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Rate my fantasy football teams?
This is my second year doing fantasy football, currently have these two teams:
QB: Rodgers
RB1: McCoy
RB2: Ellington
WR1: Jefferey
WR2: Fitzgerald
TE: Cameron
Flex: Tate
K: Dawson
D: Patriots
Bench: Roethlisberger, Pierre Thomas, Benjamin, Torrey Smith, Hopkins, Gates
QB: Newton
RB1: Charles
RB2: Bernard
WR1: Nelson
WR2: DeSean Jackson
TE: Cameron
Flex: Cruz
K: Novak
D: Rams
Bench: Alex Smith, Jones-Drew, Pierre Thomas, DeAngelo Williams, Decker, Floyd
4 AnswersFantasy Sports7 years agoWhat is Kelly Kelly's Finisher?
Is it just me or is her finisher a roll up? She has beaten Beth Pheonix (widely considered to be the best diva on the roster) twice using a roll up. Should WWE officailly list her finisher as a roll up?
11 AnswersWrestling10 years agoE-Fed on FB. Please join?
I have created a Fed on FB called XAW. You'll find all the info on the FB page. Here's the link:
Please respond if you are joining
2 AnswersWrestling10 years agoIs this a good Supercoach team. Rate it plz?
Here's my Supercoach team
Backs: Birchall, Gibson, Enright, H Taylor, Scarlett, Mackie, Guerra
Midfield: Pendlebury (captain), Swan (Vice), Ball, D Thomas, Kelly, Sidebottom
Rucks: Ottens, Bailey
Forwards: Franklin, S Johnson, Chapman, Rioli, Podsiadly, Duncan, I Smith
What do you think?
1 AnswerAustralian Rules10 years agoFantasy Tag Team Tournament- Round 1. Choose Winner?
Starship Styles- Morrison and Styles
American Heroes- Angle and Bryan
Best in the World- Punk and Jericho
World's Greatest Tag Team- Haas and Benajmin
Awesome Assholes- Miz and Mr Anderson
Blueprint for Domination- Ezekiel Jackson and Matt Morgan
Airbourne in Paradise- Bourne and Kingston
Two of a Kind- RVD and Christian
Beer Money
Motorcity Machineguns
Nexus- Otunga and Sheffield
Mexicana America
The Corre - Slater and Gabriel
Young Stars- Aries and Evans
Kings of Wrestling - Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero
Generation Me
Team India- Khali and Jinder Mahal
Team Cool- Colt Cabana and Eddie Edwards
Rave Reviews- Goldust and Jimmy Rave
Back in Black- Tyler Black and Davey Richards
Amazingly Perfect- Amazing Red and Dolph Ziggler
Team UK- Doug Williams and Wade Barrett
Fallen Heroes- Kazarian and Daniels
The Masked Men- Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara
The Rising Suns- KENTA and Jushin Liger
New Nexus- Ryan and McGillucuty
The Charasmatic Ones- Pope and The Rock
The Faces of the Company- John Cena and Randy Orton
MBM (Mad Bad Monsters)- Mark Henry and Abyss
The Future- Zach Ryder and Del Rio
White and Crimson- Crimson and Sheamus
Ink Inc
Now for the matches:
Starship Styles vs Ink Inc
American Heroes vs White and Crimson
Best in the World vs The Future
MBM vs World's Greatest Tag Team
Awesome Assholes vs Faces of Company
Blueprint for Domination vs Charasmatic Ones
New Nexus vs Airbourne in Paradise
Two of a Kind vs The Rising Suns
Beer Money vs Masked Men
Motorcity Machineguns vs Fallen Heroes
Nexus vs Team UK
Mexicana America vs Amazingly Perfect
Corre vs Back in Black
Young Stars vs Rave Reviews
Kings of Wrestling vs Team Cool
Generation Me vs Team India
So who do you think would win and move on? Also, do you like the teams? Your favourite/least favourite?
4 AnswersWrestling10 years agoCan anyone crate a mashup for me?
Can someone please create a mashup for me?
The mashup is We Are One by 12 Stones mixed with Living in a Dream by Finger Eleven to form one song called We Are Living in a Dream
Can someone please do that for me, put it up on Youtube and put it on Mediafire for me to download
Whoever does this recieves 10 points and my personal thanks
(For those who want to know, I'm not really fussed about which one is the beat and acapella, just make it sound really good!)
1 AnswerOther - Music10 years agoCan someone please create this mashup for me?
Can someone please create a mashup for me?
The mashup is We Are One by 12 Stones mixed with Living in a Dream by Finger Eleven to form one song called We Are Living in a Dream
Can someone please do that for me, put it up on Youtube and put it on Mediafire for me to download
Whoever does this recieves 10 points and my personal thanks
1 AnswerOther - Music10 years agoDo you like these matches?
Kurt Angle vs Daniel Bryan
Chris Benoit vs Samoa Joe
AJ Styles vs Chris Jericho
CM Punk vs RVD
What do you think? I would personally pay money to see these matches
5 AnswersWrestling10 years agoDo you like this roster?
Here it is:
John Morrison
Austin Aries
Jack Evans
Kid Kash
Jimmy Rave
Zema Ion
Low Ki
Jimmy Yang
Matt Bentley
Charlie Haas
Chris Hero
Colt Cabana
Davey Richards
Eddie Edwards
Roderick Strong
Shelton Benjamin
Jamie Noble
Jushin Liger
Extreme Tiger
What do you think? Do you like it? Who shouldn't be there? Who should have been there?
4 AnswersWrestling10 years agoXAW Saturday Showdown II (Part Two)?
Part One:
Match 4: Luis V vs Carmelo D- 3 Cages of Hell match for the XAW Tristate Championship
First Cage- Singles (Length:10:17)
Great Way to begin the 3 stages of hell championship match. Equal amount of offence between both competitors. Spot of the match goes to the reigning champ Luis V for climbing to the top of the cage, and performing an impressive cross body on Carmelo. Both men use their surroundings to their advantage, as both receive hard head shots into the steel. Carmelo picks up the victory after a Tombstone Piledriver.
Second Cage- Submission (Length:11:57)
The next match quickly begins, and in the early stages, Tristate Champ Luis V, throws the challenger into the steel door frame of the cage. Carmelo suffers a severe cut to his forehead as a result, but despite his injury, elects to continue on in this match. Luis V emerges victorious after forcing his opponent to tap out to the triangle choke hold.
Third Cage- Tables (Length:15:19)
The fatigue of both competitors is shown, as they enter the third and final cage. Table are set up inside this cage, and it will determine who will leave the arena with the championship. Carmelo gains an early advantage with several hard shots to the head of the champ, who manages to fight back. The most spectacular spot of the match is also the ending of the match. Luis and Carmelo both climb to the top of the cage. Luis sets up Carmelo in position for the Fatal Bullet but Carmelo reverses it and grabs Luis' throat. The crowd gasps and cheers as Carmelo lifts Luis up and Chokeslams him of the top of the cage through 2 tables. The crowd begins chanting "X...A..W X..A..W" and "THIS IS AWESOME.....THIS IS AWESOME
Carmelo wins the third and final cage and becomes the new XAW Tristate Champion (Total match length: 37:33)
After the match, Carmelo shakes Luis' hand as he is being stretchered out
Match 5: Gage vs Black Shadow vs BJ Meister- Inferno match for the XAW Championship
A deadly match between reigning champ Gage, Black Shadow and BJ Miester. Barbwire, fire extinguishers, sledge hammers and matches scatter around ringside, as the lethal brawl begins. In the early stages, the champ Gage suffers a barbwire shot to the head from Shadow and gets cut wide open. Shadow gets knocked unconscious after receiving a shot to the back of the head with a fire extinguisher from Meister. Gage retains after lighting Shadow's arm on fire. (Match length: 13:54)
Main event: Main Event: Jordan Storm vs Thunder vs CM Storm- Triple Threat Match King of the Ladder Match (The competitors must get a pinfall or submission before you can retrieve the title) for the vacant XAW World Heavyweight Championship)
The crowd is still getting over what has happened so far during the show as this match starts. Thunder gets an early pinfall on Jordan Storm after giving him a Thunderstruck. He climbs the ladder but CM Storm pushes the ladder over and Thunder goes crashing to the floor. Jordan Storm then gives CM Storm a Stormbreaker and pins him for the three count. CM Storm then pins Thunder, who is still down from the ladder being pushed over. One big spot in the match came when CM Storm hits Jordan Storm with a shining wizard off the top of a ladder, set up outisde the ring, which caused Storm to crash through table set up outside the ring. But the biggest spot of the match and also the end of the match came when Jordan Storm kicked Thunder in the head which caused him to fall of his ladder and onto CM Storm who was lying on a table. The table breaks.Jordan Storm then climbs the ladder and retrieves the XAW World Heavyweight Championship (Match length:28:10)
The final image of the show is Jordan Storm on top of the ladder with the XAW World Heavyweight Championship held high over his head
End of show.
What do you think of the show? Did you like it? Favourite match? Favourite spot?
6 AnswersWrestling10 years agoXAW Saturday Showdown II (Part One)?
XAW Saturday Showdown I is here:
Matches: Holly Holiday vs Rosa High- No DQ match to become the Number 1 contender for the XAW Womens Championship
Karic Wind vs Will Pryor vs TAFKAJ vs Rampant Jamrow- Fatal 4 Way Submission's Count Anywhere for the XAW Lightweight Championship
Matt Murphy vs J. Monster- TLC match. Winner and a partner of their chosing become number 1 contender's for the XAW Tag team championship. Contract hangs 30 feet above ring
Luis V vs Carmelo D- 3 Cages of Hell match for the XAW Tristate Championship
(There are 3 steel cages. A different match will take place in every cage. The first person to
win 2 matches wins the XAW Tristate Championship
First cage: Singles match, Second cage: Submissions only, Third Cage (if needed) Tables Match
(Tables will be set up in the cage))
Gage vs Black Shadow vs BJ Meister- Inferno match for the XAW Championship
Main Event: Jordan Storm vs Thunder vs CM Storm- Triple Threat Match King of the Ladder Match
(The competitors must get a pinfall or submission before you can retrieve the title) for the vacant XAW World Heavyweight Championship
XAW SATURDAY SHOWDOWN II- Fireworks go off and the crowd goes wild as Saturday Showdown II is about to start
Match 1. Holly Holiday vs Rosa High- No DQ match to become the number one contender to the XAW
Women's Championship. The reigning champ Simply Flawless is on commentary, trash talking both women throughout the match
Both women throw everything at each other (quite literally) in order to become number one contender. The spot of the match goes to Rosa High, as she gives Holly Holiday a French Kiss DDT off the top of a ladder. Holly only just manages to get a foot on the bottom rope. But in the end, Holly Holiday hits Rosa with a Candywrapper before place her on a table. She climbs to the top rope and gives Rosa a moonsault through the table. She pins Rosa, 1...2...3 and
celebrates her win in the ring. (Match length: 10:20)
After the match Flawless comes down and attacks her. Both women fight viciously throughout the
arena, until separated by security.
Suddenly, XAW founder and competitor in the main event match, Jordan Storm comes down to the
ring, to the immense cheers of the crowds
Jordan Storm: Ladies please. If you two want to fight each other that bad, then why don't we schedule a match? At XAW's very first Pay-Per-View, New Beginnings, it will be Simply Flawless vs Holly Holiday in a LAST WOMAN STANDING match for the XAW Women's Championship!
The crowd goes wild with cheers as Jordan Storm leaves the ring to prepare for his match
Match 2. Karic Wind vs Will Pryor (champion) vs TAFKAJ vs Rampant Jamrow- Fatal 4 Way Submission's Count Anywhere for the XAW Lightweight Championship.
Great match with equal amount of offence between all 4 competitors, the brawl begins in the ring, and then makes its way backstage, and into the parking lot. There are various spots such as Rampant Jamrow giving TAFKAJ a Rampant Bomb through a car and TAFKAJ putting Wil in the Walls Of Jericho whilst Wil is stretched over the seats of a car. The spot of the match goes to Karic Wind who hits an inverted Starship Pain of the top of a truck onto all three of his
opponents. In the end Will retains the championship with a modified STF on Karic. (Match length: 13:38)
Match 3: Matt Murphy vs J Monster TLC Match to become number one contender for XAW Tag Team
An amazing match between 2 great competitors. The spot of the match goes to J Monster who dived off a 30 foot ladder onto Murphy, who was lying unconscious on the announce desk. The impact destroyed the entire table. The crowd goes wild. J Monster suffered an arm injury after Murphy crushed his limb between two ladders. Despite a hard shot to the head with a steel chair, J Monster emerged victorious, climbing the ladder to retrieve the contract. Murphy leaves the arena on a stretcher. (Match length:16:37)
After the match, J Monster announces his tag team partner will be Karic Wind. Karic comes out and they share a handshake. After this, Shaun Cold and Chris Anderson come out:
Cold: J Monster, congratulations on the win
Monster: Thank you. You know, Karic and I were talking before the match about when we would like to face the champs if I was to win the TLC match, which I did. We've decided that we want to face you at XAW's first Pay-Per-View, New Beginnings
(The crowd cheers)
Cold: Fine, but we choose the match type. And we've chosen one already. At New Beginnings, myself and Chris will face Monster and Karic... in an I QUIT MATCH!
(The crowd goes wild as both teams exit the ring)
What do you think?
Part Two is coming now
3 AnswersWrestling10 years ago2 New Match Ideas. What do you think?
Ok, I've created 2 new wrestling match types, here they are:
1. King of the Ladder Match
It's similar to TNA's King of the Mountain Match. It is a ladder match where you have to get a pin or submission before you can retrieve the belt. Unlike TNA, where you have to get a pin or submission then HANG the belt.
2. 3 Cages of Hell
There are 3 steel cages. A different match will take place in every cage. The first person to win 2 matches wins
First cage: Singles match
Second cage: Submissions only
Third cage (if needed) Tables Match (Tables will be set up in the cage))
Do you like them. If not, why? What's wrong with them?
4 AnswersWrestling10 years agoDo you like these tag teams?
Starship Styles- John Morrison and AJ Styles
The Best in the World- Chris Jericho and CM Punk
Awesome Assholes- Mr Anderson and The Miz
Airbourne in Paradise- Evan Bourne and Kofi Kingston
The American Heroes- Kurt Angle and Daniel Bryan
Great Britian- Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyre
The Blueprint for Domination- Matt Morgan and Ezekiel Jackson
What do you think of these tag teams and their names?
3 AnswersWrestling10 years agoWhat do you think of these PPV names?
New Beginnings
Adrenaline Rush
Settle the Score
Stairway to Hell
Clash of Champions
Heated Revenge
Countdown to Destruction
World War
High Stakes
Please rate each one
7 AnswersWrestling10 years agoFantasy Wrestling Tournament (Round 5: The Final)?
The round four matches are here:;_ylt=Arpd2...
Winners from round 4: (4) CM Punk and (6) AJ Styles
Now for the final match of this fantasy wrestling Tournament:
(4) CM Punk vs (6) AJ Styles
Who do you think would win?
I'll announce the winner in the comments for the best answer
10 AnswersWrestling10 years agoXAW Saturday Showdown I.?
(For those who don't know, here's some details on XAW (Xtreme Action Wrestling))
XAW is an e-fed
The current XAW roster is:
Jordan Storm
Will Pryor
Luis V
Simply Flawless
Shaun Cold
Chris Anderson
Matt Murphy
Holly Holiday
David O'Gara
Rosa High
Carmelo D
The Championships in XAW are:
XAW Champion
XAW World Heavyweight Champion
XAW Tristate Champion
XAW Lightweight Champion
XAW Tag Team Champion
XAW Women's Champion
The weekly show will be called Saturday Showdown
(This week, I'm only having matches. Next week, I'll start including promos)
Now for Saturday Showdown I
Matches: Holly Holiday vs Simply Flawless vs Rosa High- Falls Count Anywhere Match for the XAW Women's Championship
Will Pryor vs TAFKAJ- Steel Cage Match for the XAW Lightweight Chmpionship
Shaun Cold and Chris Anderson vs Matt Murphy and David O'Gara- Tables Match for the XAW Tag Team Championships
Luis V vs Carmelo D- Street Fight for the XAW Tristate Championship
Main Event: Jordan Storm vs Gage vs Thunder vs CM Storm-Ladder Match. Winner chooses either the XAW Championship or the XAW World Heavyweight Championship
The three losers will compete on Saturday Showdown II for the championship not chosen
XAW SATURDAY SHOWDOWN- Fireworks go off and the crowd goes wild as the first ever show of XAW is about to start
Match 1. Holly Holiday vs Simply Flawless vs Rosa High- Falls Count Anywhere Match for the XAW Women's Championship
Very faced paced match to start with. All women get equal amount of offence before the match spills into the crowd. The spot of the match goes to Holly Holiday who leaps off the stage and performs a Moonsault on Flawless and Rosa. Rosa then hits Holly with the French Kiss DDT on the stage before Simply Flawless Chick Kicks Rosa off the stage and through a table. The crowd starts chanting THIS IS AWESOME!
Flawless then pins Holly, 1...2...3 Simply Flawless wins the XAW Women's Championship (Match length 13:20)
Match 2: Will Pryor vs TAFKAJ- Steel Cage Match for the XAW Lightweight Chmpionship
Very faced paced match. Both guys use the cage as a weapon. TAFKAJ hits the Black Sky but only gets a two count. He goes for the Dark of Night of the top rope but misses, allowing Will Pryor to hit the Third Degree before getting to the top of the cage. TAFKAJ crawls towards the doors but it's too late as Wil hits the floor. Wil Pryor wins the XAW Lightweight Championship (Match length 13:55)
Match 3 Shaun Cold and Chris Anderson vs Matt Murphy and David O'Gara- Tables Match for the XAW Tag Team Championships
Both teams are very powerful and this match proves it. Chris Anderson attempts to Jackhammer David O'Gara through a table but misses the table. O'Gara then hits the Doom DDT on Anderson, taking him out. Cold the gives O'Gara a Stunner but he turns around and there is Matt Murphy who gives Cold Sweet Chin Music. Anderson is now back up and he grabs Murphy and delivers the F5 right through a table. Anderson and Cold are the XAW Tag Team Champions (Match length 17:12)
Match 4 Luis V vs Carmelo D- Street Fight for the XAW Tristate Championship
Match begins with Luis attacking Carmelo while he is coming into the ring. Carmelo isn't able to get any offence in this match after being attacked which allows Luis to hit the Fatal Bullet, he pins Carmelo 1...2...3 Luis V is the new XAW Tristate Champion (Match length 8:30)
Main Event: Jordan Storm vs Gage vs Thunder vs CM Storm-Ladder Match. Winner chooses either the XAW Championship or the XAW World Heavyweight Championship
The three losers will compete on Saturday Showdown I for the championship not chosen
This match is extremely amazing. All guys get plenty of offence and their are multiple spots including: Jordan Storm giving Thunder a Stormbreaker off the top of a ladder, CM Storm hitting the Split-legged moonsault off the top of another ladder onto his three opponents. The match ends when Thunder hits the Shooting Star Press off the ladder onto CM Storm, who is on a ladder which is between the ring and announce table. That ladder breaks in half and both guys go crashing to the floor. The crowd is loving this as Gage hits Jordan Storm with the The Final Judgment before climbing the ladder and retriveing the briefcase. He chooses the XAW Championship which means CM Storm, Jordan Storm and Thunder will face each other next week for the XAW World Heavyweight Championship. (Match length: 34:40)
End of show. Please tell me what you think of it.
4 AnswersWrestling10 years agoDo you like these names?
I'm nowhere near being a father but I'm thinking of names I would like to call my future kids
Here they are:
Boy: Xavier, Kale, AJ, Kane
Girl: Casey, Arizona (I know, seems stupid but..) Addyson, Kristen
10 AnswersBaby Names10 years agoWould anyone like to join Xtreme Action Wrestling (e-fed) + BQ?
Hi. I am going to start up an e-fed called XAW (Xtreme Action Wrestling) but I need people to sign up. The fed will be run here on Yahoo Answers. The fed can't run without members so please sign up
If you wanna sign up, say " I'm in" and tell me what's your wresltlers name and finisher (and it's name)/signature moves
I will be Jordan Storm. My finisher is the Stormbreaker (Spinning GTS) My signatures are: Superkick called Thunderstruck, Various Suplexes, Powerbomb, Crossface, Walls of Jericho, Sharpshooter and Various Kicks
The current XAW roster is:
Jordan Storm
Will Pryor
Luis V
Simply Flawless
Shaun Cold
Chris Anderson
Matt Murphy
Holly Holiday
David O'Gara
Rosa High
Carmelo D.
The Championships in XAW are:
XAW Champion
XAW World Heavyweight Champion
XAW Tristate Champion
XAW Lightweight Champion
XAW XAW Tag Team Champion
XAW Women's Champion
The weekly show will be called Saturday Showdown (Shows will start soon)
New Beginnings
Adrenaline Rush
Settle the Score
Stairway to Hell
Clash of Champions
Heated Revenge
Countdown to Destruction
World War
More PPV's will be added. If you have any names for PPV's, please post them
PPV's will be held once a month
Please sign up. We need members
BQ Do you think that CM Punk will actually leave or is it just part of storyline?
2 AnswersWrestling10 years agoFantasy Wrestling Tournament (Round 4)?
The round three matches are here:
Winners from round 3: (8) Kurt Angle, (7) Christian, (6) AJ Styles, (4) CM Punk
Now for the round 4 matches
(8) Kurt Angle vs (4) CM Punk
(7) Christian vs (6) AJ Styles
Who do you think would win? Remember, your answers form the matches for the next round (whoever more people say would win goes through)
9 AnswersWrestling10 years ago