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if i'm taking the dmv california written test again what is the procedure?
so i missed the passing grade by one and the guy said i have to wait a week before taking it again, and i did so since i am going in to take it tomorrow i was wondering do i have to go through the whole registration process again?
do i have to take my picture again?
do i have to pay again?
do i have to bring in my birth certificate and driving school forms and register again?
2 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade agowas there a new 90210 episode tonight?
was there a new 90210 episode tonight?? my tivo didnt record it but it thought it was supposed to show again tonight so im a little confused whether my box screwed up or if there even was a episode to start with
3 AnswersDrama1 decade agoWhat is this pain on the left side of my jaw?
i thought it was from when i got elbowed in the face during a basketball game, however its been a little over 3 weeks and the pain continues to grow. it used to hurt only when i opened my mouth really wide, like when i yawned, but now it hurts all the time. when i dont even open my mouth that wide, when i bite down, and when im not doing anything. it also pops now when i open my mouth too wide. the odd thing though is that it doesnt hurt from the outside. i push down on it from the outside and it doesnt hurt one bit....
i just want it to stop hurting so i can enjoy eating again
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agobetter basketball performance tips?
i do really good in practice but every time the spotlight comes on , i choke. thats why im on jv and not varsity. i cant play in a game for some reason. im soooo tight in a game but at practice im perfectly fine. the varsity coach told me if this is a problem next year, than i wont be getting much playing time. ive also been playing 7 years but for some reason i just started having this problem this summer when i was invited to play summer league with varsity and now on jv again it wont go away.
am i just overthinking when i play? and is there a solution?
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade agowhat is that layup move in basketball called?
when youre going in for the layup and you swing the ball with both hands above your head in a full circle then lay it up? i see players use it all the time and want to youtube a tutorial of how to do it thanks
2 AnswersBasketball1 decade agohow do you go from an empirical formula to a molecular one?
for my hw i have 10 problems i have to do, im sure if you guys can help me do one then i can finish the rest. heres the first problem:
(please explain a little as you go, itd be really helpful)
empirical : SNH (188.35 g/mol)
molecular :_______
2 AnswersMathematics1 decade agowhat is this kind of doctor called?
what do you call a sex change or trans-gender doctor. like whats the correct title for that kind of surgeon/doctor specialist?
7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agoin so you think you can dance season 3...?
who was that dancer who had sort of a dance off with philip or pacman during the finale? it was a guy who did pop and lock..or hip hop...with his own very very very unique style. he was as street dancer too i remember. i just cant remember his name and i want to youtube him
2 AnswersDancing1 decade agois this a wear and tear injury?
i play basketball and i havent done anything to injure my ankle. i dint roll it or sprain it or land wrong on it, it has just been hurting a lot lately. (just one ankle by the way)
is this from overuse? and should i get an ankle brace for when i play?
1 AnswerInjuries1 decade agogood songs for pregame warmups?
i want good songs that will get me in that mood to rip the other team apart. i play basketball by the way and i wanna know good songs to listen to on the bus as well as during pregame warmups. currently im just listening to kanye songs but for a 6 month season those songs are gettin kinda old. now summer season is starting soon and i want new songs. i will listen to all recommendations
4 AnswersBasketball1 decade agowhats the term for a half asian half white?
its it hoffa or hoppa?
7 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agosheet music for superhuman by chris brown?
i was wondering if anyone had the sheet music for piano for superhuman by chris brown and keri hilson? i've been looking all over for a free version and cant find one at all. if its possible just email me the file and thatd be great. if not a direct link to a site is just as good. thank you!
3 AnswersR&B & Soul1 decade agowhat is the name of this (classical) song?
in the movie "the secret life of bees" as rosaleen and lily are walking to the front door of august boatwright, you hear (alicia keys) june boatwrite playing this classical peice on her cello, does anyone know what it is?
1 AnswerOther - Music1 decade agowhere do they sell hanes v-neck undershirts?
i know they have crew neck undershirt (tshirts) at target and walmart but where can i find the the v-neck version?? cause when i went online and i found it only on or but no where at their normal retailers
4 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade agohow do i know that my arizona tea is expired?
i have arizona sweet tea, and it tastes sour, like a citric taste to it. now ive had sweet tea before but not with this lemon like tang and i cant find the expiration date, on the bottom of the can it says "P26608 2101" i dont know what that means. is the 26608 mean 26th of june 2008? so is it expired, or does their sweet tea just naturally have a citric taste to it??
4 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade agowhat is the correct typing format for....?
when typing an essay or something similar, what do you do for movies, underline or italicize??
what do you do for:
tv shows
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade agowhat is this pain in my knees?
whenever i walk too much or run the bottom of my knees starts to hurt, my friends say it might be tendonitis but i know with that there's swelling and i dont know exactly how to diagnose if its swelling or not. i've had this problem for about a year and it only hurts when doing vigorous activity or just walking/jogging long distances. (its hurts especially when i bend my knees like squats)
4 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade agohow fast can you get drunk?
can you get drunk on one 12 oz bottle of beer if its your first time drinking and its on an empty stomach?
8 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade agoa way to make my thighs thinner?
like my thights are kinda fat i guess, i mean it looks disproportionate to my shins unlike my friends i mean their legs go straight down evenly and mine, i just want to tone my thighs and i dont have any fancy machines like a thigh master or sumthing and i cant get one, so just regular normal exercises please
6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agohow can i slim down around my waist?
i would consider myself to be in good shape, im an athlete and i eat right. but i just cant seem to lose the fat around my waist, like my love handles and a little bit on my stomach. basically i want to tone my abdomen and the area like on top of my butt, my lower back area. are there some specific exercises that work on that area cause swimming and basketball arent doin it for me
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago