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Tell you about myself: does it really matter? I will have my opinions and you will have your opinions. most likely if you don't agree with what I have to say, you won't be able to sway me to your way of thinking anyway. As far as people who think they can influence or persuade with insults, cursing, or being misinformed - think again. You can't. All that results from stuff like that is removing all doubts of what we thought of you to begin with. For those of you who think you can intimidate with your dogma, think again. All that serves is to maker me search deeper in my own beliefs and makes me stronger in my beliefs, and more willing to let you seethe in your ignorance. Don't allow that to play with your mind, I will let you know what I think about it though. Am Yisroel Chai!

  • What do you do when you realize a mistake?

    that someone made, do you bring it to their attention, or, if it is within your reach to correct it without causing an embarrassment to them, or do you just drop it and leave it at that? I'm sure they already know, but just in case they don't, what should I do??? (Spiritually speaking, of course.)

    I've gotten things wrong sometimes too, say for an example (and now is a good time to correct it ... Abel had 2 twin sisters according to Midrash, I had said Abel had1 twin sister because I read it on a site somewhere while trying to quickly find an answer. I won't name the site, since it was lacking in compiling their information.) But none the less, should I apologize or just drop it?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What do you do when you realize a mistake?

    that someone made, do you apologize to them and bring it to their attention, or, if it is within your reach to correct it , to do just that, correct it without causing an embarrassment to them, or do you just drop it and leave it at that? I'm sure they already know, but just in case they don't, what should I do??? (Spiritually speaking, of course.)

    I've gotten things wrong sometimes too, say for an example (and now is a good time to correct it ... Abel had 2 twin sisters according to Midrash, I had said Abel had1 twin sister because I read it on a site somewhere while trying to quickly find an answer. I won't name the site, since it was lacking in compiling their information.) But none the less, should I apologize or just drop it?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Does it disgust anyone as much as it does me?

    to see antagonistic atheist mention jebus and Shema in the same comment?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Boneatur's question was ...?

    If supporters of circumcision think it's ok if it reduces sexual pleasure bc of religion, aren't they just...?

    religious fascists who support sexual oppression on the hand religion? The kind of thing we in the West are supposed to condemn? I mean it's one thing to argue it INCREASES sexual pleasure, but if you concede that it robs him of part of his most intimate experience and use RELIGION as justification, then that's called religion-based sexual oppression! What kind of reasonable WESTERN person could ever believe in that?


    I apologise for doing this but I kept getting the page was unavailable, so to answer his question I did it this way


    My rebuttal is the following:

    The foreskin contains sensory nerve receptors as are prevalent over the rest of the penis. There is no scientific evidence that the extra complement of these in uncircumcised men leads to greater sexual pleasure. In fact, some uncircumcised men have been known to complain that their penis is too sensitive, leading to pain, and seek circumcision to relieve this. Diminishing sensitivity is in fact desired by many men and women in order to prolong the sex act by preventing premature ejaculation [Burger & Guthrie, 1974]. But what is the truth? This section presents the research evidence upon which a valid conclusion can be reached.


    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Question for religious people....?

    Which creation story do you base the Earth is only in the age group of somewhere in the thousands?

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • why is is when xianals ask why other religions disagree with them or?

    ask what a passage says if someone of a different religion answers them or corrects their incorrect passge they chose the xianal's question that was wrong to begin with?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • A light in All the dark places?

    We teach converts not to speak of their past life (before converting). After reading this article, it became more clear as to why gers are taught that. My heart goes out to Mr. Brown. Read his story and let me know what you think please.

    Should he have kept his past to himself, or was he right for sharing it?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Last week someone asked about tithes?

    Since tithing hasn't been required since the destruction of the Temple, how is it that their bible calls Rabbis theives for over pricing tithes and offerings?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What's the big deal about Muslims females wearing hajabs?

    Other religions have their ways for a woman or for the females of their religion to dress. Why dog on muslim females for wearing a hijab? There is no shame in being covered up or in dressing modest.

    I don't go to public places where females display their bodies, no does my husband. Why? because it is shameful. I would much rather go to a public setting where the women are dress in a hijab than I would a swimming pool or a beach where men and women are darned near naked. And no I am not a muslim. nor do I want to be.

    9 AnswersRamadan10 years ago
  • If someone isn't of your religion, do you consider them an atheist or evolutionist?

    Thought I would ask because it appeared some nitwit thought I am one or the other and made it a point to show her ignorance.

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Has your bible changed?

    Jews are taught not to change one letter of Torah. Has it changed? How many letters are there in the Torah? 304,805 letters (or approximately 79,000 words).

    If you were to guess, how many letters of these 304,805 do you think are in question?

    The fact is, that after all the trials and tribulations, communal dislocations and persecutions, only the Yemenite Torah scrolls contain any difference from the rest of world Jewry. For hundreds of years, the Yemenite community was not part of the global checking system, and a total of nine letter-differences are found in their scrolls.

    These are all spelling differences. In no case do they change the meaning of the word. For example, how would you spell the word "color?" In America, it's spelled C-O-L-O-R. But in England, it's spelled with a "u," C-O-L-O-U-R.

    Such is the nature of the few spelling differences between Torah scrolls today. The results over thousands of years are remarkable!

    How many times has your bible changed its words to meet their agenda?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How is this an answer to?

    What day is the Shabbath:

    Show me how you keep all 613 Old Testament laws.. You can't even keep the ten commandments. I bet you've lied to your mother or your boss. I bet you haven't "Loved the Lord you God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength". I bet you've coveted. If you have hated you're guilty of murder.

    lilangel, 1 you don't know me in the least

    2 you aren't G-d, so you also don't know what sins I have or have not committed

    3 Are you reflecting the sins in your life when you accuse me of them?

    4 Which of the 10 mitzvot have I broken?

    5 How do I keep the 613 mitzvot? I keep them every day but lifting up my sacrifices with my lips to G-d in prayer. (I guess this was one one the things xianty left out when they decided to smear the Judaism.)

    Reference: Hosea 14: 3 Take words with you and return to HASHEM; say to Him, "May You forgive all inquity and accept all good [intentions], and let our lips substitute for bulls."

    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • What would happen to the people?

    who died without hearing about jebus before he was born (well I am giving you a free pass on this one since I don't think he ever lived)?

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • what if ....................................?

    jebus tried to walk on water? would water seep up through the holes in his feet and he would just sink anyway?

    Hey knock off the M&M jokes, you know they would fall through his hands.

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • OMG I am still laughing over this one:?

    Atheist I challenge you all in one question?

    If god doesn't exist...then who wrote the bible? huh?

    see, you are stupid...

    Obviously this is a young person, so please, be easy on him or her whichever the case is.

    Young person, the answer is, people wrote it. G-d didn't.

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago