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What would happen if I were called for jury duty, and I hung the jury just for laughs?
Such as a criminal case where there is absolutely no reasonable doubt, but I vote not guilty anyway, and refuse to change my verdict, when the other 11 vote guilty.
You know, because it would be funny, prank the prosecutor and the judge.
Lol what would come of that?
After all, they can't throw a juror in jail for contempt based on their verdict, right?
7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 year agoCan it actually be beneficial to refuse a breathalyzer test?
Here's my analyses:
In my State, when you receive your drivers license, and every time you renew it at the DMV, you have to sign a form agreeing to submit to any breathalyzer test administered by the police. You have to sign this before receiving your license.
This form warns that failure to do so will result in an automatic administrative suspension of your license by the DMV, for 180 days.
But here's the thing about that:
If you are convicted of a DUI, your license will be suspended for at least that long anyway as part of your sentence.
Only then, you can face fines, probation, jail time, mandatory AA classes etc on top of that suspension.
So if you refuse to submit to the breath test, and they still have the evidence to convict you, all the consequences remain the same, and the DMV administrative suspension will likely run out by the time the court imposed one does.
And if after refusing the breath test, they do NOT have the evidence to convict you, then you still face the DMV suspension, but you avoid all those additional penalties that go along with a conviction.
The license suspension would happen either way, so why not refuse it if it can make it harder to prove the case against you?
11 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 year agoRepublicans; about these photo ID requirements for voting....?
DMVs don't issue new Photo IDs the same day. They'll give you a paper license and you wait about a week to get your photo ID in the mail.
So I ask you this:
How would you feel if; the day before a presidential election; you lost your wallet or got mugged/pickpocketed?
30 AnswersPolitics7 years agoIf I said this to a cop on a traffic stop; would I get a warning instead of a ticket?
Say that I get pulled over for speeding.
I explain to the cop that I am a Heating and Air Technician; and if he gives me a speeding ticket as opposed to a warning; then the next time I get a call to work at a cop's house I'm going to secretly add the cost of the speeding ticket to the bill to compensate for the ticket.
I go on to tell the cop that forever thereafter; I will secretly add 20% to all bills to all cops thereafter to compensate for increased insurance.
So if he doesn't want his fellow cops paying more when they call me for a HVAC service call; he'll let me off on a warning.
Lol think that would get me off?
PS: He can't use my name to warn his cop buddies about me; because he won't find my business. Because I'm not really a Heating and Air Guy as I told him; I'm a Plumber and Gas Fitter ;)
5 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoIf I said this to a cop on a traffic stop; would I get a warning instead of a ticket?
Say that I get pulled over for speeding.
I explain to the cop that I am a Heating and Air Technician; and if he gives me a speeding ticket as opposed to a warning; then the next time I get a call to work at a cop's house I'm going to secretly add the cost of the speeding ticket to the bill to compensate for the ticket.
I go on to tell the cop that forever thereafter; I will secretly add 20% to all bills to all cops thereafter to compensate for increased insurance.
So if he doesn't want his fellow cops paying more when they call me for a HVAC service call; he'll let me off on a warning.
Lol think that would get me off?
PS: He can't use my name to warn his cop buddies about me; because he won't find my business. Because I'm not really a Heating and Air Guy as I told him; I'm a Plumber and Gas Fitter ;)
3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agoCharging a cop extra on a service call to compensate for a speeding ticket?
Say that I work in plumbing and gas fitting as a 1 man business.
And suppose I got a call to do a water heater change-out (one of the higher priced services) on Tuesday.
I instantly recognize the name. He is a cop who gave me a $125 speeding ticket for doing a whopping 6 miles over the speed limit.
Well when I get there he recognizes me and we make light out of the situation.
HIm: "You didn't speed here did you? "
Me: "No way man; wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth to get a ticket pulling into your driveway too fast.
But he soon finds out there is more to this than light hearted jesting. See; what happens is I finish the changeout and hand him an invoice for his total; and he gives me the check.
I deposit it; but then mail him an itemized receipt showing the breakdown of the cost including materials and labor.
The last entry:
Repayment for speeding ticket you gave me: $125
And he realizes I added 125 to the cost that wouldn't have otherwise been there; for him to pay me back for the ticket he gave me.
Lol what would come of that? Is there anything he could do?
11 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agoGirls; how would you react if....?
In the month of December; you opened your mailbox; and found that you had received Christmas cards from about 10 of your friends?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoIs it true that suing an employer; no matter what the circumstances; is a career ending move?
A college professor told the class that no matter what the circumstances; no matter what the financial loss; that it is best to chalk it up as a loss and move on to a different job; and never under any circumstances sue or report your employer.
Reason being is that you can t hide your work history these days; and any reputable employer is going to call all previous employers to ask about you.
And when your ex-boss tells your prospective employer that you sued or were a whistleblower; then your application goes right in the trash can because every position will have dozens of other applicants who have not been flagged as liabilities.
He ended by saying that while there may be a labor board; there may be unemployment; there may be courts and regulatory agencies; but as soon as any money they help you get from your employer run out; you ll be wearing a paper hat saying "do you want fries with that?" while the previous employer; once minorly inconvenienced by you; is no worse off than he was before; and is laughing his butt off every time a prospective employer calls for a reference and he gets the pleasure of telling them all about you.
Do you agree?
6 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoGirls; how would you react if....?
You encountered Ginger; this here jack russell terrier?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys7 years agoCould a pro-life governor put a stop to abortion in his State with one simple announcement?
All States have a process for a conviction to be "pardoned" by the Governor.
Some States require the recommendation of a pardon board before the Governor can act; but in most States the sitting Governor can pardon anyone convicted of a state crime at will without anyone's permission.
So what if a Governor announced that if anyone commits a crime in the process of preventing an abortion or in the process of disciplining the murderess; that he'll just pardon them as soon as their convicted.
Then abortion clinics in that State have no choice but to close because noone has anything to lose by doing the right thing and preventing the infanticide anymore.
11 AnswersPolitics7 years agoIs it against the law to call a black cop the N word?
Like suppose I get pulled over for speeding and a black cop walks up to my car and says "License; registration and insurance....:
And I calmly hand it to him and say "Here you go; n***er"
Lol is there anything he could do?
(Cops never give warnings in my area; so don't say it would guarantee me a ticket because I was already guaranteed it the second he pulled me over"
9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agoFunny situation: Would a cop be likely to pull me over in this case?
Cops in my county are sticklers for expired tags. They spot you a mile away and will go through a red light; speed and swerve in and out of traffic just to catch up to and pull someone over for expired registration. I know; I got a ticket for that once before and know others who have as well.
So My registration had actually expired in September and it had slipped my mind until I happened to glance at my plates last night. So I had unwittingly been driving around with expired tags for two weeks and was lucky to not get noticed.
I couldnt renew online because it was late so I went to the DMV this morning and renewed it and put my new stickers on my license plate right there in the DMV parking lot.
But then a funny thing happened on my way home. I stopped at a McDonalds drive thru for lunch; and after I had ordered and was already in the carport waiting a cop car rolled up behind me. Had I not JUST put the new stickers on the cop almost certainly would have noticed.
Lol what would have likely occured in this case?
Seeing how his food might not be ready after I get mine and leave the drive thru; Would a cop be likely forego his burgers to follow me out and pull me over?
Or would he be all like "Confounded! Of all the times to spot a....oh well"
2 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoSo; WHY exactly is "drinking while driving" illegal? (See details for my point)?
Okay; so in pretty much every state it is illegal to have an open container inside the cabin of your car.
And the legal limit in every State is .08.
So in other words; a person can leave a bar and drive home with a BAC of .079 and be 100% legal.
But if a person on a road trip has a BAC of .01 and is nursing a beer in his cup holder; HE gets arrested.
Why is that?
Why is the person with the HIGHER (Yet still legal) BAC considered safer to drive simply because the beer was consumed outside the vehicle? Of the factors that affect your BAC; "location" of the drinking is not one of them.
3 AnswersPolitics7 years agoSo; WHY exactly is "drinking while driving" illegal? (See details for my point)?
Okay; so in pretty much every state it is illegal to have an open container inside the cabin of your car.
And the legal limit in every State is .08.
So in other words; a person can leave a bar and drive home with a BAC of .079 and be 100% legal.
But if a person on a road trip has a BAC of .01 and is nursing a beer in his cup holder; HE gets arrested.
Why is that?
If it's some kind of distraction then you'd have to outlaw any type of beverage.
9 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years agoIf I get pulled over for speeding with a beer between my legs....?
In the winter I usually take a jacket with me but only wear it outside. When I'm driving I usually toss it in the passenger seat of my vehicle.
So suppose I am driving with a beer can between my legs; and a cop pulls me over for speeding. I simply throw the jacket over my lap.
When he walks up to my window and sees the jacket in my lap; does he have the right to order me to remove the jacket to see if I'm hiding anything?
Or would that be considered a "search" that he would need either my consent or a warrant for?
5 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agoCops; what would happen if someone invented a type of mouth wash that would cover you when you blow into a breathylizer?
Aside from an increase in DUI; how would police respond?
Regardless of how breath tests work scientifically; if someone invented and marketed a type of mouth wash that blocked the alcohol in your system from reaching the breathalyzer when you blow.
Then people just keep it in their car and use it and spit it out on the sidewalk before driving after a night of drinking.
How would cops respond to this new phenomenon?
Hey it could happen.
9 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agoAtheists; which of the following would YOU think to be true:?
After a winter snowfall; you are driving down the street through a residential neighborhood. You pass a house with a couple of snowmen in the yard.
Are you going to think that the snowmen "evolved" by random placement of falling snow; which formed the snowman shape by random chance?
Or are you going to think that someone took the time to actually CREATE the snowmen?
15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago