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Favorite Answers15%
  • What do you call a group of planes?

    Particularly in WW2 and especially if you were describing a group of high flying bombers hunting the seas for ships to torpedo. Is it a pack? Or is there another term that is typically used?

    8 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • Do armed forces ranks take precedence over titles of nobility?

    If a younger son of a British peer becomes an Army officer, does he continue to use the courtesy title "Lord somebody" or perhaps "The Honorable whoever"? Or does he use his actual rank, eg "Captain whatshisface"? And does "Lord somebody" who happens to be say a 20 year old Lieutenant outrank "Colonel thingamabob"? If the military title takes precedence, does this continue after retirement from armed forces?

    4 AnswersMilitary6 years ago
  • Am I a selfish bad person?

    I live across the road from an adult person with a brain injury. It causes her to yell at the top of her voice from time to time. I feel sorry for her and for her caregivers and siblings. And I'm really grateful that I don't have this problem in my family. But, sometimes this person can yell constantly for an hour or more. Sometimes it is late at night - last night it went from 11pm and I finally fell asleep at 12:30am. I need my sleep, as I do have to go to work. She seems to yell from outside - perhaps her family put her out so she doesn't disturb them as much, or perhaps she can't be controlled and is too violent for them to bring back inside. I don't like to ask because I think it might be unreasonable to complain. But sometimes i think I should phone the police in case there is a problem. They also have many many visitors often with honking horns and dogs that bark a lot. The noise is day in and day out with no end in sight ever. Am I unreasonable to feel annoyed with this, afterall, they have to live somewhere.

    1 AnswerPsychology6 years ago
  • If HM Queen Elizabeth II abdicated the throne...?

    Hypothetically, would succession pass to the current Prince of Wales, or would it pass to the Viscount Linley (son of Earl of Snowden)?

    11 AnswersRoyalty7 years ago
  • How would I do this (Point of view)?

    I normally write in 1st person, but I have just finished an attempt in 3rd person. It is in the point of view of the protagonist, but is split into 3 parts where supporting characters split off. In those parts, the point of view changes to follow one of the characters featured in that part. When the characters finally join together, we are in just the point of view of the main protagonist.

    Just before I was ready to send to a publisher, I decided to change the entire ending. I've also decided to join two of the characters together and make them a more prominent part. I've also decided to up the age of the protagonist from 12 to 17 so that she can have a romantic interest in this new character, which means I am writing for a new age group. I'm also considering changing the setting. All in all, it is a complete rewrite which may take several months. While I'm at this planning stage I'm also thinking of changing to first person which is a more natural writing style for me.

    My question is, if writing in first person, can I still follow the secondary characters as they complete a necessary part of the tale by themselves? Do I do them in first person too? How do I go about this and can anyone think of well known examples where this has been done before?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • what is an aphelstever?

    I found it under occupation in Scotlands 1871 census.

    2 AnswersGenealogy7 years ago
  • How will the bookies know for certain...?

    what colour hair the baby has. It might be bald or it's first hair might fall out and be replaced by a different colour. What will be the standard rules for bets placed on hair colour?

    2 AnswersRoyalty8 years ago
  • Reincarnation: why is it bad to step on a bug...?

    (This is my question that was deleted by YA the first time)

    Reincarnation: why is it bad to step on a bug...?

    Surely, you will hasten its pitiful life so that it can be reincarnated as something bigger and better. "Put down" a cow, maybe it will be human next. Or doesn't it work like that?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Where has my question gone?

    I asked a religion related question over 15 minutes ago, and I still can't see it in the list and nobody has answered it obviously. Does this happen to people often?

    It hasn't been deleted and I didn't put it in the wrong section, because I can see it in My Activity and I haven't had an email from YA.

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Doggy section: why do people ask?

    ask a question in the dog section and then delete it.

    It is very rude, when you have taken the time to answer a question and then it is deleted before you post your answer. As is people who put troll questions up.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • How long will a boiled egg last?

    I boiled a couple of eggs the day before yesterday and then didn't use them. They were cooled and then refridgerated. Is it ok to eat them today, and if I don't how long could I keep them b4 eating without getting sick.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Downloading movies: do you think it is wrong ...?

    ... illegal, immoral or whatever to download really old movies or mini-series that are no longer available to buy or rent anywhere?

    If you really wanted to watch something, but couldn't find the DVD for sale anywhere and it's no't in any local video rental stores and the copyright owners are no longer commercially producing the film then who's missing out by downloading it?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • What does the term Nominated Emigrant mean?

    Relating to late 1800s passenger lists.

    2 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Do you think the beautification of?

    the previous Pope yesterday is a rushed response to the British Royal Wedding?

    With all the pomp and ceremony at the (Church of England) Westminster Abbey, is it possible that the Vatican thought they better get some of that prime time coverage in for the catholic faith. I mean they have all the time in the world to do this, why did it have to be rushed only a few years after his death and only two days after the royal wedding. I think they have timed it like this on purpose. If he has to be sainted so quickly after his death, they could have at least timed his beautification for next month.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Doesn't Victoria Beckham's hat look ridiculous?

    It looks like its sliding down her head as she ponces along the red carpet.

    6 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • What is your opinion on proposed changes to Royal Succession?

    Please only answer this if you belong to a Commonwealth nation.

    Nick Clegg is proposing to change the Royal Line of Succession rules so that any future female children would have the same rights as male children. So that if William's first born was a girl, she would accede to the throne before her brothers. Do you think this is a good idea?

    5 AnswersRoyalty1 decade ago
  • What can I do about boy racers?

    He/She comes by at 11:30 most nights revving up his car and ripping up and down the road. I'm not sure if I have the right to be annoyed, seeing as how I'm not actually using the road myself at that time, but the sound annoys me and keeps me awake and I'm sure it must be dangerous, plus the next morning there is often donut marks on the road. Should I phone the police? Or do police have too much to do to be bothered - we only have a small local station. What if the boy racer/s have gone by the time the police get here - they only spend about 10-15 minutes each night. Will I have to give all my details to the police. And what if the offender guesses its me that phoned, seeing as how there aren't that many houses around. Is there anything other than phoning the police that I can do?

    5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Does rainwater typically have any ...?

    ...minerals or nutrients in it?

    AND how similar to distilled water is it BOTH before and after it has been collected on a roof and fed through a tank and pipes to the faucet?

    I am referring to rain collected from a fairly rural area with minimal pollution.

    1 AnswerChemistry1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between pectin and pectic enzyme?

    I'm interested from a wine making perspective.

    NOTE: yes I know I've asked this in another category - wasn't sure which it fit best.

    1 AnswerBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago