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  • Hardest thing you had to give up veg*ans?

    Vegans... was it meat, dairy, eggs, or something else particular?

    Vegetarians... which meat? or eggs or dairy if you no longer eat one of those?

    Mine was probably honey... I've always been addicted to honey mustard and i sweetened everything with it and put it on everything.

    17 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Veg*ans, what do you do when you feel defeated?

    I just find myself getting more and more angry everyday. The only break I get is when I'm feeling completely hopeless and I want this cycle to end. How do people go through life knowing so much is wrong, yet still smiling on the inside and out. I have an addiction to research and anytime I am curious about something or think of something, I research it and I really think maybe I would have been better off not knowing certain things. Of course I'm glad I do to a certain extent, its just very difficult to try and fix everything and it needs to be fixed NOW. I'm only one person though and it's exhausting when nobody (basically) will stand up next to you to do their part because they don't care.

    This isn't just about animals, its about child abuse, politics, violence, crime, health, pollution, etc...

    What makes you want to continue to even try?

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Guinea pig won't chew on anything?

    I have tried wooden toys, treat logs, paper towel tubes, and paper crumpled up. Do they just not chew that often so I'm missing it when she does it? Or is this more? I guinea pig proofed my entire living room and she comes out twice a day for two hours and her cage has plenty of room. She always squeaks and popcorns constantly. I give her fresh veggies everyday etc. I know she's happy so what could be wrong?

    2 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • As a member of the LGBT community, Do you eat chick-fil-a?

    Now i know that lgbt doesn't cover it all but i can't remember all the letters.

    Do you think its hypocritical to eat there when they are affiliated with Exodus International?

    For those who might be unfamiliar... the people in Uganda who are passing laws that use the death penalty and life imprisonment as a form of punishment for homosexuality.

  • Does anyone else get angry when on the news you hear about animal cruelty?

    I get mad for more than one reason:

    1. Who the hell gets enjoyment out of hurting animals? I saw this one time about this guy who tied down a kitten and lit it on fire. I swear people are just so cruel...

    2. I want to punch anyone who makes comments in the face. "What a sicko, who leaves their dogs chained up outside in the cold and doesn't clean up after it? That's so cruel and disgusting"... as they are wiping bacon grease off their hands.

    3. The headlines should be this " puppy purposely ran over and also today 10,000 more animals were euthanized, and every second 300 animals are killed for food" but no they will of course neversay that because it's too extremist

    Does this not make you angry?

    12 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • What do you think about cats and dogs that are eaten in Asia?

    Obviously it's not as common anymore, but what do you think of the treatment of the animals before they are slaughtered and do you think its wrong to eat them? Why or why not?

    Also, on a second note... do you see this as different than animals in America that go to slaughter? If you see Asia as worse, do you think its just your western upbringing? Please reword this Sentence to fit your circumstances if you are not American or were not raised here.

    7 AnswersOther - Food & Drink8 years ago
  • What sounds better, vegan reuben or vegan blt?

    I was wondering what you would pick? The rueben is made with tempeh and the blt is tofu and both come with daiya cheese.

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan8 years ago
  • Will I have a warrant out for my arrest?

    I'm worried because I'm 36 weeks pregnant and I DON'T want to go to jail or own a fine. I couldn't go to jury duty because I was scheduled to be there at 8 and my tire completely blew out at like 7:00 a.m. and OF COURSE my donut was flat. The tires places only open at 8 and so anyways I called the court house and they said to send a written statement in but she wouldn't say if I was in trouble. I can send in my receipt for my tire that has the time and date but will that be enough? I offered to show up late and bring my receipt in for proof but they said not to. Am I okay?

    4 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police8 years ago
  • Will I have a warrant out for my arrest?

    I'm worried because I'm 36 weeks pregnant and I DON'T want to go to jail or own a fine. I couldn't go to jury duty because I was scheduled to be there at 8 and my tire completely blew out at like 7:00 a.m. and OF COURSE my donut was flat. The tires places only open at 8 and so anyways I called the court house and they said to send a written statement in but she wouldn't say if I was in trouble. I can send in my receipt for my tire that has the time and date but will that be enough? I offered to show up late and bring my receipt in for proof but they said not to. Am I okay?

    2 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Would you sacrifice one animal if it would save the rest from that fate?

    Say you are an animal rescuer....

    a big company needs only three monkeys to test this new product and after those three monkeys are done, they will never ever again use animal testing (this is a huge deal because it's like a gigantic corporation). So these monkeys are going to be put through horrible pain and you have a chance to rescue them from the lab without any chance of getting caught. If you take these monkeys they will be replaced with three new monkeys and the company will continue to test on animals for the remainder of its existence. Do you leave the monkeys and save millions of monkeys in the process? Or do you save the three monkeys, dooming millions of monkeys to the same fate?

    I know this is extremely hypothetical but basically do you think we have the right to sacrifice another animal without consent if it would help the animal's species as a whole?

    5 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Question about the pet trade Veg*ans?

    So this question was sparked by an answer I saw on another question, but basically...

    Do you support the pet trade by adopting animals and saving them from lethal injection?

    I saw someone else say that it was bad to do this because it would just buy into the whole system and the injection was painless anyways and instead of saving one animal, we should think about what's good for all of the animals. (Which is for people to stop breeding them)

    As a vegetarian or vegan what is your opinion on this?

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • What would happen if you set a captive bred ball python loose back in Africa?

    If a captive bred ball python is a year old, could he make it back in Africa? If he lived on live rats would he be able to catch food? Would the change stress them out? Etc.... just asking.

    5 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • How to convince my mother to not let my younger sister be vegetarian?

    My sister is 13 and she wants to go vegetarian and my mother is in full hearted support for it (she was also supportive when I did it as a teenager). I am vegan and I am all about it but I cannot just sit by and watch my sisters health deteriorate more than it already has. She is anemic and my mother spoils the crap out of her. My little sister eats what she wants and when she wants it. Her diet consists of fruit, pizza, spaghetti, cheese, chicken nuggets, and soda. She takes no multi vitamins and she is obese. Her skin is almost translucent because she never goes outside (video games) and her teeth, hair, and skin is an obvious signal of her health problems. it wouldn't be so bad if she was cleaning her health up, but she isn't. She is just dropping meat from her diet and not replacing it with beans and grains and veggies. She won't even touch bread that isn't white in color. What can I do? I'm worried sick. I know she is trying to take after her sister but I know her and I know my mother won't make her eat healthy.

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • I'm worried about my ball python's eating habits?

    He is a year and 7 months old, about 37 inches long and a little over an inch and a half in diameter.

    For the past two months of feeding he has taken ages upon ages to eat his food and he always takes it tail first. He never used to do that however. His temps are 75-80 and humidity is at 55. He gets 12 hours of daylight and nighttime. His sheds are always in one piece and his attitude is the same... very friendly. He literally takes like over an hour to eat one rat. I feed him small rats and they are usually an inch in diameter. I feed him every Friday night so its nothing surprising and its always at the same time. The rat is always completely thawed. He is in a 20 gallon tank with two hides, his under tank heating pad is working fine. Should i be worried? He used to eat live rats but i switched him over to frozen but that was about 6 months ago and he used to be fine fine with it. Any ideas?

    3 AnswersReptiles9 years ago
  • Vegans, how cruelty free are you willing to go?

    I just recently found out that boca is owned by kraft which obviously is in the dairy business. But kraft is owned by altria which also owns cigarette companies that test on animals. Kraft also owns Maxwell, koolaid, oreo, altoids, corn nuts, planters, premium (crackers), barnums animal crackers, nutter butter, post cereal, grape nuts, country time, crystal light, and minute (like minute rice).

    So obviously i want to cut those brands from my diet (most are terrible anyways). How do you feel about using these brands?

    6 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • Can your baby grow too long in the uterus?

    I'm 5'10" and so is my husband and our little daughter is about 34 weeks gestational age but she is already up in my rib cage and making breathing hard. Isn't this a bit early? How much longer will she grow and what if she gets really long? I was 24 inches when I was born.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • When did thanksgiving "traditional" foods make their first appearance?

    I always heard that the first thanksgiving was just harvested fruits and vegetables? No stuffing, mashed potatoes, especially not turkey. So when did people turn this into a cholesterol and saturated fat holiday?

    4 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago
  • When did thanksgiving "tradition" foods first make an appearance?

    I always heard that the first thanksgiving was just harvested fruits and vegetables? No stuffing, mashed potatoes, especially not turkey. So when did people turn this into a cholesterol and saturated fat holiday?

    3 AnswersThanksgiving9 years ago
  • Can your baby grow too long while in the uterus?

    I'm 5'10" and so is my husband and our little daughter is about 34 weeks gestational age but she is already up in my rib cage and making breathing hard. Isn't this a bit early? How much longer will she grow and what if she gets really long? I was 24 inches when I was born.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby9 years ago
  • Help with a vegan recipe?? ASAP plz.?

    I've got this recipe that calls for raw cashews. It says to soak them for 8 hours ahead of time. So I couldn't find raw cashews and had to get roasted, so do i still need to soak those? For how long? Its for a pie filling will it still be okay? Should i wash the salt off them?

    8 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan9 years ago