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  • Boiler pressure too high, dangerous?

    Our boiler normally runs at about 0.6 bar according to the gauge, always has done and never any problems. The red mark, I assume to warn of high pressure, is at 1 bar and the dial is just sneaking past this at the moment. I can't call my landlord until tomorrow and all the pipes, valves etc are behind a wooden casing which I can't access so I can't mess with any of that myself. The make of the boiler is ravenheat but I'm afraid that's all the detail I can give.

    Is it safe to have a shower and put the radiators on tonight or should I not risk it? Four radiators in a basement flat.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are we, as horse-people, snobby?

    My partner bought up a rather interesting point the other day after I jumped to conclusions about a friends yard. I had asked immediately if the horses were well bred or if she was a BYB. He accused me of being snobbish about horses and then went on to explain his point.

    Generally as horse-people we expect our horses to be fairly well bred, I personally couldn't give two hoots about breed but I know that I'd want my horses lineage to include horses with good confirmation and preferably few ailments and a few ribbons would probably be on the list.

    He raised the point that if we truly loved our horses we wouldn't care if their pasters were upright, they had a swayback or had dodgy hocks. It's probably worth mentioning now that he doesn't know enough about horses and I didn't have the energy to explain how confirmation faults can adversely affect the horses health as well as appearance so we'll take that out of the equation.

    He also said that by the very language we use we ostracise non riders which I feel is absolutely true even though we don't mean to.

    So after that ramble I geuss the point I'm trying to get to is are we snobby, wether we mean to be or not about our horses, their equipment lineage, placings ect. Not accusing anyone and anyone is fine to accuse me, I just wanted the opinion of others.

    19 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • A distinct lack of velcro legs?

    Now that I'm going to get riding again I figured I ought to get a head start in sorting this out, particularly as I'm in a higher group than I expected to be. As the title says I have a distinct lack of velcro legs. In my trot I just can't seem to get my legs straight ad close to the saddle. It's a flail of the calves with every rise. It seems less bad with long stirrups but I'm also in the possibly bad habit of riding a hole or two below jumping length normally as it feels more secure for me. I could live with letting down a hole but any other advice?

    2 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Anyone ride at Ryders Farm?

    So when I make my big move to Manchester in the summer I plan on starting riding again properly (money issues). The place I'm looking at is Ryders Farm Equestrian Centre in Bolton. I went to a taster session there and really enjoyed it, there were a couple of things that bothered me but I think that's just different areas doing different things. So anyone who has or does ride there fancy giving me an opinion, your favourite thing about the place, favourite horse, anything that bothers you there? Thanks.

    3 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • How can I help my boyfriend with arthiritis?

    My boyfriends had juvenile arthiritis since he was 11, he's now 18 and it's progressed into adult rheumatoid arthiritis and is progressively getting worse. His doctor is, quite frankly, a joke, he told him to just keep taking over the counter pain killers when he was in agony from the ten minute walk to the doctors. He had to pretty much beg for another blood test which we are awaiting the results for.

    He is taking OTC medication but we both know that when he's taking the limit every day it's no good for him. He has been on diclofenax which is the medication usually used to treat it but he's mildly allergic to it (nause, headaches and vomiting) so prefers not to, understandably. He also did have a wheelchair however his mother who isn't the most pleasant of women has it and won't give it back to him.

    I hate seeing him in pain so are there any ways I can help him feel more comfortable?

    6 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Would you ever buy something...?

    From a supermarket/catalogue store for your horse. In england atleast tesco has quite a large selection of equestrian equipment and argos has some aswell. I quite often buy equipment for myself from there but personally don't think I'd trust it on a horse, I don't feel like they know the product well enough to ensure it's of the highest quality.

    So what about you? Would you buy your horse something from a supermarket or catalogue store or is it strictly tack shop only?

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Red velvet cake recipes?

    Well I'm planning on making a red velvet cake tomorow, and all the recipes I've seen call for white wine vinegar or similar mixed with baking powder to be put into the mixture, is this part absolutely necessary as my budget doesn't really stretch to a whole bottle of white wine vinegar to use barely a teaspoon.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • So, this 4H thing people seem to like?

    What is it? I know I'm going to sound a fool but plenty of people on here mention it. Is it the american version of the pony club?

    9 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What do you think of these names?

    I'm one of those people who loves to have names planned. First choice girls name is Marie Iris Laurina. Iris and Laurina after her great grandma's.

    Second choice girls name Lilian Jayne. Jayne after my mother.

    First choice boys name Matthew David. David after my partner's dad.

    Second choice boys name that would become a first choice if I'm succesful in life (it just doesn't seem right otherwise) would be Xavier.

    The surnames would be Rhodes-Mumby. What do you think and if you have any other ones to throw in go ahead. I prefer traditional, usually slightly old english names.

    2 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • How many of you horsey people...?

    Still secretly want a pink sparkly pony or a unicorn? Let's be honest, most little girls do so who hasn't grown out of it? I'll be first to raise my hand :D And also how did you first get interested in riding? I've got an usual one that noone's heard of before. My father took me to the circus for my birthday and they did pony rides in the interval, I begged and begged and my mum said I could ride if I learnt to ride a bike first, her face when I rode past her on my bike was priceless :D

    17 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What are your opinions on whips?

    I know that it's fine to use a whip when it's used correctly and in moderation but what are your general opinions on whips, particularly begginer riders using whips.

    I used to use a whip on the advice of the instructor when I first started riding but after a bolt and learning a lot more I put the whip down and decided that until my riding was a lot better it was leg only. The pony I rode refused to canter without a whip so I decided to increase my leg, and if that didn't work then I didn't canter.

    At my new riding school I've only used a whip once and I asked for it because I was probably over horsed and I didn't have the physical strength to keep her going. But my instructor keeps giving me whips for the supposedly lazy horse I usually ride, he's so lazy it takes two whole squeezes to ask him to canter, shocking. I know.

    I've told myself that until I can get just about any horse to canter off my leg I won't use a whip and even then not unless it's absolutely needed.

    So when did you start using a whip? And what do you think of begginer riders using one, needed or not?

    16 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • A question to all the WP riders?

    On another of my usual horse shopping stints I decided to have a glance at some western pleasure horses. Personally, I don't see the fun in riding a horse that I could out-walk at a canter but I know that a lot of people really enjoy it. So do any WP riders want to chip in with why they love their discipline? And any other disciplines are welcome to say why they love it aswell.

    7 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • A few questions to keep you busy?

    Firstly, I know it's important to keep your heels down when riding, but exactly why is it important? I figure it's something to do with balance but I'd love a more in depth explanation.

    Secondly, why do most americans (not meaning to be sterotypical, just I've never seen an english rider with the same opinions so I have nothing to compare to) seem obsessed with buying $200 helmets just to ride normally. I now that over here noone could care less what your helmet costs. Indded, I have a £20 helmet. It's up to safety standards and I've never had a funny look showing in it. Not to mention I havn't got to bankrupt my mother if I fall. I understand that in shows it's nice to have a fancy helmet but people use these for riding and ridicule people getting cheaper but just as safe helmets.

    And unfortuantely again, I'm having to look sterotypical about americans, but what's the obsession with purebreds? So many people say they'd never dream of buying a grade horse. Most people I know here couldn't care less what breed their horse is so long as they love it and it's sound. Of course at higher levels, and in general wealthier people want a purebred but why is it that even people who don't have a lot of money but are looking for a horse get so uptight about it being a purebred?

    Sorry, a lot of questions there but hopefully it'll keep you busy, and again, very sorry for being sterotypical about americans, I know not everyone's like that.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Which horse do you prefer?

    I'm not actually getting a horse but if I was which of these two would you prefer. I'm a bit overweight so I picked two cobs. I'm fairly novice but confident at walk and trot and getting always more confident at the canter. I've jumped before quite a bit, I think the highest course I did was about two foot. I'm looking for something that will be a nice quiet hack, that I can jump a little and show. The gelding The mare

    11 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • What ties are acceptable?

    I've got a show coming up, just a little local one. I'm doing tack and turnout but have major issues with stocks and really don't want to wear one. I do have my pony club tie but it's junior size and looks rather silly, I also have my school tie which is bottle green and gold. Would the school tie be acceptable and if not what colourway would be?

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Horse is throwing her head?

    Well, I'm having some difficulties with the horse I ride, Zara. She's terrible for throwing her head down and has a martingale on for throwing her head up. She's constantly pulling on the reins leaving me with blisters and sore hands if I've forgotten my gloves. She also point blank refuses to stay still behind another horse if the rider in front of me has halted. She's a riding school horse so I can't work with her in hand, work her alone, train her, new tack, vet check or anything like that. Is there anything I can do whilst riding her to make it a little easier. Most of the time she's good as gold so I don't really think it's her bit hurting her.

    5 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • How to get to go riding again?

    Well, due to financial circumstances my mum hasn't been able to afford riding lessons for me for the last few years but I desperately want to go riding again. I help out at the stables that I want to ride it but it basically takes a month of working whenever you can to get a free ride and with school starting up again I know it'd be like a lesson every other month or something like that. I want to ride again to learn how to ride better, not just for the recreation so that is far too little for me. I'm willing to give up the little pocket money I get to put towards the rides (I get £10 a month and the lessons are about £20 an hour) but she still won't budge. I am considering asking my dad if he'll go halfs with my mum on the lessons. Do you think this is a good idea and do you have any other ideas? Thanks for your help.

    6 AnswersHorses1 decade ago
  • Very odd discharge, any ideas?

    Recently, within the last week I've noticed very odd discharge, only had it twice but it's thick, yellow and has red/browny strings in it that can be stretched slightly but don't break. My period is ten days late and I've took 3 pregnancy tests, all negative so I'm fairly certain it's not that. I am taking cerazette which is a progesterone only pill and have been for two months. I know the lateness isn't that as it's over ten days and before my friend was on the same pill and we had the same cycle, never more than three days late and I've been having periods for long enough for them to be regular. I am going to my doctor tomorow but just wanted to know if anyone had any ideas as to what it was. Also definitely not an STD as I've only ever been with one guy and have been with him for over a year.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Suddenly tender nipples?

    Firstly I've never had problems with tender nipples before, I've had regular periods since I was 12 and I'm now 15. I'm taking Cerazette which is a progesterone only pill. My nipples have been extremely tender for the past few days, sore to the touch tender. My period isn't due for another two weeks and I understand that it's normal. Is there anything I can do to make it a little less tender?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Periods and the pill?

    Okay so I'm taking the pill, progesterone only. Cerazette if you want the name and I know it messes with your periods. I've been taking it for two weeks now. I came on last saturday and was coming off, you know the brown stuff by the monday.

    Thing is I'm still 'coming off' on the friday. Has anyone else taking cerazette had this? I'm not too worried it's like panty liner amount but my boyfriend wants to give me oral sex so obviously I'm reluctant to let him. Any and all answers are appreciated :)

    1 AnswerWomen's Health1 decade ago