerie help for holiday?

    Does anyone know any good bras, thongs, panties and more that are pretty and comfy?

    They should be from Victoria's Secret. I need some new ones for my holiday! Links would be really helpful and any price as I have quite a bit of money to spend.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • Nice fall/winter clothes?

    So I live in LA and fall/ winter isn't too cold and bad here! But, I probably won't be wearing bikinis and shorts anytime soon. So, does anyone have any shops I could go to to buy some suitable clothes for fall/winter? I really don't know what I could buy, I like sticking with things that are in fashion.

    Also, could anyone suggest a good, sexy bra from Victoria's Secret that I could buy?

    Thanks! :)

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • How can I use the word atom and molecule?

    How can I use the word atom and molecule correctly when I am explaining the displacement reaction of zinc sulfate and copper? How can I use them in my essay so they relate to the displacement reaction?

    1 AnswerChemistry9 years ago
  • The reaction of Zinc Sulphate + Copper?

    I know that zinc sulfate+copper is a displacement reaction which starts off with zinc+copper sulfate. But would the mass of the beaker and its contents stay the same throughout the reaction? Or would it change? If so, why?

    Thanks, really bad at chemistry so I needed help on this little question for extra revision!

    3 AnswersChemistry9 years ago
  • What can I do about him?

    I just broke up with my boyfriend and I'm glad. I've learnt not to be in a relationship until I actually fall in love at 17 or 18. I'm 15.

    But I want to stay single and be free as I feel I'm too young to be in another relationship where I go out with someone just for their looks. But I like this boy because he's good looking, tall and handsome. I feel like always looking at him and I don't want to go out with him or for him to think I'm a creep looking at him all the time. He isn't in my classes and we've never talked before but I feel the urge to look at him. And if he looks back, he'll probably think I like him which I don't want him to know. I know its complicated and everything, my explanations are rubbish.

    But how can I stop looking at him and get over his good looks? I know its normal but I can't stop looking at him, its weird. Help?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What is p x p x q x q x p?

    I have this algebra question for my math homework and it says I have to find the answer to-

    p x p x q x q x p

    So I have to multiply them together, would it p³ q² or would I have to do pq³²?

    Please help!

    3 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago