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Lv 618,104 points

Desirae Rose

Favorite Answers9%
  • How do I get my digital camera to connect to my computer?

    My computer is a Dell, it does not have an SD reader.

    My digital camera is a Samsung, the one before it was a Casio.

    Up until February I was able to upload pics from my camera to my computer just fine using the USB cable. Then suddenly the camera could no longer connect to the computer. I don't know why the camera can no longer connect to the computer. It won't connect to ANY computer. I tried checking my computer settings, and nothing seems to work. Wtf happened?

    7 AnswersCameras6 years ago
  • Any update about the Malaysian woman who was filmed beating her baby?

    I know she was filmed in 2011 by a friend who wanted video evidence to take to the police (and the video went viral a year later), and I know she was arrested and served 18 months in jail and that the baby was put in foster care, but what about after that? Does anyone know? Is the child still in foster care? What of the abuser?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • What's the last thing you got from Craigslist?

    I got my cat from Craigslist. ^_^

    2 AnswersOther - Internet6 years ago
  • Why doesn't Rapunzel's hair (in the movie 'Tangled') grow after it's cut?

    I understand the not being magic anymore thing, and her cropped hair is cute, but why would it remain the same length forever after being cut? It's a detail from the movie that has always bothered me. It could have easily been hidden in the thickness of the rest of her hair like that one little piece was she showed to Flynn at the camp scene.

    2 AnswersMovies6 years ago
  • What did I do wrong? Math help, please.?

    Doing long-subtraction with decimal numbers.

    78.015 - 13.068

    Now, the book says the answer is 64.947 and my calculator says the same thing, but when I worked out the problem on paper, my answer was 65.947. I'm off by one.

    Here's what I did:

    - Lined up the 13.068 under the 78.015 so it looks like:



    Now here's how I worked it out (keep in mind that the problem has to be worked out from right to left):

    * 5 - 8. Can't do that, so I crossed out the 1 next to the 5, put a 0 above the crossed-out 1 and put a small 1 next to the 5, making it into 15 - 8, which is 7.

    * Next, 0 - 6 (remember that 0 used to be 1). Can't do that, so I crossed out the 0 next to the new 0, put a 9 above the crossed-out 9 and put a small 1 next to the other 0, making it 10 - 6, which is 4.

    * Well, since the top 0 next to the decimal was crossed out and replaced with a 9, that makes it 9 - 0, which is 9.

    So far, all the numbers to the right of the decimal are correct.

    Moving to the left of the decimals, with the bigger number over the smaller number, the first i have to subtract is 8 - 3, which is 5.

    Then 7 - 1, which is 6.

    My answer to the problem of 78.015 - 13.068, subtracting the long way, is 65.947.

    But the book and the calculator both have the answer as 64.947. The problem is that 78 - 13 = 65, NOT 64.

    When doing long subtraction and there's a 0 above a higher number, the number next to the 0 has to be crossed out and replaced with the next lowest number and then a 1 is given to the 0, turning it into a 10 so the subtraction makes sense. Right?

    Please help me. What did I do wrong? What did I miss? Was it something with the zeros?

    I've worked out this problem three times on paper and each time I get the same answer.

    Strangely enough, so far it's only been this problem that's given me trouble. All the other ones, I worked out just fine and my answer matched the calculator and the book.

    3 AnswersMathematics8 years ago
  • My monitor keeps turning off?

    I have 3 different computer monitors, and they all do this. They turn off randomly, and the only way I can turn them on again is if I turn off the computer by holding the power button until I shuts off that way.

    Yes, I've changed the settings, and it doesn't work.

    Yes, I've dusted, and it doesn't work.

    I've switched between these 3 monitors, and it still happens.

    What could be a problem? Is it my computer somehow?

    Please help.

    3 AnswersMonitors9 years ago
  • How many people can be paid under a 1099 form before mandatory income taxing?

    It's for a private, non-profit, social club, and the people being paid will be club members and co-owners.

    7 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Look outside. What's the weather like where you are?

    *looks outside*

    The sky is gray, it's a bit cold, and there's hail falling from the sky.

    10 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Do you have a good vegan cheesecake recipe?

    I'm not a vegan, but I like to learn to make new things without any animal products, so no eggs or dairy and I don't like using honey in baking anyway, due to the texture of the finish products).

    I love cheesecake, but I want to learn to make it myself and I figured that learning to make a vegan version would be good (I can already make regular cheesecake in theory, I just haven't done it yet). I have one recipe in mind that seems quite simple that I can try, but I'd like to get newer ideas.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How did homosexual slurs start?

    This is a serious question that I've been wondering about, in reference to homosexual people.

    Homosexual males have the F word slur, and homosexual females have the D word slur, but how did these words become slurs?

    Regarding the F word, it first meant a bundle of sticks, and then came to mean cigarettes, and now it's basically the gay equivalent of the N word. As for the D word, it started out in reference to earth and water and then somehow got misspelled when it became a slur.

    So, what happened? I really want to know.

  • Three questions aboout blindness and racism.....?

    Instead of asking two separate questions, I'll just ask one question with 2 parts.

    1) Are blind people who've been blind since birth racist?

    2) If no one could see anymore, do you think racism would end, or would people find some other way to discriminate against each other?

    3) This ties into 2, do you think in some way(s) that racism correlates to sight alone?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • I have a 'minute phone' with 700+ minutes still on it, but I'm not a talker. Do the minutes transfer over?

    I mean, when I buy more minutes, will the current minutes I have transfer over into the next month, or will they just go away once I buy more minutes, since I didn't use up the current minutes?

    So basically, I have 700+ minutes on my phone right now. Will those 700+ minutes be added to the new amount of minutes I buy? Or are they only good for the current month?

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Why do dogs have whiskers?

    I've been thinking it's the same reason cats have whiskers, but I'm not 100% sure.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the most amount of money you've won in a casino?

    I won about $1,100 on a penny machine.

    4 AnswersGambling1 decade ago
  • Let's say you win the lottery. The BIG lottery. What all would you do?

    *Yeah, I'm watching 'Lottery Changed My Life'. lol ^_^

    Let's say you win a massive lottery, worth no less than $300 million. You're the ONLY winner, and there's little to no tax on it, so at least 90% of all that money is yours. What would you do?

    - I'd tell NO ONE. I wouldn't even go to the newspapers or anything. I'd be VERY quiet. No one would know I won, not even relatives.

    - I'd pay off ALL my debts and bills. It's not a lot, but I hate to owe money, so my debt would be gone.

    - I'd move out of my apartment into a nice, spacious house with land and it would all be mine.

    - Go to Craigslist and get a new car.

    - Spend a couple years just traveling around.

    - Adopt cats and dogs and a rabbit and fish.

    - Save the rest in multiple accounts.

    Those would be the big, main things I'd do for myself (in no particular order)

    5 AnswersGambling1 decade ago