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Klonopin side effects?
I started taking Klonopin about 5 days ago. It's .5mg twice daily. It's a starting treatment for Bipolar Disorder.
In the past five days I have been extremely dizzy and extremely tired. I feel weak and worn down all the time. I have also been experiencing depression like I do when I'm going through an extreme depression phase of bipolar. Until I was on this medicine, I wasn't THIS depressed.
Are these symptoms normal? My doctor told me after about a week or so these symptoms should diminish. However, they haven't gotten any easier over the last five days. Should I worry?
4 AnswersMental Health1 decade agoNeck pain after tongue piercing?
I've had my tongue pierced almost four weeks now. Within the past few days I've developed a really bad pain in the back of my neck. could they be related?
I also have a pain only on the bottom of my tongue and only if I curl my tongue back. Is this normal for the healing process or should I be alarmed?
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoQuestion about a new tongue piercing?
I got my tongue pierced a little over 24 hours ago. I just have a quick question about something I noticed this morning. My tongue is pretty swollen, which I know is normal. However, on top of my tongue right where the ball is...there is a little spot that is sore. Is this just because my tongue is swollen and the ball is rubbing on it or should I be concerned?
5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade agoCan a change in diet cause illness?
Within the last week I've made some serious changes to my diet. I've taken out the fast food, sugars, soda, junk food, etc. and added more fruits, veggies, and overall healthy foods. I also signed up for and started going to the gym. Last night I felt feverish and had a slight headache along with some stomach cramps. today, the cramps have gotten worse and they are accompanied with diarrhea and migraine headache. Are these normal side effects of such a drastic change in diet so quickly? how long should these symptoms last and are there any ways I can help ease the transition?
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoRuptured abscess on my cats paw?
I adopted a cat a few days ago from an animal shelter. He apparently had a wound on his paw pad that abscessed and has burst.
He is going to the vet first thing tomorrow morning.
Until then, I cleaned with warm water and peroxide. I was wondering, can I place a bandage on his foot to keep litter and dirt from getting in the wound? He has an opening on his paw pad and on the top of his foot.
Will the bandage be okay just over night until he gets to the vet tomorrow?
thanks in advance for the advice!
I should mention, he has been to the vet once and was given a shot of Convenia for his foot and the vet did say that the abscess would likely rupture. Which is why he is going back to make sure it looks okay and for follow up with the vet.
3 AnswersCats1 decade agoSuggestions for an aggressive cat...?
I have a cat who's just over 3 years old he is neutered, and not declawed. I adopted him about 6 months ago from the local shelter. He was a stray. About 3 months after I adopted him, he started having issues with aggression. He would, unprovoked, come up and bite me. He isn't around my other animals because he does not like them. But he didn't have a problem with aggression until 2 months after I adopted.
I have tried squirt bottles with cold water and lemon juice. I've also tried pennies in a can, ignoring the cat, tapping him on the nose, and about every other thing I could think of.
My vet told me that my last options were Liquid or Pill Nutricalm and some what of a kitty prozac pill.
I opted for the Nutricalm, because my cat has allergies to many things, and the Nutricalm is herbal. Sadly, my cat was allergic to it and had to be taken to the vet again because he was in resperitory distress.
Right before he was put on the Nutricalm, he went into one of his "Aggressive fits" and literally attacked me. He clawed up my arms and face and bit me 2 times. Unprovoked as always.
I'm looking for any suggestions at this point. I won't take him back to the shelter, because he would be put down due to his aggression. But I can't have him attacking me either. I'm not sure what to do, I'm at my wits end. Can someone give me any suggestions?
Thank you.
6 AnswersCats1 decade agoI've been having trouble with my dog...?
Normally, I would know what to do in this situation. But I'm running out of options and looking for any help I can get.
I have a 2 year old pit bull mix. And every time she goes into her crate even if it's only for 10 or 15 minutes to eat, she starts crying and more or less screaming. I've tried every trick I know to get her to stop, and nothing has worked. Any suggestions?
and she's not left in her cage for long hours or even extended periods of time. at most an hour while I'm out shopping or such. I don't understand why she'd cry. She gets plenty of attention, exercise, and play. She's never been put in her crate as punishment either.
Thanks for any help!
18 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDo you agree with this?
Do you all agree that there should be a law saying that if you can't spell the name of a certain dog breed, you shouldn't be breeding it?
I just saw the question someone asked about breeding his "pug chawawa".
Maybe it's just me, but I think if you can't even spell the name of the dog, you shouldn't EVER think about breeding it.
And if anyone asks...yes I can spell chihuahua. =)
20 AnswersDogs1 decade agoDeclawing : Your opinion.?
This isn't so much a question, as it is an option for you to voice your opinion. Since everyone is for or against declawing for one reason or another, I'd like to hear both sides of this debate. I personally haven't had any of my cats declawed. One out of my four cats has his front paws declawed, but that was already done when I adopted him.
So even if you don't have something nice to say, I'd just like to hear everyone's opinion. And no, I'm not going to write something horribly mean back if I don't like an answer.
Thanks in advance. =)
31 AnswersCats1 decade agoI just adopted a female bulldog.?
So, a few days ago, I adopted a female bulldog from the animal shelter where I work. My vet says she's maybe 7. She's obvioulsy been very overbred. She's about 20 to 25 pounds underweight. She has sores on her feet and tail from being kept confined in a small kennel for so long. She was obvioulsy very neglected. But I was willing to work with her, and I took her in. She is one of THE most wonderful dogs I have ever owned. And she seems so much happier. I just want to post a picture and see if anyone has any information or knows this dog. We are trying to find her owner, to file cruelty charges against them.
5 AnswersDogs1 decade agoSomewhat odd, but serious question.?
I recently adopted a female bulldog from the shelter where I work. She has been bred several times, and according to my vet looks like she has had puppies within the last month or so. She came in stray with numerous health issues that are simply due to neglect. She is doing just fine now. Except, her nipples seem cracked and dry. So my question is, Can I put some kind of lotion or vasaline on her nipples? She licks them an awful lot, and they seemed chapped, cracked, and dry. This is something I've never heard of or seen. Just wondering if it's possible. Thanks. =)
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoName for a female bulldog.?
I'm am looking for a name for a female bulldog. I'm adopting one from the shelter where I work very soon, and I'm not exactly sure what to name her. I'm thinking something that has a meaning of lucky or survivor. Because that is certainly what she is because of the condition she was in. Thanks for your help.
26 AnswersDogs1 decade agoName of this song.?
What is the song that goes something like
"I can't believe he's gone.
I can't believe you're going.
I can't believe this family must die"
Thanks for your help.
2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade agoIt's the "who thinks my dog is cute" game!?
Well, since everybody else seems to be playing the "who thinks my dog is cute" game, I might as well join in! Any comment is welcome. Good or bad. It's all opinion since you don't really know them! Tell me what you think!
11 AnswersDogs1 decade agoI adopted a cat today?
I work at a local animal shelter. Today I adopted a cat. He's 10 years old. When he was brought in, he was covered in fleas and bited. Not to mention he was almost hairless due to the fleas. He is now healing well, and his hair is growing back. He was supposed to be euthanized today, because nobody was looking at him. So I decided to bring him home. Everyone keeps telling me I'm crazy, because he's so old. My question is, would you have adopted the cat in this situation? Even though he is 10 years old?
I'm happy with my choice, and even if he lives a month or a week, I'm glad that he knows somebody loves him. And he can live the rest of his life in a happy home.
40 AnswersCats1 decade agoI'm getting these horrible cramps?
For the last year or so, whenever I eat pretty much anything, I get these horrible stomach cramps about half an hour later. I then continue to get them for the next maybe 2 hours. Along with these cramps is horrible diarrhea. I'm seeing a gastroenterologist, and he put me on some new medicine to try, but it hasn't been helping. Any ideas what it might be, and how I might be able to lessen the pain a little bit? Thanks.
2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade agoWe had a Presa Canario at the shetler I work in today...?
I was wondering if anyone could tell me some good websites or books I could read to learn more about this dog.This male Presa Canario came from the same area as my pit bull, and the woman who owns him believes that my dog is one of his off spring, as she bred him with a pit bull. My dog came from the shelter where I work, as a stray. I have never heard of this breed, and I am interested in learning more about them. So any information would help! Thanks in advance.
7 AnswersDogs1 decade agoSince we are on the topic of shelter needs...?
I work at an animal shelter that is run on donations, and there are lots of other things besides food that are often needed.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Rubbing Alcohol
Cat litter (clay is usually best)
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Dish detergent
Also, some shelters take aluminum cans. They then recycle them for the money. which most shelters need. Especially if they are like the ones I work at, which runs off of nothing but donations. Thanks for taking the time to donate to a shelter. Those of us working there really appriciate all of your donations and support.
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoWhat is a good website for low cost plane tickets?
I am looking for 1 plane ticket From philadelphia pa, to atlanta ga. I only need one ticket. Looking to leave on Nov. 28 and Return on Dec.4 or 5. 1 Ticket is needed. Thanks for the help.
4 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago