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  • How to hide my yaoi manga while I'm at University?

    I start Uni in a few weeks and I need a way to hide my yaoi manga collection from my parents. I can't take it all with me, since it is a 50+ book collection and my halls of residence doesn’t have enough space to take it all. I would just leave it in my room at home, but my parents might give that room to my brother, they will just move all my stuff in to his room and put his stuff in my room and say it's his room.

    I need a way to hide the manga so that if they move it they won't realise it is yaoi manga, since they don't have a problem with my "regular" manga (none of that's 18 rated) about 98% of my yaoi is 18 rated. At the moment it is down the side of a chest of draws and some is in the draws, but the minute you move them it will all be found. My mum was in my room the other day and goes "what are all those books down the side of the here?" me: "Just some manga, leave them alone." my mum looks at me kinda funny but does leave them alone. So they have nearly been discovered already.

    If I didn't have to go back I would just leave it and not care, but my University is in the same city as where we live, so it would look really weird if I didn't go back home. But if they find it then it will be so awkward that they know about my yaoi manga (especially since they know what yaoi is) and (knowing my dad) he might just chuck it all at (he would even chuck the rest of my stuff and like never let me back in the house, he's tried to chuck me out before, not cos of manga/yaoi)

    4 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Can I use this against my Mum if she finds my yaoi manga/fanfiction?

    I have a lot of 18+ rated yaoi manga I also write and read pretty explicit yaoi fanfiction. It is only a matter of time before my Mum finds out at least one of these things. I once mentioned fanfiction in her hearing & my younger brother told her what yaoi is & saying I liked yaoi. (I have always lied & said I didn’t) So for those reasons she sometimes mentions that I write/read porn. What I write & read, yes its explicit – but it is not just porn.

    Today completely by accident I found my mum has a copy of ’50 shades of grey’. I wasn’t snooping in her stuff, she had it in a box with no lid, with a hat on in the living room. On my way out of living room I trip over & crash into this so I go to put the hat back & I see the book. My mum is sitting really near & I pretend I didn’t see it. About an hour later I’m the only one left downstairs, I go to look in box & the book is gone. I look at shelves & there right where my mum sits is the book, I had a look & she is only on page 23, she is definitely reading it.

    If she gets mad about fanfiction or my 18+ rated yaoi manga, I was thinking I could use this against her. (I’d say “you have read ’50 shades of grey’ & my fanfiction/yaoi manga are cleaner than that book, so why shouldn’t I write/read them!”) I am a 19 year old girl, & I have read bits of ‘50 shades of grey’ (I have read like 30/40 pages from round the middle of it, I don’t own it & I didn’t read my mums either, I read the bits I did ages ago one of my friends had it)

    4 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • What do people think of the name Hazel Alanna?

    Okay I asked this in another section, but haven't got any answers, so I'm asking here. What wold you think of the name Hazel Alanna?

    This is because I'm writting this story and the main charecter is a girl called Hazel but I need her to have a middle name I was think of Alanna, Violet or Robyn. (It has to be a name that could be first name too) (I know this isn't asking for a baby name but still)

    So which one do you think is best?

    Hazel Alanna

    Hazel Violet

    Hazel Robyn

    (or If you think another middle name would be better)

    7 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • Should I tell my parents I like yaoi manga?

    I know this sort of question has been asked loads of times but anyway. I have been reading lots of answers and lots say things like, when they went off too university, there parent whent in their room and found their yaoi manga’s, and then they got in trouble and things, and I don't want this to happen to me. (I am certain they will go in there while I’m away, they are even considering giving my brother - he's 14 now, but will be 15 when I go to uni - that room but I was like “over my dead body, does he get that room!” I’ve done it up really nicely and where will I stay when I come back and where will all my stuff go – I have a lot of stuff, more than he has and he has the cupboard room, which he ASKED for)

    Like I'm 19 and in September (I'll be 20 then) I'm going to university and will probably live in halls of residence, but I have bought a lot of yaoi manga and I can't really take it all with me (I have way to much) and I'm running out of spaces to hide it, all the little places I use are now full and I have a pile that is only just disguised by my chest of draws, but I still keep buying more. I mean it’s only a matter of time before my mum sees some, and I'm thinking it might just be less awkward to tell her about it rather than have her confronts me on it when she finds some in my room. I mean my computer and tablet are full of explicit yaoi titles and (explicit) yaoi fanfiction I’ve written, so far they haven’t found it but that’s more luck than anything else.

    The trouble is I don’t want them to be all like oh that’s disgusting or get really mad with me about it. I probably won’t even tell my dad he would be more mad about it than my mum I think, he has tried to throw me out before when we had this huge fight and though he tries to be all easy going and ‘cool’ he isn’t really at all and he can be really uptight about things we like and stuff. My mum is more likely to find out cos she comes in my room all the time. I don’t really mind as I tend to get on quite well with her and we talk about nearly everything together. I think she might suspect something though, as I have a few yaoisih pictures on my wall (of Zero and Kaname from Vampire Knight, in kind of yaoi poses) there is even one of Kaname with his hands in Zero's pants, my mum saw this when I had just put this up and was kind of like ‘what’s with this picture, are they gay?’ and I just sort of bumbled so rubbish at her, which she seemed to swallow.

    Then my stupid annoying brother came in my room and kind of saw some of my (then newly acquired) yaoi manga’s. I don’t think he saw that they were yaoi though, he just guessed because they weren’t on the shelves with the other manga’s, and I stupidly mentioned yaoi to him once. Then he went and goes ‘hey you have gay manga and it’s porn and it’s porn manga’ I just went ‘no it’s not, it’s only 16 rated (lie) and I know what you said about Black Bird and that’s 16 rated’ (I used to share some of my manga’s with him and we could then talk about them and one day he took black bird and said that was porn) But yeah so that helped plant a seed of doubt in my parents minds, they already know I write fanfiction – but they don’t know its yaoi – but they are often saying that I write porn stories, which isn’t totally true.

    Trouble is if (when) they see my yaoi manga’s they all have ‘yaoi manga’ written on the front and the ‘parental advisory, explicit content’ on as well so it’s not like I could kid them its only shounen-ai. I mean I get the delivered to my home addresses and they sometimes ask like ‘what is this that you ordered?’ and I just say it’s a manga, but I haven’t ever mentioned yaoi to them.

    So should I tell them and avoid an embarrassing situation later and hope they don’t go mad at me or wait and hope they don’t find out? Any help from people whose parent’s know about them reading yaoi or people opinions would be greatly appreciated. (By the way I am female)

    7 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Do dogs need a passport/rabies vaccine to travel from the UK to Ireland and back again?

    We are planning to go on holiday to Ireland at Easter and want to take our two pet dogs (both border collies) with us. But I haven't been able to find out if they need pet passports or rabies vaccines in order to do so. I don't see why they would need rabies vaccines as neither the UK nor Ireland has rabies. One of them (they are both rescue) was original from Ireland and I don't think he had a rabies vaccine before being transferred to the UK. Both are microchiped and are up to date with their booster vaccines, and we would be traveling in out camper van, so they wouldn't need kennels on board the ferry.

    So does anyone know what the current rules on this are?

    6 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • Do dogs need a passport/rabies vaccine to travel from the UK to Ireland and back again?

    We are planning to go on holiday to Ireland at Easter and want to take our two pet dogs (both border collies) with us. But I haven't been able to find out if they need pet passports or rabies vaccines in order to do so. I don't see why they would need rabies vaccines as neither the UK nor Ireland has rabies. One of them (they are both rescue) was original from Ireland and I don't think he had a rabies vaccine before being transferred to the UK. Both are microchiped and are up to date with their booster vaccines, and we would be traveling in out camper van, so they wouldn't need kennels on board the ferry.

    So does anyone know what the current rules on this are?

    4 AnswersOther - Ireland7 years ago
  • Do dogs need a passport/rabies vaccine to travel from the UK to Ireland and back again?

    We are planning to go on holiday to Ireland at Easter and want to take our two pet dogs (both border collies) with us. But I haven't been able to find out if they need pet passports or rabies vaccines in order to do so. I don't see why they would need rabies vaccines as neither the UK nor Ireland has rabies. One of them (they are both rescue) was original from Ireland and I don't think he had a rabies vaccine before being transferred to the UK. Both are microchiped and are up to date with their booster vaccines, and we would be traveling in out camper van, so they wouldn't need kennels on board the ferry.

    So does anyone know what the current rules on this are?

    3 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How to tell your friends you like yaoi?

    So I'm a girl and I'm 19 years old, but all of my friends are either 18 or 17, and I'm at college (redoing my A-levels) and next September I will be going off to University and I would really like to talk about my favourite manga series with my friends, but they are all yaoi ones and none of them is much into manga. I did have one friend who was into manga and fanfic but not yaoi and I’m not really friends with her anymore anyway. But I would really like to be able to talk to my friends about yaoi manga. I know that they all know I like manga, but they don’t know it is yaoi.

    Basically I like to talk with people about the stuff I like, which is yaoi manga. Before I was into yaoi manga and just liked shojo I used to talk to my brother (he’s 14) about manga and stuff. Then a few years ago I accidentally mentioned yaoi and he was like “Eeewww that’s gross” plus he was in my room a month or so ago and kinda saw a bit of one of my yaoi manga’s covers (The Tyrant Falls in Love – which yes has the ‘parental advisory explicit content’ marks on the front, though I don’t know if he saw that mark) then cause he knew I’d mentioned yaoi he was like “yes, you have porn manga, and its gay, and its porn!” while this was deliberately in my parents hearing. This was the last thing they needed to hear, because they already think a lot of manga is basically porn, so now whenever I mention manga in my parents hearing they say “is that porn manga?”! I would never mention any of my yaoi manga’s to them let alone an explicit one. Plus they know I write fanfic and sometimes make comments about me writing porn stories, I’m mean okay yes I write explicit yaoi Vampire Knight fanfics, but I never mentioned this to them! Also he (my brother) already thought some of my manga was porn because he read Black Bird and decided it was porn, even though it is only 16 rated! And then he went and told my parents that I had porn manga, but I said it was only 16 rated, so therefore it wasn’t porn, which I think they half believed.

    So basically I can’t talk to my brother about manga anymore apart from some total safe non-yaoi non-explicit ones (like Black Butler and Fruits Basket, cause he’s read those too and liked them). But I really want to talk about yaoi manga’s and I don’t have anyone to talk to them about. So should I mention this to my friends, but the thing is, if they don’t like it or think its gross or something them I really don’t want to lose them as friends, especially as I only have like 5 more months at college after Christmas anyway, then we are all going off to different Universities. So should I just not talk about it I mean I’ve lasted like 4/5 years without talking about it, or should I just think well since its only 5 months I don’t have much to lose, I might never see them after college anyway. (Expect my sort of best friend, who will still be in the same city, though at the other University, but I think we will remain friends).

    Sorry for my total long rambling question, I hope it sort of made sense.

    3 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • If I haven't had a full assessment for dyslexia, but have exam arrangements what do I put on UCAS?

    I am currently trying to get my UCAS form done and I don't know whether to put anything in the Student Support/Learning difficulty bit.

    Last year in May I had a screening test for dyslexia and it came out Borderline which is (I think) 50/50 that I am, and a full assessment was needed to determine whether I was or not. But what it did bring up is that I have slow processing speed (possibly due to dyslexia) and so I qualified for extra time in my exams in summer, I was told that this wouldn't carry over to University unless I had a proper dyslexia test.

    However I was told to come back in September and the college would arrange one, I went back in September but was told if I waited till march one of the universities I was applying for would do the assessment. So what I am now wondering is what do I put on the UCAS form, if I put nothing then they won't know that anything is possibly wrong, but I don't know what I can put as I might not be dyslexic so I can't put that I am.

  • If I haven't had a full assessment for dyslexia, but have exam arrangements what do I put on UCAS?

    I am currently trying to get my UCAS form done and I don't know whether to put anything in the Student Support/Learning difficulty bit.

    Last year in May I had a screening test for dyslexia and it came out Borderline which is (I think) 50/50 that I am, and a full assessment was needed to determine whether I was or not. But what it did bring up is that I have slow processing speed (possibly due to dyslexia) and so I qualified for extra time in my exams in summer, I was told that this wouldn't carry over to University unless I had a proper dyslexia test.

    However I was told to come back in September and the college would arrange one, I went back in September but was told if I waited till march one of the universities I was applying for would do the assessment. So what I am now wondering is what do I put on the UCAS form, if I put nothing then they won't know that anything is possibly wrong, but I don't know what I can put as I might not be dyslexic so I can't put that I am.

    3 AnswersSpecial Education7 years ago
  • To everyone who likes yaoi manga/anime how did you get into liking it ?

    This is just a random question with me thinking how I got into yaoi and wondering how other people got into yaoi.

    I found yaoi about 4/5 years ago by reading Vampire Knight fanfics, then finding a ZeroXKaname fanfic which I loved, then realising that it was yaoi so searching out yaoi manga online. And thus started my obsession with yaoi.

    9 AnswersComics & Animation7 years ago
  • Does anyone know any good yaoi mangas?

    Does anyone know any good yaoi mangas?

    I have read a lot, but particularly enjoyed

    - The Tyrant Falls in Love (and prequels), Spell, Ordinary Crush, Honto Yajuu, Hishoken, the Warui Koto Shita series and Yatteraneeze.

    If anyone knows any series similar to these (or just good yaoi mangas in general) (in english) I would really like to know.

    6 AnswersComics & Animation8 years ago
  • does anyone know where I can buy the yaoi manga "The Tyrant falls in love" in shops (sheffield)?

    I am trying to get vol 2 at a sensible price. I could buy of amazon or ebay - but the cheapest place it is still £22.80. I have looked at Waterstones, whsmith e.c.t but all their websites say that vol 2 (and a few other others) are out of stock. I have order vol 1 (£12.14) and would like to get vol 2 for a similar if not cheaper price.

    1 AnswerComics & Animation8 years ago
  • What size Converse to get?

    I want to buy some converse hi tops online, but I don't know how their sizing is to normal shoes sizing. I'm normally a size women's UK 4, but I do have fairly wide feet.

    So do people recommend to stick to size 4 or go smaller?

    I do have one pair of boots which are size 5 (cos they didn't come in a smaller size) that I wear thick socks in and they fit okay (obviously I can't wear thick socks in hi tops though)

    Also the design I want they don't stock in any of the shops (I think it from few years back) and I can't return them if they don't fit.

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • If special consideration has been put in place can you get it removed for just one exam?

    I was assessed a few weeks ago and I get extra time and my exam papers enlarged to A3 (so I have enough room to write) for the last maths exam I did this (last friday) this worked really well and I didn't run out of space at all.

    I have an environmental studies exam on Thursday, and I don't want my papers enlarged for this exam. I have never run out of space in an environmental studies exam, in maths it is because I have to space my work out so I can follow it, but this isn't a problem in environmental studies also there is a bit more space to write in these papers.

    However both exam boards said they would/could enlarge the papers. I wouldn't mind that much, but it is a bit embarrassing having A3 papers (which don't even fit on the desk properly) rather than A4 like every one else. In maths it is necessary, but I don't think it is in environmental studies. Would I be able to request that these parers are not enlarged but still have my maths papers enlarged? The exams are run by different exam boards and are all AS level.

    2 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Would it be possible to do anything in regard to the marks I have in A-levels?

    Two weeks ago I was assessed and found out qualified for extra time in exams, which you know is good. But the thing is I am 18, and have already completed 2 A-levels to full A2, I didn't get great marks on them (Geography - C & Biology - E) but I know in almost all the exams for them I ran out of time, and I know these marks don't really reflect what I know in these subjects.

    Is there anything I can do about the grades I have, which isn't redo the A-levels, as in would the exam board do any re-marking to take into account, the qualifying for extra time and the fact that I ran out of time in the exams? (I think this could even move me up a grade's amount of points, as I was quite close to the grade boundaries)

    Or is it to long ago (I did the last exams for them in June 2012, the first exams for them in January 2011) I am doing A-levels again now, but my mum said what about the A-levels you did before, is there anything which can be done without retaking the exams, with the extra time? I get the extra time because my processing speed is slower than normal, but I am probably dyslexic, and am getting the screening test results back tomorrow, so this is something which will have been effecting me all the way through education - but no one thought about it or considered testing me for anything (which is quite annoying actually).

    So could anything be done, because if it could then I will pursue it. But if nothing can be done then I don't want to waste time with it.

    2 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • Does anyone know of portrait or exquisite corpse photographers for AS level photography course work?

    I'm doing my AS photography, the coursework section, and we have to research photographers for this. I have photographers for patterns and textures section, but I need some for the portrait and exquisite corpse sections. Our teacher gave us some names for patterns and textures, but not for the other sections. I need photos from the photographer, not just a bunch of images of the internet which could have been done by anybody. Please help!

    2 AnswersPhotography8 years ago
  • I have extra time in exams will I have to do them in a different room?

    I have just been assessed and qualified for extra time in my exams, and I have just thought will I have to do them in a different room to people who don't have extra time in exams?

    At my old school you didn't, but this is my new college. Is it common place for a college (doing AS levels) to have candidates with extra time in a separate room? Because I really don't want to do my exams in a different room (I would probably get more stressed by doing them in a different room and I have friends I can wait with before exams if we are all in the same room) but I really need extra time in my exams. I don't know if anyone in the last lot of exams, at college, had extra time (I hadn't been assessed yet) but I think mostly everyone was in the same room (I don't know everyone doing all my courses - maths has 3 groups - so there could have been people missing that I don't know though).

    I am getting extra time due to processing speed, I haven't had a formal dyslexia test...yet - I am going to get one done depending on what my dyslexia screening results are. (But I will probably turn out to be dyslexic, I have lots of the signs and online screening tests have said I was high risk)

    4 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago
  • I have extra time in exams will I have to do them in a different room?

    I have just been assessed and qualified for extra time in my exams, and I have just thought will I have to do them in a different room to people who don't have extra time in exams?

    At my old school you didn't, but this is my new college. Is it common place for a college (doing AS levels) to have candidates with extra time in a separate room? Because I really don't want to do my exams in a different room (I would probably get more stressed by doing them in a different room and I have friends I can wait with before exams if we are all in the same room) but I really need extra time in my exams. I don't know if anyone in the last lot of exams, at college, had extra time (I hadn't been assessed yet) but I think mostly everyone was in the same room (I don't know everyone doing all my courses - maths has 3 groups - so there could have been people missing that I don't know though).

    I am getting extra time due to processing speed, I haven't had a formal dyslexia test...yet - I am going to get one done depending on what my dyslexia screening results are. (But I will probably turn out to be dyslexic, I have lots of the signs and online screening tests have said I was high risk)

    1 AnswerStandards & Testing8 years ago
  • Dyslexia - I have some questions, please can anyone help me answer them?

    I have seen a lot of things which say dyslexia is usually hereditary, and so passed down in families. Is this always true though?

    As far as I know neither of my parents or grandparent s are dyslexic, but I quite probably am.

    My maths teacher wondered why I did really badly in my maths (again) even thought I have good understanding. I said about needing extra paper and time in exams, so went to additional support team in college. I also said I thought I was dyslexic, cos I have lots of the signs of dyslexia. Today I went to meet one of the support team and did some tests, and next week I am going back to do a proper screening test for dyslexia so I can work out whether to have a proper test. The support team member asked if any of my family was dyslexia but I don't think any are - but could I still be?

    Also I haven't told my mum about going back next week or thinking I might have dyslexia. I don't think the college has to tell her either cos I am 18 and so a legal adult. She knew about this week, sort of, she just thought it was to justify to the exam bored about having extra paper on my desk during exams - not anything to do with dyslexia. I don't think she'd be mad or anything, she once asked me if I thought I had it, but I just shrugged it of cos I hadn't considered it, but I don't know how to tell her about this.

    Also they college can't always provide a proper test free of charge, if I had a conditional offer from a university they might pay for one, but I don't as I haven't applied yet - and any help I could get would be useful for these coming exams. However if college can't get a test done then I have to pay myself which is something like £450, does anyone know whether there is another way to get test done free of charge if my college can't pay for it?

    Also I can't tell my friends about it as one of them is dyslexic and so if I make it into a big thing them Im not actually then she might be offended and I don't know how they would react to this. and I don't want my little brother to know (he's 13) and has always been really good a spelling and stuff like that and makes fun of me for not being able to spell right and stuff and will probably say I am stupid because of it - which I know isn't true, but try explaining anything to him - It is impossible!

    2 AnswersSpecial Education8 years ago