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Hello I'm Alyssa want to know more about me? :)

  • Where's a bad place similar to hell? For a quote?

    I heard a quote " I'm just like the girl next door.... If you live next door to a sex shop"

    But I wanna change sex shop

    To something like hell but better


    4 AnswersQuotations8 years ago
  • My ex is stringing me along! Help?

    He broke up with me 3 months ago.

    He knew it was super hard for me.

    So we decided to nd et contact each other again.

    Recently he's been texting and calling and leading me on, talking about the past.

    I've been doing a lot of changing since the break up just incase he came back he'd take notice.

    He only calls and texts when he wants to.

    Idk how to make him want me, I'm always there when he wants me to be.. So if I ignore him when he calls and texts will that really make him want me more???

    And also, what would make you want your ex back if you saw or heard she was up to???

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce9 years ago
  • Please help ! Why won't a man give you a yes or no ?!?

    My ex boyfriend I broke up about 3 months ago. It was rough for me and he knew that. Recently he's been popping up, calling, texting. I thought it may be because he's interested again.. Because he does talk about our previous relationship when he calls/texts. So I cut to the chase and asked him if he'd want to start seeing each other again and see what might happen ? Ever since that he's backed off and won't answer the question. He changed the subject. I told him it would be better for me to here a no than to just be left hanging... Still nothing... No yes no maybe no no or I don't know or anything. What's this mean ?

    What does he want from me?

    If your truly done than why not close the door and say no... And quit with the phone calls? Because we did not break up as friends so he knows it's odd to contact me now as a "friend".

    Ugh what do I do to get him where I want him and me not be the vulnerable one?

    4 AnswersLyrics9 years ago
  • What does it mean when a man won't say yes OR no?

    My ex boyfriend I broke up about 3 months ago. It was rough for me and he knew that. Recently he's been popping up, calling, texting. I thought it may be because he's interested again.. Because he does talk about our previous relationship when he calls/texts. So I cut to the chase and asked him if he'd want to start seeing each other again and see what might happen ? Ever since that he's backed off and won't answer the question. He changed the subject. I told him it would be better for me to here a no than to just be left hanging... Still nothing... No yes no maybe no no or I don't know or anything. What's this mean ?

    What does he want from me?

    If your truly done than why not close the door and say no... And quit with the phone calls? Because we did not break up as friends so he knows it's odd to contact me now as a "friend".

    Ugh what do I do to get him where I want him and me not be the vulnerable one?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Men- what's it mean when you won't give a yes or a no?

    My ex and I broke up 3 months ago and recently he's been contacting (texting, calling) at first I thought he just wanted to say hey how are you in a friendly way but he brings up our relationship and such.... He also says things like "oh yeah I've been working out like crazy" bla bla "I'm in the best shape of my life" and " running isn't as fun as sex was though " and so on... So I thought he was interested in me again ( yes I still want to be with him ) so I cut to the chase and asked " do you want to start seeing each other again and see if we can start a new relationship ??" and then ... Nothing! No calls or replies back lol until 2 data after... He texted "I've been really sick sorry" so um he could still have answered the question if he could text that he's been sick ?? But didn't sp I asked him again ! This morning, he has not responded. And at this point I said, it's yes or no. I'd rather get no than be left hanging... He won't say either !!? Wth!!

    We dated a year.

    He's 42, I'm 24

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • What does my ex want from me?

    He broke up with me 2 months ago. And recently started calling/texting again. I had a super hard time getting over him and he knew that. So I figured if he was contacting me maybe he wants me back ( because it wouldn't be wise to get my hopes up if he didn't want anything at all ) so I just cut to the chase and asked him of he wanted to see if we could start over. He hasn't contacted me since... Never said yes or no and that was 3 days ago. I'm confused. What does it mean ? And what do I do?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Guys perspective: is it over ? Please help?

    My boyfriend & I have had a intense loving yet somewhat rocky year long relationship due to many reasons also our age differenceI'm 24 hes 42. Imoved in then moved back out we still stayed together because we do love each other. He hates my best friend always has, one night he and her got into it and that was it. He walked out and didn't speak to me for a week no calls no texts.Finally he got ahold of me and broke up with me because he felt i chose my friend over him.He has a son that's 18 and graduating in june so he used the excuse that he doesn't have time to put into us Because it's sons last year home and he needs him. So I was devastated !! I cried I told him I love him and I don't want to break up he just apologized. I try not to text him but times I can't help it. Sometimes he responds. Saturday he asked if I wanted my fishing pole back and I said no thanks ivd got one, he came and brought it anyway but I wasn't home. So I thought it meant he wanted to see me...? One of the few things he's texted back to me after I tell him I loved him so much and I'm sad is "just make the right decisions for a while" so I thought it meant one day he'd consider being w me again?But now he hasn't said a word. How do I get this man back?? I love him with all my heart and just don't understand why he won't give me another chance!

    I changed a lot for him I used to be wildparty girl that was go go dancing When we met.! no goals. I now take night classes at my community college and work mon-fri as a receptionist in an orthopedic clinic! I changed so much and cooked and cleaned for him I never went out or anythjng ! And I'm hot too!!/photo.php?fbid=38152...

    Tell me what I can try or do, or not do? Or if you think hes just never gonna give me a shot no matter what?I want him back, what do I do?!?? Thank you !

    6 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • Dream interpretation? ?

    I dreamt last night...

    My mom was telling me about the gnome in our backyard and telling me she puts it in q spot and each day he's in a new spot. So I went to investigate. I went out without my mom knowing and examined the gnome. I moved him to see if he'd be in a new spot come tomorrow. When I set him down the gnome began to shake? Then suddenly my house started filing up with water until flooded.

    No we do not have a gnome in real life.

    Thanks :)

    1 AnswerDream Interpretation9 years ago
  • What is Math level 075?

    Tomorrow I have to take a placement test to see if I place above "MATH 075" ???

    1 AnswerMathematics9 years ago
  • Need opinions on flipping thw script on a guy? ?

    My boyfriend! Of almost a year, doesn't treat me the same as before and is taking me for granted.

    How can I turn it around and make him need me and be vulnerable?

    What could I do that would make him chase me again?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I turn this around on him?

    I feel like my boyfriend is taking me for granted and I need to open his eyes. I need to give him a reality check, a taste of his own medicine, or make him feel like he's gonna lose me... plz tell me what I should do! ! Details We've been dating almost one year I am 24 he's 41(please no mean comments about that) We love each other very much but he never says it anymore. He never talks about our future like he used to and he just tells me things take time. I've changed a lot for him and it's like the harder I try the less I receive in return. Plz help me turn this all around on him and make him my vulnerable crying bi*ch.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • How do I turn this around on him?

    I feel like my boyfriend is taking me for granted and I need to open his eyes. I need to give him a reality check, a taste of his own medicine, or make him feel like he's gonna lose me... plz tell me what I should do! ! Details We've been dating almost one year I am 24 he's 41(please no mean comments about that) We love each other very much but he never says it anymore. He never talks about our future like he used to and he just tells me things take time. I've changed a lot for him and it's like the harder I try the less I receive in return. Plz help me turn this all around on him and make him my vulnerable crying bi*ch.

  • Somebody please help! relationship :(?

    I feel like my boyfriend is taking me for granted and I need to open his eyes. I need to give him a reality check, a taste of his own medicine, or make him feel like he's gonna lose me... plz tell me what I should do! !


    We've been dating almost one year

    I am 24 he's 41(please no mean comments about that)

    We love each other very much but he never says it anymore. He never talks about our future like he used to and he just tells me things take time. I've changed a lot for him and it's like the harder I try the less I receive in return. Plz help me turn this all around on him and make him my vulnerable crying bi*ch.

    Thanks y'all

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years ago
  • H&R block says I'll get my refund tomorrow ...?

    Its being direct deposited into my bank account ... and they gave me a date 3-6-2012 it should arrive but will it for sure???

    3 AnswersUnited States9 years ago
  • Recovering from Ovarian Cyst Rupture?

    Wednesday night my boyfriend and I had sex and afterwards I was in agony... that carried on and became increasingly painful through out the night, at 4 am we decided to go to the E.R. They finally determinded a 4cm ovarian cyst had ruptured.

    They basically just sent me on my way with a bottle of vicodine and some paper work.

    I'm still in so much pain, the nurse said to rest for a week and not have sex for a week. Which should not be a problem because I cant hardly move.

    I am wondering how long this will take to heal?

    What about him giving me oral sex???

    2 AnswersWomen's Health9 years ago
  • Working out, odd results!! please help?

    I am 23 female

    5'7 130lbs

    Never played sports.

    Or been too active for that matter.

    Havent watched my diet, I eat alot of junk.

    Somehow Ive managed to stay thin and satisfied with my shape. I never had a desire to work on fitness because I already get away with a decent bod so why work hard for more. Im lazy.

    I finally decided to kick soda, taco bell, and bread and eat healthy and drink loads of water and work out. I have a 30 min routine starting with cardio. I do it daily. Its been 3 wks.


    Any tips, reasons, fixes, advice, secrets! Help! I wanna be in tip top this summer.

    This is my bod pic from this last summer, where I hadnt worked out in my life!!

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness9 years ago
  • Help ! is my kitty sick? booster shot question?

    My kitty motor scooter is 9 months old. I took her in for shots at about 2-3 months old. They recomended i come back in 2 weeks for booster shots... even though the shots she was given were vaccine for feline lukemea. My boyfriend and i just thought it was bogus and that they just wanted to make more money. One set of inital shots was all i thought was normal for a healthy kitty. Anyway she is very vivacious and lively, we live on a ranch she hunts and plays and comes in and out as she pleases she is spoiled and in kitty heaven. Today she didnt play or run or jump not even for her favorite toy! Usually she jumps 3 feet high for this toy, over and over. Not today. She just seemed so sad, she moved slow and she slept alot Im worried! Is it because of the missed shots??? There was kitty throw up in the living room yesterday not sure if it was hers or peter pans hes a 5 yr old nuetered male we have they are Best friends....

    Here is some details...

    She has a dry Food diet(friskys seafood medley)

    She is not fixed

    She is a tortiose shell idk what else to add

    3 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Can my rib be cracked from my arm being twisted?

    About 10 months ago I was dating this d bag corrections officer, we got in an argument because he wanted to go through my phone. I said no and that's when he tried to force it from my hands, resisting I started walking towards the door to leave. That's when he went c/o on me. He grabbed my left arm and twisted it so hard when he let go I wasn't even sure it was going to twist back to its normal position. It was SO painful. I sometimes lay flat on my back and take a deep breath and feel this little sharp pain under my left breast, its deep to the bone not muscle. Hugging to tight hurts, certain movements hurt it, my question is could this be from the x boyfriend incident? If so could my rib be cracked ?

    1 AnswerInjuries9 years ago
  • In desperate need of relationship advice, please help!! Im 23, hes 41?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for 8 months and I'm in love with him. In the beginning we were so infatuated with eachother and he was trying so hard everyday to make me his, surprising me doing thoughtful things saying the sweetest things, he asked me to move in he took me to Hawaii he talked about marriage and babies and I am young so I have been waiting for that feeling like the this is the one this is really real feeling and I was certain I found it ! He wanted me to quit my job because he's a business owner and doesn't have to work a lot so I did so we could spend time together.

    Anyway, today the feeling is long gone, he never talks about marriage in fact he avoids it. He doesn't say I love you. He doesn't ever surprise me or want to go to dinner or say anything sweet to me at all. He never hugs me kisses me for no reason he picks apart everything I say he's just so not the sweetie he was before. I was a fun party girl type but completly stopped drinking, partying going to clubs. I clean his house do all the laundry cook everything ! And Im invisible ! I think I deserve appreciation for my efforts. I have tried so hard for him. Why did he just quit treating me the he did ? I have been so unhappy because of it, so I've been kinda upset and negative, so now Im the "complainer" " ******" :(

    What can I do to make him love me again ?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating9 years ago