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  • I'm having a birthday party turning 25. Any ideas what I should do? Don't want to have it at home. I'm thinking maybe a beach cookout?

    The thing is I wanted to decorated with lights have a dance floor and such and having it at my house is not an option. The dance floor is no biggy at all. But I wanted to have music and disco lights and it be very hard to do that at the beach. So Any ideas of where I could have it. Or should I just go to a nice dinner or maybe go out to a lake or something?? I live in texas and I know Austin has some nice places. But I live in Houston. Well a party is more like a dream to me than anything so to me anything will be fine. Any ideas will be helpful. And I don't have much friends so doing a full blown party at my house would be a waste cause maybe 10 or less people would be there.. But if any ideas come to mind that would be great. Thanks. My birthday is in two months.

    2 AnswersEntertaining4 years ago
  • Should I kick her out of the band yes or not? Please read below it's getting on my nerves.?

    Ok I have a friend and she sings beautiful and I love her voice but that's it. She can't play any kind of instrument and she can only sing. The point is she doesn't know how to communicate she was suppose to be our lead singer but she only sings cover songs and I give her music to practice and she'll say ok I'll get it done soon. And I'm the drummer and I play the piano and we have two other members. I'm the one who composes most of our music and I write all of our lyrics as well as make almost all of our logos. Like I feel like I'm the only one actually trying. I have made a group chat just for the members so we could communicate and we would all get the massages. Few days after the chat was made she left the group. I sent her some new lyrics I wrote and she didn't say anything about them as if she liked them or not. She's a nice girl and she's shy but her primary focus his her damn fiancé and I get it she's happy but she doesn't work she's home all day while he's at work the only thing she cooks is dinner because her boyfriend is also in collage and she just home doing nothing. She claims that singing is her passion and that her family didn't know she sang until now because she has a cousin who sings and she claims because of that she never got any attention for her "gift". Like it's bull music is my passion and I'm tired of no one communicating with me. Were a pop rock/punk/screamo group and doing a few Christian songs. Like what can I do how can I tell her in a nice way.

    4 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Guys I'm suppose to be in a music video for a punk band this Friday.I'm also going to the beach to camp with my friends. Which one is better?

    Ok so due to everyone's jobs we can only go camping on Friday thru Saturday and it will be lots of people going to this camping trip. But on that same day I have a video shoot for this punk at this venue. And well I get off work at 2 o'clock and the video shoot ends at 6 and I need to be at the beach before sundown to set my tent and grill and stuff. And I've been in a music video before and I loved it. And I would love to be in this music video but I also love to camp and I love the beach. What do you think is a better option? Go to the video shoot? Ill be arriving late cause it starts at 1 I won't be there till 3 and it's at two different places and it's not a guarantee that I'll come out a lot. Or should I just go to the camping trip right after work? And go set up and have fun? Please someone help me.. I'm in between choosing!!!!! Both sound great and I can't decided. Thanks so much guys..

    2 AnswersCamping4 years ago
  • What should I do about a guy who claims to be in love with me but does not know me?He lives in morocco and I in the U.S. It's weird.Read pls?

    Ok so this one guy added me on facebook and were getting to know each other for a few weeks. Me just as friend because like making new friends. But then he started saying how much he likes me and how he wants to get married in the future and be a dad. Basically taking things way to fast. I was not looking for anything in particular just being nice. And well I ended up blocking him but he found my what's app number and he messaged me on there. He told my friend that he showed his picture to his older sister and family and that they all loved me. And he said he is ready to marry me and meet my mom. Like I don't know what to say I'm just shocked. I mean he's good looking and all but like ahh it's just a little weird. I know there customs are different then Americans. But I mean he should know that some people need to date first. Honestly I'm a 24 year old Hispanic who is sorta punk and emo I love the rock scene and I'm a photographer for bands. And even though I someday want a family I don't want to be rushed. What can I tell this guy?? Yes I want someone but he just creeping me out. Yes he is real good looking and does not look weird. But I don't know what to do. What should I tell him so he can calm down??? Or make him understand that my culture is not like his and I wont tolerate to be bossed around. I am my own boss with my house and job. He's been nothing but nice to me but some serious advice would do me some good right now. Please help and thank you all:)

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • What may this dream mean? I dreamt that I was taking care of an old lady in a hospital and all of a sudden she became possessed.?

    I was in the hospital sitting down taking care of an old woman with long grey hair and I was worried about her i was about to hold her hand and all of a sudden her eyes start to glow yellow and she floats while laying down and then she starts saying some weird words in the voice of a monster and become possessed. So I literally forced my self to wake up. Any Idea what this dream could mean? Thanks so much.

    2 AnswersDream Interpretation4 years ago
  • Should I feel bad because he doesn't consider me a best friend? Even though I do everything for him?

    So I met this guy like 5 years ago and we clicked instantly like brother and sister. Well I'm a girl and he's a guy. I don't get along with girls to much and I'm more of a town boy then a girly girl even thou I still act and dress like one. So I literally always pick up my friend when he wants to hang out he never helps for gas. Every time we go out to eat I always have to pay for him because he never has money and this is almost every other weekend. And I and like tonight were suppose to go clubbing we get en free but it's a club we always go to every other weekend and umm its 7$ parking I always pay today I asked him to help me with 3$ and he told me he would think about it or he'll see. So my friend asked him who is your best friend? And he mention his other friend rob who known only a year. Like I do everything for him when we hang out I always pick him up the other day his mom gave him 20$ and we was at the club and he asked if I wanted a soda then I said yes thinking he would pay but no he asked me if I wanted a soda because he wanted one but he just needed me to pay for it. Which pissed me off. And It hurts he wouldn't consider me his best friend. He has came over my house plenty of times and stayed the night. Slowly but surely I don't get him things anymore well I do sometimes just not as much as I use to. I mean I even invited him on vacation and he never stops to think of me only his other loser friends who have no jobs and spend all day in the park doing nothing.

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • What should I make of this situation.I really like this guy.Do you think there is a chance he might to?If not how can I make him interested?

    Ok well I went to school with person in jr high and we were in band together and I remember saying to my self that he was cute but like after that he was just a blur to me. I was being bullied and had it rough at home so boys were certainly not my priority at the moment. We were in band together and for a few weeks in high school before I quit due to personal reasons. Alright well he is like the same age and I had found him on facebook like a year ago and he mentioned remembering me. Well after he posted a status about needing a couple of extra $ so he was offering piano lessons and since I play by ear I decided that yeah I would love some lessons. Well this has been my third lesson and I realize I have a crush on him and I would at some point like to tell him, Maybe not just yet. The first time in went over to his place the lesson went great and as I was exciting the back door our hand accidently touched. And I get it that happens. But when we were talking he mentioned again he remembered my freshman year in band and in jr high. But the thing is that I was not there long maybe 2 weeks after school started in high school. And he clearly remembered what I played and all. And I feel kinda bad because I don't remember him much except for like a few glimpses of him. But how will I know if it's the right time to tell him I have a crush on him? I've never been good with asking guys our or But we have lots of things in common.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I need help for those of you piano players.Now learning to read notes. On staff what do these notes mean? How would I play them? Also...?

    Also when a note goes above the staff what would be the easiest to learn to read that note or notes. I play piano by ear and I'm actually really good at it. And I can play a lot of songs just by listening to them. The songs I've learned so far completely are, Into your arms- The maine.. Terrible things-Mayday parade. And leave out all the rest- linkin park. And still know bit's and pieces from other songs. But unfortunately I cannot read notes and an old class mate was helping me to study but I only see him once a week and cannot help because he works a lot. And he wanted me to learn the notes by learning every good boy does fine. Then face and for base clef all cows eat grass. And even though he is helping me he expects me to rushly know everything. Cause I guess you can say he is giving me lessons but everything is just rushed since he is actually in a band and I'm still like beginner even though I play well. If you understand.

    So I'm uploading a picture of some noes that belong to the song wake me up when September ends-green day and when the notes are over lapping like that I'm just so confused on what it means, if anyone could help. Thanks so much..

    1 AnswerOther - Music4 years ago
  • I just heard the new company is finally taking over yahoo.What will happen to our emails and yahoo answers?This saddens me:( saw it on news.?

    I saw it on the news this morning that Verizon's company that alibaba or aldaba what ever the hell it's called will be replacing yahoo here in a few.. I hate this so much.. I hate it. I love answering questions on yahoo answers..

    4 AnswersNotices and Errors4 years ago
  • Attachment image

    I need help??? Amazon issue has this happened to any of you? Please read below.?

    Alright so I bough 8 items on amazon some clothes and a wig and my total was 81 dollars and shipping would of been 11 dollars but I chose free shipping 5-8 business days. Well I saw that my 81 dollars was taken out then like 2 days later 20 dollars was taken. I called and they said that it was taken out just to make sure my credit card was working and in use. And I would only be charged after my orders where shipped. anyone else had that happen. I went on my account today and yes indeed the total was 81$ I do not understand the extra 20 charge. Please help if anyone knows anything in regards to this, thanks so much..

    3 AnswersCorporations4 years ago
  • Guys this Saturday I'm having a little party karaoke night video game night and dancing, any tips on how to keep the party pumping all night?

    OK well I'm throwing a little party in a small cabin I have in my house. Right now I live with my mother but I do have my own little cabin house I'm hosting this in. It's in the same land as we have big land. Anyway my cabin is not built on the inside it's one of those lofted barn cabins but I have access to connections and light. All my friends like the idea of me having it there because no one will bother us there. I will have a karaoke system and lots of music and snacks and video games. The thing is I'm not very experienced with throwing parties and I know crazy but in school I just wasn't popular I never got invited to any parties and I was So now I have more friends I'm liking my life after school now I'm throwing this small party to show my friends I love them so much:) I'll be having tons of balloons glow sticks and colored disco lights a tv and the karaoke system and everyone will be bringing a snack. I hope the party eventually picks it's self up. But anyone have any ideas on how to keep the party pumping all night? Any fun game ideas or other party things I can do.. Thanks so much in advance:)

    Entertaining4 years ago
  • Hello guys I live in Houston tx and I'm looking for any abandoned places to throw a party this weekend, any ideas?

    Well I don't usually throw parties but I bough a new party speaker and I want to celebrate friendship and I don't want to throw a party at my house because I have roommates who hate loud noise.. and I'm looking to invite tons of friends and do at at somewhere abandoned or by a lake. anyone got any ideas?? Even if not in Houston or places where I won't get much in trouble thanks:)

    Entertaining4 years ago
  • What I can I do about a negative friend? How can I help him?

    Ok so I have a friend named ralph sometimes I think he's a little slow in the head. Ok so my friend has been telling me that he wants to go clubbing and go have fun and stuff. I always just agree to get on his side lot's of the time. he's 23 and he still lets his mom control him. And about him being a little slow he kind of is not being mean in anyway but he just does not seem to get things at first time. Ok so like we had planned to go to the club last weekend we planed all week and even told other friends since I had paid for his meal last time he owed me. So he said how he would come and all and even the night before agreed to go. Well the next morning he text me how he can't go and how he is sick and all, Well I call him and turns out he wasn't even sick and just lying then he screamed at me asking why I'm forcing him to go and that was not even the case. I only asked why hes not coming. Like he just such a downer always, and never wants to do anything fun when ever he fuc*s up I always have to apologize for him. I threw him a birthday party for him for being a good person well he ditched his own party without telling anyone. He just likes to stay home and do nothing. How can I get him to stop being a downer all the time, and let him know he needs to have fun every once in awhile? Sometimes we rely on him for some stuff when it's his turn and then last minute will back out. We have a system where we take turns paying. Please help me on how to help him. Thanks so much.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • I'm sending my crush a valentines day arrangement for Christmas. Long story between us.Is this a good poem to write him. Please read below.?

    Ok so yes I am a girl and I plan to send my crush a floral arrangement with a card and chocolate and they will deliver it to his place and it will be anonymous. Ok so long story short me and him are both 24 and we went to elementary school together for some time and in jr it turns out he likes me and him and his friend came and told me. Well I was so dumb and naïve and I ignored him because I was being bullied and I was depressed so I though that maybe he was playing some kind of joke. Well that wasn't the case. I always did like him but given what happened he would not ask again and in high school I knew he still liked me but he had a girlfriend all year long. And I always had feelings for him but my shyness and being scared got the best of me. So here is the poem.

    Not one day goes by where I regret not giving you a yes.You are the most amazing person that I have even seen.Shy and scared I was but now that time has passed I think of you more and more. Observing the stars I think of you. I'm probably really late. I feel like that naïve teenager who was once approached but to scared to say anything. But you are wonderful and you are everything happiness signifies.

    That is what I have to tell him, I really like this guy, I don't want to say I love him even though I might. I want to make this first move this time given he did the first time.But puberty was nice to him not so much me. I'm so scared my heart is pounding. What do you guys think I should send it in the name if love?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Ok I have an important question.I am not an electrician but I have one question.Please read below.I need a breaker box outside more voltage?

    Ok so I live with my mom and she owns a mobile home. I recently bought my self a small lofted barn cabin that I will turning into a small home. I already have septic set up but I wanted to upgrade the breaker box to support both homes instead setting up a separate poll. since my home is a tiny one like a house on wheels just a tad bit bigger. Would anyone know what breaker box I would need to get like with voltage that would support both homes? And would anyone know the cost of instillation? Of course I still need to buy the wires as well. I just want to set up electricity as soon possible. I'm sorry if I am not wording this right but I need more wattage or voltage how ever it said and I have no one else I could ask because it's only me and my mom. And I want to go to home depot and but the breaker box soon.. I just need to know the amount that could probably support both like a number? If you know what I mean. Thanks so much

    12 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years ago
  • Guys I want to create a cement drive way to my home does anyone have any idea what the cost would be? Its going to be a little long.?

    I need to first even the land and ad the dirt then the cement. I have no idea of the cost. Would anyone have any idea? Thanks. Does not have to be exact.

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling5 years ago
  • Gus how much is an autographed selena Barbie doll worth. I have the one that was made one year after her death? Read below thanks.?

    Ok well I have an autographed selena Barbie doll in the box signed by her brother A.B Quintanilla and the box it's self isn't as good in condition as I would like it to be but it's not bad. The Barbie doll it's self looks brand new. I was tryling to sell it on ebay and this person asked if I could sell it to them for 400$. Do you guys think I should see it for that price or more. I'm only selling it because my mom needs bad financial help and I am not able until next month when I am liberated from all car payments. And she needs help now for a surgery she needs. Thanks so much for your answers.

    2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts5 years ago
  • Hello guys my name is blossom everdeen and I'm a beginner youtuber can anyone recommend me a good camcorder for recording videos? thanks.?

    Ok so I've done plenty of videos on my phone and I have created a small base of fans for my self. They really love my videos Though my specialty is photography. I have everything else I need I have the lights the backgrounds and green screens basically photo studio equipment I have it all. But I wouldn't want to use my Nikon to record videos I only use it for my photography work. So I am looking to buy a good camcorder for my YouTube work. Any recommendations would be great thanks so much..

    4 AnswersPhotography5 years ago
  • Do you guys think he might still have feelings for me? Please read below thanks.. no rude comment please and thank you.?

    Ok well there was this one guy that I've known like for ever since kids. Now I never new anything about him like his personal life but we went to school together so I always saw him. We were in elementary and jr and high school. Well in Junior high he told me that he liked me well he's friend sent him to tell me and he was standing right there. And well this was like such a shock to me because no guy ever said they liked me before. And at the time I was being bullied so bad not just emotionally but physically. And I had been all my life. So at that time I had low self esteem I felt ugly and I was depressed and did not want to live at the time and I though if I gave him a chance he would hate me. So I just ignored him even though I secretly liked him back. Ok so in high school he had a girlfriend but when I would see him in the hallway I could feel that he still liked me. And I couldn't say anything to him because it was to late and I lost all my chances. Now I've always been depressed and I've had thoughts about taking my life and my high school graduation was awful I was depressed because everyone cheered all the graduates but when I went up no one cheered for me but thank god I'm doing a lot better. Well I was on you tube the other day and listen I never believed in tarot cards but I was watching a vid about a woman doing horoscope readings for Leos in the month of October and it said that it was mainly for single Leos and she said that soon were going to find somebody

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago