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I have been happily married for 6yrs to my hubby Paul. We have 3 great sons Jaymz(14yrs) and Nicco(6yrs) and Xxavier (2.5yrs), sounds like the name of a warrior when we hear it. I have a daughter who is 10yrs old but i gave her up for adoption,I broke my back and was bedridden for 6 months and then required physio therapy just to walk and needed assisstance to even bath myself and because my oldest son and my daughter didn't share the same dad, when my son was looked after by his paternal grandparents my daughter couldn't go with him and i had no family that was willing to help me with my daughter so if you don't believe in or like adoption keep your comments to yourself. My decision was made with a very heavy heart. I am 100% against abortion unless it is a matter of incest , abortion is not a means of birth control. If you have any questions or you just wanna chat email me!
Risks associated with c-sections?
I have had 4 c-sections, 1996,1999,3003 and 2008 i am currently pregnant with number 5 and a little worried. Do the risks decrease if you wait longer before pregnancies? It's been 4.5yrs since i had my wee one and i'm only 5-6 weeks pregnant now, does waiting as long as i did improve my odds? My OBGYN tried to convince me after my first to get my tubes tied and i said no way, after my 4th he said i had half a uterus how can a woman go into surgery with a whole uterus and come out with half a uterus?
1 AnswerPregnancy9 years agoI don't think anyone will be able to answer this but here goes?
I'm curious my son was born March 21st 2008 and it just so happened to be good Friday so i am wondering when is the next time good friday will fall on March 21st? I've looked all over the internet and can't find a thing so i would love it if someone could give me the answer.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoUmbra Photo Frame Power Adapter?
I have an Umbra 305344-410 Digisimple photo frame but when i moved the power adapter seems to have been misplaced or moved and now i have no idea where it is. My question is does anyone know the voltage for this specific photo frame? I have tons of adapters all mixed up but none say Umbra on them so now i need to know what voltage so that i don't blow it up, the first person that can tell me the correct voltage with supporting evidence such as links will get best answer. I have looked on the net and can't find anything.
Thanks So much!!!
i should also mention, most companies or makers of electronic items that require a power adapter of some sort will usually have on it the correct voltage embossed on it, however this photo frame has nothing but a sticker stating it was made in china with the model number.
2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoAn Elementary School JK-5?
I have just been appointed the position of fund raising coordinator of my sons school and i was wondering if anyone had any unique ideas for raising money??? Our local school board has determined that selling any types of foods is not a way to raise money for the school, so it has to be something that doesn't involve food but is fun and would generate a good profit for the school.
I should also mention this school only has 200 students so it has to be something fun and interesting and something that would make the kids beg their parents for money for...any ideas anyone???
3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoNeed Some Help ASAP With My Baby?
I have a 2.5 yr old son who got sick on Sept 8th, but it wasn't serious and my doctor makes me wait at least 3 days of any of my kids having fevers before he'll see them, so then i take him in to the doctor on Sept 13th and he has a bacterial infection and needs a script for 10 days so he finished the meds and seemed fine til yesterday when he developed a fever of 102, then today it spiked to 103.5. The fever did go down to 102 with tylenol but what are the chances the antibiotics didn't work and he needs something else or could this new fever be because of something new entirely???
I also noticed yesterday that his hands are terribly red and he keeps scratching them.
I don't think it hand foot and mouth disease cause he doesn't have legsions but i'm so confused and my family doctor said he didn't have time to see him today so i am waiting to go see the doctor on call but i can't do that til 6pm and it's only 4pm now so any idea what this could be??? why another fever??? BTW there is no runny nose, he's drinking and eating well, not lethargic, no cough....just a fever
4 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade agoIs this considered cruelty towards a 6yr old?
My 6yr old has severe problems with urinating ALL the time so much so that the teachers have complained for the last 3yrs about it. He has been tested for diabetes and infections and everything comes back negative, so our next step is with the urologist in November.
I explained to my husband that we should document everything he eats and drinks and how much he pees so that when we go see the doc we are prepared, i also told my husband that we should stop giving him pop,juice,milk etc... and just give him water for 1 week to see if everything is the same, but my husband thinks it would be cruel to give him only water to drink for 1 week.
If we give him just water and compare to a normal week when he is allowed pop, juice, milk etc... maybe that is the reason behind all of my sons pee pee problems.
I have been told by a nurse who lives near us that certain drinks and foods can cause allergic reactions that can make him pee a lot, so i just want to be prepared by documenting everything, do you think i would be cruel to only give my son ONLY water for 1 week or even 2 weeks?
20 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoCan Anyone Help With 6yr Old boy Problems?
I have a 6yr old with issues to say the least. He has always had a hard time making friends due to his learning disabilities so this year when we moved we were thrilled when he met 2 little girls who were delighted to be his friends, however in the last 6months since he met them my son has changed for the worse. He calls me names, he calls strangers names, he gives them the finger, he swears, he beats up his 2yr old brother, destroys everything that he touches and the list goes on.
I have tried time outs, taking things away from him, putting soap in his mouth, and although i am against it i have spanked him, grounding him and yet it's like it doesn't phase him or bother him.
It's nothing in his diet i'm certain of that, he hates candy, cake, ice cream, jello, yogurt etc... the only thing he eats is pasta and veggies and he loves water, so i don't think it's an issue with his diet.
I think these 2 little girls 7 and 9 are becoming a negative influence on him and even when i tell him to stay away from them they come to our house, when i tell them that they need a break they become rude and yet their parents do nothing.
I apologize this is so long but i am at my wits end here and don't know what else to do can anyone offer any suggestions as i have tried everything with no light at the end of the tunnel???
3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoNeed Some Help Here Please ASAP!!!?
Ok so here's the thing my husband has this company bbq and of course we have to pick our son up on the same day that this bbq happens to be taking place. This is my husbands first year with the company and they are very family oriented so not going would be like telling them you don't care about family. My son has been in B.C. for 6 weeks with his Sea Cadets and comes home today. I miss him dearly but told my husband look i can take our younger kids ot the bbq while you go pick up our older son and meet us at the bbq, a way of kinda bein in 2 places at once.
My husband flies into a frenzy saying i am not going to this bbq and that if i do he will divorce me and i'm like ok fine by me go get the friggin papers.......
See i am very opinionated and at his last job when they were ripping him off and denying us our benefits i told them so and had no quams about calling them up and out on things but i damn well know there is a time and a place for everything and a company bbq is not place to bring up anything about work, he seems to think i will and the funny thing is we haven't been out together in public in over 6yrs, i'm starting to think that maybe he is ashamed i am his wife....
I am livid right now and quite honestly i would like to file them divorce papers myself.
What would you do if you were in my shoes? honestly
2 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI have a question for parents regarding teenagers?
I have a 14 yr old son he started courting this girl who is also 14, they are both good kids who want to join the navy when they come of age. My sons girlfriend is the sweetest thing and the most kind hearted person but her mother is a disgrace, she took the flowers my son gave to her and threw them out, told my son he was worthless and wasn't good enough for her daughter( she wants her daughter to marry a rich person so they can support her cause she's on welfare), then she changes her tune and says my son can see her before she leaves for Sea Cadet summer camp(6weeks long), then my son graduates yesterday i'm so proud of him and then today the mother makes her daughter write my son a dear John letter breaking up with him, stating she needs to focus on school and yet school is finished here.
My son is so heartbroken and so is this girl, listening to her cry on the phone really pulled on my heartstrings and then to watch my son choke back is own tears was even harder. How do i help them through this, i told my son to write her a letter camp and maybe secretly date i don't know????
Her mother even told her she was never allowed back here to my home, should i just tell my son that this girl and her mother are just too much work and that there are plenty of other fish in the sea????
9 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoI Have A Legal Question?
My husband and i have a court appearance tomorrow at the housing tribunal. We have a small baby we must take with us because our babysitter just backed out an hour ago and it's too late to find someone else on such short notice(our court time is 9am and is 35minutes from us). There is a great possibility that i will have to breastfeed our baby. My husband seems to think that if i breastfeed in a courtroom a judgment will be ordered against us, because in his eyes a judge may see breastfeeding as offensive.
Sure i could leave the room and breastfeed but then i miss out on aiding in my case. There is also a possibility that he may not want to nurse before hand. Any number of things could happen so i must prepare for any possible situation.
From a LEGAL standpoint would you as a lawyer, judge or other government official would you feel offended by a breastfeeding mother? or would you be offended?
5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoI Took Your Advice Now What?
Ok so i took your advice and i told my husband how i felt and how his statements hurt me and he said "ya ok whatever" then if that wasn't enough he said because i provoked a fight which i didn't i must be getting my period again! All i said was when we move i wanted to go through the boxes and throw out what we haven't used or intended on using in the future alleviating ourselves of the materialistic stuff that has no meaning. He got upset because he thinks i am suggesting we go through "his" things and only throw out "his" stuff. He then suggested i throw out all the xmas gifts i have bought for my daughter(the one i gave up for adoption)knowing full well i intend to give them to her when i can find her on her 18th birthday.
I feel so confused..... He says although he is on unemployment he is making money and i do nothing. Everything is "HIS" even the bedroom we are supposed to share is "HIS" it's like he wants to be a bachelor again. I have told him i will leave and he says go but my kids stay and knowing how i felt the sense of loss when i gave my daughter up i just can't part with my other children. So how do i leave when he says i can't take my kids? I feel trapped!
12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoI Have A Question That Desperately Needs Answering?
My husband and i have been married now for almost 7yrs. For the past year or so whenever we have a disagreement over something such as today he always says i am dead weight and that i have never had a real job etc... I have worked numerous jobs through temp companies but to him these aren't jobs even if you work a week it's still a job.
We had a disagreement today because we are moving to a new home and i told him i want him to go through the boxes as we unpack so that we can get rid of things we aren't using or things we don't intend on using, he got offended by that perhaps because he has hoarding tendencies.
He thinks raising kids is easy and that he is the only one to contribute anything to our household.
When you have a partner that has changed so much from the time you met til now and the changes have been for the negative do you seriously stay? i mean i know i said for better or worse but it's creating negativity for me and the kids, and this really isn't healthy for anyone involved, so do i stay or do i go?
I just feel like he doesn't value mine or my kids' opinions or anything.
25 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade agoThe Police Won't Help Me, Why And What Can I Do?
I live in an apartment building with 14 apartments, well 1 of the tenants has been threatening me and my kids, saying such things as he is going to destroy them and us and make theirs and my life miserable, now i am moving next week so i don't so much care but i am starting to fear for my safety. I called the police and they said those are not considered threats, and that for it to be considered a threat he has to state something to the effect of i am going to shoot you or stab you etc... so basically i am here in this apartment until March 1st and i have to wait until he hurts me or my children before the cops do anything, so what should i do, keep my kids off school and hide in my apartment until i move?
7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhat Should I do, Please Help?
I live in an apartment building with 14 apartments, well 1 of the tenants has been threatening me and my kids, saying such things as he is going to destroy them and us and make theirs and my life miserable, now i am moving next week so i don't so much care but i am starting to fear for my safety. I called the police and they said those are not considered threats, and that for it to be considered a threat he has to state something to the effect of i am going to shoot you or stab you etc... so basically i am here in this apartment until March 1st and i have to wait until he hurts me or my children before the cops do anything, so what should i do, keep my kids off school and hide in my apartment until i move?
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoStrange Question Regarding My 13 yr old?
Ok so for the last couple of years my son has had a problem with poop. When i do laundry i find poop in his underwear and i don't mean skid marks that you typically see i mean actual poop. I have asked my son if he has the urge to go poop or if he is just to involved in whatever he is doing that he just doesn't get to the washroom in time his replies are always the same "i don't know"
He told me today when i could smell poop on him that sometimes he wakes up and there is poop in his underwear, which i found odd.My son doesn't seem to really care about having poop in his underwear or even walking around with the underwear on stinking. I also noticed today that the poop wasn't just in his undies but it was also in his pants, which got me wondering how it happened. Does anyone think this is normal, could he be doing it for attention, is there any known medical cause for this and do you think that he would be playing with his poop for it to get in his pants, i mean like it was on the inside of his pants but at the top near the waistline.
I'm just very concerned as my son will be in grade 9 next year and this sort of thing can ruin a high school kid emotionally especially if kids ridicule him about it. We have expressed the importance of god hygiene but he still doesn't care and won't even wear deodorant when we tell him he has body odor.
3 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoHow Do I Approach This Situation?
Ok so it's Christmas Day and i am having the time of my life despite the fact i am exhausted and ready for a 14hr nap,lol My husband bought me a nice 23" flatscreen monitor but here's the problem, i like it and all but my current monitor works just fine. I told him i appreciated it but it's like he's sad now. I feel like i hurt his feelings by not appreciating it more or something. I think he is also hurt by the fact i won't take it out of the box or hook it up. I just don't understand how someone can buy something so expensive when i already have one that works just fine(knock on wood).
He keeps saying "if you don't like it take it back and get cash" but in a very angry/upset/sad tone of voice, how do i rectify this, it's christmas and i don't wanna wreck his day.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade agoIs This A Crime In Canada?
My neighbor created a fake facebook profile with my name and very vulgar information now facebook has since removed this profile but this neighbor has started posting stuff from my actual facebook profile. I have since made my profile private but he continues to print out this same page and he is posting it all over our building and slipping it under people's doors. I called the police and told them he was harassing me by doing this and making me feel afraid to leave my own apartment in fear of seeing him, the police said what he was ding was completely legal and he was well within his rights to do this. I then proceeded to tell him that i was afraid he may escalate his behavior and become physical, he said there is nothing they can do until he actually does something to me. I even tried to write this guy a simple note asking him to politely stop posting these flyers. There is nothing rude about the posts i just find it weird and strange to see them all over our building. Is what he is doing legal?
He is NOT on my friends list and never has been.
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade agoWhat Are Your Thoughts On The Duggar Family?
Firstly i think they are a great family, but i think one has to stop and ask themselves how many children is enough? I don't know myself if i could handle 19 kids. It's sad that their baby was born 3 months early but yet they still are planning to have more. I understand they have money but even if i had millions and millions of dollars i wouldn't want 19 kids, i am happy with the 4 i have.
It's also sad that they do make the older children raise the younger children, raising kids is a parents job and i don't think kids should be thrust into parenting.
Although these kids are home schooled how many of them lack the social interaction they need and what they would get if they went to a normal school like everyone else? The only social interaction they get is with themselves.
So how many of you agree with them having all these children and them still wanting more and how many of you think it's ok and none of anybodies business?
23 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWhere Can I Find This?
I am looking to find a 1974 Bricklind die-cast Car model? Me and my family have been looking for some time now and we have found nothing at all. It doesn't have to be 1974 it's just preferred. Can anyone give me any links to websites that have this particular model. Links must be reliable and valid.
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys1 decade agoConcerned About My 20Month Old Son?
I have a 20 month old son and i am concerned about his language development. We noticed a couple of months ago he would say mama or da-e for daddy, but now nothing. all he does is scream or cry and point to things but no words not even any babbling. Is this normal behavior for a child his age? When should i start to be more concerned and take him to the doctor? Could this be a sign of autism or some other disorder?
5 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago